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Fajar Edisya Putera
"Teknologi intrusion detection & prevention merupakan teknologi pilihan bagi berbagai pihak saat ini untuk menjamin keamanan dan keabsahan informasi yang dimiliki oleh sebuah perusahaan. Perangkat Intrusion detection & prevention dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan perangkat keamanan lama seperti firewall. Perangkat Intrusion detection & prevention sendiri tersedia dalam berbagai jenis, dari yang berjenis perangkat lunak baik tanpa bayar(open source) atau bayar, hingga perangkat keras. Perangkat Intrusion detection & prevention berbasis open source mempunyai keunggulan dalam kemudahan kustomisasinya. Kustomisasi sangat dibutuhkan karena kebutuhan pengamanan setiap perusahaan biasanya sangat berbeda-beda, sehingga penerapan perangkat ini dalam suatu IPS(Intrusion Prevention System) akan memerlukan perlakuan khusus sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan.
Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan perangkat lunak untuk membantu IP yang memiliki kemudahan dalam kustomisasi tanpa mengurangi kemampuan perangkat lunak ini untuk mengenali gangguan keamanan jaringan lewat internet. Menganalisa masukan sebuah IP dalam jangka waktu 1 jam perangkat lunak membantu IPS dalam hal peringatan sehingga lebih baik mengenali sebuah gangguan keamanan jaringan internet. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini ialah sebuah sistem keamanan intrusion detection & prevention dan kebijakan yang terstruktur namun tetap adaptif sehingga mampu menghadapi gangguan kemanan jaringan lewat internet yang selalu berkembang. Sistem peringatan gangguan keamanan yang lebih terarah menjadi kunci yang membuat perangkat lunak ini dapat membantu pengguna dalam menentukan apakah sebuah peringatan itu harus ditanggapi serius atau tidak.

Intrusion detection & prevention technology is a mechanism to guarantee security and protect information owned by a company. Intrusion detection & prevention technology has been known as a replacement for basic firewall technology. Intrusion detection & prevention technology are available software and hardware based. In software based can be as free(open source or not) or paid. Customization in the source code is one of the strength of open source based intrusion detection & prevention technology. Customization is needed because each company may need some behaviours from the technology itself, so the implementation of this IPS(Intrusion Prevention System) will need a special modification to fit company needs.
This research will develop an addon IPS software that is easy to customize without making IPS vulnerable a network security disruption over internet. The software will analyze an input IP address from one hour IPS log so it can recognize the attack. The result of this research is an intrusion detection & prevention security sistem and structured policies. The system itself can handle network security attack over the internet. The summarized security attack warning is the key to make sure the attack. This software will provide only the important warning to the user."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vania Marcella A.
"Skripsi ini membahas bagaimana pelaksanaan pengisian jabatan camat dan lurah secara terbuka di DKI Jakarta dalam rangka reformasi birokrasi dalam bidang penataan sistem manajemen SDM aparatur. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui studi lapangan dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengisian jabatan camat dan lurah secara terbuka di DKI Jakarta berjalan dengan baik. Disisi lain, masih terjadi banyak masalah dalam setiap tahapan pelaksanaannya karena ini merupakan pertama kali diadakan di DKI Jakarta.

This thesis discusses how the implementation of open bidding subdistrict and urban village heads in DKI Jakarta in order to reform the bureaucracy instructuring the field of human resources management systems. Research has done in qualitative approach with field research and library research. The results showed that open bidding of subdistrict and urban village heads in DKI Jakarta has been going on well. However, many problems still occured in each phase of implementation because this was the first time was held in DKI Jakarta."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Ghina
"DKI Jakarta sebagai pemerintah daerah pertama yang memiliki inisiasi Open Data masih menghadapi sejumlah permasalahan mulai dari terbatasnya jumlah data yang tersedia, tampilan portal yang masih terbatas, hingga kompetensi dan komitmen dari pegawai yang terlibat dalam pengelolaan portal Open Data DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kematangan Open Government Data pada Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta pada tahun 2022 dengan menggunakan teori Open Government Data Maturity Model melalui pendekatan penelitian post-positivist. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini berasal dari wawancara mendalam dan studi kepustakaan. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kematangan Open Government Data di DKI Jakarta berada pada level 3 atau existent capacities yang mana masih banyak memerlukan optimalisasi di berbagai aspek, utamanya pada tata kelola kelembagaan, pengembangan teknologi yang digunakan, dan pemberian ruang yang lebih luas bagi masyarakat, sehingga melahirkan sebuah knowledge management untuk tata kelola data yang berkelanjutan serta tercapainya tujuan dari Open Data DKI Jakarta yaitu dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat luas.

