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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Littlefield, David
Abstrak :
"Good Office Design" examines the trends and innovations at the cutting edge of office design in the UK today. Selected from British Council for Offices Award winners since 2002 and interpreting empirical analyses by Davis Langdon, the varied and stunningly illustrated case studies presented here demonstrate the latest thinking from the world of workplace design. Taken together, they offer insight and inspiration for architects, developers, clients and anyone interested in getting the very best out of places of work. Written by the distinguished author and journalist David Littlefield, the text is sharp and authoritative, and complemented by colour photographs, floor plans, elevations and detail drawings.
London : [RIBA , ], 2009
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silalahi, Jansen Oloan
Abstrak :
Gedung gedung perkantoran yang terdapat di Jakarta adalah penyumbang potensial dalam menambah beban timbulan sampah Pemda DKI Jakarta. Hingga saat ini belum satupun gedung atau kawasan perkantoran yang menerapkan sistem pengelolaan sampah terpadu, sehingga timbulan sampah dari gedung atau kawasan perkantoran cukup besar volumenya. Persepsi dan pemahaman pengelola gedung dan masyarakat umumnya tentang pengolahan sampah adalah suatu investasi yang mahal dan merepotkan, menyebabkan pengelola tidak mau mengolah sendiri sampahnya. Untuk mengurangi beban sampah ini dibutuhkan inovasi dan strategi pengelolaan sampah terpadu yang dapat diterima oleh semua pihak, mampu mengatasi masalah dengan meminimisasi sampah di lokasi dimaksud secara ekonomis dan berwawasan lingkungan, biaya operasi dan pemeliharaan yang tidak terlalu membebani pengelola gedung, serta dapat dioperasikan dengan mudah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan altematif teknologi pengolahan sampah terpadu yang berwawasan lingkungan dan dari segi kelayakan proyek dapat diterapkan di gedung perkantoran di DKI Jakarta, khususnya di Gedung BPPT. Manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah dapat memberikan informasi bagi pengelola gedung, masyarakat dan pengusaha tentang teknologi pengolahan sampah terpadu yang sesuai untuk diterapkan gedung-gedung perkantoran di DKI Jakarta, dapat dikelola secara mandiri dan berwawasan lingkungan. Metode yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data primer dan data sekunder adalah pengujian langsung terhadap jumlah timbulan sampah, komposisi sampah, dan komposting. Data proyeksi untuk mengkaji kelayakan proyek teknologi pengolahan sampah terpadu di Gedung BPPT menggunakan survei dengan teknik wawancara langsung kepada pengelola gedung, Perusahaan jasa kebersihan yang merupakan rekanan dari BPPT, pakar dibidang persampahan yang berkantor di BPPT. Selain itu dilakukan juga pengambilan kuesioner untuk mengetahui respon dan persepsi pegawai BPPT terhadap alternatif teknologi pengolahan sampah terpadu yang direncanakan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis kelayakan proyek yang diperluas dengan memasukkan unsur-unsur lingkungan (extended benefit cast analysis) dan analisis ekonomi. Gedung BPPT merupakan salah satu gedung perkantoran yang terletak di Jalan M.H. Thamrin Jakarta Pusat, memiliki 1 (satu) TPS (Tempat Pengumpulan Sementara) dengan luas 25 m2 dan melayani tower 1 dan 2, kantin, parkir, dan taman dengan jumlah karyawan sebanyak 4.635 orang serta 8 (delapan) lantai perparkiran. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner dan wawancara langsung kepada 100 (seratus) karyawan BPPT sebagai responden, 100% mengetahui manfaat pengolahan sampah terpadu dan 85% respon dari responden baik terhadap pengolahan sampah terpadu. Respon dan persepsi pegawai BPPT terhadap keberadaan, manfaat, upaya dan hasil kegiatan pengolahan sampah terpadu, serta rencana kegiatan pengolahan sampah terpadu ini sangat baik dan bila diterapkan akan mendapat dukungan dan mudah dalam pelaksanaannya. Rata-rata volume sampah yang masuk ke TPS setiap harinya 1,78 m3 dan berat 281.43 kg. Selain itu terdapat sampah kertas dan kardus yang diambil langsung oleh petugas kebersihan sebelum ke TPS. Sampah kertas yang diambil rata rata 700 kg/minggu dan sampah kardus sebanyak 70 kg/minggu. BJ sampah sebesar 0.158, berarti dapat dikategorikan sebagai sampah perkotaan yang memiliki kandungan komponen organik sedikit dibandingkan komponen sampah lainnya. Komposisi sampah terdiri atas 10 komponen, yaitu sampah organik, plastik (plastik keras, plastik lunak), kertas (HVS, boncos, kardus), tekstil, kaca/gelas, kaleng, styrofoam, kayu, logam, dan campuran. Komponen sampah yang paling banyak berdasarkan % volume adalah sampah organik sebesar 21,517%, yang berasal dari kantin, sisa makanan pegawai (yang dibawa dari rumah atau dibeli dari luar kantin), dan