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Raisa Khairunisa
ABSTRAKPenilitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antara consumer innovativeness dan Intensi Pembelian kembali dalam perilaku belanja online pada mahasiswa. Consumer Innovativeness didefinisikan oleh Goldsmith dan Hofacker (1991 dalam Binge-Alcaniz dkkk, 2008) sebagai kecenderungan untuk menyambut dan mengadopsi produk-produk baru. Sedangkan intensi repurchase dijelaskan sebagai kemungkinan subjektif bahwa individu akan terus membeli suatu produk dari penjual atau toko online dikemudian hari (Chiu dkk, 2008). Alat ukur Consumer Innovativeness adalah Domain spesific innovativeness (Goldsmith & Hofacker dalam Binge-Alcaniz dkk, 2008), sedangkan Intensi Repurchase adalah Repurchase Intention dari Parasuraman dkk (dalam chiu dkk, 2008). Pengukuran consumer innovativeness menggunakan alat ukur Domain spesific. Responden 453 mahasiswa di daerah Jabodetabek. Metode pengambilan sampel diperoleh dengan teknik accidental sampling. Hasil menunjukkan hubungan positif yang signifikan antara consumer innovativeness dan intensi repurchase pada perilaku belanja online (r = 0.326; p = 0.000). Artinya, semakin tinggi consumer innovativeness, maka semakin tinggi intensi untuk melakukan repurchase. Implikasinya toko online perlu melakukan identifikasi pada konsumen yang memiliki karakteristik inovatif agar dapat meningkatkan intensi repurchase.
ABSTRACTThis research was conducted to find the correlation between consumer innovativeness and repurchase intention toward online shopping behavior on college students. Consumer innovativeness defined by Goldsmith and Hofacker (In, Binge-Alcaniz et. al, 2008) as a tendency to welcome and to adopt new products, while repurchase intention refers to the subjective probability that an individual will continue to purchase products from the online vendor or store in the future (Chiu et.al, 2008). Consumer innovativeness was measured using an instrument named Domain Spesific Innovativeness (Goldsmith & Hofacker ,in Binge-Alcaniz, 2008) and Repurchase Intention was measured using an instrument by Parasuraman et. al., (2008). This research involved 453 undergraduate students around Jabodetabek. Sampling method using accidental sampling in which questionnaire was seperated through social media. The result of this research show that consumer innovativeness positively correlated with repurchase intention( r = 0.326; p = 0.000). Which means, the highest consumer innovativeness someone?s own, showing the higher repurchase interion. The implication of this research for online shop is to identify consumer with innovativeness characteristic, in order to increase their intention to repurchase."
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library