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Ditemukan 13 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Cartz, Louis
"Problems and defects of all kinds arise in the development and use of mechanical devices, electrical equipment, hydraulic systems, transportation mechanisms and the like. However, an extremely wide range of nondestructive testing (NDT) methods are available to help you examine these different problems and various defects in an assortment of materials under varying circumstances. It is imperative that you select the best method to solve a particular problem. And that requires a sufficient understanding of the basic processes involved to realize the advantages of each NDT method available.
In addition to practical hints and pertinent comments for the resolution of day to day problems, this book will give you sufficient basic theory to comprehend the principles of each method so that the most appropriate can be selected and used to its fullest advantage. Typical illustrative calculations and a comprehensive bibliography are provided.
This book will be particularly useful to advanced technicians involved with high level III NDT training, engineers concerned with quality control, general scientists and technologists dealing with materials problems but who are not NDT specialists, and engineering students taking a course in NDT."
Materials Park, OH: ASM International, 1999
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinambela, Joni
Telah dikembangkan hardware pada sistem RF Tomografi menggunakan VCO
(voltage controlled oscillator) MAX2750 sebagai komponen dasar transmitter dan
MAX2015 sebagai RPD (RF Power Detector). MAX2750 memiliki rangkaian
frekuensi tala (tuning frequency) pada internal VCO sehingga dapat
menghasilkan frekuensi yang dapat dikontrol oleh tegangan dari 2300 MHz
hingga 2500MHz. Pada penelitian ini analisa hasil pengukuran pada RPD saat
diberikan attenuator atau objek pengukuran yang berbeda diantara transmitter dan
receiver yang berbanding dengan pengukuran referensi atau hasil pengukuran
tanpa adanya objek. Rangkaian receiver terdiri atas MAX2015, ADC 16-Bit, dan
beberapa komponen pasif lainnya, dimana MAX2015 merupakan logaritmik RF
Detector yang dapat mendeteksi power pada frekuensi 0.1GHz hingga 3GHz.
Dalam penelitian ini frekuensi yang dipancarkan oleh RF Transmitter berada pada
frekuensi 2.3GHz hingga 2.5GHz, hal ini dilakukan berdasarkan referensi dari
beberapa jurnal dan penelitian yang dapat dipercaya. Dari hasil penelitian
didapatkan bahwa Antenna memiliki puncak respon maksimum pada frekuensi
2.4GHz, dimana objek yang digunakan adalah balok kayu, balok nilon, dan balok
alumunium dengan panjang 60mm, lebar 40mm, dan tinggi 80mm.

Has been developed a hardware in the system RF Tomography using a transmitter
VCO (voltage controlled oscillator) MAX2750as a basic component of transmitter
and MAX2015 as a RPD (RF Power Detector). The MAX2750 has an integrated
VCO with a fundamental output frequency ranging from 2300MHz to 2500MHz
that controlled by voltage. This research analyzed the measurement data for each
different attenuator or object interest whichamong of transmitter and receiver that
comparing with the reference data. Receiver circuit consists of MAX2015, ADC
16-Bit, and some pasif component, MAX2015 is a logarithmic RF Detector which
detect the power in frequency ranging 01.GHz to 3GHz. In this study the
transmission frequency ranging 2.3GHz to 2.5GHz, based on by using some
journals that have credibility as reference. Of the result showed that Antenna has a
maximum respons on frequency 2.4GHz, and the attenuator are a wood cube, a
nylon cube, and alumunium cube with length 60mm, width 40mm, and height
80mm, Has been developed a hardware in the system RF Tomography using a transmitter
VCO (voltage controlled oscillator) MAX2750as a basic component of transmitter
and MAX2015 as a RPD (RF Power Detector). The MAX2750 has an integrated
VCO with a fundamental output frequency ranging from 2300MHz to 2500MHz
that controlled by voltage. This research analyzed the measurement data for each
different attenuator or object interest whichamong of transmitter and receiver that
comparing with the reference data. Receiver circuit consists of MAX2015, ADC
16-Bit, and some pasif component, MAX2015 is a logarithmic RF Detector which
detect the power in frequency ranging 01.GHz to 3GHz. In this study the
