"Pekerja sosial rentan mengalami kelelahan dalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya, di mana salah satunya mencakup kelelahan empati. Apabila tidak ditangani dengan efektif, kelelahan empati dapat menyebabkan berbagai dampak negatif. Pekerja sosial yang merasakan kelelahan empati mengalami penurunan kinerja profesional hingga pengurangan kemampuan berempati secara fundamental. Penelitian ini mempelajari strategi resiliensi untuk mengatasi kelelahan empati pada pekerja sosial, terutama pekerja sosial di bidang perlindungan dan kesejahteraan anak, melalui tinjauan literatur dengan jenis tinjauan kritis. Temuan pada penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa strategi peningkatan resiliensi yang dapat dilakukan pekerja sosial dan lembaga pekerjaan sosial mencakup empat prinsip, yaitu lingkungan kerja yang sehat, perawatan diri, mekanisme koping stres, serta pelatihan dan persiapan kerja. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa dukungan sosial dari supervisor maupun rekan kerja merupakan faktor penting yang mempengaruhi tingkat kelelahan empati, di mana dapat menjadi buffer atau penghalang tumbuhnya kelelahan empati.
......Social workers are vulnerable in experiencing exhaustion while carrying out their work, which includes compassionfatigue. If not effectively addressed, compassion fatigue can lead to various negative impacts that may factor to a decline in professional performance and a reduction in fundamental empathetic abilities. This research examines resilience strategies to overcome compassion fatigue among social workers, particularly in the field of child protection and child welfare. This research is conducted through a literature review using a critical review approach with secondary data sources. The objective of this study is to describe the conditions and factors that lead to compassion fatigue and resilience strategies that can be implemented by social workers, especially in the field of child protection and welfare. The findings of this research demonstrate that resilience-enhancing strategies that can be undertaken by social workers and social work organizations encompass four principles: a healthy work environment, self-care, stress coping mechanisms, and training and preparedness. Additionally, this study found that social support from supervisors and colleagues is an important factor influencing the level of compassion fatigue, as it can serve as a buffer or barrier against the development of compassionfatigue. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023