DKI Jakarta as the first local government to have an Open Data initiative is still facing various problems such as limited amount of data, limited services on the portal’s website, and the competence and commitment of employees involved in managing DKI Jakarta's Open Data portal. This study aims to analyze the maturity level of Open Government Data in DKI Jakarta in year 2022 using the theory of the Open Government Data maturity model through a post-positivist research approach. Sources of data in this study came from in-depth interviews and literature studies. The research finding shows that the government's Open Data in DKI Jakarta is at maturity level 3 or the existent capacity which still requires optimization in numerous aspects, such as institutional governance, development of the technology used, and providing wider space for the citizen, so that knowledge management will be created for sustainable data management and will help achieve the goal of Open Data for DKI Jakarta itself, which can be useful for the society."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Givo Aulia
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai Implementasi Program Jakarta Open Data Dalam Mewujudkan Open Government di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Pemerintahan terbuka sendiri adalah suatu konsep pemerintahan yang memiliki prinsip transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan partisipasi. Program open data dapat menjadi salah satu sarana dalam mewujudkan pemerintahan terbuka. Provinsi DKI Jakarta merupakan daerah pertama yang melaksanakan program open data di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post-positivist dengan teknik analisis data kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan wawancara dengan informan terkait. Teori yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teori implementasi program oleh Dean Fixsen et al.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi program Jakarta Open Data belum memenuhi aspek competency drivers dari segi seleksi staf, training dan coaching. Pada sisi pemerintahan terbuka, program Jakarta Open Data baru berhasil mewujudkan dua prinsip dari pemerintahan terbuka, yaitu transparansi dan akuntabilitas. Program Jakarta Open Data belum mampu mewujudkan prinsip partisipasi, mulai dari partisipasi dalam merekomendasikan data, partisipasi dalam pemanfaatan data, maupun partisipasi dalam mempengaruhi kebijakan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya sosialisasi kepada masyarakat, kurangnya dataset yang dipublikasikan pada portal data, dan belum adanya ruang bagi masyarakat untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam pembuatan kebijakan pemerintahan.

This thesis discusses about The Implementation of Jakarta Open Data Program in Establishing Open Government in Special Capital Region DKI of Jakarta Province. The open government is a concept of government that has the principles of transparancy, accountability and participation. The open data program can be the one of medium in establishing the open government. The aim of the research is to analyze on how the implementation of open data program in establishing the open government in DKI Jakarta Province. DKI Jakarta Province is the first region which implementing the open data program in Indonesia. The research method used in this reaserch is post positivist approach in analizing the qualitative data. The method that used in this reasearch is through the interview with the informant. The theory used in this research is the Implementation Program by Dean Fixsen et al.
The result of the research shows that the Open Data Implementation Program in Jakarta has not fulfill the aspect of competency drivers in terms of staf selection, training and coaching. In terms of open government, the open data program in DKI Jakarta has succeded in establishing the two principlesof the open government, namely tranparency and accountability. Jakarta rsquo s open data program has not be able to implement the principle of participation, from the participation in recommending data, participation in data using, and participation to influence public policy. These occurence caused by the lack of socialization to the public, the lack of data sets published on the data portal, and the lack of space for the community to participate in government policy making.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Diah Paramitha
"RTH seringkali masih dikalahkan oleh berbagai kepentingan lain dan berorientasi pada pembangunan fisik untuk kepentingan ekonomi. Konsep RTH Jakarta sesuai dengan peraturan sesuai Peraturan Daerah Nomor 1 Tahun 2012 tentang Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah 2030 adalah sekitar 30% dari luas wilayah, namun sampai saat ini DKI Jakarta hanya mampu memenuhhi 9%. Disebutkan juga dalam Peraturan Meteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 1 Tahun 2007 tentang Penataan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Kawasan Perkotaan selanjutnya disebut RTHKP bahwa luas ideal RTHKP adalah 20% dari luas wilayah perkotaan, yang mencakup RTHKP publik dan privat. Keberhasilan penyediaan RTH di wilayah Jakarta Khususnya Jakarta Selatan juga harus didukung dengan kebijakankebijakan pemerintah daerah yang berbatasan dengan wilayah selatan Jakarta. Tanpa adanya koordinasi yang seimbang atar pemerintah daerah tentu saja tujuan dari penyediaan RTH ini tidak dapat terlaksana dengan sempurna. Bentuk Penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Penelitian Normatif. Tipe Penelitian dapat dilihat dari berbagai sudut, namun dalam penelitian ini dilihat dari pemaparan yang dilakukan secara mendalam, yaitu penelitian ekplanatoris.