transmission frequency ranging 2.3GHz to 2.5GHz, based on by using some
journals that have credibility as reference. Of the result showed that Antenna has a
maximum respons on frequency 2.4GHz, and the attenuator are a wood cube, a
nylon cube, and alumunium cube with length 60mm, width 40mm, and height
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Buyung Nul Hakim
Pipa jenis API 5L adalah yang sering dipakai untuk sistem transportasi tersebut. Dari berbagai peraturan yang terkini masih terdapat kegagalan pada sambungan pipa tersebut sehingga sering timbulnya terjadi kebakaran akibat tumpahnya minyak dari kegagalan sambungan las. Pada saat proses pengelasan yang berdasarkan peraturan atau rekomendasi seperti prosedur pengelasan (Welding Procedure Specification - WPS) sering kali tidak dapat diikuti secara benar sehingga akan mempengaruhi struktur mikro daerah terpapar panas lasan (Heat Affected Zone - HAZ). Pada penelitian ini akan diperbandingkan perbedaan Heat Input terhadapan ketangguhan dan kekuatan sambungan las. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian tidak merusak (Non Destructive Test-NDT) seperti Radiographic Test yang berguna untuk mengetahui cacat yang mungkin timbul dalam las-lasan. Kemudian pengujian merusak (Destructive Test-DT) seperti uji ketangguhan, uji keluluhan, uji impact, uji Crack Tip Open Displacement-CTOD untuk mengetahui kekuatan dan ketangguhan dari sambungan las. Dari hasil pengujian diatas Heat Input adalah unsur utama yang harus diperhatikan dalam proses pengelasan.

API 5L pipe is type of pipe very often used for the transportation system. From various current regulations there are still failures in the pipe joint, the frequent occurrence of a fire occurs due to the oil spill from the failure of the welded joint. During the welding process based on rules or recommendation such as welding procedures (Welding Procedure Specification - WPS) found cannot be followed correctly and will impact to the microstructure of the weld area exposed to heat (Heat Affected Zone - HAZ). This research will be compared to the difference Heat Input with toughness and strength of welded joints. Then Non-Destructive Test (NDT) as Radiographic Test useful to know the defects that may arise in the welding-weld. Then destructive testing (Destructive Test-DT) such as toughness test, impact test, test Crack Tip Open Displacement-CTOD to determine the strength and toughness of the welded joint. The result showed Heat Input is one of the elements that must be considered in the welding process.;API 5L pipe is type of pipe very often used for the transportation system. From various current regulations there are still failures in the pipe joint, the frequent occurrence of a fire occurs due to the oil spill from the failure of the welded joint. During the welding process based on rules or recommendation such as welding procedures (Welding Procedure Specification - WPS) found cannot be followed correctly and will impact to the microstructure of the weld area exposed to heat (Heat Affected Zone - HAZ)
This research will be compared to the difference Heat Input with toughness and strength of welded joints. Then Non-Destructive Test (NDT) as Radiographic Test useful to know the defects that may arise in the welding-weld. Then destructive testing (Destructive Test-DT) such as toughness test, impact test, test Crack Tip Open Displacement-CTOD to determine the strength and toughness of the welded joint.
The result showed Heat Input is one of the elements that must be considered in the welding process., API 5L pipe is type of pipe very often used for the transportation system. From various current regulations there are still failures in the pipe joint, the frequent occurrence of a fire occurs due to the oil spill from the failure of the welded joint. During the welding process based on rules or recommendation such as welding procedures (Welding Procedure Specification - WPS) found cannot be followed correctly and will impact to the microstructure of the weld area exposed to heat (Heat Affected Zone - HAZ)
This research will be compared to the difference Heat Input with toughness and strength of welded joints. Then Non-Destructive Test (NDT) as Radiographic Test useful to know the defects that may arise in the welding-weld. Then destructive testing (Destructive Test-DT) such as toughness test, impact test, test Crack Tip Open Displacement-CTOD to determine the strength and toughness of the welded joint.
