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Sihotang, Rotua
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterlibatan perempuan sebagai
kurir dalam peredaran gelap narkotika serta serta mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor
yang mendorong perempuan terlibat sebagai kurir dalam peredaran gelap
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang mengandalkan analisis data
deskriptif yang diperoleh melalui hasil wawancara yang mendalam dengan 8
(delapan) informan perempuan dari beberapa tempat yaitu : di Lembaga
Pemasyarakatan Klas IIA Wanita Tangerang, Banten, Rumah Tahanan (Rutan)
Klas IIA Wanita Jakarta Timur, Rutan Direktorat Tindak Pidana Narkotika
Bareskrim Polri dan Rutan Badan Narkotika Nasional. Data juga diperoleh
dengan pengamatan dan studi kepustakaan.
Keterlibatan perempuan dalam peredaran gelap narkotika, seperti diketahui
bahwa perempuan memiliki peranan yang tidak dapat diabaikan begitu saja,
karena banyaknya peranan perempuan baik didalam keluarga serta dalam
kehidupan ekonomi, sosial, kebudayaan, pendidikan, politik dan agama.
Kedudukan perempuan sangat strategis didalam keluarga, khususnya dalam
membentuk pribadi-pribadi yang militan, kekuatan seorang perempuan bukan
hanya mengubah hidup keluarganya, melainkan juga mengubah sebuah bangsa
atau bahkan dunia. Namun kenyataan yang terjadi di lapangan, banyak
perempuan yang terlibat dalam peredaran gelap narkotika sebagai kurir.
Perempuan sebagai kurir tidak serta merta terjadi, ada sindikat narkotika yang
mengendalikan perempuan dengan berbagai modus, ada karena ketidaktahuan
mereka, ketergantungan kepada laki-laki yang mempunayi hubungan dengan
perempuan sebagai suami atau pacar, ada juga karena dititipi barang narkotika.
Perempuan terlibat tanpa mengetahui resiko atas tindakannya dan berakhir dalam
hukuman di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan.

This study aimed to describe the involvement of women as couriers in the illicit
trafficking of narcotics as well as well as to identify factors that encourage
women to get involved as a courier in the illicit trafficking of narcotics.
This study used a qualitative method that relies on the analysis of descriptive
data obtained through in-depth interviews with 8 (eight) female informant from
several places, namely: The Women's Penitentiary Institution Class IIA
Tangerang, Banten, House of Detention Class IIA Women East Jakarta; House of
Detention of Crime Narcotics Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police and
the House of Detention of National Narcotics Board. Data were also obtained by
the observation and study of literature.
Women's involvement in the illicit traffic in narcotics, as is well known that
women have a role that can not be ignored, because of the role of women both
within families and in economic life, social, cultural, educational, political and
religious. Strategic position of women within the family, especially in the form of
militant individuals, the power of a woman not only changed the lives of her
family, but also transform a nation or even the world. But the fact is happening
on the ground, many women are involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotics as a
Women as couriers is not necessarily the case, there are narcotics syndicates that
control women with a variety of modes, there because of their ignorance,
dependence on a man who has little relationship with the woman as husband or
boyfriend, there's also because the goods entrusted narcotics. Women involved
without knowing the risks of his actions and ended in penalties in the
Penitentiary;This study aimed to describe the involvement of women as couriers in the illicit
trafficking of narcotics as well as well as to identify factors that encourage
women to get involved as a courier in the illicit trafficking of narcotics.
This study used a qualitative method that relies on the analysis of descriptive
data obtained through in-depth interviews with 8 (eight) female informant from
several places, namely: The Women's Penitentiary Institution Class IIA
Tangerang, Banten, House of Detention Class IIA Women East Jakarta; House of
Detention of Crime Narcotics Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police and
the House of Detention of National Narcotics Board. Data were also obtained by
the observation and study of literature.
Women's involvement in the illicit traffic in narcotics, as is well known that
women have a role that can not be ignored, because of the role of women both
within families and in economic life, social, cultural, educational, political and
religious. Strategic position of women within the family, especially in the form of
militant individuals, the power of a woman not only changed the lives of her
family, but also transform a nation or even the world. But the fact is happening
on the ground, many women are involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotics as a
Women as couriers is not necessarily the case, there are narcotics syndicates that
control women with a variety of modes, there because of their ignorance,
dependence on a man who has little relationship with the woman as husband or
boyfriend, there's also because the goods entrusted narcotics. Women involved
without knowing the risks of his actions and ended in penalties in the
Penitentiary;This study aimed to describe the involvement of women as couriers in the illicit
trafficking of narcotics as well as well as to identify factors that encourage
women to get involved as a courier in the illicit trafficking of narcotics.
