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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Amalia Nurma Dewi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan kegiatan promosi di
Perpustakaan Umum Kabupaten Purbalingga, sebagai bagian dari kegiatan
komunikasi perpustakaan kepada masyarakat penggunanya, yang dilakukan
dengan cara memahami tiap tahapan promosi yang dilakukan oleh perpustakaan.
Alasan tahapan tersebut dilakukan, hambatan yang dihadapi dalam setiap tahapan,
hasil yang didapatkan, evaluasi keseluruhan tahapan promosi serta kemampuan
staf perpustakaan dalam menjalankan tiap tahapan promosi. Penelitian ini
dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil
penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada tahap pra promosi Perpustakaan Umum
Kabupaten Purbalingga tidak mengawali kegiatannya dengan memahami
karakteristik masyarakat pengguna, akibatnya pada tahap eksekusi promosi, pesan
dan saluran promosi yang diberikan tidak mampu mengenai masyarakat pengguna
secara efektif. Pada tahap pasca promosi pihak perpustakaan tidak melakukan
evaluasi dan tidak mampu mengembangkan kegiatan promosi. Kemampuan staf
dalam tiap tahapan promosi juga belum memadai, staf cenderung pasif, kurang
komunikatif, dan kurang menghargai masyarakat pengguna, kondisi yang
demikian menyebabkan pelaksanaan kegiatan promosi di Perpustakaan Umum
Purbalingga belum bisa memberikan hasil yang diinginkan.

The aim of this thesis is to understand the promotion made by the Public
Library in Purbalingga; the promotion is divided into three steps: pre promotion,
execution and post promotion. The thesis investigates every step of promotion
concerning their rationale, evaluates the results of each step, also focusing on the
difficulties of staff and their abilities. The thesis uses a case study method
combined with a qualitative approach. The result is that the pre promotion step
does not entail a careful understanding of the library user?s characteristics; the
execution step cannot reach the users effectively through the right channels and
messages. Concerning the post promotion step the library doesn?t evaluate and
develop their promotion activities. The thesis relates these findings to lack of
abilities of the staff in every step of promotion; the staff has poor communication
skills, they are too passive, and, also, they lack a clear understand of who their
(potential) users are. The Public Library in Purbalingga cannot achieve their
expected results.;The aim of this thesis is to understand the promotion made by the Public
Library in Purbalingga; the promotion is divided into three steps: pre promotion,
execution and post promotion. The thesis investigates every step of promotion
concerning their rationale, evaluates the results of each step, also focusing on the
difficulties of staff and their abilities. The thesis uses a case study method
combined with a qualitative approach. The result is that the pre promotion step
does not entail a careful understanding of the library user?s characteristics; the
execution step cannot reach the users effectively through the right channels and
messages. Concerning the post promotion step the library doesn?t evaluate and
develop their promotion activities. The thesis relates these findings to lack of
abilities of the staff in every step of promotion; the staff has poor communication
skills, they are too passive, and, also, they lack a clear understand of who their
(potential) users are. The Public Library in Purbalingga cannot achieve their
expected results., The aim of this thesis is to understand the promotion made by the Public
Library in Purbalingga; the promotion is divided into three steps: pre promotion,
execution and post promotion. The thesis investigates every step of promotion
concerning their rationale, evaluates the results of each step, also focusing on the
difficulties of staff and their abilities. The thesis uses a case study method
combined with a qualitative approach. The result is that the pre promotion step
does not entail a careful understanding of the library user’s characteristics; the
execution step cannot reach the users effectively through the right channels and
messages. Concerning the post promotion step the library doesn’t evaluate and
develop their promotion activities. The thesis relates these findings to lack of
abilities of the staff in every step of promotion; the staff has poor communication
skills, they are too passive, and, also, they lack a clear understand of who their
(potential) users are. The Public Library in Purbalingga cannot achieve their
expected results.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Wulandari
"Pemasaran perpustakaan memegang peranan penting dalam meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung, meningkatkan keterpakaian fasilitas dan koleksi perpustakaan maupun meningkatkan citra perpustakaan dan lembaga induknya. Di era digital natives ini, perpustakaan perlu mengaplikasikan strategi bauran pemasaran seperti yang dilakukan pada pemasaran perusahaan agar pemasaran papustakaan dapat berjalan secara menyeluruh dan bukan hanya sekedar usaha promosi tentunya dengan memperhatikan karateristik yang melekat pada generasi sekarang yang memiliki kebutuhan berbeda terhadap perpustakaan dari generasi sebelumnya baik terhadap koleksi, fasilitas layanan maupun ruangan perpustakaan. Siklus pemasaran perpustakaan dipadukan agar program pemasaran yang dilakukan memiliki perencanaan yang jelas. memastikan program-program kerja perpustakaan berjalan secara berkesinambungan, terarah pada target dan terukur dengan jelas. Dengan demikian tujuan pemasaran perpustakaan dapat tercapai."
Jakarta: Pusat Jasa Perpustakaan dan Informasi, 2017
020 VIS 19:3 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gilang Maulana
"Perpustakaan Jakarta Barat merupakan salah satu perpustakaan umum yang berada di bawah naungan Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi DKI Jakarta (DISPUSIP). Saat berinteraksi dengan pemustaka serta menyebarkan informasi seputar Perpustakaan Jakarta Barat secara online, mereka membentuk akun resmi Instagram yang diberi username @perpusjkt_barat. Penelitian ini menyinggung penggunaan media sosial Instagram sebagai sarana pemasaran layanan di Perpustakaan Jakarta Barat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, yaitu mendeskripksikan layanan-layanan seperti apa yang coba dipasarkan oleh Perpustakaan Jakarta Barat di akun resmi Instagram mereka. Di samping itu, penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi tantangan serta kendala yang dihadapi oleh pustakawan selama mengelola akun resmi Instagram perpustakaan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan, yaitu penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan melalui wawancara dengan pustakawan pengelola akun Instagram dan observasi pola postingan akun @perpusjkt_barat selama 12 bulan terakhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perpustakaan Jakarta Barat lebih banyak memanfaatkan akun Instagram mereka sebagai sarana penyebaran informasi seputar acara dan event. Di samping itu, ditemukan juga bahwa pemanfaatan Instagram di Perpustakaan Jakarta Barat belum terbilang maksimal. Meski dihadapkan pada hambatan seperti kurangnya tenaga ahli profesional, para pustakawan Perpustakaan Jakarta Barat tetap berupaya mengatasi kendala tersebut dengan memanfaatkan kelebihan serta fitur-fitur yang terkandung di Instagram.
The West Jakarta Public Library is one of the public libraries under the Department of Libraries and Archives of DKI Jakarta. In an effort to interact with users and disseminate information about The West Jakarta Public Library on the Internet, they formed an official Instagram account with the username @perpusjkt_barat. This study discusses the use of Instagram social media as a marketing services at The West Jakarta Public Library. The purpose of this research is to describe what kind of services the West Jakarta Library is trying to market on their official Instagram account. In addition, this study also identified the obstacles faced by librarians while managing the library's official Instagram account. The type of research used, namely qualitative research with data collection techniques through interviews with the librarians who have responsibility to managing the Instagram accounts and observing the content of @perpusjkt_barat accounts in the last 12 months. The results showed that West Jakarta Public Library mostly utilized their Instagram account as a tool for disseminating information about their events. In addition, it was also found that the utilization of Instagram in West Jakarta Library has not been fully utilized. Although faced with obstacles such as the lack of professional experts, The librarians still try to overcome these obstacles by utilizing all the features available on Instagram."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library