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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Kohnke, Mary
ST.Louis: The C.V.Mosby Company, 1982
362.104 25 KOH a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johnson, Julie K.
"This compendium of case studies on patient safety - told from the perspective of the patient and family - illustrates 24 stories of preventable health care errors that led to irreparable patient harm. The reader is guided through a structured analysis of the events, eliciting lessons learned and strategies for preventing similar events in the future. Learning objectives for each case facilitate the reader's development of a set of core competencies related to improving safety and quality of health care.
Burlington, MA : Jones and Bartlett Publishers , 2016
610.289 JON c
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Buchbinder, Sharon B.
From the authors of the bestselling Introduction to Health Care Management comes this compendium of 101 case studies that illustrate the challenges related to managing healthcare services. Segmented by topic and setting, these cases span the full spectrum of issues that can arise in a variety of healthcare settings. With a writing style that is lively and engaging, undergraduates in healthcare management, nursing, public administration, public health, gerontology, and allied health programs will find themselves absorbed in stories that bring to life the common issues encountered by healthcare managers every day. In addition, students in graduate programs will find the theory-based materials and the examples of real-world scenarios to be thought provoking. -- from back cover"
Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2014
362.1 BUC i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Dalam era globalisasi persaingan bisnis menjadi sangat tajam, termasuk bisnis dalam bidang perumahsakitan. Dalam kondisi persaingan yang ketat, rumah sakit dituntut untuk bisa memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu dan memuaskan pasien sebagai pelanggan rumah sakit Pelayanan keperawatan sebagai bagian integral dari pelayanan rumah sakit mempunyai peranan yang panting dalam menentukan pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit. Untuk itu agar citra pelayanan keperawatan di suatu rumah sakit itu baik maka kualitas pelayanan keperawatan harus memberikan kepuasan terhadap pasien, keluarga, dan masyarakat sebagai pelanggan rumah sakit.
Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas, penelitian bertujuan ingin mengetahui mengenai gambaran kepuasan pasien rawat inap terhadap pelayanan keperawatan pada Badan Rumah Sakit Umum "45 " Kuningan meliputi karakteristik pasien dan kelas perawatan serta faktor pelayanan keperawatan. Sebagai landasan teoritis mengenai faktor pelayanan keperawatan adalah menurut Krowinski dan Steiber S, 1996 yang meliputi : keterampilan perawat, komunikasi perawat, kepedulian perawat, ketanggapan perawat terhadap masalah pasien dan respon perawat terhadap panggilan pasien. Pengukuran kepuasan dilakukan terhadap 225 responden di ruang rawat inap dengan pengisian kuesioner. Data yang di gunakan adalah data primer dengan analisa univariat dan bivariat.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan proporsi responden yang puas terhadap pelayanan keperawatan sebesar 85,3% sedangkan yang tidak puas sebesar 14,7%. Analisa bivariat dengan menggunakan analisa Chi- square ternyata menunjukan bahwa karakteristik pasien seperti umur, pendidikan, dan kelas perawatan mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan kepuasan umum atas pelayanan keperawatan. Janis kelamin dan pekerjaan tidak mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan kepuasan umum atas pelayanan keperawatan.
Faktor pelayanan keperawatan seluruhanya mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan kepuasan umum atas pelayanan keperawatan. Tetapi yang harus menjadi perhatian bagi manajer keperawatan adalah faktor pelayanan keperawatan seperti keterampilan, komunikasi perawat dan kepedulian perawat ternyata persepsi pasien masih lebih banyak yang menyatakan tidak baik dari pada yang menyatakan baik.
Disarankan kepada pihak Badan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah "45" Kuningan untuk melaksanakan penyegaran dan pelatihan mengenai teknis dasar keperawatan bekerja sama dengan Komite Keperawatan, menyelenggarakan pelatihan dengan materi teknik berkomunikasi dan strategi dalam kepuasan pasien. Untuk menjaga kamar mandi dan WC diperlukan koordinasi antara Instalasi Rawat Inap dengan Instalasi Kesehatan Lingkungan Rumah sakit, dalam menjaga kerapihan tempat tidur selimut serta sprei diperlukan rutinitas membersihkan tempat tidur minimal 2 kali sehari.

