ABSTRAKMajelis Pengawas Notaris adalah Lembaga baru yang diatur dalam Undang –
Undang Jabatan Notaris yang berwenang untuk menyelenggarakan sidang
pemeriksaan dan penjatuhan sanksi terhadap notaris yang diduga melakukan
pelanggaran pelaksanaan jabatan notaris dan atau kode etik notaris. Struktur dan
Komposisi anggota Majelis Pengawas Notaris, cara pengangkatan, sistem sanksi
pemberhentian dari jabatan yang bersifat pengusulan kepada Menteri dan
benturan kepentingan (conflict of interest) merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi
asas keseimbangan dan independensi Majelis Pengawas Notaris. Metode hukum
pengaturan Majelis Pengawas Notaris di Belanda dengan asas keseimbangan
(check and balances), benturan kepentingan (conflict of interest), dan pemberian
otonomi kepada Majelis Pengawas Notaris di Belanda dalam penjatuhan sanksi
dibandingkan dengan pengaturan Majelis Pengawas Notaris di Indonesia. Hasil
penelitian struktur dan keseimbangan sistem sanksi menunjukkan adannya
keikutsertaan secara langsung Pemerintah (eksekutif) yang mempengaruhi
independensi dan tidak adanya pengaturan benturan kepentingan secara sah
mempengaruhi independensi dan imparsialitas Majelis Pengawas Notaris sebagai
organ penegak hukum disiplin.
ABSTRACTNotary Supervision Board is a new institution that regulated by the application of act no 30 of 2004 concerning to notary position which is autorized to organizing a session of examination and giving a sanction for notary who expected make an offence of the notary rsquo s implementation and or about the notary rsquo ethics code Structure and compotition of notary supervision board the appointment discharge of sanction from the notary rsquo s position that are proposing to the minister and conflict of interest are the factors that affecting the principle of balance and the independention of the notary supervision board The law method of the notary supervision board in Belanda with the principle of balance check and balances conflict of interest and giving an autonomy to the notary supervision board in Belanda about discharge of sanction compared with the control of notary supervision board in Indonesia Research the resultof structure and compotition the member of Notary Supervision Board in Indonesia are not showing the principle of balance the sanction showed there is availability of government participation directly which is giving the affecting of the independention and because there is no control of the conflict of interest intactly giving an affect of independention and the impartiality of notary supervision board as an organ of law enforment discipline "