This study used a qualitative method that relies on the analysis of descriptive
data obtained through in-depth interviews with 8 (eight) female informant from
several places, namely: The Women's Penitentiary Institution Class IIA
Tangerang, Banten, House of Detention Class IIA Women East Jakarta; House of
Detention of Crime Narcotics Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police and
the House of Detention of National Narcotics Board. Data were also obtained by
the observation and study of literature.
Women's involvement in the illicit traffic in narcotics, as is well known that
women have a role that can not be ignored, because of the role of women both
within families and in economic life, social, cultural, educational, political and
religious. Strategic position of women within the family, especially in the form of
militant individuals, the power of a woman not only changed the lives of her
family, but also transform a nation or even the world. But the fact is happening
on the ground, many women are involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotics as a
Women as couriers is not necessarily the case, there are narcotics syndicates that
control women with a variety of modes, there because of their ignorance,
dependence on a man who has little relationship with the woman as husband or
boyfriend, there's also because the goods entrusted narcotics. Women involved
without knowing the risks of his actions and ended in penalties in the
Penitentiary, This study aimed to describe the involvement of women as couriers in the illicit
trafficking of narcotics as well as well as to identify factors that encourage
women to get involved as a courier in the illicit trafficking of narcotics.
This study used a qualitative method that relies on the analysis of descriptive
data obtained through in-depth interviews with 8 (eight) female informant from
several places, namely: The Women's Penitentiary Institution Class IIA
Tangerang, Banten, House of Detention Class IIA Women East Jakarta; House of
Detention of Crime Narcotics Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police and
the House of Detention of National Narcotics Board. Data were also obtained by
the observation and study of literature.
Women's involvement in the illicit traffic in narcotics, as is well known that
women have a role that can not be ignored, because of the role of women both
within families and in economic life, social, cultural, educational, political and
religious. Strategic position of women within the family, especially in the form of
militant individuals, the power of a woman not only changed the lives of her
family, but also transform a nation or even the world. But the fact is happening
on the ground, many women are involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotics as a
Women as couriers is not necessarily the case, there are narcotics syndicates that
control women with a variety of modes, there because of their ignorance,
dependence on a man who has little relationship with the woman as husband or
boyfriend, there's also because the goods entrusted narcotics. Women involved
without knowing the risks of his actions and ended in penalties in the
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Petra Fernando
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai orang yang diperdaya menjadi kurir narkotika. Tolok ukur dalam menentukan orang tersebut merupakan korban atau pelaku tindak pidana adalah UU No. 21 Tahun 2007, dan UU No. 35 Tahun 2009. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, dengan pendekatan kualitatif, yang didasarkan pada data sekunder. Data sekunder berupa bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, dan bahan hukum tersier. Tulisan ini memaparkan dan mengkritik peraturan perundang-undangan dan putusan pengadilan Indonesia yang kerap menyamakan pertanggungjawaban pidana terhadap orang yang diperdaya dan orang yang sengaja mengedarkan narkotika. Padahal orang yang diperdaya tersebut, berdasarkan rentetan prosesnya dapat digolongkan sebagai korban perdaganganan orang. Tulisan ini menyarankan dibedakannya pelaku pengedaran gelap narkotika yang merupakan kurir dengan yang merupakan pelaku utama, yang mana kurir dapat berupa orang yang diperdaya, dan juga orang yang sengaja.

