Saat ini, korporasi memiliki fungsi yang penting dalam memudahkan pemenuhan kepentingan masyarakat. Namun, hal yang patut disayangkan adalah korporasi sering sekali dijadikan sebagai alat yang dimanfaatkan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu untuk menyamarkan dan menyembunyikan asset yang diperoleh dari tindakan kriminal yang terlihat secara fisik bahwa kegiatan terkait merupakan hasil dari kegiatan bisnis yang sah. Oleh sebab itu, implementasi dari transparansi pemilik manfaat merupakan komitmen penting yang harus ditempuh oleh Republik Indonesia dan OJK harus memastikan bahwa kebijakan yang disusun harus memiliki penilaian yang baik di mata beberapa organisasi internasional terkait. Adapun demikian mengenai rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana rekomendasi internasional dapat memaksa suatu negara dalam menerapkan transparansi pemilik manfaat bagi perusahaan dan bagaimana penerapan kerangka hukum transparansi pemilik manfaat di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian yang ditemukan adalah rekomendasi internasional dapat memaksakan negara-negara untuk mewujudkan implementasi atas transparansi pemilik manfaat. Dengan demikian, pemerintah Indonesia disarankan untuk mengatur mekanisme sistem informasi dan pengungkapan informasi demi memudahkan kerja sama dengan pihak-pihak yang bersangkutan.
In recent years, the corporation has an important function in facilitating the compliance of the community interests. Unfortunately, corporations are often used as a tool that is used by certain parties to disguise and hide assets acquired through crimes physically visible that related activities are the result of legal business activities. Therefore, the implementation of transparency of the Beneficial Owner is an important commitment that must be taken by the Republic of Indonesia, and the Indonesia’s financial services authority (OJK) must ensure that the policies which have been prepared must have a good assessment under several relevant international organizations. As for this, the problem of this study is how international recommendations can force a country to implement transparency of Beneficial Ownership for the corporations and how legal framework of transparency of Beneficial Ownership works in Indonesia. The applied research method is a normative and qualitative juridical approach. The results of the research indicated that international recommendations can force countries to realize implementation of transparency of Beneficial Ownership. Thus, Indonesian Government is suggested to regulate the mechanism of information systems and information disclosure to facilitate cooperation with the parties concerned.
Notary is an authorized official to make authentic deeds. One form of deed made by a Notary is the Corporate Establishment Deed. The corporation consists of limited liability companies, foundations, associations, cooperatives, cooperative partnerships, firm partnerships, and other corporate forms. The main goal of people establishing a corporation is to run a business and seek profits. However, with the development of the times, corporations are widely used by certain elements as a means of committing money laundering and terrorism funding. In this case a new term appears called the beneficial owner. The beneficial owner of a corporation has more power than other corporate organs so that it can control the corporation. With the emergence of the term beneficial owner in the corporation this raises questions about the position of the corporation in a company. Many people who set up fake corporations with funds that they have to avoid taxes, commit money laundering crimes, even to commit acts of terrorism. Seeing this, the Government requires every corporation to reveal the identity of the beneficial owner of every corporation in Indonesia. Notary as the party that plays a role in making the Corporation's Deed of Establishment also has the duty to apply the principle of recognizing service users and benefit owners in establishing a corporation. In the column on the website, Notaries have the obligation to fill in the column of benefit owners in a corporation if there are beneficial owners in the corporation. This was done by a Notary by carrying out the process of identification and verification of the Notary service users. In addition, the Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis Center (PPATK) also requires Notaries to register applications for the Gathering Report Information Processing System (GRIPS). This GRIPS application can make it easier for Notaries and Land Deed Officials (PPAT) to report to PPATK about suspicious financial transactions that have the potential to cause money laundering and terrorism funding crimes.