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Achmad Fahron
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Meningkatnva populasi usia laniut. masalah kesehatan pada kelompok usia tersebut juga meningkat. Salah satu masalah kesehatan vane sering dijumpai adalah inkontinensia urin tine sires (IUS). Beberapa nenelitian telah dilakukan untuk melihat faktor- faktor risiko terjadinva IUS, tetapi hasilnva tidak konsisten. Tuiuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara usia, riwayat cara persalinan, jumlah persalinan lama menopause dan IMT dengan IUS pada perempuan usia laniut di RSCM Jakarta. Metodologi: Disain penelitian potong-lintang. Subyek pada perempuan >60 tahun yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Inkontinensia Urin tine Sires dinilai dari anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik serta pemeriksaan kontraksi vagina dengan nerineometri. Hasil: Didapatkan hasil 35 kasus dan 47 kontrol. Subyek penelitian dengan usia >75 tahun didapatkan 8 (53.3%) IUS riwayat cara persalinan mengalami tindakan didapatkan 18 150.0%) IUS. jumlah persalinan lebih dari 2 kali didapatkan 30 (43,5%) IUS lama menopause lebih dari 7 tahun didapatkan 35 (45,5%) IUS, IMT ~ 26 didapatkan 14 (58.3%) IUS. Dilakukan analisis bivariat didapatkan hasil antara usia dan IUS dengan OR 1.69 (IK 95% 0.55 - 5.22).. antara riwavat cara persalinan dan IUS dengan OR 1,71 (TTY 95% 0.70 ? 4.14) antara iumlah persalinan dan MS dengan OR 1.23 (IK 95% 0.37 - 4.15). antara IMT > 26 dan IUS dengan OR 2.47 (IK 95% 0,93 - 6.52). Lama menopause tidak dapat dianalisis karena tidak didapatkan lama menopause < 7 tahun harus mengalami IUS. Seluruh variabel hasil analisis bivariat vane memiliki p mendekati 0.25 diikutsertakan dalam analisis multivariat. Setelah dilakukan analisis multivariat dengan regresi logistik didapatkan hanva IMT vane tampaknva berhubunsan denaan IUS (OR 2.9911K 95% 1.07-8.361) Simpulan: Indeks massa tubuh merunakan faktor risiko teriadinva IUS.
Background: The increase of elderly nonulation leads to the increase of health problems among those who belongs to this population. Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is one of many problems which is frequently found. Several studies have been carried out to detect risk factors for SUI. but the results were still inconsistent. Objective: To assess the relationship between age. types of delivery. Parity, menopausal period, and BM1 with SU1 in elderly women at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. Method: A cross-sectional study of elderly women > 60 years who met the inclusion criteria. SUI was evaluated from interviews. physical examinations and vaginal contractions measured with a perineometer. Results: This study comprised 35 cases and 47 controls. SUI were detected in 8 (53.3%) of subjects who were > 75 years, in 18 (50.0%) of those who had intervention during delivery. in 30 (43,5%) of those who had parity > 2. in 35 (45.5%) of those who had had menopause > 7 years. and in 14 (58.3%) of those with BMI > 26. Bivariate analyses were performed and the results are OR 1,69 (95% CI 0.55-5.22) between age and SUL _ OR 1.71 (95% CI 0.70 - 4.14) between tunes of delivery and SUL OR L23 (95% CI 0,37 - 4.15) between parity > 2 and SU1. OR 2.47 (95% CI 0,93 - 6.521 between BM1 > 26 and Slll, Menopausal period could not be analyzed because no subjects who had less than 7 year - period of menopause was found to have SUI. Variables which had p close to 0.25 in bivariate analyses were measured in multivariate analyses with logistic regression. Those variables were types of delivery and BMI. As a result BMI was the only variable which was related to SUI (OR 2.99[95% CI 1,07-8,36 ). Conclusion: BM1 is a risk factor for SUI
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astrid Yunita
Abstrak :
Inkontinensia urin tekanan sering ditemukan padakehamilan dengan prevalensi tertinggi pada empat minggu terakhir kehamilan. Diketahui bahwa kelemahan otot dasar panggul merupakan salah satu penyebab inkontinensia urin tekanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kekuatan otot dasar panggul dengan inkontinensia urin tekanan pada perempuan hamil trimester ketiga akhir, dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang dengan melibatkan perempuan hamil 36-40 minggu di poli Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSUK TebetJakarta. Data yang diperoleh berupa hasil anamnesis, Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis QUID , pemeriksaan fisik, perineometer, dan tes batuk. Sampel berjumlah 142 orang dengan 54,2 diantaranya mengalami inkontinensia urin tekanan. Diketahui bahwa kekuatan otot dasar panggul dan taksiran berat janin memiliki perbedaan bermakna dengan inkontinensia urin tekanan p = 0,002, < 0,001, secara berurutan . Uji multivariat menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan otot dasar le; 25,5 cmH2O panggul dan TBJ ge; 3.100 gram paling mempengaruhi kejadian inkontinensia urin tekanan OR = 2,52, p= 0,021 dan OR = 3,34, p= 0,001, secara berurutan . Uji probabilitas menunjukkan bahwa apabila TBJ >3.100 gram dan kekuatan otot dasar panggul
Stess urinary incontinence is the most frequent found during pregnancy with the highest prevalence in the last four weeks of pregnancy. It is known that weaken pelvic floor muscle is one of the causes of stress urinary incontinence. This study aims to know the relationship between the strength of pelvic floor muscle and stress urinary incontinence in late third trimester of pregnancy and its associated factors.A cross sectional study was conducted involving women with 36 until 40 weeks of pregnancy at Obstetric and Gynecology clinic of Tebet Subdistrict Hospital, Jakarta. Collected data included medical interview, Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis QUID , physical examination, perineometer, and cough test. Among 142 samples, 54.2 had stress urinary incontinence. Discovered that pelvic floor muscle, and estimated fetal weight had significant differences with SUI p 0.002, 0.001, respectively . Multivariate analysis showed the strength of pelvic floor muscle le 25.5 cmH2O , and EFW ge 3,100 gram were the most influenced factors for SUI OR 2.52, p 0.021 dan OR 3.34, p 0.001, respectively . The likelihood of SUI was 75.39 if the strength of PFM was le 25.5 cmH2O,and EFW ge 3,100 gram. Weaken pelvic floor muscle, and EFW were the factors influencing SUI.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asih Anggraeni
