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Aristo Purboadji
Abstrak :
Krisis rupiah di tahun 1997-1999 adalah gejolak besar bagi ekonomi Indonesia dimana pertumbuhan ekonomi anjlok, sistem perbankan lumpuh, diikuti dengan konsekuensi sosial dan politik yang pahit. Diyakini jika otoritas moneter daan pembuat kebijakan lainnya dapat mengantisipasi krisis tersebut, segala konsekuensi yang tidak diinginkan tersebut dapat dikurangi dan mungkin dihindari. Sistem pendeteksian dini untuk krisis rupiah diharapkan dapat memberi waktu para pembuat kebijakan untuk mengantisipasi datangnya krisis. Namun salah satu faktor sukses yang kritikal dalam pembentukan sistem tersebut adalah seleksi indikator. Penelitian ini menerapkan Indication & Warning Intelligence (I&W)untuk sistem pendeteksian dini krisis rupiah dengan produk akhir berupa set indikator yang dianggap efektif memprediksi krisis rupiah. Dengan I&W diseleksi lima indikator, yang selanjutnya diuji keefektifannya dengan metode regresi logit, yang menyatakan bahwa terdapat tiga indikator yang dapat memprediksi krisis rupiah secara signifikan yang adalah: 1) Real Effective Exchange Rate, 2) Deposit Money Bank?s Foreign Asset Growth, dan 3) Inflasi.
Currency crisis in Indonesia that took place in 1997-1999 was a major shock to the economy which plunge the growth, collapse the banking system with its bitter social and political consequences. It is acknowledged that if the monetary authority could anticipate such shock, the result would not be as devastating, it could be far lessen, and hopefully avoided. Early warning system for currency crisis is crucial for policy makers to anticipate the coming crisis with enough preparation. One of the most important factor in framing that system is indicators selection. This research apply Indication & Warning Intelligence (I&W) to early warning system of rupiah crisis with indicator set as its end product. With I&W five indicators are selected, which underwent further significance test with logistic regression method. This method results in three indicators being the most effective in predicting rupiah crisis, namely: 1) Real Effective Exchange Rate, 2) Deposit Money Bank?s Foreign Asset Growth, and 3) Inflation.;Currency crisis in Indonesia that took place in 1997-1999 was a major shock to the economy which plunge the growth, collapse the banking system with its bitter social and political consequences. It is acknowledged that if the monetary authority could anticipate such shock, the result would not be as devastating, it could be far lessen, and hopefully avoided. Early warning system for currency crisis is crucial for policy makers to anticipate the coming crisis with enough preparation. One of the most important factor in framing that system is indicators selection. This research apply Indication & Warning Intelligence (I&W) to early warning system of rupiah crisis with indicator set as its end product. With I&W five indicators are selected, which underwent further significance test with logistic regression method. This method results in three indicators being the most effective in predicting rupiah crisis, namely: 1) Real Effective Exchange Rate, 2) Deposit Money Bank’s Foreign Asset Growth, and 3) Inflation., Currency crisis in Indonesia that took place in 1997-1999 was a major shock to the economy which plunge the growth, collapse the banking system with its bitter social and political consequences. It is acknowledged that if the monetary authority could anticipate such shock, the result would not be as devastating, it could be far lessen, and hopefully avoided. Early warning system for currency crisis is crucial for policy makers to anticipate the coming crisis with enough preparation. One of the most important factor in framing that system is indicators selection. This research apply Indication & Warning Intelligence (I&W) to early warning system of rupiah crisis with indicator set as its end product. With I&W five indicators are selected, which underwent further significance test with logistic regression method. This method results in three indicators being the most effective in predicting rupiah crisis, namely: 1) Real Effective Exchange Rate, 2) Deposit Money Bank’s Foreign Asset Growth, and 3) Inflation.]
Jakarta: Program PascaSarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andhika Prakasa Kasma
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas bagaimana penanganan jaringan telekomunikasi di Indonesia dalam menghadapai ancaman ? ancaman yang ada terutama dalam masa implentasi Perpres No. 96 Tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Pitalebar Indonesia 2014- 2019. Seperti diketahui Sektor telekomunikasi di Indonesia adalah salah satu sektor penyumbang dengan 2 digit angka pada Produk Domestik Bruto. Oleh karena itu tidak terelakan lagi bila dengan peningkatan pada sektor telekomunikasi maka akan memberikan dampak yang positif pada Perekonomian Nasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Perencanaan Skenario dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Oppotunity dan Threat) dan analisis PEST (Politic, Economy, Social dan Technology) yang data ? datanya didapatkan melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan mewawancarai para pemangku kepentingan (stakeholder) yang terlibat dalam penanganan jaringan telekomunikasi di Indonesia . Selain itu untuk menghindari dari terkenanya pendadakan strategis maka digunakan pula metode manajemen resiko dan sistem peringatan dini. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dalam perencanaan skenario dihasilkan 2 buah fokus utama yang harus diperhatikan yaitu pemanfaatan teknologi yang baik dan adanya peraturan yang fleksibel (dapat beradaptasi dengan perkembangan teknologi). Dengan begitu jaringan telekomunikasi Indonesia dapat dimanfaatkan dengan optimal dan akan berdampak dengan tumbuhnya Perekonomian Nasional namun tetap harus diperhatikan keamanan sibernya agar terhindar dari pencurian serta kebocoran data dan informasi penting
This thesis discusses how to handle telecommunication network in Indonesia to face existing threats especially during implentation of Presidental Regulation Number 96 of 2014 on Indonesia Broadband Plan 2014-2019. As is known, in Indonesia, telecommunication sectors contributes above 10% in Gross Domestic Product. Therefore, it?s not inevitable that the increasing in the telecommunications sector will also have a positive impact on the National Economy. This research uses Scenario Planning with SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, opportunity and Threat) and PEST analysis (Politics, Economy, Social and Technology). The data that is used in this research is obtained through a qualitative approach by interviewing stakeholders that involved in handling Indonesia telecommunication network. Risk management method and early warning systems is also being used in order to avoid strategic impromptu. The results showed that, in the planning scenarios, two critical uncertainty that should be noted are generated. Those critical uncertainty are the use of technology and regulations that can adapt to technological developments. With that, Indonesian telecommunications network can be utilized optimally and will impact to the National economy growth, but ciber security still should be considered to avoid the theft and leakage of critical data and information;
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library