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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Anisa Muslicha
Abstrak :
Penurunan kualitas lingkungan terjadi karena kelalaian, ketidaktahuan dan tiadanya etika serta moral terhadap lingkungan. PLH penting diajarkan pada murid SD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis metode yang digunakan di Sekolah Jepang dan Sekolah Adiwiyata dalam mengajarkan PLH; dan (2) menganalisis metode yang efektif dalam mengajarkan PLH. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan di Sekolah Jepang Jakarta dan Bandung; dan sekolah penerima Adiwiyata di DKI Jakarta yaitu SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02, dan SDN Sungai Bambu 05 serta SDN Sungailiat 05. Responden berjumlah 72 orang guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode yang digunakan oleh guru Sekolah Jepang dan Sekolah Adiwiyata dalam mengajarkan PLH adalah metode ceramah, metode pengalaman langsung dan metode diskusi. Pemilihan metode mempertimbangkan tujuan pembelajaran, situasi dan kesiapan pengajar sendiri. Metode yang efektif digunakan untuk mengajarkan PLH di sekolah dasar Adiwiyata dan sekolah Jepang adalah metode pengalaman langsung, metode diskusi dan metode ceramah.
The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance, lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are (1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02, and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents. The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study, situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential, discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance, lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are (1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02, and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents. The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study, situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential, discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance, lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are (1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02, and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents. The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study, situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential, discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance, lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are (1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02, and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents. The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study, situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential, discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance, lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are (1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02, and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents. The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study, situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential, discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance, lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are (1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02, and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents. The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study, situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential, discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance, lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are (1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02, and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents. The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study, situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential, discussion and lecture methods considered most effective., The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance, lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are (1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02, and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents. The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study, situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential, discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alma Arief
Abstrak :
Pendidikan lingkungan sangat penting bagi para siswa. Hal ini dikarenakan pendidikan tersebut memberikan pengetahuan mengenai lingkungan hidup. Dari pengetahuan yang dimiliki para siswa mengenai masalah lingkungan hidup tersebut akan membentuk sikap serta perilaku mereka terhadap lingkungan hidup dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya. Walaupun demikian, pendidikan lingkungan secara khusus tidak diajarkan dalam kurikulum di tingkat SMA, namun masalah lingkungan telah diajarkan secara tersebar dalam berbagai mata ajaran. Hal ini terlihat dalam Pendidikan Agama, PMP, Bahasa Inggris dan berbagai mata ajaran lainnya. Secara teoritis pendidikan lingkungan telah diperoleh selama 11 tahun yaitu dari Taman Kanak-kanak hingga Sekolah Menengah Tingkat Pertama ini akan mempengaruhi aspek pengetahuan, perasaan dan perilaku mereka. Pada jenjang SMA ini pendidikan lingkungan sudah bersifat mendalam, luas baik secara teoritis maupun praktis Namun demikian dalam menyerap pelajaran di sekolah responden yang terdiri dari siswa SMA 8 dan siswa SMA 38 mengalami perbedaan. Umumnya 62,50 % siswa SMA 8 sangat tahu terhadap masalah lingkungan. Hal ini berbeda dengan siswa SMA 38 yang hanya 31,30 % sangat tahu masalah lingkungan. Rata-rata responden sangat tanggap terhadap lingkungan (61,87 %-). Sedangkan perilaku mereka dalam keterlibatan terhadap masalah lingkungan khususnya kebersihan cukup baik. Respon mereka terhadap masalah lingkungan.seperti melihat tetangga membuang sampah di sembarang tempat mayoritas responden (51,9 % ) hanya mendiamkan (26,3 %). Nampak disini bahwa respon mereka masih sangat kurang untuk menanggapi persoalan diatas. Walaupun demikian kesadaran mereka untuk membayar restribusi sampah, tindakan mereka dalam membantu bencana alam, tindakan untuk tidak mencorat-coret di tembok sudah memiliki tanggapan yang cukup baik. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa sebagaian besar responden memiliki pola perilaku positif terhadap masalah-masalah lingkungan. Mengenai tingkat pemahaman dan sikap mereka terhadap lingkungan tidak terdapat korelasi. Demikian juga tingkat pemahaman terhadap perilaku untuk taraf signifikan 1 % tidak ada korelasi. Namun dalam masalah sikap siswa dengan pola perilakunya dalam menghadapi masalah lingkungan terdapat korelasi.