Penyediaan RTH di setiap kota dilakukan melalui tahap-tahap pengadaan tanah sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 71 Tahun 2012 tentang Penyelenggaraan Tanah Untuk Kepentingan Umum. Penyelenggaraan pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum di setiap kota mempunyai kendala tersendiri sesuai dengan perkembangan di setiap kota. Kendala tersebut berdampak pada penyediaan RTH di wilayah Jakarta Selatan. Pentingnya sinkronisasi kebijakan pemerintah satu dengan yang lainnya diharapkan meminimalisasi terjadinya tumpang tindih perizinan pembangunan yang dilakukan disetiap kota. Upaya pemerintah untuk meminimalisasikan dampak yang timbul salah satunya adalah dengan membuat peraturan-peraturan yang mengatur mengenai RTH itu sendiri. Namun, ini dirasa belum cukup. Masyarakat dan pihak swasta pun harus turut serta dalam mendukung penyediaan RTH.

RTH often still defeated by various other interests and physical development oriented to economic interests. RTH concept Jakarta accordance with appropriate regulations Bylaw No. 1 of 2012 on Spatial Planning 2030 is approximately 30% of the area, but to date only able Jakarta memenuhhi 9%.Also mentioned in the material in the State Regulation No. 1 of 2007 on Spatial Planning of Urban Green Open Areas hereinafter RTHKP that RTHKP ideal area is 20% of the urban area, which includes public and private RTHKP. The success of the provision of green space in South Jakarta Jakarta particular must also be supported by local government policies that borders the south of Jakarta. Without the coordination of local government that balanced Atar course the purpose of the provision of green space can not be done perfectly. The study used the form Normative Research. Type of research can be seen from various angles, but in this study was seen from the in-depth exposure, ie ekplanatoris research.
Provision of green space in each city through the stages of land acquisition as stipulated in Government Regulation No. 71 Year 2012 on Implementation of Land for Public Interest. Implementation of land acquisition for public interest in every city has its own constraints in accordance with the developments in each city. Such constraints have an impact on the provision of green space in South Jakarta. The importance of government policy synchronization with each other are expected to minimize the overlap permitting the construction is done in every city. Government's efforts to minimize the effects one is to make regulations governing the green space itself. However, this is still not enough. Society and the private sector must take part in supporting the provision of green space.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sugeng Riyadin
"Tesis ini membahas tentang Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Terbuka sebagai Sub-Sistem dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana Terpadu dengan titik beratnya adalah latar belakang pembentukan Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Terbuka, pembentukan Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Terbuka dikaitkan dengan tujuan pemidanaan dan pelaksanaan pembinaan narapidana di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Terbuka. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif. Penelitian hukum normatif dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan yang dilakukan dengan wawancara dan pengamatan, selanjutnya diolah secara deduktif. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Terbuka dibentuk berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Kehakiman Nomor : M.03.PR.07.03. Tahun 2003 tanggal 16 April 2003 tentang Pembentukan Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Terbuka Pasaman, Jakarta, Kendal, Nusakambangan, Mataram dan Waikabubak. Bahwa pembentukan lembaga pemasyarakatan terbuka ini dilatar belakangi hal-hal sebagai berikut : sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi kelebihan narapidana (over crowding) di lembaga pemasyarakatan biasa (tertutup), merupakan perwujudan dari konsep community-based corrections, yang mana di lembaga pemasyarakatan terbuka pembinaan narapidana menekankan keterlibatan masyarakat, sebagai upaya untuk lebih menyiapkan narapidana berintegrasi dengan masyarakat sebagai tujuan pemidanaan, Namun keberadaan Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Terbuka Jakarta pada khususnya dan lembaga pemasyarakatan terbuka di Indonesia pada umumnya merupakan kebijakan pemerintah yang setengah hati atau hanyalah propaganda pemerintah dalam pembinaan narapidana, karena keberadaannya hingga saat ini belum pernah dievaluasi dan perkembangan lembaga pemasyarakatan terbuka tidak menunjukkan kemajuan yang signifikan baik dari segi pembinaan narapidana maupun peraturan spesifik mengenai lembaga pemasyarakatan terbuka yang menjadi landasannya. Pembentukan Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Terbuka (lapas terbuka) sebagai sub-sistem peradilan pidana dalam kaitannya dengan tujuan pemidanaan, harus dimaksimalkan mengenai konsepnya untuk mencapai tujuan pemidanaan di Indonesia, yaitu mengembalikan dan mengintegrasikan narapidana ke masyarakat, menjadi manusia yang taat dan patuh pada hukum. Dengan demikian pembentukan lapas terbuka dapat menjembatani tujuan dan mewujudkan tujuan pembinaan di Indonesia. Pembinaan narapidana di lapas terbuka dimulai dengan penyeleksian narapidana yang harus memenuhi syarat subtantif berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Kehakiman, Nomor : M.01.PK.04.10, Tahun 1999, Tentang asimilasi, Pembebasan Bersyarat dan Cuti Menjelang Bebas, Pasal 7 ayat (2) dan syarat administratif Surat Keputusan Menteri Kehakiman, Nomor : M.01.PK.04.10, Tahun 1999, Tentang asimilasi, Pembebasan Bersyarat dan Cuti Menjelang Bebas, Pasal 8. Selain itu bukan termasuk narapidana kejahatan penipuan, terorisme, narkotika dan illegal logging. Bahwa proses seleksi untuk menjadi warga binaan pemasyarakatan pada Lapas Terbuka Jakarta pada khususnya atau lapas terbuka di Indonesia pada umumnya sangat memungkinkan terjadinya penyimpangan seperti adanya korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme (KKN), karena sangat banyak narapidana yang berada di wilayah Jabodetabek namun mengapa hanya lima orang yang menjadi warga binaan pada Lapas Terbuka Jakarta. Manjadi pertanyaan apakah kelima orang tersebut benar-benar memenuhi syarat ataukah ada KKN dalam proses kepindahanya dari Lapas Tertutup ke Lapas Terbuka Jakarta. Sehingga pembinaan narapidana pada Lapas Terbuka Jakarta tidak sesuai yang diharapkan karena program pembinaan tidak berjalan sebagaimana mestinya, dengan kata lain Lapas Terbuka Jakarta hanyalah tempat singgah sebelum para narapidana tersebut bebas.