The result showed Heat Input is one of the elements that must be considered in the welding process.]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ida Ratna Nila
Sistem prediksi kedalaman memar dan distribusi kandungan SSC pada jambu berdasarkan waktu penyimpanan dengan menggunakan sistem citra Vis-NIR pada panjang gelombang 400-1000 nm dapat dikembangkan menjadi sistem non-destruktif. Sehingga informasi tambahan yang di dapat tidak hanya dapat membedakan daerah memar namun juga memberikan informasi kedalaman memar dan kandungan SSC pada daerah memar. Sistem yang diusulkan dievaluasi dengan menggunakan 160 sampel jambu dibagi dalam dua kelompok set data, yaitu set data training n = 140 dan set data testing n = 20 . Proses memar pada jambu dilakukan secara manual dengan dijatuhkan bola besi dari ketinggian 200 dan 500 mm dan kemudian sampel dianalisis dengan rentang waktu 0,3,4,5, dan 6 hari setelah dimemarkan. Sistem citra Vis-NIR yang digunakan terdiri dari satu set perangkat, diantaranya workbench, slider, dua sumber cahaya halogen 150W dan kamera citra Vis-NIR yang terhubung ke PC melalui Camera Link. Perangkat lunak sistem terdiri dari pengukuran profil gambar reflektansi, ekstraksi fitur, pemilihan fitur pada data spektral dan spasial, model prediksi kandungan SSC, dan model prediksi kedalaman memar. Model Partial Least Square Regression PLSR digunakan untuk mengembangkan model prediksi pada data spektral semua panjang gelombang. Model PLSR digunakan untuk mendapatkan prediksi nilai kandungan SSC dan kedalaman memar. Hasil yang diprediksi dibandingkan dengan hasil pengukuran uji lab kandungan SSC yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan refraktometer dan kedalaman memar yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan sifat measurement instrumental. Dari hasil kinerja model prediksi didapatkan nilai RMSE pada data testing 0,06 dan koefisien korelasi dari data testing 0,99.Kata kunci : Memar; PLSR; citra Vis-NIR.

Abstract The prediction system of bruising depth in guava based on storage operation using Visual NIR image in the ranges 400 ndash 1000 nm ranges, which could be developed a nondestructive system to predicted the bruise depth of guava. The additional information gained not only the position of the bruised area but also provides depth bruising information. And then, the objective of the research was to develop a nondestructive method for predicting the profile mapping of soluble solid content on bruises guava. The soluble solids content SSC as the parameter fruits was determined and correlated with the bruises area.The proposed system was evaluated using 160 samples of guava were divided in two groups. All of the samples are prepared for the training n 140 and testing n 20 set data. Bruises were manually induced and samples were analyzed 0, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th days after bruising. Individual guavas were then subjected to impact test by a steel ball at one of the levels height of impact test, i.e.,200mm and 500mm. The system used consists of a set such as workbench, controllable slider, two halogen light sources and a Visual NIR imaging camera that is connected to PC via Camera Link. The software of system consists of reflectance image profile measurement, feature extraction, feature selection on spectral and spatial data, soluble solids content prediction model, and bruise depth prediction model. The partial least squares regression PLSR models was used to develop prediction models on full wavelengths spectral data. The prediction model is used to get value prediction of soluble solids content and bruising depth. The predicted results compared with the reference measurement result of soluble solids content which obtained using a refractometer and bruising depth which obtained using an optical properties. The full spectral data and parameter fruits were analyzed using the Partial Least Square PLS to obtained prediction model of bruising depth and SSC of bruises guava. The peformance of prediction model provided value of the root mean square error of testing set of 0.06 and the correlation coefficient of a testing set of 0.99. The results of our work indicate that there is a feasibility of implementing hyperspectral imaging technique on the nondestructive bruise depth prediction of guava and suitable in an industrial sorting system for fruit quality, which would be useful for postharvest handling of fruit. Keywords kelebaman bruising , non destructive, Profitability, hyperspectral image Vis NIR."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oktavianus Ardhian Nugroho
Teknik untuk mengetahui RFL remaining fatigue life memiliki beberapa cara antara lain dengan teknik thermography. Dalam studi ini telah dilakukan completely rotating bending fatigue testing sesuai dengan standart JIS Z2274 untuk mengukur nilai Nf Fatigue Life dan untuk mengestimasi nilai RFL dengan teknik thermography. Selama pengujian dengan teknik thermography, perubahan temperature benda uji pada titik kritis diukur dengan menggunkan infrared kamera. Dari hasil pengukuran perubahan temperature tersebut telah dilakukan estimasi nilai RFL. Material yang dipakai adalah S45C. Pengujian dilakukan dalam putaran 1600 rpm dengan kondisi suhu lingkungan 25 C. Akhirnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai RFL hasil estimasi dengan teknik thermograpy sangat mendekati dengan nilai RFL hasil pengujian.