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitria Nur Annisa
Abstrak :
Sarana pendidikan merupakan perlengkapan sekaligus penopang yang menjadi bagian penting dalam kemajuan dunia pendidikan. Terbatasnya ketersediaan lahan dalam pendirian sekolah di perkotaan, disebabkan oleh pesatnya pembangunan pada berbagai sektor sehingga menyebabkan kondisi lingkungan sekolah yang beragam dan terjadi di SMA Negeri di kota Bogor. Beberapa lokasi SMA Negeri di kota Bogor berada pada lokasi yang kurang sesuai sebagai area yang semestinya dapat memberikan suasana kondusif yang dibutuhkan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran dan berpotensi menimbulkan kebisingan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di 10 lokasi SMA Negeri di kota Bogor dengan variabel penelitian yakni sebaran sekolah, jarak dengan jalan raya dan fasilitas, kepadatan penduduk dan tingkat kepemilikan kendaraan di sekitar lokasi sekolah. Hasil pengukuran tingkat kebisingan di lingkungan sekolah digunakan dalam menganalisis dampak kebisingan tersebut terhadap siswa sekolah, dengan banyaknya responden pada setiap sekolah sebanyak 64 siswa menggunakan teknik kuesioner skala likert yang berisi pengetahuan siswa terhadap kebisingan, gangguan komunikasi, gangguan emosional, dan gangguan konsentrasi, dan hasilnya tingkat kebisingan tertinggi berada pada sekolah di lingkungan pusat kota dan area terbangun, yaitu SMA Negeri 1 kota Bogor, SMA Negeri 3 kota Bogor dan SMA Negeri 9 kota Bogor, adapun siswa yang teridentifikasi mengalami dampak kebisingan tertinggi berupa gangguan komunikasi dan gangguan emosional dirasakan oleh siswa SMA Negeri 1 kota Bogor, dan gangguan konsentrasi tertinggi dirasakan oleh siswa SMA Negeri 5 dan SMA Negeri 9 kota Bogor. ......Educational facilities serve as essential equipment and support that play a crucial role in the advancement of the education sector. Limited land availability for school establishment in urban areas is a result of rapid development across various sectors. This leads to diverse environmental conditions in schools, particularly in State High Schools located in the city of Bogor. Several public high school locations in Bogor are situated in areas that are unsuitable for providing a conducive learning atmosphere due to potential noise disturbances. This study was conducted across 10 public high school locations in Bogor, focusing on variables such as school distribution, proximity to roads and facilities, population density, and surrounding vehicle ownership levels. The study aims to analyze noise levels in school environments and their impact on students. The research involved 64 students from each school, using a Likert scale questionnaire to assess students' awareness of noise, communication disruptions, emotional disturbances, and concentration disorders.The findings reveal that the highest noise levels are observed in schools located in central and densely populated areas, namely SMA Negeri 1 Bogor City, SMA Negeri 3 Bogor City, and SMA Negeri 9 Bogor City. High school students from SMA Negeri 1 Bogor City reported experiencing the highest impact of noise in terms of communication disruptions and emotional disturbances. Additionally, students from SMA Negeri 5 and SMA Negeri 9 Bogor City reported the highest levels of concentration disturbances.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Soerjani
Jakarta: Yayasan Institut Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Lingkungan, 2007
333.7 MOH l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tati Herlia
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini adalah hasil kerja sama Balitbang Kemhan dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh sikap masyarakat terhadap bela negara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan uji statistik Chi-square. Terdapat dua hipotesis yang diuji dalam penelitian ini, yaitu sikap masyarakat mendukung bela negara (Ha) dan sikap masyarakat tidak mendukung bela negara (Ha). Berdasarkan hasil analisis, Sikap masyarakat di lingkungan pendidikan memiliki nilai sign>6 (0,81 7>0, 05) maka H0 diterima; di Iingkungan kerja ( 0, 955 >0, 05) maka Ho diterima; di lingkungan permukiman sign>6 (0, 955 >0, 05) maka Ho diterima. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa sikap masyarakat di lingkungan pendidikan, lingkungan kerja, dan lingkungan permukiman Pemkab Bogor mendukung bela negara.
Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementrian Pertahanan RI , 2017
355 JIPHAN 3:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dzul`afifah Arifin
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas strategi pemasaran sosial yang diterapkan oleh Yayasan DeTara dalam melaksanakan pendidikan lingkungan. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis deskripsi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan strategi yang digunakan oleh Yayasan DeTara dalam memasarkan produk pendidikan lingkungannya adalah melalui strategi dalam pengembangan produk, media promosi, membangun kemitraan dengan stakeholder terkait, mengembangkan personil di internal organisasi, menentukan tempat dan target adopter berdasarkan visi organisasi, menentukan harga Berdasarkan perencanaan biaya operasional kegiatan, dan membuat presentasi produk sebagai pendukung kegiatan dengan bahan ramah lingkungan. Namun demikian, strategi pemasaran sosial dalam kegiatan pendidikan lingkungan oleh Yayasan DeTara digunakan sebagai pendekatan langsung kepada penerima manfaat atau target sasaran, dan juga merupakan digambarkan sebagai pendekatan strategi secara tidak langsung terhadap keberlangsungan lembaga. Yayasan DeTara juga menemukan hambatan. Hambatan tersebut datang dari internal organisasi berupa kekurangan sumberdaya baik manusia maupun materi. Selain itu, Hambatan dari eksternal organisasi juga muncul yaitu adanya konflik kepentingan antar lembaga. Agar pelaksanaan pemasaran sosial yang dilakukan efektif, maka diharapkan Yayasan DeTara dapat lebih merinci bentuk segmentasi target adopter lebih spesifik.
The focus of this research is to describe implementation of social marketing strategy in environmental education by DeTara Foundation.This researsch uses a qualitative approach with descriptive type. The result shows that the strategy impelemented by DeTara Foundation are produk development, media promotions, build a partenership with related stakeholder, perseonnel developement in internal orgaization, focusing target adopter based on vision of organization, determining price of product based on operational budget estimation, provide a material presentation from environmental product. However, through this research, the social marketing stragety on environmental education used as direct approach towards beneficieries target and give indirect impact to sustainability of institution itself. In implementation of social marketing, DeTara Foundation also facing some challenges which came from internal and external organization. In order to make an effective implementation of social marketing, DeTara Foundation suggested to maximilize the fungtion of communication between related stakeholder and arrange a specific target adopter based on organization vision;The focus of this research is to describe implementation of social marketing strategy in environmental education by DeTara Foundation.This researsch uses a qualitative approach with descriptive type. The result shows that the strategy impelemented by DeTara Foundation are produk development, media promotions, build a partenership with related stakeholder, perseonnel developement in internal orgaization, focusing target adopter based on vision of organization, determining price of product based on operational budget estimation, provide a material presentation from environmental product. However, through this research, the social marketing stragety on environmental education used as direct approach towards beneficieries target and give indirect impact to sustainability of institution itself. In implementation of social marketing, DeTara Foundation also facing some challenges which came from internal and external organization. In order to make an effective implementation of social marketing, DeTara Foundation suggested to maximilize the fungtion of communication between related stakeholder and arrange a specific target adopter based on organization vision, The focus of this research is to describe implementation of social marketing strategy in environmental education by DeTara Foundation.This researsch uses a qualitative approach with descriptive type. The result shows that the strategy impelemented by DeTara Foundation are produk development, media promotions, build a partenership with related stakeholder, perseonnel developement in internal orgaization, focusing target adopter based on vision of organization, determining price of product based on operational budget estimation, provide a material presentation from environmental product. However, through this research, the social marketing stragety on environmental education used as direct approach towards beneficieries target and give indirect impact to sustainability of institution itself. In implementation of social marketing, DeTara Foundation also facing some challenges which came from internal and external organization. In order to make an effective implementation of social marketing, DeTara Foundation suggested to maximilize the fungtion of communication between related stakeholder and arrange a specific target adopter based on organization vision]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanna Raisya
Abstrak :
