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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Simanjuntak, Ruth Luciana
Abstrak :
Urbanisasi menyebabkan peningkatan pembangunan sarana fisik dan transportasi. Peningkatan pembangunan menyebabkan kepadatan kota sehingga menimbulkan stres penduduk kota. Peningkatan pembangunan juga mengurangi luas ruang terbuka hijau (RTH). Salah satu manfaat RTH adalah mengurangi stres. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat stres pengunjung taman, alasan mengunjungi taman, aktivitas yang dilakukan di taman, hubungan frekuensi mengunjungi taman dengan stres pengunjung, dan hubungan lama waktu berkunjung dengan stres pengunjung, Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan informasi melalui kuesioner di Taman Menteng, Taman Situ Lembang, dan Taman Suropati. Nilai stres menggunakan skor Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Dari 228 responden, rata-rata skor PSS=17,46. Sebesar 53,5% pengunjung menyatakan kenyamanan sebagai alasan mengunjungi taman dan sebesar 41,75% pengunjung melakukan aktivitas bersantai saat di taman. Frekuensi berkunjung tidak berhubungan dengan stres pengunjung (p value=0,358). Lama waktu mengunjungi taman kota berhubungan dengan stres pengunjung (p value=0,023). Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi informasi untuk pemerintah dan masyarakat mengenai pemanfaatan dan pemeliharaan taman kota.
Urbanization led to increased development of physical infrastructure and transportation. It causing the density so it appears stressful city’s residents. Those development also cause reduction of the open green space (OGS). One benefit of OGS is to reduce stress. This study was conducted to find out the stress level, the reason for visiting the OGS, activities performed in the city park, the relationship of visit frequency with the stress level of visitors, and the relationship of the length of time visiting with the stress level. The study was conducted by gathering information through a questionnaires in Taman Menteng, Taman Situ Lembang, and Taman Suropati. The stress level using Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). From 228 respondents, PSS average score=17,46. Amounted to 53.5% of the visitors stated convenience as the reason to visit the city park and 41,75% are found to simply relax in the city park. Frequency of visit is not related to the stress level of visitors (p value = 0,358). The length of time to visit the city park visitor related to the stress level (p value = 0,023). This research is expected to be information to the Governments and the public regarding the use and maintenance of city parks.;Urbanization led to increased development of physical infrastructure and transportation. It causing the density so it appears stressful city’s residents. Those development also cause reduction of the open green space (OGS). One benefit of OGS is to reduce stress. This study was conducted to find out the stress level, the reason for visiting the OGS, activities performed in the city park, the relationship of visit frequency with the stress level of visitors, and the relationship of the length of time visiting with the stress level. The study was conducted by gathering information through a questionnaires in Taman Menteng, Taman Situ Lembang, and Taman Suropati. The stress level using Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). From 228 respondents, PSS average score=17,46. Amounted to 53.5% of the visitors stated convenience as the reason to visit the city park and 41,75% are found to simply relax in the city park. Frequency of visit is not related to the stress level of visitors (p value = 0,358). The length of time to visit the city park visitor related to the stress level (p value = 0,023). This research is expected to be information to the Governments and the public regarding the use and maintenance of city parks., Urbanization led to increased development of physical infrastructure and transportation. It causing the density so it appears stressful city’s residents. Those development also cause reduction of the open green space (OGS). One benefit of OGS is to reduce stress. This study was conducted to find out the stress level, the reason for visiting the OGS, activities performed in the city park, the relationship of visit frequency with the stress level of visitors, and the relationship of the length of time visiting with the stress level. The study was conducted by gathering information through a questionnaires in Taman Menteng, Taman Situ Lembang, and Taman Suropati. The stress level using Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). From 228 respondents, PSS average score=17,46. Amounted to 53.5% of the visitors stated convenience as the reason to visit the city park and 41,75% are found to simply relax in the city park. Frequency of visit is not related to the stress level of visitors (p value = 0,358). The length of time to visit the city park visitor related to the stress level (p value = 0,023). This research is expected to be information to the Governments and the public regarding the use and maintenance of city parks.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Laju urbanisasi yang semakin cepat dapat mengurangi luas ruang terbuka hijau seperti taman kota, dan area penampungan air yang besar seperti danau di suatu perkotaan. Berkurangnya ruang terbuka hijau dan danau sebagai habitat alami dari komunitas burung di area perkotaan, dapat memberikan efek ke komunitas burung untuk beradaptasi menjadi burung urban exploiter, urban adapter dan urban avoider. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komunitas burung, dan interaksi antara komunitas burung dengan habitatnya di Kecamatan Sukmajaya, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat. Penelitian dilakukan di tiga rute yang berbeda dari Kecamatan Sukmajaya. Waktu pengamatan dilakukan setiap hari Senin sampai Jum’at dari pukul 06.00-10.00 WIB. Metode point count digunakan untuk mengambil data populasi burung dan data analisis vegetasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keanekaragaman dan kemerataan komunitas burung di habitat Taman Merdeka bagian Barat lebih tinggi serta dominansi lebih rendah dibanding habitat Taman lainnya di Kecamatan Sukmajaya. Keanekaragaman komunitas burung di habitat Setu Baru lebih tinggi serta kemerataan dan dominansi lebih rendah dibanding habitat Setu Pengarengan. Keanekaragaman, dominansi dan kemerataan komunitas burung habitat danau lebih besar dibanding komunitas burung habitat taman di Kecamatan Sukmajaya. ......Faster urbanization rate can reduce the size of open green space like city park and the large water storage area like lake in some City. Reducing size of open green space and lake as natural habitat for bird community in urban area, can affect bird community to adapting as urban exploiter, urban adapter and urban avoider bird. This research have a purpose to know bird community, and interaction between bird community and their habitats in Sukmajaya District, Depok City, West Java. The research conducted at three different route in Sukmajaya District. Observation time conducted every Monday to Friday, from 6 AM to 10 AM. Point count method used to take bird population data and vegetation analysis data. Result show diversity and evenness of bird community at West region of Merdeka Park was higher with lower dominance compared to other Park habitats in Sukmajaya District. Diversity of Baru Lake bird community was higher with lower evenness and dominance compared to Pengarengan Lake. Diversity, evenness and dominance bird community in lake habitat was higher than bird community in park habitat.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marbun, Arya Banga
Abstrak :
Kota Jakarta yang penduduknya semakin banyak membuat lahan di kota Jakarta semakin banyak di gunakan sebagai daerah pemukiman. Walaupun lahan-lahan di Jakarta sudah semakin banyak yang di pergunakan sebagai tempat pemukiman namun masih saja dianggap kurang. Kota Jakarta yang ramai akan penduduknya yang juga sibuk dengan kegiatan masing-masing membuat orang-orang di kota besar semakin malas untuk berolahraga, ini diakibatkan oleh kesibukan dan kurangnya lahan untuk berolahraga. Walaupun terdapat tampat-tempat untuk berolahraga yang disediakan oleh pemerintah namun banyak sekali yang masih dipungut biaya. Ada juga lahan yang dapat di pergunakan oleh masyarakat untuk melepas hoby mereka berolah raga dengan menggunakan lahan yang tidak terpakai, namun pada saat si pemilik lahan ingin menggunakan lahannya untuk hal lain (bukan olahraga) masyarakat harus pergi. Mengapa pemerintah tidak memperbesar peluang bagi masyarakat untuk berolahraga dengan memperbanyak lahan olahraga yang gratis untuk umum?.Dengan bertambahnya ruang terbuka hijau berakibat pada bertambahnya ketersediaan sarana olahraga bagi masyarakat dan daerah resapan air yang lebih di kota jakarta. ......Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia has a great population numbers which always increase every year. The increase of population number has result to the discretion of land. Eventhough a lot of land has already been used for settlement but it?s not enough. Nowadays urban people have a lot of things to do, for example their work so they have no time to make some exercise such as sport. Even though the government has already facilitated sport facility but everyone who wants to use it have to spend money for that. Although there are some un use land that can be use by the citizen for their hobby in sport, but when the owner want to use the land they have to leave. The question is why do government does not facilitated a free sport facility for the public? By adding an open green space it can also increase the sport facility for public and also for water diffusion area in Jakarta.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
T. Maria Tommy Budiyanto
Abstrak :
Permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam pengelolaan kawasan industri, adalah pembangun yang tidak sesuai dengan peraturan lingkungan yang ada, terutama Koefisien Dasar Bangunn KDB . Hal ini disebabkan semakin terbatasnya lahan industri, dan upaya memaksimalkan luas bangunan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei di Kawasan Industri Cibitung, untuk menilai kepatuhan terhadap peraturan lingkungan hidup, dan upaya pengelolaan bersama masyarakat industri untuk memenuhi peraturan bangunan. Kepatuhan dilihat dari kesesuaian rasio KDB terhadap ketentuan bangunan dalam peraturan kawasan industri; maksimal 60 dari luas yang tanah dimiliki, dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau RTH dapat dipertahankan minimal 10. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa KDB pada populasi 24,55 tenant mencapai 84,77 , dan sisa RTH pada populasi 21,56 tenant hanya 2,49 . Pembangunan dan ekspansi yang berlebihan, menyebabkan terus berkurangnya RTH sebagai daerah penyerapan air hujan, mengakibatkan limpasan air hujan langsung masuk ke sistem drainase lingkungan, dan menyebabkan banjir di kawasan. Diperlukan penegakkan peraturan, pegawasan pembangunan, dan upaya bersama masyarakat industri dalam konservasi air tanah, untuk dapat mewujudkan terciptanya pengelolaan sustainable eco-industrial park yang baik. ......Problem faced in the management of industrial estate, is the development of industrial building which are not in accordance with the existing environmental regulations, especially the building coverage ratio BCR . This is due to the limited available of industrial land, and the tenant 39 s desire to maximize building area. This research with survey methodology conducted at Cibitung Industrial Town, to assess the compliance of industrial building in complying with environmental regulations, and efforts by estate management together with industrial communities to meet building regulations. The compliance is seen from the conformity of the tenant rsquo s BCR to the building provisions contained in the regulation within the industrial estate which is maximum 60 from land owned. And whether the rest of green open space GOS area can still be maintained at a minimum 10. This study found tenant rsquo s BCR at 24.55 population was 84.77 , and the rest of GOS at 21.56 population was only 2.49 , excessive development and expansion led to a continued reduction in GOS as a rainwater absorption area. It resulting the rainfall runoff directly into the environmental drainage system, and causing flooding in the industrial town. It need an environment regulation enforcement, intensive supervision in building development and joint efforts programs for groundwater conservation to meet the better sustainable eco industrial park estate management.
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library