There are several techniques to estimate the RFL remaining fatigue life such as thermography techniques. In this study, rotating bending fatigue testing has been done completely with the standard JIS Z2274 to measure the value of Nf Fatigue Life and to estimate the value of the RFL using thermography techniques. During the testing with the techniques, the positive of temperature gradient of the specimen at the critical point is measured by using the infrared camera. From the result of temperature change, the RFL value can be estimated. The material used is S45C. The test is carried out in 1600 rpm with ambient temperature of 25 C. Finally, it can be concluded that the estimated RFL value with thermograpy technique is very close to the value of RFL test result."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tito Wahyu Purnomo
"Sambungan las pada material perlu diuji dengan metode Non-Destructive Testing untuk memastikan spesifikasi desain dan fungsi material terpenuhi serta menjamin keamanan dan keandalan, karena cacat pada sambungan las dapat terjadi selama proses pengelasan. Deteksi cacat las merupakan bagian dari evaluasi citra radiografi yang dilakukan oleh ahli radiografi. Evaluasi citra radiografi dengan metode konvensional memiliki beberapa kekurangan, di antaranya proses pengolahan citra secara konvensional kompleks dan lama, hasil interpretasi yang terlalu subjektif, kurang konsisten terutama pada jumlah citra yang banyak, dan bias pada cacat yang serupa. Kekurangan ini dapat dikompensasi melalui otomatisasi evaluasi menggunakan algoritma deep learning dan computer vision berbasis YOLO. Penelitian ini membangun model deteksi dan segmentasi cacat las menggunakan arsitektur YOLOv8. Dataset yang digunakan adalah citra radiografi dengan bentuk penampang las horizontal dari database GDXRay dan citra radiografi elips (DWDV) dari hasil akuisisi dengan metode computed radiography. Penerapan teknik augmentasi citra geometri dan mosaik diterapkan untuk mengatasi keterbatasan dataset. Keluaran yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini adalah model yang dibangun dapat melakukan deteksi dan segmentasi sebanyak 10 jenis cacat las, yaitu crack, cavity, excessive penetration, incomplete penetration, lack of fusion, porosity, slag inclusion, tungsten inclusion, undercut, dan worm-hole dengan nilai mAP untuk model yang dibangun dengan teknik augmentasi geometri adalah mAP50 = 0.798 dan mAP50-95 = 0.603 untuk bounding box, serta mAP50 = 0.790 dan mAP50-95 = 0.530 untuk mask. Sementara nilai mAP pada model yang dibangun dengan teknik augmentasi mosaik adalah mAP50 = 0.907 dan mAP50-95 = 0.743 untuk bounding box, serta mAP50 = 0.896 dan mAP50-95 = 0.648 untuk mask. Model deteksi dan segmentasi yang telah dibangun diharapkan dapat membantu operator dan ahli radiografi, serta calon operator dan ahli radiografi dalam mengevaluasi cacat las dengan lebih efisien dan akurat.
