"Prevalensi gejala depresi pada orang dengan demensia ODD berkisar 30-50 . Hal ini menandakan bahwa pada sebagian besar ODD gejala depresi timbul beriringan dengan penurunan kognitif. Beberapa penelitian mengemukakan bahwa gejala depresi pada demensia timbul karena ODD kehilangan kemandirian dalam beraktivitas sehari-hari serta melupakan banyak hal esensial dalam hidup, seperti nama keluarga dan kerabat, terutama pada ODD dengan tingkat pendidikan yang tinggi. Penelitian ini ingin melihat apakah terdapat korelasi antara skor gejala depresi dan skor kognitif global dengan memeriksa 42 ODD menggunakan Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale MADRS untuk menilai skor gejala depresi dan Mini Mental State Examination MMSE untuk menilai skor kognitif global. Pada penelitian ini ODD yang digunakan sebagai subjek penelitian dibatasi, yaitu hanya ODD dengan rentang skor MMSE 17-23 gangguan kognitif ringan dan MADRS.
T is estimated that 30 50 of people with dementia PWD suffer from significant depression. This fact marks that in most PWD, depression occurs at the same time with cognitive decline. Several researches explain that this happens because PWD cannot run their daily activities independently and forgot many essential things, such as family. It is also known that depression occurs more in highly educated people. Therefore, this research is made with the intention to find the correlation between the depression score and global cognitive score in 42 PWD using Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale MADRS to assess the symptoms of depression and Mini Mental State Examination MMSE to assess te global cognitive score. PWD that are included in this research restricted only they who had MMSE score between 17 and 23 mild cognitive impairment , and MADRS score below 34 no depression, mild depression, and moderate depression . Of 42 subjects, depression occurred in 41 97,6 of 42 subjects and the global cognitive score mean is 19,53. Depression score has a strong correlation with global cognitive score r 0,647, p"