ABSTRAKBerbagai studi tentang Keselamatan Pasien (KP) menyatakan bahwa untuk memperbaiki upaya-upaya KP di RS perlu diketahui kondisi budaya/iklim KP di RS tersebut pada tahap awal, sebagai salah satu alat untuk memprediksi perhatian RS terhadap KP. Untuk itu, studi ini bertujuan mengembangkan model pengukuran Iklim KP (Patient Safety Climate) di RS Muhammadiyah-?Aisyiyah (RSMA) dengan nilai psikometrik yang baik. Disain studi ini adalah cross sectional, dan analisis model pengukuran dan struktural menggunakan Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) dan Structural Equation Model (SEM) 2nd level, dengan program LISREL 8.50. Kuesioner disebarkan secara proporsional di 5 RSMA di lima provinsi di P. Jawa, selama bulan Januari-Juni 2011, dengan tingkat respon:1198 (79.8%), dan total kuesioner yang bersih (no-missing data): 936 (62.40%). Wawancara mendalam dilakukan dengan Direksi RSMA untuk konfirmasi hasil penelitian. Model pengukuran menghasilkan 3 variabel laten eksogen yang saling berhubungan yaitu Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Kesadaran Individual, dan Kerjasama Tim. Ketiganya berpengaruh langsung secara bermakna terhadap variabel laten endogen Iklim KP (α=0.05). Model pengukuran terbukti valid (t>1,96 SLF>0,70); reliabel (CR > 0.70, dan VE > 0.50), serta close fit (RMSEA= 0.047 < 0.08). Penelitian menunjukkan model pengukuran mempunyai nilai psikometrik yang baik dan dapat menggambarkan kondisi iklim KP RSMA. Kepemimpinan transformasional terbukti berpengaruh langsung terbesar (SLF=0,56) terhadap iklim KP. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar model yang diperoleh dapat digunakan di seluruh RSMA atau RS sejenisnya dan dapat menjadi salah satu dasar pengembangan model untuk jenis RS lainnya (pemerintah atau swasta lainnya).
ABSTRACTThe recent studies of patient safety have witnessed a growing concern over the issues of patient safety culture/climate as the first step to improve patient safety efforts, and also becoming an assessment tool in predicting hospital commitment to patient safety. This study is aimed to develop a measurement model of patient safety climate in RS Muhammadiyah-?Aisyiyah (RSMA) with good psychometric scores. The study is using cross sectional design. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Models (SEM) 2nd level with LISREL 8.50 version are carried out to analyse the measurement and structural model. The questionnaire distributed proportionally to all employees in the 5 RS Muhammadiyah-?Aisyiyah from five provinces in Java, during the months of January-June, 2011. The response rate is 1198 (79.8%) with the total number of no-missing data is 936 (62.40%). In-depth interviews with Directors of RSMA were also conducted to confirm the results. The measurement model consist of 3 latent exogen variables: Transformational Leadership; Individually Consciousness, Teamwork, which are significantly related each other and have significant impact to Patient Safety Climate. It is valid and reliable (α=0.05: t>1,96, SLF>0,70; CR=0.90>0.70, and VE>0.50), and also a close fit model (RMSEA = 0.047 <0,08). This research shows that the measurement model has good psychometric scores and describes well the patient safety climate condition in each RSMA. It is also proved that Transformational Leadership had a greater positive impact (SLF=0,56) directly to the Patient Safety Climate than other variables. This research recommends the developed model to be implemented in all RSMA hospitals and could be used as a reference to develop similar model for other kind of hospital (government or other private hospital)"