........Non-Destructive Testing needs to be performed on welded joints in materials to ensure that design specifications and material functions are fulfilled, as well as safety and reliability, due to defects in welded joints that may occur during the welding process. The evaluation of radiographic images includes the detection of weld defects by radiographers. Conventional radiographic image evaluation is more complex and time-consuming, subjective, inconsistent, especially in large numbers of images, and occasionally biased with respect to defects with similar features. This limitation can be compensated for by using YOLO-based deep learning and computer vision algorithms for evaluation automation. Using the YOLOv8 architecture, this study develops a detection and segmentation model for weld defects. A radiographic image with a horizontal weld region from the GDXRay database and an elliptical radiographic image (DWDV) from the acquisition using the computed radiography method represent the dataset. In order to overcome the limitations of the dataset, the geometric and mosaic image augmentation techniques were utilized. The mAP values for models built using the geometric augmentation are mAP50 = 0.798 and mAP50-95 = 0.603 for bounding boxes, and mAP50 = 0.790 and mAP50-95 = 0.530 for masks. Meanwhile, the mAP values for the model built using the mosaic augmentation are mAP50 = 0.907 and mAP50-95 = 0.743 for bounding boxes, and mAP50 = 0.896 and mAP50-95 = 0.648 for masks. The proposed model is able to detect and segment up to ten classes of weld defects, including cracks, cavities, excessive penetration, incomplete penetration, lack of fusion, porosity, slag inclusion, tungsten inclusion, undercut, and worm-hole. It is expected that the proposed detection and segmentation model will aid radiographers in evaluating weld defects more precisely and efficiently."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Putu Andika Candra Wibawa
"Beton bertulang merupakan material yang sering digunakan dalam melakukan pembangunan infrastruktur. Penggunaan beton bertulang ini harus diikuti dengan kualitasnya yang baik. Penentuan kualitas dari suatu beton dapat dilakukan dengan cara melakukan pengujian. Salah satu jenis dari pengujian beton ini adalah Non-Destructive Test (NDT), yang merupakan pengujian beton tanpa merusak struktur beton itu sendiri. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian NDT dengan menggunakan lima jenis alat yang dilakukan pada pelat beton berukuran 2x2 m dengan berbagai bentuk rangkaian tulangan pelat dan balok di dalamnya. Kelima jenis alat tersebut antara lain, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Profometer, Elcometer, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV), dan Ultrasonic Tomograph Portable. Alat GPR, profometer, dan elcometer dapat menentukan kedalaman dari tulangan. Pembacaan kedalaman tulangan ini dilakukan analisis perbandingannya untuk ketiga alat dengan melihat perbedaan hasil pemindaiannya. Dengan menggunakan konsep radar, alat GPR mampu mendeteksi suatu tulangan lapisan bawah, berbeda halnya dengan profometer dan elcometer yang menggunakan prinsip kerja arus eddy dan hanya dapat mendeteksi tulangan lapisan atas. Adapun alat UPV dan Ultrasonic Tomograph Portable yang dapat memancarkan gelombang dan menghasilkan cepat rambat gelombang yang berbeda. Hasil cepat rambat gelombang ini menunjukkan bahwa cepat rambat gelombang longitudinal dari alat UPV dengan metode indirect sangat dipengaruhi oleh jarak antar transduser, namun nilai cepat rambat gelombang geser yang dihasilkan oleh alat Ultrasonic Tomograph Portable mengalami kenaikan yang lebih konstan dibandingkan dengan cepat rambat gelombang longitudinal alat UPV saat umur beton bertambah.
