"Program Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker bertujuan agar calon Apoteker memahami peran dan tanggung jawab seorang Apoteker dalam dunia kerja. Calon Apoteker juga dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan wawasan mengenai penerapan ilmu farmasi di berbagai bidang. Peran Apoteker dalam melakukan praktik kefarmasian diantaranya yaitu pada Industri Farmasi, Apotek, dan Pedagang Besar Farmasi (PBF). Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker dilakukan di PT. Harsen Laboratories pada periode bulan Januari – Februari 2021, di Apotek Atrika pada periode bulan Maret – April 2021, dan PT. Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution periode bulan April 2021. Pada masing-masing tempat praktek kerja, dilakukan penyusunan tugas khusus yang dapat membantu calon Apoteker lebih memahami suatu topik bahasan terkait peran dan tanggung jawab Apoteker di suatu bidang. Tugas khusus pada praktek kerja di industri farmasi membahas mengenai validasi proses suatu produk. Pada praktek kerja di Apotek, tugas khusus yang disusun membahas rancangan Apotek pelayanan rujuk balik yang bekerjasama dengan BPJS Kesehatan. Kemudian, untuk tugas khusus pada pada praktek kerja di PBF membahas terkait validasi pengiriman produk rantai dingin. Praktik Kerja Profesi tersebut diharapkan dapat memberikan pengalaman yang membantu calon Apoteker dalam mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan dalam mengemban tugasnya sebagai Apoteker kelak.
......The Pharmacist Professional Internship Program aims to help the prospective pharmacist understand the roles and responsibilities of a pharmacist in the working world. Prospective pharmacists can also increase their knowledge and insight regarding the application of pharmaceutical science in various fields. The role of pharmacists in pharmaceutical practices includes the Pharmaceutical Industry, Pharmacies, and Major Pharmaceutical Supplier. Pharmacist Professional Internship were carried out at PT. Harsen Laboratories in the period January – February 2021, at Apotek Atrika in the period March – April 2021, and PT. Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution for the period of April 2021. In each place of practice, specific assignments were made to help prospective pharmacists understand a topic related to the roles and responsibilities of pharmacists in their respective fields. Specific assignments in the pharmaceutical industry discuss the validation of the process of a product. In the pharmacy, a specific assignment was prepared to discuss the design of the pharmacy for referral services in collaboration with BPJS Health. Then, for a specific assignment on the work practice at major pharmaceutical supplier, discussing the validation of cold chain product delivery. This Pharmacist Professional Internship Program is expected to provide experience that helps prospective pharmacists in developing knowledge and in carrying out their duties as pharmacists in the future."