sampah taman. Setelah itu styrofoam sebesar 17,978%., sedangkan jenis sampah yang paling sedikit adalah kaleng dan kaca/gelas sebesar 0,562%. Berdasarkan % berat, komponen sampah yang paling banyak adalah HVS 38,073 %, kemudian sampah organik sebesar 35,469%, sedangkan jenis sampah yang paling sedikit adalah logam sebesar 0,711%. Hal yang menarik bahwa sampah di gedung ini didominasi oleh styrofoam dalam % volume. Styrofoam ini berasal dari kemasan makanan, peralatan elektronik dan mebeuler. Banyaknya kemasan makanan yang terbuat dari styrofoam menggambarkan bahwa produsen makanan dan konsumennya masih memiliki kesadaran lingkungan yang rendah. Manfaat yang diperoleh adalah total manfaat langsung dari penjualan kompos sebanyak 9.125 kg/tahun dan sampah komersil sebanyak 43.129 kg/th sebesar Rp. 40.854.000,00; serta manfaat lingkungan, yaitu ruang tidak terpakai dan selisih biaya kontrak angkutan sampah ke TPA Rp. 44.000.000,00. Biaya yang dianalisis pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode extended benefit cost analysis, yang terdiri atas biaya investasi, biaya operasional dan perawatan sebesar Rp. 72.513.000,00; biaya perlindungan lingkungan Rp. 1.600.000,00; dan biaya lingkungan sebesar Rp. 2.400.000,00/th. Berdasakan hasil perhitungan analisis proyeksi rugi/laba, terlihat bahwa usaha ini menguntungkan. Laba perusahaan sesudah pajak pada analisa ekonomi sebesar Rp. 16.840.000,00/th dan dengan memasukkan manfaat lingkungan menjadi sebesar Rp. 32.660.000,00/th. Ditinjau dari segi ekonomi dengan menganalisis kelayakan proyek, nilai NPV analisis ekonomi dan extended analysis = Rp. 44.251.000,00 dan Rp. 110.660.000,00; NBCR analisis ekonomi dan extended analysis = 2,68 dan 5,20; IRR analisis ekonomi dan extended analysis = 64% dan 124%; payback period analisis ekonomi dan extended analysis = 1 tahun 8 bulan dan 1/bulan, maka usaha kegiatan pengolahan sampah terpadu gedung perkantoran ini layak dilaksanakan. Berdasarkan kajian altematif teknologi, lingkungan, dan sosial pada penelitian ini, maka teknologi pengolahan sampah yang sesuai diterapkan di gedung BPPT adalah komposting dan sistem 3 R yang dilakukan secara terpadu. Alternatif teknologi ini akan memberikan manfaat yang terbaik secara lingkungan, sosial, dan ekonomi, karena lahan, bangunan, dan tenaga kerja yang ada dapat digunakan secara bersamaan, dapat meminimalisasi sampah yang dibuang ke TPA, menambah nilai estetika lingkungan, dan layak secara ekonomi. Daftar Kepustakaan: 27 (1976 - 2002)
Feasibility Analysis on Integrated Solid Wastes Handling Technology of Office Buildings: Case Study in BPPT Building, Center JakartaThe office buildings in Jakarta are potential waste contributors for Pemda DKI Jakarta. Up to now there is no office building or office area has managed their solid wastes by using integrated system, hence the volume of waste is quite large. The building management and community have a perception that the waste process is an expensive investment and also troublesome, therefore the management refused to process their building's own waste. To minimize this waste problem, an innovated and strategic integrated waste management, which accepted, by stakeholders are required, can overcome the problem through minimizing the waste economically and environmentally, with reasonable operational and maintenance cost, and can be easily operated by low skill labor. This research purposes to find a technological alternative of integrated wastes handling based on environment standard that can be applied in Jakarta's office building, especially in BPPT building. The usage of this research are to give some information to building organizer, the community and businessmen about technology of the waste handling in office buildings in Jakarta, so it can be self handled and environmentally safe. The experiment method is used to collect the waste volume and composition. The survey method using direct interview technique to the BPPT building manager is used to study the feasibility of the integrated waste process technology. The cleaning service company as the counterpart of BPPT is a waste expertise which office is in BPPT. The researcher also has interviewed BPPT staff members to analyze their response and perceptions about the plan. The project feasibility with extended benefit cost analysis on environment and economic analysis is used for data processing. BPPT Building is one among offices in MH Thamrin Street, Center Jakarta, has 25m2 TPS (collection site) and serves 1 and 2 towers, canteen, parking lot, and garden with 4.635 staffs and also has 8 floor parking lots. The questioner and interview result of 100 BPPT staff respondents showed that 100% knew the benefit .of integrated waste handling and 85% agreed with the integrated waste handling. BPPT staffs have good responds and perceptions to the availability, benefit, effort and outcome of