Perilaku ramah lingkungan merupakan faktor yang sangat penting dalam inisiatif pelestarian alam karena proses kerusakan yang terjadi pada lingkungan dilakukan karena ketidak-pedulian manusia. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman mengenai faktor-faktor yang membentuk perilaku ramah. Ada beberapa teori yang menjelaskan perilaku ramah lingkungan, antara lain teori Value-Belief- Norm VBN dan Nature Relatedness NR . Dalam model VBN dijelaskan bahwa perilaku ramah lingkungan merupakan suatu hasil dari proses pembentukan value, yang membentuk belief, yang selanjutnya akan membentuk personal norms, dan pada akhirnya mempengaruhi perilaku ramah lingkungan. Sedangkan NR dianggap sebagai sebuah trait kepribadian yang berperan dalam perilaku ramah lingkungan. Sayangnya sebagian besar penelitian yang mengggunakan VBN dan NR dilakukan dengan partisipan negara-negara Barat. Dalam penelitian ini ingin diketahui apakah model VBN dengan tambahan variabel nature dapat menjelaskan perilaku ramah lingkungan. Selain itu ingin diketahui apakah siswa yang mendapatkan pendidikan khusus melalui kurikulum sekolah alam akan menunjukkan perbedaan pada variabel- VBN maupun NR. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah siswa SMP sekolah alam 219 orang dan siswa SMP sekolah umum 196 orang. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah General Environmental Behavior Kaiser, Oerke, 2007, The Brief Values Scale Stern, 2000, The New Environmental Paradigm: Revised Dunlap, 2007, Awareness of Adverse Consequences, Ascription of Responsibilities dan Personal Norms Han, 2015 , dan The Nature Relatedness Scale Nisbet Zelenski, 2009 . Melalui model perhitungan model SEM diketahui bahwa variabel yang dapat menjelaskan perilaku ramah lingkungan secara signifikan hanyalah nature relatedness r = 0.81 , sementara variabel biospheric values, new environmental paradigm, awareness of adverse consequences, ascription of responsibilities dan personal norms ditemukan tidak mempengaruhi Perilaku Ramah Lingkungan secara signifikan. Dengan menggunakan independent sample t-test, ditemukan tiga variabel yang secara signifikan berbeda diantara kelompok siswa sekolah alam dan umum yaitu: Ascription of Responsibility, Personal Norms, dan Perilaku Ramah Lingkungan. Pada variabel ascription of responsibilities dan personal norms, ditemukan bahwa siswa sekolah umum memiliki skor rata-rata lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan siswa sekolah alam. Sementara pada variabel Perilaku Ramah Lingkungan, siswa di sekolah alam secara signifikan memiliki skor rata-rata yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan siswa sekolah umum. Hasil yang diperoleh akan dibahas lebih lanjut dalam bagian diskusi pada makalah ini.
Pro environmental behavior is a factor that is most important in explaining humans rsquo initiative to conserve nature. Thus, an understanding of how this behavior is adopted is important to know to prevent futher casualties towards the environment. The VBN model gives a thorough explanation that Pro Environmental Behavior which origins from a persons values, to their beliefs and finally their personal norms. This research also includes nature relatedness NR since it is considered more or less as a personality trait that contributes to pro environmental behavior. Unfortunately, most of the researches, which includes the VBN model and the NR variable, can only found in western contexts. Other than that, this research tries to find whether or not there will be any significant differences in the level of both VBN and NR between pupils that go to a general school and nature based schools. Participants in this research are middle school pupils from nature based schools 219 participants and from a general school 196 participants . Through Structural Equation Model, it is found that the only variabel significant to determine Pro Environmental Behavior is Nature Relatedness r 0.81 , thus the modified VBN Model that is proposed in this research cannot be applied. Other variables that do not significantly to predict pro environmental behavior are variables biospheric values, new environmental paradigm, awareness of adverse consequences, ascription of responsibilities and personal norm. Another finding in this research is that through an Independent Sample T Test, pupils from a general school curriculum have a significantly higher score in ascription of responsibilities and personal norms compared to pupils who attend a nature based school curriculum. In addition to that, pupils who attend a nature based school curriculum are proven to have a significantly higher score in Pro Environmental Behavior compared to pupils who attend a normal based school curriculum. Results that were obtained will later be discussed in the discussion section.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maman Rumanta
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan prototipe modul pada bahan ajar mata kuliah Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup, Universitas Terbuka. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik evaluasi formatif, dengan mengembangkan satu prototipe modul bahan ajar berupa modul 2 tentang Manusia, Energi, dan Sumber Daya Alam, sebagai model dalam penulisan modul lainnya. Prototipe modul bahan ajar tersebut diuji coba dan direvisi secara bertahap, mulai dari evaluasi satu-satu dilanjutkan dengan evaluasi kelompok kecil, dan evaluasi lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada evaluasi satu-satu, ditemukan adanya beberapa kekurangan, seperti gambar yang kurang jelas dengan keterangan masih menggunakan bahasa asing, tes formatif yang tidak sesuai dengan materi, serta beberapa istilah yang belum dijelaskan. Hasil evaluasi kelompok kecil menunjukkan materi pada prototipe modul bahan ajar tersebut terlalu banyak, kualitas gambar kurang memadai, dan ada beberapa materi yang perlu diperbaiki. Sedangkan hasil uji lapangan menunjukkan bahwa prototipe modul tersebut sudah cukup baik dan dapat dimengerti responden, namun masih ada saran penggunaan istil ah yang belum jel as. Disimpul kan bahwa setelah melakukan serangkaian evaluasi dan revisi diakhiri dengan uji lapangan, prototipe modul bahan ajar Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup tersebut cukup baik untuk digunakan sebagai bahan ajar pendidikan jarak jauh, dengan beberapa catatan perbai kan khususnya penggunaan istilah.