This essay discussed the matter about human trafficking victims that being deceived to act as a drug trafficker. Act 21 of 2007 and Act 35 of 2009 being used as the measurement whether someone is the criminal or the victim of a crime. This essay uses descriptive method, with qualitative approach, which based on secondary data. The secondary data take form in primary, secondary, and tertiary legal material. This essay explained and criticize the regulation and court verdict that often equate the liability between deceived persons and deliberated persons who become drug trafficker. By the sequence, the deceive persons could be classified as human trafficking victims. This essay suggests that there should be a different regulation between deceived person and deliberated persons in drug trafficking."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Doddy Monza
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan upaya yang dapat dilakukan oleh Polres Kepulauan Seribu dalam menanggulangi peredaran gelap narkotika di wilayahnya. Hal tersebut merupakan salah satu program prioritas Polres Kepulauan Seribu mengingat wilayahnya terdiri dari pulau-pulau sehingga rawan menjadi sasaran penyelundupan Narkotika. Pada awal tahun 2015 terjadi penangkapan bandar Narkotika bernama Wong Chi Ping beserta anggotanya oleh Badan Narkotika Nasional BNN. Dari penangkapan tersebut BNN menyita 862 kilogram Narkotika jenis sabu yang siap diedarkan di Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Sabu dimaksud berasal dari Guang Zhou yang dibawa menggunakan kapal laut melalui Kepulauan Seribu. Selain itu dalam kurun waktu satu bulan petugas berhasil mengungkap 12 kasus dari 16 laporan polisi yang 3 orang diantaranya merupakan Target Operasi TO Polres Kepulauan Seribu. Polres Kepulauan Seribu dalam menanggulangi peredaran gelap narkotika melakukan upaya preemtif, preventif, dan represif melalui analisa Rational Choice, SARA, SWOT, dan NKK yang bertujuan untuk menekan tingkat kejahatan narkotika di wilayah Kepulauan Seribu. Melalui metode analisa tersebut diharapkan upaya penanggulangan dapat dilakukan secara menyeluruh, baik melalui pengurangan kesempatan untuk melakukan kejahatan, pemberian pendidikan kesehatan dan bahaya penyalahgunaan narkotika kepada masyarakat di berbagai usia, pencegahan peredaran gelap narkotika, serta kegiatan patroli, razia, sidak baik di kapal,wilayah pesisir maupun darat, yang dilakukan secara rutin maupun acak. Kendala yang dihadapi Polres Kepulauan Seribu dalam menanggulangi peredaran gelap narkotika umumnya berada pada permasalahan teknis internal. Kendala ini juga ditambah dengan keunikan kondisi Kepulauan Seribu yang meliputi pulau-pulau tidak berpenghuni sehingga para penjahat mudah untuk berpindah-pindah dan melarikan diri. Berkembangnya jenis dan macam narkotika serta kemajuan teknologi dan arus globalisasi mengakibatkan kejahatan narkotika sering diikuti kejahatan trans nasional lainnya seperti pencucian uang dan perdagangan manusia, sementara posisi Kepulauan Seribu merupakan transit masuknya barang dari luar negeri ke wilayah lain di Indonesia. Karenanya, dalam menanggulangi peredaran gelap narkotika di masa mendatang, Polres Kepulauan Seribu dapat lebih meningkatkan kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak, baik instansi pemerintah, masyarakat umum, lembaga swadaya masyarakat dan swasta baik dalam lingkup nasional maupun internasional.

This study aims to formulate efforts to be made by Kepulauan Seribu Police Resort in counter measure narcotics illicit distribution that occurred in Kepulauan Seribu region. Narcotics counter measure is one of the priority programs of Kepulauan Seribu Police Resort considering Kepulauan Seribu region consist of islands which targeted for drugs smuggling. In early 2015 a drug dealer namedWong Chi Ping and their members arrested by the National Narcotics Agency BNN. From the arrest BNN seized 862 kilograms of the illicit drug, methamphetamine sabu ready to be circulated in Jakarta and surrounding areas. Methamphetamine sabu which derived from Guang Zhou brought by ship through Kepulauan Seribu. Additionally within one month officers uncovered 12 cases of 16 police reports where 3 of them are Target Operations TO of Kepulauan Seribu Police Resort. Kepulauan Seribu Police Resort in counter measuring narcotics illicit distribution is done its preemptive, preventive and repressive effort through Rational Choice analysis, SARA, SWOT, and NKK which aims to reduce the level of drug crime in Kepulauan Seribu region. Through the analysis method it is expected the counter measure may be carried out thoroughly, either by