the integrated waste handling and they will support the program. The average of solid waste quantity in volume is 1, 78 m3 or 281.43 kg daily. The papers and cardboard were directly taken by the cleaning service before it reaches collection site. About 700 kg papers and 70 kg cardboard are handled weekly. The density of waste is 0,158, it can be categorized to municipal waste that has lower organic components compare to others. The wastes composition contain of 10 components, which are organic wastes (food waste), plastics of all types (hard plastic, soft plastic), paper of all types (HVS, mixed papers, cardboard, textiles, glass, cans, Styrofoam, wood, metals and mixed wastes. Based on volume percentage, the largest waste component is organic waste (21,517 %) collected from the canteen, the staffs leftovers food (which brought from home or bought from out of the canteen), and parks, followed by the Styrofoam (17,978%), and the smallest waste is cans and glasses (0,562%). Based on the weight percentage, the` largest waste is HVS (38,073%), followed by organic waste (35,468%), and the smallest is metal (0,711%). The interesting part is that Styrofoam dominates the waste from this building on volume percentage. The sources of Styrofoam are from food, electronic and furniture packages. The high used on Styrofoam food packages showed that the food producers and consumers as well have low environmental awareness. Benefits of this project are total direct benefit estimation of compost sale (9,125 kg/year) and commercial wastes (43.129 kg/year) = Rp. 40.854.000, 00. Indirect benefit is calculated from environmental benefit, i.e. cost of effectively usage of open area and cost of contract transportation to final disposal equal to Rp. 44.000.000, 00. Cost analysis in this research used extended benefit cost analysis, which are consist of the capital cost, operating and maintenance costs are equal to Rp. 72.513.000,001year; cost of protection of environment is Rp. 1.600.000,00/year; and cost of environment is equal to Rp. 2.400.000,00/year. Based on the result of calculating estimation profit analysis, this project has profit after tax Rp. 16.840.000,001 year and by including environmental benefit become Rp. 32.660.000,001year. Based on economic analysis of feasibility study of this project, the value of NPV economic analysis = Rp. 44.251.000, 00, and extended analysis = Rp. 110.660.000, 00; NBCR economic analysis = 2, 68 and extended analysis = 5, 20; IRR economic analysis = 64% and extended analysis 124%; payback period economic analysis = 1 year 8 months and extended analysis 11 months, this project is feasible. Based on technology alternative, environment, and social analysis, combining 3 R systems and composting compatible to be applied as an alternative technology to solve wastes problem in BPPT. This technology gives best benefits in terms of environment, social and economic because existing land, building, man power could be used together, could minimize wastes, improve sanitation and aesthetic. References: 27 (1976 - 2002)
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Prasetyaningrum
Abstrak :
Kebakaran merupakan bencana yang merugikan bagi semua pihak, baik pemilik bangunan, pengelola/pengguna atau masyarakat lainnya yang berada dalam gedung. Bangunan-bangunan tinggi, terutama di Jakarta menghadapi ancaman serius dari kebakaran yang dapat menyebabkan kerugian besar. Menurut NFPA, bangunan perkantoran memiliki jalur penyelamatan yang membingungkan dan tidak langsung, sering terjadi disebabkan oleh tata letak kantor atau susunan ruang yang disewakan. Untuk mengantisipasi dan menanggulangi risiko kebakaran tersebut, maka pemilik gedung tinggi bekerja sama dengan suatu perusahaan asuransi sebagai bentuk transfer risiko. Penetapan tarif Premi kebakaran diatur pada Lampiran surat edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Nomor 6/SEOJK05/2017. Dalam Lampiran tersebut besar tarif Premi ditetapkan batas bawah dan batas atas yang dibagi hanya berdasarkan Okupansi bangunan dan Kelas Konstruksinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengusulkan faktor faktor penentu premi yang dipengaruhi oleh penerapan fire safety management pada bangunan bertingkat tinggi fungsi perkantoran. Pada penelitian ini digunakan WBS dalam perincian indikator yang memenuhi kriteria fire safety management agar lebih sistematis dan mendetail. Berdasarkan studi literatur terdahulu , Kenyataan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar bangunan tinggi perkantoran belum menerapkan system FSM dengan baik dan konsisten. Selain itu tidak diperoleh relasi yang jelas mengenai peran asuransi dalam pembiayaan proteksi kebakaran pada bangunan gedung. Untuk mengatasi ini, kami mengusulkan untuk mempertimbangkan sejauh mana Gedung melakukan penerapan fire safety management dalam penentuan tarif premi asuransi untuk meningkatkan penerapan manajemen keselamatan kebakaran pada bangunan bertingkat tinggi . Setelah dilakukan penyebaran kuesioner dihasilkan bahwa dari 36 gedung kantor bertingkat tinggi belum sepenuhnya menerapkan fire safety management dengan nilai terendah pada dimensi Keselamatan orang yaitu 89% dan tertinggi pada dimensi Pencegahan Kebakaran yaitu 93%. Hal ini sejalan dengan hasil hubungan Fire safety management dan biaya Premi Asuransi yang menunjukan bahwa Pencegahan Kebakaran berhubungan berbanding terbalik signifikan sedangkan Keselamatan orang tidak signifikan.