This thesis discusses the Open Prison as a Sub-System in the Integrated Criminal Justice System with emphasis is the background of the formation of the Open Prison, Penitentiary establishment of the Open was associated with the goal of punishment and execution of prisoners in the Penitentiary building the Open. The research method used in this thesis is a normative legal research methods. Normative legal research done by examining library materials or secondary data. The data was collected through library research and field studies conducted by interviews and observations, then treated deductively. The results of this study concluded that the Open Prison was established by Decree of the Minister of Justice No. M.03.PR.07.03. 2003 April 16, 2003 on the establishment of the Open Pasaman Correctional Institution, London, Kendal, Nusakambangan, Mataram and Waikabubak. That the formation of an open prison this background the following matters: as an effort to reduce excess inmates (over crowding) in ordinary prisons (closed), is a manifestation of the concept of community-based Corrections, which is in open prisons coaching inmates emphasizes community involvement, as an effort to better prepare inmates integrate into society as the goal of punishment, but the existence of the Open Prison Jakarta in particular and open prisons in Indonesia in general is a government policy that half-hearted or just government propaganda in the coaching of prisoners, because its existence until now has not been evaluated and the development of open prisons did not show significant progress both in terms of specific guidance or regulations regarding inmate penitentiary opened which it rests.Penitentiary establishment of the Open (open prison) as a sub-system of criminal justice in relation to the purpose of sentencing, the concept should be maximized to achieve the purpose of punishment in Indonesia, that is to return and integrate inmates into society, a man who obey and comply with the law. Thus the formation of an open prison to bridge the goals and realize the goal of coaching in Indonesia. Inmates in open prisons coaching begins with the selection of eligible inmates who have substantive based on the Decree of the Minister of Justice, No. M.01.PK.04.10, 1999, On assimilation, Parole and Leaves Towards Free, Article 7 paragraph (2) and administrative requirements of Decree of the Minister of Justice, No. M.01.PK.04.10, 1999, On assimilation, Parole and Leaves Towards Free, Article 8. Besides not including inmate fraud, terrorism, narcotics and illegal logging. That the selection process to become prisoners in open prisons Jakarta in particular or open prison in Indonesia in general is very possible occurrence of irregularities such as corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN), since so many inmates who are in the Greater Jakarta area, but why only five people who became citizens of the built in Jakarta Open Prison. Even become a question whether those people are actually qualified or is there corruption in the process of prison kepindahanya Closed to Open Prison in Jakarta.Thus fostering the Open Prison inmates in Jakarta is not as expected because the coaching program is not running as it should, in other words Jakarta Open Prison was a haven before the prisoners are free."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2012
T 29872
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dicky Fakhri
Latar Belakang: Pada anak dengan penyakit jantung bawaan (PJB) yang
menjalani operasi jantung terbuka, sepsis merupakan salah satu komplikasi
pascaoperasi. Lama prosedur pintas jantung paru, usia, status gizi, timektomi, dan
variasi genetik, seperti polimorfisme toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 dan tollinteracting
protein (TOLLIP) dapat memengaruhi respons imun. Informasi
mengenai peran faktor tersebut terhadap kejadian sepsis dan respons imun
pascaoperasi jantung terbuka masih terbatas.
Tujuan: Mengetahui peran polimorfisme TLR2, TOLLIP, dan faktor lainnya
terhadap kejadian sepsis dan respons imun pascaoperasi jantung terbuka untuk
memperoleh strategi paling tepat dalam penanganan kasus bedah jantung pada
Metodologi: Studi longitudinal dengan non-probability consecutive sampling
dilakukan pada anak <1 tahun yang menjalani operasi jantung terbuka.
Pemeriksaan polimorfisme TLR2 Arg677Trp, TLR2 N199N, TOLLIP rs5743867,
sel CD4 dan CD8 yang menyekresikan IFN-γ intraselular, sel Dendritik yang
mengekspresikan TLR2, dan sel NK. Pasien menjalani operasi jantung terbuka.
Setelah operasi, pasien dimonitor untuk menilai sepsis dan respons imun
Hasil: Dari 108 subjek yang terlibat, 21,3% diantaranya mengalami sepsis.
Seluruh subjek adalah mutan TLR2 Arg677Trp, 92,6% pasien adalah mutan TLR2
N199N, dan 52,8% pasien adalah mutan TOLLIP rs5743867. Polimorfisme TLR2
N199N dan timektomi total tidak diikutkan dalam model analisis multivariat.
Polimorfisme TOLLIP rs5743867 (p = 0,358) menurunkan resiko sepsis, lama
prosedur pintas jantung paru ≥90 menit (p = 0,002), usia neonatus (p = 0,032), dan
gizi buruk (p = 0,558) meningkatkan risiko sepsis pascaoperasi. Jumlah respons
imun bervariasi antara kategori, namun secara umum komponen respons imun
lebih rendah pada pasien yang mengalami sepsis dibanding pada pasien yang tidak
mengalami sepsis.
Simpulan: Lama prosedur pintas jantung paru dan usia neonatus secara signifikan
memengaruhi risiko dan kecepatan sepsis pascaoperasi. Peran polimorfisme TLR2
N199N dan TOLLIP rs5743867 terhadap kejadian sepsis dan respons imun
pascaoperasi memerlukan studi komprehensif lebih lanjut.

