"Penderita diabetes banyak mengkombinasi antidiabetes herbal dan sintetis untuk mendapatkan efek sinergis atau aditif tanpa menginformasikan terlebih dahulu kepada praktisi kesehatan, seperti penggunaan sambiloto dan glibenklamid. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian infusa herba sambiloto terhadap glibenklamid dalam menurunkan kadar glukosa darah tikus putih jantan yang dibuat diabetes. Penelitian ini menggunakan 24 ekor tikus putih jantan Sparague-Dawley yang dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok, yaitu kontrol normal dan kontrol diabetes diberi larutan CMC 0,5% 1 ml/200 g bb tikus, kontrol glibenklamid diberikan suspensi glibenklamid 0,9 mg/200 g bb tikus, kontrol sambiloto diberikan infusa herba sambiloto 50 mg/200 g bb tikus, dan 2 kelompok interaksi diberikan infusa herba sambiloto dengan 2 variasi dosis (50 mg dan 100 mg/200 g bb tikus) dan suspensi glibenklamid 0,9 mg/200 g bb tikus, masing - masing diberikan secara per oral. Semua kelompok diinduksi aloksan 32 mg/200 g bb tikus, kecuali kontrol normal. Pengukuran kadar glukosa darah dilakukan 2 jam dan 4 jam setelah pemberian dengan metode o-toluidin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa infusa herba sambiloto 100 mg/200 g bb tikus memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap glibenklamid dalam menurunkan kadar glukosa darah setelah satu minggu pemberian.
Many diabetics perform self-medication with antidiabetic herbs and synthetic drugs with the aim to obtain a synergistic or additive effects without informing their primary physician, such as the use of creat and glibenclamide. This research was carried out to know the impact of creat herb infusion on glibenclamide in lowering blood glucose levels on diabetic male albino rats. This study used 24 male Sparague-Dawley rats, which are divided into 6 groups, normal control and diabetic control were given 0,5% CMC solution 1 ml/200 g bw of rat, glibenclamide control were given glibenclamide suspension 0,9 mg/200 g bw of rat, creat control were given creat herb infusion 50 mg/200 g bw of rat, and 2 interaction groups were given creat herb infusion in 2 variant doses (50 and 100 mg/200 g bw of rat) and glibenclamide suspension 0,9 mg/200 g bw of rat, each of them were administrated orally. All of groups were induced with alloxan 32 mg/200 g bw of rat except normal control. Blood glucose was measured by o-toluidine method at 2 hours and 4 hours after administration. The result showed that the creat herb infusion at 100 mg/200 g bw gave significant impact on glibenclamide in lowering blood glucose levels a week after administration."