In globalization era, business competition is getting tight including in hospitalization business. In such circumstance, hospital must give a quality heath service and satisfy the patient as hospital customer. Nursing care as an integral part of hospital service has an important role in determining the service in hospital. For that reason, in order to have a good image of nursing care in hospital, quality of nursing care has to satisfy the patient, family, and community.
According to the mentioned above, the study was conducted to assess the description of patient satisfaction toward nursing care in In-patient Ward at Badan Rumah Sakit Umum "45" Kuningan. Some variables that studied were consisted of the characteristics of respondent, class of nursing room, and nursing care factors as well. Nursing care factors in this study was adopted from Krowinski and Steiber (1996) that consisted of nursing skill, communication, caring, and responsiveness to the patient's need. The study used 225 respondents in the in-patient ward as sample and measured their satisfaction by using questionnaire. This study used primary and secondary data and then was analyzed as univariate and bivariate.
The study resulted that proportion of respondent who satisfied on nursing care was 85.3% and the rest (14.7%) did not satisfy. Bivariate analysis using chi square test showed that characteristics of respondents such as age, education, and class of nursing room had significant relationship with general satisfaction of nursing care. Nevertheless, sex and occupation had no significant relationship with the satisfaction of nursing care.
All of nursing care factors showed significant relationship with general satisfaction of nursing care. However, nursing care factors that have to be noticed for the nursing manager in that hospital are nurse's skill, communication, and caring. It was caused the majority of respondents gave no good perception on those matters.
It is recommended to Badan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah "45" Kuningan to conduct refreshment and training about basic technique of nursing cooperating with Nursing Committee and training of communication technique and strategy on increasing the patient satisfaction. In addition, coordination is needed between In-patient Unit and Hospital Health Environmental Unit to keep the patient's bathrooms clean. Also it is needed a routine cleaning at least twice a day to keep bed, blanket, and sheet tidy.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sebayang, Angkasa
"Sejak tahun 1986 sampai dengan tahun 1989, pemakaian tempat tidur rata - rata ( BOR ) yang tertinggi di RSU UKI adalah 55.21 % ( 1989 ), hal ini dianggap kurang.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi kepuasan pasien atas pelayanan perawat, dokter, fasilitas medis, lingkungan dan biaya di RSU UKI agar selanjutnya dapat dipertimbangkan untuk dipakai dalam rencana peningkatan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan di RSU UKI yang sekaligus dapat meningkatkan pemakaian tempat tidur rata - rata ( BOR ).
Penelitian ini bersifat survei dengan pendekatan cross sectional dari data primer yang didapat melalui kuesioner dan wawancara terhadap pasien - pasien yang diperbolehkan pulang oleh dokter pada minggu pertama dan ketiga bulan Maret 1990. Teknik analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah analisis prosentase, Chi Square dan analisis regresi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelayanan perawat, dokter, lingkungan dan biaya rawat mondok mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna terhadap kepuasan pasien, sedangkan fasilitas medis terhadap kepuasan pasien menunjukkan hubungan yang tidak bermakna. Dari analisis regresi berganda, yang paling besar pengaruhnya adalah faktor lingkungan ruang rawat mondok.
Berdasarkan informasi yang didapat, maka saran - saran yang dikemukakan adalah meningkatkan keadaan lingkungan ruangan rawat mondok serta meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan perawat dan dokter dalam melayani pasien yang dirawat mondok agar lebih memuaskan pasien."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kostermans, Deskian
Latar Belakang: Diare akut adalah masalah umum di negara berkembang seperti
Indonesia; penyakit ini banyak ditemukan dalam praktek sehari-hari dengan angka
morbiditas dan mortalitas yang cukup tinggi. Pada beberapa Rumah Sakit di
Jakarta ditemukan bahwa pasien diare akut dewasa mengalami defisiensi kadar
seng sebesar 69.3%.
Pemberian seng sudah terbukti bermanfaat untuk pengobatan diare akut pada
Tujuan: Mengetahui dampak suplementasi seng sebagai terapi alternatif /
adjuvant untuk pengobatan diare akut pada pasien dewasa, dengan
membandingkan lama berlangsung dan berat-ringan gejala pada kelompok pasien
yang diberikan dan yang tidak diberikan suplementasi seng.
Metode: Double blind randomized controlled trial dilakukan pada penelitian ini
untuk mengetahui efek suplementasi seng terhadap durasi dan gejala
gastrointestinal pada pasien diare akut rawat inap di RS Pusat Pertamina di Jakarta
selama periode Januari-Desember 2013. Analisis data dilakukan dengan
menggunakan uji chi-square (x2) untuk perbandingan durasi diare dan uji general
linear model (GLM) untuk menilai tren perubahan gejala penyerta diare.
