"Literasi digital dan sikap terhadap teknologi merupakan faktor penting dalam adaptasi profesional di era digital. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara sikap terhadap teknologi dan literasi digital pada kelompok pekerja dewasa awal di Jabodetabek, Indonesia. Dimensi sikap terhadap teknologi meliputi, Positive Attitudes Toward Technology, Anxiety About Being Without Technology or Dependence on Technology, Negative Attitudes Toward Technology, dan Preference for Task Switching, yang diukur menggunakan Media and Technology Usage and Attitudes Scale (MTUAS). Sedangkan, literasi digital diukur menggunakan Digital Literacy Model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan korelasi positif yang signifikan antara Positive Attitudes Toward Technology dan literasi digital (r = 0.493, p < 0.01), sementara dimensi lainnya tidak menunjukkan korelasi signifikan: Anxiety About Being Without Technology or Dependence on Technology (r = 0.076, p > 0.05), Negative Attitudes Toward Technology (r = -0.092, p > 0.05), dan Preference for Task Switching (r = -0.132, p > 0.05). Implikasi penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sikap positif terhadap teknologi berperan penting dalam meningkatkan literasi digital pekerja dewasa awal. Limitasi penelitian termasuk keterbatasan representasi demografis dan adaptasi alat ukur yang mungkin mempengaruhi reliabilitas hasil. Penelitian selanjutnya disarankan untuk memperluas sampel dan memperbaiki adaptasi alat ukur untuk hasil yang lebih akurat.
......Digital literacy and attitudes toward technology are crucial factors in professional adaptation in the digital era. This study aims to analyze the relationship between attitudes toward technology and digital literacy among early adulthood workers in Jabodetabek, Indonesia. Dimensions of attitudes toward technology include Positive Attitudes Toward Technology, Anxiety About Being Without Technology or Dependence on Technology, Negative Attitudes Toward Technology, and Preference for Task Switching, measured using the Media and Technology Usage and Attitudes Scale (MTUAS). Digital literacy is measured using the Digital Literacy Model. The results show a significant positive correlation between Positive Attitudes Toward Technology and digital literacy (r = 0.493, p < 0.01), while other dimensions do not show significant correlations: Anxiety About Being Without Technology or Dependence on Technology (r = 0.076, p > 0.05), Negative Attitudes Toward Technology (r = -0.092, p > 0.05), and Preference for Task Switching (r = -0.132, p > 0.05). The implications indicate that a positive attitude toward technology enhances digital literacy among early adulthood workers. Limitations include demographic representation constraints and measurement tool adaptations affecting reliability. Future research should expand the sample and improve measurement tool adaptations for more accurate results."