......Reinforced concrete is a material that is often used in infrastructure development. The use of reinforced concrete must be followed by good quality. Determination of the quality of a concrete can be done by testing. One type of concrete testing is the Non-Destructive Test (NDT), which is a test of concrete without damaging the concrete structure itself. In this study, NDT testing was carried out using five types of tools carried out on a 2x2 m concrete slab with various forms of plate and beam reinforcement in it. The five types of NDT tools are Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Profometer, Elcometer, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV), and Ultrasonic Tomograph Portable. GPR, profometer, and elcometer can determine the depth of reinforcement. The reading of the reinforcement depth is carried out by comparative analysis for the three tools by looking at the differences in the scan results. By using the radar concept, GPR is able to detect an underlayer reinforcement, in contrast to the profometer and elcometer which use the working principle of eddy currents which can only detect the top layer reinforcement. The UPV and Ultrasonic Tomograph Portable tools can emit waves and produce different wave propagation speeds. The results of this wave propagation speed indicate that the longitudinal wave propagation speed of the UPV with the indirect method is strongly influenced by the distance between the transducers, but the value of the shear wave propagation speed generated by the Ultrasonic Tomograph Portable has a more constant increase compared to the longitudinal wave propagation speed of the UPV when the age of the concrete increases."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Widyadhana
"Perkembangan teknologi alat investigasi mutu struktur bangunan beton terus berkembang digunakan untuk melakukan pengujian dalam mengevaluasi tulangan dan ketebalan selimut beton dalam beton bertulang tanpa merusak struktur (Non Destructive Test). Alat yang umum digunakan yaitu Profometer dan Ultraportable Ground Penetrating Radar. Dengan perbedaan prinsip kerja, dalam penelitian ini dilakukan studi evaluasi ketebalan selimut beton, identifikasi tulangan dan material isolator, dengan membandingkan hasil pengujian alat profometer, ultraportable ground penetrating radar terhadap struktur pelat lantai ukuran 2x2 m, Hasil pengujian ground penetrating radar dapat divisualisasikan 3D dengan waktu singkat dan lebih diandalkan pendeteksian tulangan bertumpuk juga material isolator. Adapun alat untuk mengukur kecepatan rambat dalam beton menggunakan prinsip transmisi ultrasonik yaitu ultrasonic pulse velocity dan prinsip  pulsed echo method (PE) yaitu ultrasonic tomograph portable yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk membandingkan pembacaan pancaran gelombang longitudinal dan transversal pada struktur pelat lantai beton. Tampilan pemrosesan data ultrasonic tomograph portable menggunakan teknologi SAFT (synthetic aperture focusing technique) sehingga selain dapat menghasilkan kecepatan shearwave alat ini dapat menentukan tulangan. Hasil pengujian ultrasonic tomograph portable menunjukkan kecepatan yang lebih konstan dibandingkan ultrasonic pulse velocity dengan konfigurasi indirect pada struktur pelat beton.
......The development of technology for investigating the quality of concrete structures continues to develop and used to evaluate reinforcement and thickness of the concrete cover in reinforced concrete without damaging the structure (Non Destructive Test). Commonly used tools are Profometer and Ultraportable Ground Penetrating Radar. With different working principles, in this research, a study of the thickness evaluation of the concrete cover, identification of reinforcement and insulating material was carried out, by comparing the results of the profometer, GPR to the 2x2 m floor slab structure. The results of the GPR can be visualized in 3D in a short time and more reliable in detecting stacked reinforcement as well as insulating material. The tool to measure the propagation speed in concrete uses the ultrasonic transmission principle, ultrasonic pulse velocity and the pulsed echo method principle, the ultrasonic tomograph portable used in this study to compare the readings of longitudinal and transverse waves on the concrete floor slab structure. Ultrasonic tomograph portable data processing uses SAFT technology, in addition producing shearwave speed, this tool can determine reinforcement. The results of the ultrasonic tomograph portable show more constant speed than the UPV with indirect configuration on the concrete slab structure."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kumar, Kaushik
"This book introduces the materials and traditional processes involved in the manufacturing industry. It discusses the properties and application of different engineering materials as well as the performance of failure tests. The book lists both destructible and non-destructible processes in detail. The design associated with each manufacturing processes, such Casting, Forming, Welding and Machining, are also covered."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Harjanto
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
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