reducing the opportunity to commit the crime, provision of health education and the dangers of drug abuse to the society in varieties age level, prevention on narcotics illicit, aswell as patrol, raid, spot inspection on board, coastal and land area, is carried outroutinely and randomly. Obstacles faced by Kepulauan Seribu Police Resort in counter measuring illicit narcotics generally are on technical issues internal. This constraint is also coupled with the unique conditions of Kepulauan Seribu which includes the uninhabited islands so the criminals easy to move around and escape. Expanding the types and kinds of narcotics as well as technological progress and globalization lead to narcotics crime which is often followed by other trans national crimes such as money laundering and human trafficking, while the position of Kepulauan Seribu is as transit entry of goods from abroad to other regions in Indonesia. Therefore, in counter measuring illicit narcotics in the future, Kepulauan Seribu Police Resort can further improve cooperation with various parties, including government agencies, civil society, non governmental organizations andthe private sector both nationally and internationally.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laksa Bayu Bahaduri
"Pelibatan perempuan dalam peredaran gelap narkotika terus berkembang. Namun, demikian pembahasan mengenai isu ini seringkali dikesampingkan dan hanya dibahas dalam sudut pandang keputusan, tanpa menyingkap berbagai bentuk eksploitasi mereka dalam jaringan peredaran gelap narkotika. Melalui analisis kritis dan pendekatan feminis marxis dan sosialis, studi ini berupaya memberikan penggambaran pelibatan perempuan dalam berbagai peran pada jaringan kejahatan narkotika. Studi ini memberikan analisis pada pengalaman 8 (delapan) perempuan yang diperoleh melalui studi literatur, studi dokumen putusan pengadilan, dan wawancara mendalam pada narapidana perempuan yang pernah dilibatkan dalam kasus peredaran gelap narkotika. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perempuan mengalami peningkatan eksploitasi serta viktimisasi seiring dengan penempatan mereka dalam berbagai posisi beresiko. Jaringan kejahatan narkotika mereproduksi nilai patriarki dan kapitalisme dengan menempatkan perempuan pada rantai terbawah dan garda terluar untuk menghasilkan keuntungan bagi bisnis ilegal tersebut.

Abstrak Berbahasa Inggris:
The involvement of female in the illicit trafficking of narcotics continues to grow. However, discussions on this issue are often sidelined and only discussed from the point of view of decisions, without disclosing the various forms of their exploitation in the illicit drug trafficking network. Through critical analysis and feminist Marxist and Socialist approaches, this study attempts to provide a description of the involvement of female in various roles in narcotics crime networks. This study provides an analysis of the experiences of 8 (eight) females obtained through literature studies, studies of court decision documents, and in-depth interviews with female prisoners who have been involved in drug trafficking cases. The results of this study indicate that women experience increased exploitation and victimization along with their placement in various risky positions. The narcotics crime network reproduces the values of patriarchy and capitalism by placing women at the bottom of the chain and at the outermost guard to generate profits for these illegal businesses.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laksa Bayu Bahaduri
"Pelibatan perempuan dalam peredaran gelap narkotika terus berkembang. Namun, demikian pembahasan mengenai isu ini seringkali dikesampingkan dan hanya dibahas dalam sudut pandang keputusan, tanpa menyingkap berbagai bentuk eksploitasi mereka dalam jaringan peredaran gelap narkotika. Melalui analisis kritis dan pendekatan feminis marxis dan sosialis, studi ini berupaya memberikan penggambaran pelibatan perempuan dalam berbagai peran pada jaringan kejahatan narkotika. Studi ini memberikan analisis pada pengalaman 8 (delapan) perempuan yang diperoleh melalui studi literatur, studi dokumen putusan pengadilan, dan wawancara mendalam pada narapidana perempuan yang pernah dilibatkan dalam kasus peredaran gelap narkotika. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perempuan mengalami peningkatan eksploitasi serta viktimisasi seiring dengan penempatan mereka dalam berbagai posisi beresiko. Jaringan kejahatan narkotika mereproduksi nilai patriarki dan kapitalisme dengan menempatkan perempuan pada rantai terbawah dan garda terluar untuk menghasilkan keuntungan bagi bisnis ilegal tersebut.

