ABSTRAKSistem Informasi sudah dijalankan di Rumah Sakit A. Yani Pekanbaru sejak Mei
2015. Pengembangan sistem informasi farmasi perlu dilakukan karena sistem
informasi saat ini dinilai belum baik oleh manajemen. Masih banyak obat dead
stock, obat kadaluarsa dan obat kosong saat diperlukan. Penelitian ini merupakan
operational research dengan metode kualitatif. Data diambil melalui wawancara,
observasi lapangan maupun telaah dokumen. Dengan metode Framework for
Application of System Techniques (FAST) diketahui sistem informasi farmasi sudah
terintegrasi, konsistensi tampilan bagus, keamanan dan integritas sistem bagus,
sistem informasi mudah dipahami dan dioperasikan oleh pengguna. Kekurangan
sistem informasi saat ini adalah susahnya koneksi ke jaringan terutama saat jam
sibuk, penyajian informasi belum memenuhi semua kebutuhan pengguna,
kurangnya sumber daya Information Technology (IT), belum adanya akses khusus
ke ruangan IT dan server. Disarankan penambahan kekuatan jaringan internet,
peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas tenaga IT, penjagaan keamanan ruangan IT dan
server saat ini, penyediaan ruangan IT dan server dengan akses khusus, sosialisasi
teratur oleh bagian IT ke pengguna sistem dan pengembangan menu sistem
informasi farmasi yang lebih lengkap.
ABSTRACTInformation systems have been run at A. Yani Hospital Pekanbaru since May 2015.
The development of pharmaceutical information systems need to be done because
the current information systems have not been well assessed by management. There
are still a lot of dead stock, expired and empty medication when needed. This study
is an operational research with qualitative methods. Data retrieved through
interviews, observation and study of the document. With the Framework for
Application of System Techniques (FAST) method known that pharmacy
information system had integrated and consisten, had good security and integrity,
easy to operated by the user. Disadvantages of current information systems is lack
of connection especially during peak hours, the presentation of information do not
meet all the needs of users, less of Information Technology (IT) personnel, none of
special access to IT and server rooms. Recommended to increase the power of the
internet network, increasing the quality and quantity of IT personnel, increasing
security of server room at this time, the provision of IT and server rooms with
special access, regular socialization by the IT to the users of the system and
completing the information system menu"