Hasil: Analisis data dari 84 pasien yang dikelola: 30 pasien pria [seng 19,
plasebo 11] dan 54 pasien wanita [seng 23, plasebo 31] ~ (p 0.111)
memperlihatkan pemberian suplementasi seng bermakna mengurangi durasi diare
akut (p 0.027) dan bermakna mengurangi gejala mual (p 0.032). Selain itu ada
tren perbaikan pada sebagian gejala penyerta diare akut, seperti sakit perut,
frekuensi b.a.b., konsistensi feses, gejala muntah, kembung, dan gangguan
aktivitas sehari-hari.
Simpulan: Pemberian suplementasi seng bermakna membuat durasi diare akut
lebih singkat dan bermakna mengurangi gejala mual, serta perbaikan pada
sebagian gejala gastrointestinal.

Background: Acute diarrhea is a common problem in developing countries such
as Indonesia; which is found in everyday practice with quite high morbidity and
mortality rate. It was revealed in adult acute diarrhea patients in several hospitals
in Jakarta the levels of zinc deficiency was 69.3%. Zinc has been proven to be
beneficial in the treatment of acute diarrhea in pediatric patients.
Objective: To discover the effectiveness of zinc supplementation as an adjuvant
therapy in acute diarrhea for adult patients by comparing the duration and the
severity of signs and symptoms of acute diarrhea between the zinc and placebo
Methods: A double blind randomized controlled trial is done to find out about
the effect of zinc supplementation to the duration, signs and symptoms on acute
diarrheal in hospitalized adults patients in Pertamina Central Hospital in Jakarta
from January-December 2013. The data is analyzed using chi-square test (x2) for
comparing the duration of diarrhea and general linear model (GLM) to assess
trend changes accompanying symptoms of diarrhea.
Results: Analysis of the data from 84 patients: 30 males [19 zinc, 11 placebo]
and 54 females [23 zinc, 31 placebo] ~ (p 0.111) obtained zinc supplementation
significantly reduced the duration of acute diarrhea (p 0.027) and significantly
reduce the symptoms of nausea (p 0.032). In addition there is trend of
improvement in some acute diarrhea associated symptoms, such as abdominal
pain, frequency of diarrhea, stool consistency, vomiting, bloating, and disruption
of daily activities.
Conclusion: Zinc supplementation significantly reduce the duration of diarrhea,
significantly reduce the symptoms of nausea; besides, improving some symptoms
accompanying acute diarrhea.;Background: Acute diarrhea is a common problem in developing countries such
as Indonesia; which is found in everyday practice with quite high morbidity and
mortality rate. It was revealed in adult acute diarrhea patients in several hospitals
in Jakarta the levels of zinc deficiency was 69.3%. Zinc has been proven to be
beneficial in the treatment of acute diarrhea in pediatric patients.
Objective: To discover the effectiveness of zinc supplementation as an adjuvant
therapy in acute diarrhea for adult patients by comparing the duration and the
severity of signs and symptoms of acute diarrhea between the zinc and placebo
Methods: A double blind randomized controlled trial is done to find out about
the effect of zinc supplementation to the duration, signs and symptoms on acute
diarrheal in hospitalized adults patients in Pertamina Central Hospital in Jakarta
from January-December 2013. The data is analyzed using chi-square test (x2) for
comparing the duration of diarrhea and general linear model (GLM) to assess
trend changes accompanying symptoms of diarrhea.
Results: Analysis of the data from 84 patients: 30 males [19 zinc, 11 placebo]
and 54 females [23 zinc, 31 placebo] ~ (p 0.111) obtained zinc supplementation
significantly reduced the duration of acute diarrhea (p 0.027) and significantly
reduce the symptoms of nausea (p 0.032). In addition there is trend of
improvement in some acute diarrhea associated symptoms, such as abdominal
pain, frequency of diarrhea, stool consistency, vomiting, bloating, and disruption
of daily activities.