The involvement of female in the illicit trafficking of narcotics continues to grow. However, discussions on this issue are often sidelined and only discussed from the point of view of decisions, without disclosing the various forms of their exploitation in the illicit drug trafficking network. Through critical analysis and feminist Marxist and Socialist approaches, this study attempts to provide a description of the involvement of female in various roles in narcotics crime networks. This study provides an analysis of the experiences of 8 (eight) females obtained through literature studies, studies of court decision documents, and in-depth interviews with female prisoners who have been involved in drug trafficking cases. The results of this study indicate that women experience increased exploitation and victimization along with their placement in various risky positions. The narcotics crime network reproduces the values of patriarchy and capitalism by placing women at the bottom of the chain and at the outermost guard to generate profits for these illegal businesses."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Purwaningsih
"Peredaran gelap narkotika adalah salah satu bentuk kejahatan transnasional yang dilakukan terorganisasi dan melibatkan banyak pelaku dengan peran serta fungsi khas, termasuk perempuan. Dalam kejahatan narkotika transnasional yang terorganisasi, keterlibatan perempuan tidak hanya sebagai konsumen dan kurir narkotika ilegal, namun juga dalam kegiatan pencucian uang hasil kejahatan narkotika. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis keterlibatan perempuan dalam kegiatan pencucian uang hasil peredaran gelap narkotika di Indonesia berdasarkan kasus yang pernah ditangani Badan Narkotika Nasional tahun 2016 hingga 2018. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan kepada empat orang orang pelaku dan pihak-pihak yang terlibat langsung dalam pengungkapan kasus tindak pidana pencucian uang (TPPU) hasil peredaran gelap narkotika oleh keempat orang pelaku tersebut. Hasilnya adalah gambaran mengenai bagaimana bentuk keterlibatan perempuan dalam TPPU hasil kejahatan narkotika dan gambaran mengenai karakteristik keterlibatannya, yaitu sebagai pelaku aktif yang tidak terlibat langsung di kejahatan narkotika atau aider, serta sebagai pelaku pasif atau abettor. Setelah itu dilakukan analisis mengenai faktor-faktor penyebab keteribatan tersebut.

Illicit drugs trafficking is one of transnational organized crime which involving many people with their own distinctive roles and funtions, including female. In organized transnational drugs crime, female involvement not only as comsumer and as a courier, but also in money laundering from drugs crimes. This Study use a Qualitative Approach to describe and analyze the involvement of female in money laundering as a crime from illicit drug trafficking in Indonesia based on the cases that have been disclose by National Narcotics Board from 2016 to 2018. Conduct in-depth interview with four offender and the parties directly involved in disclosure of money laundering (TPPU). As a result, the description of how the involvement of women in Money laundering related to narcotics crimes and a description of the characteristics of their involvement, namely as active actors who are not directly involved in narcotics crime or aider, as well as passive actors or abettor. Furthermore, an analysis of the factors causing the involvement.
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Syahrizal Dhani Akbar
"Kejahatan narkotika merupakan fenomena yang tidak lepas dari kehidupan manusia. Upaya penyelidikan terhadap kejahatan narkotika dilakukan oleh aparat penegak hukum dengan beberapa metode. Aparat penegak hukum di Indonesia yang bergerak di kegiatan pencegahan dan penanggulangan peredaran gelap narkotika adalah Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN). Salah satu metode yang digunakan BNN untuk menyelidiki penyelundupan narkotika adalah controlled delivery. Controlled delivery dapat membuka jalan untuk menangkap pelaku dan membongkar jaringan peredaran gelap narkotika. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah kualitatif dan mengambil suatu studi kasus. Digunakan analisa dari studi literatur dan temuan data lapangan. Selanjutnya, hasil analisa data tersebut dihubungkan dengan kerangka pemikiran untuk memperoleh kesimpulan terkait penyelidikan terhadap peredaran gelap narkotika melalui controlled delivery.

Narcotic Crimes are common phenomenon which will never be separated with human daily life. The investigation effort on narcotic crimes done by law enforcement with several methods. The law enforcement in Indonesia whose move in prevention and eradication illegal narcotic traffic is National Narcotic Board (NNB). One of the method that NNB use to investigate narcotic smuggling is controlled delivery. Controlled delivery can open a new path in order to find a new way to capture illicit narcotic trafficking offender and expose the illicit narcotic network. The method being used in this research is qualitative method and taking a case study. Furthermore, the result of the analysis data is connected with framework in order to achieve a conclusion in investigating illicit narcotic trafficking through controlled delivery.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library