Abstrak :
Inkontinensia urin sering ditemukan pada 50% wanita yang berusia dibawah 60. Yang terbanyak adalah inkontinensia urin jenis tekanan (IUT) sebesar 49%. Diketahui bahwa kelemahan otot dasar panggul merupakan salah satu penyebab inkontinensia urin jenis tekanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara kekuatan otot dan ketebalan otot levator ani dengan keluhan IU-T pada perempuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Comparative Cross Sectional dengan melibatkan wanita yang berkunjung di poliklinik Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dengan kelompok studi adalah subyek dengan tes batuk positif sedangkan kelompok kontrol adalah subyek dengan tes batuk negative. Data yang diperoleh berupa hasil anamnesis, Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID), pemeriksaan fisik (POPQ), tes batuk. perineometer, dan USG. Sampel berjumlah 82 orang. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara ketebalan otot levator ani terhadap kejadian IUT dengan median ketebalan otot levator ani 0,63 cm (range 0,31-1,02 dan p=0,897). Sedangkan kekuatan otot levator ani terhadap IUT memiliki median 19,5 (range 4,6-88,6 dan p=0,001). Pada analisis multivariat didapatkan bukti bahwa secara murni IUT, prolap dan usia tidak mempunyai pengaruh bermakna terhadap kekuatan otot levator ani dengan nilai p masing-masing 0,243; 0,844; 0,903.
Urinary incontinence is often found in 50% of women under the age of 60. The most common is pressure type urinary incontinence (IUT) of 49%. It is known that pelvic floor muscle weakness is one of the causes of pressure type urinary incontinence. This study aims to examine the relationship between muscle strength and levator ani muscle thickness with IU-T complaints in women. This study uses a Comparative Cross Sectional design by involving women visiting the Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo with the study group were subjects with positive cough tests while the control group were subjects with negative cough tests. The data obtained in the form of history taking, Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID), physical examination (POPQ), cough test. perineometer, and ultrasound. A sample of 82 people. The results of this study found no significant difference between the levator ani muscle thickness to the incidence of IUT with the median levator ani muscle thickness 0.63 cm (range 0.31-1.02 and p = 0.897). While levator ani muscle strength against IUT has a median of 19.5 (range 4.6-88.6 and p = 0.001). In multivariate analysis it was found that purely IUT, prolapse and age had no significant effect on the strength of levator ani muscles with a p value of 0.243 each; 0.844; .903.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astrid Yunita
Abstrak :
Inkontinensia urin tekanan sering ditemukan padakehamilan dengan prevalensi tertinggi pada empat minggu terakhir kehamilan. Diketahui bahwa kelemahan otot dasar panggul merupakan salah satu penyebab inkontinensia urin tekanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kekuatan otot dasar panggul dengan inkontinensia urin tekanan pada perempuan hamil trimester ketiga akhir, dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang dengan melibatkan perempuan hamil 36-40 minggu di poli Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSUK TebetJakarta. Data yang diperoleh berupa hasil anamnesis, Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis QUID , pemeriksaan fisik, perineometer, dan tes batuk. Sampel berjumlah 142 orang dengan 54,2 diantaranya mengalami inkontinensia urin tekanan. Diketahui bahwa kekuatan otot dasar panggul dan taksiran berat janin memiliki perbedaan bermakna dengan inkontinensia urin tekanan p = 0,002, < 0,001, secara berurutan . Uji multivariat menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan otot dasar le; 25,5 cmH2O panggul dan TBJ ge; 3.100 gram paling mempengaruhi kejadian inkontinensia urin tekanan OR = 2,52, p= 0,021 dan OR = 3,34, p= 0,001, secara berurutan . Uji probabilitas menunjukkan bahwa apabila TBJ >3.100 gram dan kekuatan otot dasar panggul ABSTRACT
Stess urinary incontinence is the most frequent found during pregnancy with the highest prevalence in the last four weeks of pregnancy. It is known that weaken pelvic floor muscle is one of the causes of stress urinary incontinence. This study aims to know the relationship between the strength of pelvic floor muscle and stress urinary incontinence in late third trimester of pregnancy and its associated factors.A cross-sectional study was conducted involving women with 36 until 40 weeks of pregnancy at Obstetric and Gynecology clinic of Tebet Subdistrict Hospital, Jakarta. Collected data included medical interview, Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis QUID , physical examination, perineometer, and cough test. Among 142 samples, 54.2 had stress urinary incontinence. Discovered that pelvic floor muscle, and estimated fetal weight had significant differences with SUI p = 0.002, < 0.001, respectively . Multivariate analysis showed the strength of pelvic floor muscle le; 25.5 cmH2O , and EFW ge; 3,100 gram were the most influenced factors for SUI OR = 2.52, p = 0.021 dan OR = 3.34, p = 0.001, respectively . The likelihood of SUI was 75.39 if the strength of PFM was le; 25.5 cmH2O,and EFW ge; 3,100 gram. Weaken pelvic floor muscle, and EFW were the factors influencing SUI.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library