Background: Sepsis is one of the complications in children with congenital heart
defect who underwent open heart surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time,
age, nutritional status, thymectomy, and genetic variants, such as toll-like receptor
(TLR) 2 and toll-interacting protein (TOLLIP) polymorphism affect immune
response. Information regarding those factors in the development of sepsis and
immune response after open heart surgery is still limited.
Objectives: To understand the role of TLR 2 and TOLLIP polymorphism, as well
as other risk factors, in the development of sepsis and immune response following
open heart surgery to develop the best strategy in open heart surgery in children.
Methods: Longitudinal study with consecutive sampling were done in children <1
year old who underwent open heart surgery. Blood sample was obtained to check
for TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism, TLR2 N199N polymorphism, TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism, the numbers of intracellular interferon γ CD4 and CD8,
TLR2 expression in Dendritic cells, and NK cells. Patient then underwent open
heart surgery. Thymectomy was done as indicated and CPB time was recorded.
After surgery, patient was monitored for signs of sepsis and immune response was
Results: Out of 108 patients involved in this study, 21.3% developed
postoperative sepsis. TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism was found in all patients,
TLR2 N199N polymorphism was found in 92.6% of the patients, and TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism was found in 52.8% of the patients. TLR2 N199N
polymorphism and thymectomy were not included in multivariate analysis.
TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism (p = 0.358) reduced the risk of sepsis, CPB
time ≥90 menit (p = 0.002), neonates (p = 0.032), and severe malnutrition (p =
0.558) increased the risk of postoperative sepsis. Immune response?s counts vary
in each category, but were generally lower in patients who developed
postoperative sepsis.
Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary bypass time and neonates significantly influenced
the risk and hazard of postoperative sepsis. Further investigation on the role of
TLR2 N199N and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism are necessary to provide
more comprehensive explanation on the development of postoperative sepsis and
the immune response after open heart surgery;Background: Sepsis is one of the complications in children with congenital heart
defect who underwent open heart surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time,
age, nutritional status, thymectomy, and genetic variants, such as toll-like receptor
(TLR) 2 and toll-interacting protein (TOLLIP) polymorphism affect immune
response. Information regarding those factors in the development of sepsis and
immune response after open heart surgery is still limited.
Objectives: To understand the role of TLR 2 and TOLLIP polymorphism, as well
as other risk factors, in the development of sepsis and immune response following
open heart surgery to develop the best strategy in open heart surgery in children.
Methods: Longitudinal study with consecutive sampling were done in children <1
year old who underwent open heart surgery. Blood sample was obtained to check
for TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism, TLR2 N199N polymorphism, TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism, the numbers of intracellular interferon γ CD4 and CD8,
TLR2 expression in Dendritic cells, and NK cells. Patient then underwent open
heart surgery. Thymectomy was done as indicated and CPB time was recorded.
After surgery, patient was monitored for signs of sepsis and immune response was
Results: Out of 108 patients involved in this study, 21.3% developed
postoperative sepsis. TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism was found in all patients,
TLR2 N199N polymorphism was found in 92.6% of the patients, and TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism was found in 52.8% of the patients. TLR2 N199N
polymorphism and thymectomy were not included in multivariate analysis.
TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism (p = 0.358) reduced the risk of sepsis, CPB
time ≥90 menit (p = 0.002), neonates (p = 0.032), and severe malnutrition (p =
0.558) increased the risk of postoperative sepsis. Immune response?s counts vary
in each category, but were generally lower in patients who developed
postoperative sepsis.
Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary bypass time and neonates significantly influenced
the risk and hazard of postoperative sepsis. Further investigation on the role of
TLR2 N199N and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism are necessary to provide
more comprehensive explanation on the development of postoperative sepsis and
the immune response after open heart surgery;Background: Sepsis is one of the complications in children with congenital heart
defect who underwent open heart surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time,
age, nutritional status, thymectomy, and genetic variants, such as toll-like receptor
(TLR) 2 and toll-interacting protein (TOLLIP) polymorphism affect immune
response. Information regarding those factors in the development of sepsis and
immune response after open heart surgery is still limited.