Conclusion: Zinc supplementation significantly reduce the duration of diarrhea,
significantly reduce the symptoms of nausea; besides, improving some symptoms
accompanying acute diarrhea., Background: Acute diarrhea is a common problem in developing countries such
as Indonesia; which is found in everyday practice with quite high morbidity and
mortality rate. It was revealed in adult acute diarrhea patients in several hospitals
in Jakarta the levels of zinc deficiency was 69.3%. Zinc has been proven to be
beneficial in the treatment of acute diarrhea in pediatric patients.
Objective: To discover the effectiveness of zinc supplementation as an adjuvant
therapy in acute diarrhea for adult patients by comparing the duration and the
severity of signs and symptoms of acute diarrhea between the zinc and placebo
Methods: A double blind randomized controlled trial is done to find out about
the effect of zinc supplementation to the duration, signs and symptoms on acute
diarrheal in hospitalized adults patients in Pertamina Central Hospital in Jakarta
from January-December 2013. The data is analyzed using chi-square test (x2) for
comparing the duration of diarrhea and general linear model (GLM) to assess
trend changes accompanying symptoms of diarrhea.
Results: Analysis of the data from 84 patients: 30 males [19 zinc, 11 placebo]
and 54 females [23 zinc, 31 placebo] ~ (p 0.111) obtained zinc supplementation
significantly reduced the duration of acute diarrhea (p 0.027) and significantly
reduce the symptoms of nausea (p 0.032). In addition there is trend of
improvement in some acute diarrhea associated symptoms, such as abdominal
pain, frequency of diarrhea, stool consistency, vomiting, bloating, and disruption
of daily activities.
Conclusion: Zinc supplementation significantly reduce the duration of diarrhea,
significantly reduce the symptoms of nausea; besides, improving some symptoms
accompanying acute diarrhea.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evi Rachmawati
"Tesis ini membahas hubungan gambaran karakteristik dan kepuasan pasien dengan minat beli ulang pasien di instalasi rawat jalan Rumah Sakit Puspa Husada Bekasi tahun 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari kuesioner yang diisi sendiri atau diwakilkan kepada wali pasien bagi pasien anak. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh pasien yang menjalani rawat jalan atau pendampingnya yang memahami kondisi pasien di RSIA Puspa Husada dengan besar sampel sebanyak 98 responden.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa minat beli ulang di instalasi rawat jalan Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Puspa Husada Bekasi masih rendah. Mayoritas pasien rawat jalan rumah sakit ini adalah perempuan, berumur dibawah 30 tahun, pendidikan setingkat SMA atau dibawahnya, pekerjaan sebagai swasta, memiliki pendapatan dibawah UMR setempat, tinggal dekat dengan rumah sakit dan melakukan pembayaran dengan biaya sendiri. Pasien di instalasi rawat jalan Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Puspa Husada Bekasi yang tidak puas sebesar 58,2%. Kepuasan tertinggi terdapat pada dimensi empathy dan kepuasan terrendah terdapat pada dimensi reliability.
Terdapat dua karakteristik yang berpengaruh terhadap proporsi minat beli ulang, yaitu karakteristik jarak dan pendapatan. Dan pada dimensi ServQual, perbedaan proporsi minat beli ulang hanya pada dimensi assurance. Minat beli ulang ditentukan oleh kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan dan berdasarkan hasil penelitian, peneliti menyarankan agar Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Puspa Husada memperbaiki kualitas pelayanan terutama pada dimensi reliability, assurance dan responsiveness.
This thesis studies the relation of patient characteristic and satisfaction with re-use interest of patient in outpatient installation of Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi. This research used Quantitive approach and applied the Primer Data that was taken from the self-administered questionnare or represented by patient's guardian. The population of the research was all patient visited the Outpatient Installation at Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi. There were 98 respondent involved in this research.
The result shows that most of all re-use interest outpatient at Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi is low. The majority characteristic of patient are woman, age under 30, high school education or under, income under UMR, living nearby hospital and using self payment. 58,2% patient of outpatient installation of Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi was not satisfied with hospital service. The highest satisfacction found in empathy dimension and the lowest satisfaction found in reliability dimension.
There are two characteristics (distance and income) influenced the proportion of re-use interest and one dimension of ServQual Method, which is assurance, influenced the proportion of re-use interest patient of outpatient instalattion Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi. The re-use interest patient of Outpatient Installation Puspa Husada Bekasi was depend on quality service that given to patient. And based on the research, researcher suggest Puspa Husada Hospital Bekasi to increase quality of health care service especially for dimension reliability, assurance and responsiveness."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library