Atie Umnia Najikh
Abstrak :
Prevalensi Diabetes melitus meningkat pesat dalam satu decade terakhir, pekerja kebersihan menjadi salah satu agregat yang berisiko diabetes melitus karena kondisi pekerjaan, kehidupan, sosial ekonomi, dan gaya hidup. penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan faktor determinan kesehatan pekerja kebersihan dengan risiko diabetes melitus. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif non eksperimental cross sectional melalui pendekatan deskriptif korelatif dengan sampel sebanyak 291 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan responden Rata-rata berusia 33 tahun (95% CI), laki-laki (76.6%), suku Betawi (49.5%), menikah (72.5%), lulus SMA ( 95%), ≥UMR (100%), memiliki rumah sendiri ( 50.9 %) dan tidak memiliki pekerjaan sampingan (94%), memiliki kebiasaan merokok ( 55%), dan tidak mengonsumsi alkohol ( 98.3 %). lama kerja 7 tahun (95% CI) , waktu jam kerja 11 jam (95% Cl), tingkat stres sedang, dan dukungan sosial baik. Rata-rata aktivitas fisik 3840 METs/minggu (95%CI), pola diet baik, lama waktu tidur 7 jam (95%CI), risiko diabetes melitus sangat rendah (3) (95% CI). Terdapat hubungan usia (p=0.003), jenis kelamin (p=0.000), dan kebiasaan merokok (p=0.000) dengan risiko diabetes melitus pada pekerja kebersihan. Pekerja kebersihan hendaknya mempertahankan dan meningkatkan pola hidup sehat untuk mencegah risiko diabetes melitus.
......The prevalence of diabetes mellitus has increased rapidly in the past decade. Sanitation workers are considered a high-risk group for diabetes mellitus due to their occupational conditions, lifestyle, socioeconomic factors, and living conditions. This study aims to investigate the relationship between determinants of health among sanitation workers and the risk of diabetes mellitus. A cross-sectional method was employed, with a sample size of 291 individuals. The research findings indicate that the average age of respondents was 33 years (95% CI), predominantly male (76.6%), of Betawi ethnicity (49.5%), married (72.5%), high school graduates (95%), earning at least the minimum wage (100%), owning their own homes (50.9%), having no secondary jobs (94%), being smokers (55%), and abstaining from alcohol consumption (98.3%). The average duration of work was 7 years (95% CI), with an average working time of 11 hours (95% CI). Moderate levels of stress and good social support were reported. The average physical activity level was 3840 METs/week (95% CI), with a healthy dietary pattern and 7 hours of sleep per night (95% CI). The risk of diabetes mellitus was found to be very low (3) (95% CI). There was a significant association between age (p=0.003), gender (p=0.000), smoking habits (p=0.000), and the risk of diabetes mellitus among sanitation workers. It is recommended that sanitation workers maintain and improve their healthy lifestyle practices to prevent the risk of diabetes mellitus.
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library