Depok: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan, 2016
370 JPK 1:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indyrra Chrisyadewi
Abstrak :
Aksesibilitas di lingkungan pendidikan bagi kaum difabel merupakan hal mendesak dikarenakan oleh meningkatnya jumlah kaum difabel dari hari ke hari. Kedisabilitasan mereka memiliki hubungan yang kuat dengan lingkungan fisik. Oleh karena itu, menghilangkan penghalang di lingkungan fisik dengan mengaplikasikan prinsip-prinsip “universal design” sangatlah penting. Tidak hanya kaum difabel yang akan menikmati hal ini, namun semua orang akan merasakan dampak positifnya. Namun, lingkungan pendidikan di Indonesia masih tidak dapat diakses oleh kaum difabel. Ini menjadi alasan utama mengapa kaum difabel tidak dapat mendapatkan pendidikan dan kehidupan yang layak. Fokus dari penulisan ini adalah penyediaan fasilitas penghubung di lingkungan pendidikan bagi kaum difabel. Mobilitas merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi pengguna fasilitas ini. Harvard University menjadi parameter bagi penelitian ini karena Harvard University telah memiliki fasilitas penghubung yang layak bagi mahasiswa, dosen, karyawan, dan bahkan pengunjung di wilayah kampus mereka. Hal ini akan digunakan untuk mengevaluasi penyediaan fasilitas penghubung di Universitas Indonesia, Depok. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, penyediaan fasilitas penghubung di Universitas Indonesia masih belum dapat diakses oleh kaum difabel. Hal ini menghalangi mereka untuk berpindah dengan mudah dan mandiri. Namun, Universitas Indonesia memiliki potensi untuk memiliki lingkungan pendidikan yang dapat diakses oleh kaum difabel dengan mengaplikasikan standar desain dan petunjuk teknis yang telah disusun oleh pemerintah. Perubahan yang kecil dapat memberikan dampak positif yang sangat berarti. Dengan begitu, Universitas Indonesia akan diakui sebagai sebuah intitusi pendidikan yang dapat diakses oleh siapapun, tak terkecuali oleh kaum difabel. ......Accessibility in educational environments for people with different abilities is an urgent matter since the number is increasing day by day. Their disabilities have a strong relation with the physical environment. So, it is important to remove the physical barriers by applying the principles of universal design. It is not only people with different disabilities who will be pleased by this, but also everyone in general. However, the educational environment in Indonesia is still not accessible for people with disabilities. It becomes the main reason why they cannot have a proper education and life. The focus of this writing is about the provision of linkage facilities in the educational environment. It is very important for the mobility of the users. It helps them to move around and travel from one place to another. Harvard University will set the parameters about this research since they have a very good linkage facility for students, faculties, employees, and even visitors in their campus area. It will be used to evaluate the provision of linkage facility in Universitas Indonesia Campus in Depok. Based on the analysis, the linkage facility in Universitas Indonesia Campus is inaccessible for people with different abilities. It restricts them to move around easily and independently. However, it has potential to become accessible by applying the design standards and technical guidelines that has been set by the government. The minor changes in the design will give a big impact about the level of accessibility for each element on linkage facility. Then, an accessible educational environment in Universitas Indonesia can be realized and everyone with diverse abilities can enjoy it.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library