Hearing loss is the fourth leading cause of disability worldwide. The World Health Organization reports that 16% of hearing loss in adults results from exposure to noise in the workplace. The main objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of hearing loss, description, and relationship of risk faktors associated with hearing loss among PT XYZ factory and warehouse workers. This study adopted a cross-sectional design with a population of 421 employees, who were collected through questionnaires, observation and audiometric tests. The results showed that the prevalence of hearing loss at PT XYZ in the factory and warehouse area was 29 workers (6.9%) out of a total of 421 respondents. An overview of work faktors, namely 25.4% of respondents with working time > 8 hours, 62% of respondents had a working period of ≥ 10 years, 47.0% of respondents exposed to noise exceeded the NAV exposure dose > 100%, 17.3% of respondents exposed to noise > 8 hours in PT XYZ. A description of other faktors, namely 39.7% of respondents aged ≥ 40 years, 64.4% of respondents smoked, 25.4% of respondents diagnosed with hypertension, 5.5% of respondents had diabetes, 76.2% of respondents had hypercholesterolemia, 1.9% of respondents included in the category of use of earphones is not good, 38.5% of respondents fall into the category of compliance with the use of APT is not good. The conclusion is that age, years of service, and compliance with ear protection devices contribute significantly to hearing loss among PT XYZ workers. Recommendations for routine audiology testing, job rotation from high noise areas, noise control measures, health programs targeting lifestyle faktors such as smoking and high cholesterol and increasing PPE compliance. Future researchers are expected to hide prior noise exposure, use of ototoxic drugs, and residential noise and vibration levels to better uncover risk faktors for NIHL.