Fire is a disaster that is detrimental to all parties, whether the owner of the building, manager/user, or other communities in the building. Tall buildings, especially in Jakarta face a serious threat from fires that can cause major losses. According to NFPA, office buildings have confusing and indirect rescue lines, often caused by the layout of offices or the arrangement of rented space. To anticipate and overcome the fire risk, the owner of a tall building cooperates with an insurance company as a form of risk transfer. The determination of fire premium rates is stipulated in the Attachment to the Circular letter of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Number 6/SEOJK05/2017. In the Appendix, the premium rate is set the lower limit and the upper limit which is divided only based on the occupancy of the building and its Construction Class. This study aims to propose the determining factor of premiums influenced by the application of fire safety management in high-rise building office functions. In this study, WBS is used in the breakdown of indicators that meet the criteria of fire safety management to be more systematic and detailed. Based on previous literature studies, the reality in the field shows that most high office buildings have not implemented the FSM system properly and consistently. Besides, there is no clear relationship regarding the role of insurance in fire protection financing in building buildings. To address this, we propose to consider the extent to which the Building conducts the application of fire safety management in determining insurance premium rates to improve the application of fire safety management in high-rise buildings. After the dissemination of the questionnaire resulted that 36 high-rise office buildings have not fully implemented fire safety management with the lowest value in the dimension of the safety of people is 89% and the highest in the dimension of Fire Prevention is 93%. This is in line with the results of fire safety management relationships and insurance premium costs that show that Fire Prevention is related inversely significant while people's safety is not significant.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nag, Pranab Kumar
Abstrak :
This book brings together concepts from the building, environmental, behavioural and health sciences to provide an interdisciplinary understanding of office and workplace design. Today, with changes in the world of work and the relentless surge in technology, offices have emerged as the repositories of organizational symbolism, denoted by the spatial design of offices, physical settings and the built environment (architecture, urban locale). Drawing on Euclidian geometry that quantifies space as the distance between two or more points, a body of knowledge on office buildings, the concept of office and office space, and the interrelationships of spatial and behavioural attributes in office design are elucidated. Building and office work-related illnesses, namely sick building syndrome and ailments arising from the indoor environment, and the menace of musculoskeletal disorders are the alarming manifestations that critically affect employee satisfaction, morale and work outcomes. With a focus on office ergonomics, the book brings the discussion on the fundamentals of work design, with emphasis on computer workstation users. Strategic guidance of lighting systems and visual performance in workplaces are directed for better application of ergonomics and improvement in office indoor environment. It discusses the profiles of bioclimatic, indoor air quality, ventilation intervention, lighting and acoustic characteristics in office buildings. Emphasis has been given to the energy performance of buildings, and contemporary perspectives of building sustainability, such as green office building assessment schemes, and national and international building-related standards and codes. Intended for students and professionals from ergonomics, architecture, interior design, as well as construction engineers, health care professionals, and office planners, the book brings a unified overview of the health, safety and environment issues associated with the design of office buildings.
Singapore: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library