"Proporsi kematian neonatal meningkat dari 40% menjadi 47% di antara kematian Balita. Program Resusitasi Neonatus (PRN) yang terstandar diyakini akan dapat menurunkan kematian neonatal sampai 30%. Pasca pelatihan modul resusitasi neonatus supaya di akhir studi PPDS anak kompeten melakukan resusitasi neonatus. Upaya refreshing dibutuhkan untuk mempertahankan retensi keterampilan resusitasi
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kompetensi prosedur resusitasi neonatus dan upaya penyegaran untuk memperbaiki performa resusitasi neonatus PPDS anak.
Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Quasi experimental. Kelompok intervensi yang mendapatkan penyegaran dengan mengakses video resusitasi neonatus secara aktif pada modul pembelajaran daring.
Hasil ada 35 PPDS dalam 2 tahun pendidikan, dianalisis pada penelitian ini, 18 kelompok intervensi 17 kelompok kontrol. Hasil penilaian pada base line didapati 16(45,7%) dari 35 PPDS tidak memenuhi standar kelulusan prosedur keterampilan resusitasi neonatus. Penilaian pasca perlakuan didapatkan performa resusitasi kelompok intervensi lebih baik dengan nilai rerata 80 ± 11 sedang pada kelompok kontrol dengan nilai rerata 58 ± 18, berbeda bermakna dengan nilai kemaknaan p < 0,001.
Kesimpulan stimulasi secara audiovisual dangan video pembelajaran resusitasi neonatus secara bermakna memperbaiki performa resusitasi PPDS saat dievaluasi dengan megacode.
The proportion of neonatal deaths increased from 40% to 47% among neonatal deaths. The standardized Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) is believed to reduce neonatal mortality by up to 30%. After the module training, monitoring of skill retention is important to maintain the resuscitation performance of pediatric residents, and refreshing efforts are needed.This study aimed to determine the competence of neonatal resuscitation procedures and refresher efforts to improve the resuscitation performance of pediatric residents.The research design used was Quasi-experimental design. The intervention group received a refresher by actively accessing neonatal resuscitation videos in the online learning module.The results were 35 pediatric residents in 2 years of education, analyzed in this study, divided into 18 intervention groups and 17 control groups. The baseline assessment found that 16 (45.7%) of 35 residents did not meet the graduation standards for neonatal resuscitation skills procedures. Post-intervention showed that the resuscitation performance of the intervention group was better with a mean value of 80 ± 11, while the control group had 58 ± 18, which with a significance value of p <0.001.Conclusion: Audiovisual stimulation with neonatal resuscitation learning videos significantly improves the resuscitation performance of pediatric residents when evaluated by megacode."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020