"Dalam hal terjadi putusan pailit terdahap pengusaha berdasarkan putusan Pengadilan Niaga maka implikasinya adalah pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) terhadap pekerja. Konsekuensi dari PHK sangat erat dengan pembayaran kompensasi berupa hak pekerja dan perlindunganya. Pelunasan harta pailit dalam praktiknya sering terjadi penyimpangan yaitu tidak terbukanya proses dan pelunasanya sehingga pekerja selalu dirugikan. Upah dan pesangon menjadi prioritas dalam masasalah kesejahteraan atas putusan pailit tetapi pekerja kesulitan atas penagihan utang pailit yang mana asset perusahaan tidak lagi mencukupi. Untuk itu penulis akan menganalisa permasalahan kepailit terkait hak pekerja (pesangon dan jaminan sosial), dampak terjadinya pailit terhadap pekerja, dan peran pemerintah dalam perlindungan bagi pekerja akibat pailit. Untuk menjawab permasalahan yang telah dirumuskan dalam penelitian ini, digunakan metode hukum normatif yang bersifat deskriptif analitis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perlindungan hak pekerja dan jaminan sosial akibat putusanya hubungan kerja sering terabaikan bahkan tidak terbayarkan. Dengan peraturan yang ada saat ini kinerja kurator dan hakim pengawas belum sepenuhnya menjawab permasalahan hak pesangon yang tidak terbayarkan maka harus ada instrument yang dapat membantu hak pekerja yang terabaikan. Selain itu belum adanya jaminan sosial pekerja akibat kehilangan pekerjaan menjadi kebijakan yang dapat membantu mengurangi permasalahan pekerja. Perlindungan hak pekerja dan jaminan sosial sangat penting, mengingat pesangon dan jaminan sosial merupakan aspek penting bagi pekerja yaitu menjamin kesejahteraan pekerja.
......In the event of a bankruptcy decision made by an employer based on a Commercial Court decision, the implication is termination of employment (PHK) for workers. The consequences of layoffs are very closely related to payment of compensation in the form of workers' rights and protections. Repayment of bankruptcy assets in practice often results in irregularities, namely not opening up the process and paying it off so workers are always disadvantaged. Wages and severance are a priority in the issue of welfare over bankruptcy decisions, but workers find it difficult to collect bankruptcy debt in which company assets are no longer sufficient. For this reason, the authors will analyze bankruptcy issues related to workers' rights (severance pay and social security), the impact of bankruptcy on workers, and the role of the government in protecting workers due to bankruptcy. To answer the problems that have been formulated in this study, normative legal methods are used that are analytical descriptive. The results of this study are the protection of workers' rights and social security due to termination of employment are often neglected or even unpaid. With current regulations, the performance of curators and supervisory judges has not fully answered the problem of severance pay that is not paid, so there must be an instrument that can help the rights of workers who are neglected. In addition, the absence of workers 'social security due to job loss is a policy that can help reduce workers' problems. Protection of workers' rights and social security is very important, considering severance pay and social security are important aspects for workers, namely ensuring the welfare of workers."