Objectives: To understand the role of TLR 2 and TOLLIP polymorphism, as well
as other risk factors, in the development of sepsis and immune response following
open heart surgery to develop the best strategy in open heart surgery in children.
Methods: Longitudinal study with consecutive sampling were done in children <1
year old who underwent open heart surgery. Blood sample was obtained to check
for TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism, TLR2 N199N polymorphism, TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism, the numbers of intracellular interferon γ CD4 and CD8,
TLR2 expression in Dendritic cells, and NK cells. Patient then underwent open
heart surgery. Thymectomy was done as indicated and CPB time was recorded.
After surgery, patient was monitored for signs of sepsis and immune response was
Results: Out of 108 patients involved in this study, 21.3% developed
postoperative sepsis. TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism was found in all patients,
TLR2 N199N polymorphism was found in 92.6% of the patients, and TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism was found in 52.8% of the patients. TLR2 N199N
polymorphism and thymectomy were not included in multivariate analysis.
TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism (p = 0.358) reduced the risk of sepsis, CPB
time ≥90 menit (p = 0.002), neonates (p = 0.032), and severe malnutrition (p =
0.558) increased the risk of postoperative sepsis. Immune response?s counts vary
in each category, but were generally lower in patients who developed
postoperative sepsis.
Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary bypass time and neonates significantly influenced
the risk and hazard of postoperative sepsis. Further investigation on the role of
TLR2 N199N and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism are necessary to provide
more comprehensive explanation on the development of postoperative sepsis and
the immune response after open heart surgery;Background: Sepsis is one of the complications in children with congenital heart
defect who underwent open heart surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time,
age, nutritional status, thymectomy, and genetic variants, such as toll-like receptor
(TLR) 2 and toll-interacting protein (TOLLIP) polymorphism affect immune
response. Information regarding those factors in the development of sepsis and
immune response after open heart surgery is still limited.
Objectives: To understand the role of TLR 2 and TOLLIP polymorphism, as well
as other risk factors, in the development of sepsis and immune response following
open heart surgery to develop the best strategy in open heart surgery in children.
Methods: Longitudinal study with consecutive sampling were done in children <1
year old who underwent open heart surgery. Blood sample was obtained to check
for TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism, TLR2 N199N polymorphism, TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism, the numbers of intracellular interferon γ CD4 and CD8,
TLR2 expression in Dendritic cells, and NK cells. Patient then underwent open
heart surgery. Thymectomy was done as indicated and CPB time was recorded.
After surgery, patient was monitored for signs of sepsis and immune response was
Results: Out of 108 patients involved in this study, 21.3% developed
postoperative sepsis. TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism was found in all patients,
TLR2 N199N polymorphism was found in 92.6% of the patients, and TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism was found in 52.8% of the patients. TLR2 N199N
polymorphism and thymectomy were not included in multivariate analysis.
TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism (p = 0.358) reduced the risk of sepsis, CPB
time ≥90 menit (p = 0.002), neonates (p = 0.032), and severe malnutrition (p =
0.558) increased the risk of postoperative sepsis. Immune response?s counts vary
in each category, but were generally lower in patients who developed
postoperative sepsis.
Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary bypass time and neonates significantly influenced
the risk and hazard of postoperative sepsis. Further investigation on the role of
TLR2 N199N and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism are necessary to provide
more comprehensive explanation on the development of postoperative sepsis and
the immune response after open heart surgery, Background: Sepsis is one of the complications in children with congenital heart
defect who underwent open heart surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time,
age, nutritional status, thymectomy, and genetic variants, such as toll-like receptor
(TLR) 2 and toll-interacting protein (TOLLIP) polymorphism affect immune
response. Information regarding those factors in the development of sepsis and
immune response after open heart surgery is still limited.
Objectives: To understand the role of TLR 2 and TOLLIP polymorphism, as well
as other risk factors, in the development of sepsis and immune response following
open heart surgery to develop the best strategy in open heart surgery in children.
Methods: Longitudinal study with consecutive sampling were done in children <1
year old who underwent open heart surgery. Blood sample was obtained to check
for TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism, TLR2 N199N polymorphism, TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism, the numbers of intracellular interferon γ CD4 and CD8,
TLR2 expression in Dendritic cells, and NK cells. Patient then underwent open
heart surgery. Thymectomy was done as indicated and CPB time was recorded.
After surgery, patient was monitored for signs of sepsis and immune response was
Results: Out of 108 patients involved in this study, 21.3% developed
postoperative sepsis. TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism was found in all patients,
TLR2 N199N polymorphism was found in 92.6% of the patients, and TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism was found in 52.8% of the patients. TLR2 N199N
polymorphism and thymectomy were not included in multivariate analysis.
TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism (p = 0.358) reduced the risk of sepsis, CPB
time ≥90 menit (p = 0.002), neonates (p = 0.032), and severe malnutrition (p =
0.558) increased the risk of postoperative sepsis. Immune response’s counts vary
in each category, but were generally lower in patients who developed
postoperative sepsis.
Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary bypass time and neonates significantly influenced
the risk and hazard of postoperative sepsis. Further investigation on the role of
TLR2 N199N and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism are necessary to provide
more comprehensive explanation on the development of postoperative sepsis and
the immune response after open heart surgery]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edwin Halim Adiputro
"Jakarta yang semakin padat baik dikarenakan pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi dan dengan keterbatasan lahan yang ada memaksa warga Jakarta untuk mencari daerah baru untuk dijadikan tempat tinggal. Warga Jakarta mulai keluar dari daerah-daerah yang sejak lama dianggap ideal sebagai kawasan hunian seperti Bintaro, Pondok Indah dan sebagainya. Namun petumbuhan penduduk Jakarta telah memicu pengembang untuk membangun di daerah-daerah yang semula dihindari. Seperti daerah yang sejak dulu dianggap sebagai daerah terbuang atau daerah dengan potensi terbatas sehingga dianggap daerah kelas bawah. Salah satu contohnya adalah Kelapa Gading sebuah kota baru yang berumur 30 tahun. Dalam 30 tahun, daerah Kelapa Gading berubah dari daerah rawa-rawa menjadi sebuah kota baru yang sangat padat. Bagaimanapun padatnya, kelapa gading tetap perlu menyediakan ruang publik sebgai sebuah tempat bersosialisasi antar warga. Apakah Kelapa Gading sudah menyediakan ruang publik yang cukup bagi warga yang tinggal disana. Terlebih lagi, warga kelapa gading terdiri dari berbagai macam kelas. Dari kelas menengah sampai kelas atas. Terdapat cluster-cluster tersendiri yang memperjelas kelas-kelas tersebut. Begitu juga dari segi usia, apakah tersedia tempat-tempat "e;hang out"e; yang ideal bagi anak-anak, remaja, dewasa dan manula. Bagaimana pengembang bisa membuat ruang publik yang bersifat menjual. Sehingga penghuni yang terdiri dari berbagai kelas tersebut dapat mengikuti rancangan dari pengembang. Dan apakah ruang-ruang tersebut dapat digunakan dengan baik atau hanya sebagai pemanis belaka.

Jakarta is getting crowded which means that there are more people needs home. It became the trigger for many developers to develop new area in Jakarta to be the new housing area. One of the most successful areas is Kelapa Gading Permai which located in north Jakarta. Former Kelapa Gading was swamp area but today Kelapa Gading is an urban neighborhood which lived by people from all around Indonesia. Kelapa Gading's development was started in 1976 by Summarecon Agung who has transformed Kelapa Gading into a luxurious housing area. Just like the others, it is necessary for Kelapa Gading to have a public space as an outdoor social activities area. But the matter is whether the area has been used properly or it just a symbol of wealthy people and decorative element. An ideal public space must have the sense of public ness for whole people who live nearby. Is the area provided in Kelapa Gading already enough for the inhabitants? Moreover, it comes from different class of citizens, from middle to upper (high) class, from children, teenager, adult and elderly. How the developer make that place commercially so that the inhabitants which came from different class can follow the design."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogyakarta: Biro Penerbit KMTS FT-UGM, 1982
627.1 UNI h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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