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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Universitas Indonesia, 1984
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ririhena, Pieter
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 1987
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Didik Putra Kuncoro
"[Tesis ini membahas tentang penyelengaraan manajemen sekuriti fisik di PT.
ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Merak-Banten yang dikelola oleh PT. Indo
Sarana Usaha sesuai dengan Addendum VIII (delapan) Surat Perjanjian tentang
Perpanjangan Waktu Tenaga Ahli Daya (Outsourcing) Tenaga Pengamanan
(Security) Pelabuhan Merak Nomor : Sperj.29/Add-HK.203/ASDP-CUM-2014
dan Nomor : 083/SK/ASDP-ISU/X/2014 tanggal 10 Oktober 2014 guna
melindungi asset, keamanan, kenyamanan dan ketertiban bagi seluruh penumpang
yang mengunakan jasa penyeberangan PT. ASDP Merak. Penelitian tesis ini
dilatar belakangi oleh hasil observasi penulis terhadap penyelengaraan manajemen
sekuriti di Pelabuhan Merak yang belum sesuai dengan beberapa literatur
manajemen sekuriti, hal tersebut terbukti masih banyaknya tindak pidana
penyelundupan. Batasan tesis ini fokus pada proses manajemen sekuriti dan upaya
proses pengamanan dan pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh sekuriti PT. ISU.
Penelitian tesis ini mengunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan
Yuridis manajerial, serta dalam penelitian ini mengunakan teknik analisis
deskriptif kualitatif melalui penggambaran dan penganalisaan. Teknik
pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan penelaahan beberapa
dokumen. Sumber data berasal dari informasi yang didapatkan penulis berupa data
primer dan sekunder. Tinjauan pustaka yang digunakan oleh penulis merupakan
beberapa konsep dan dokumen yang menunjang penulis untuk melakukan
penelitian ini terhadap penyelengaraan manajemen sekuriti oleh PT. ISU di
kawasan PT. ASDP Merak Banten. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa
penyelenggaraan manajemen sekuriti tidak ideal karena kurangnya inventaris dan
penerapan SOP dalam pengaman dan pegawasan untuk mencegah terjadinya
penyelundupan. Disarankan agar dilakukan perbaikan sistem dan sumber daya
Satpam.;This thesis discusses the physical security management at PT. ASDP Indonesia
Ferry (Persero) organization of Merak Banten managed by PT Indo Sarana Usaha
in accordance with Addendum VIII (eight) Agreement on the Extension of Time
Expert Power (outsourcing) Energy security (security) Merak Number: Sperj.29/
Add-HK.203/ASDP-CUM-2014 and Number : 083/SK ASDP-ISU/X/2014 dated
October 10, 2014 in order to protect the assets, security, comfort and order for all
the passengers who use the services crossing PT. ASDP Merak. The background
of this thesis research by the observation of the writer towards the organization of
security management at Merak are not in accordance with some security
management literature. It is evident there are many criminal acts of smuggling.
Limitations of this thesis focuses on the process of security management and
security and surveillance efforts processes carried out by security PT. ISU. This
thesis uses qualitative research methods with managerial juridical approach, and in
this study using qualitative descriptive analysis technique through the depiction
and analysis. The technique of collecting data through interviews, observation and
review of several documents. Source of data derived from the information
obtained in the form of author primary and secondary data. Literature review used
by the author are some concepts and documents that support the writer to do this
research on the organization of security management by PT. ISU in the area of PT.
ASDP Merak, Banten. The results showed that the implementation of security
management is not ideal because of the lack of inventory and application of SOP
in the safety and pegawasan to prevent smuggling. It is recommended that the
system be improved and resource security guard, This thesis discusses the physical security management at PT. ASDP Indonesia
Ferry (Persero) organization of Merak Banten managed by PT Indo Sarana Usaha
in accordance with Addendum VIII (eight) Agreement on the Extension of Time
Expert Power (outsourcing) Energy security (security) Merak Number: Sperj.29/
Add-HK.203/ASDP-CUM-2014 and Number : 083/SK ASDP-ISU/X/2014 dated
October 10, 2014 in order to protect the assets, security, comfort and order for all
the passengers who use the services crossing PT. ASDP Merak. The background
of this thesis research by the observation of the writer towards the organization of
security management at Merak are not in accordance with some security
management literature. It is evident there are many criminal acts of smuggling.
Limitations of this thesis focuses on the process of security management and
security and surveillance efforts processes carried out by security PT. ISU. This
thesis uses qualitative research methods with managerial juridical approach, and in
this study using qualitative descriptive analysis technique through the depiction
and analysis. The technique of collecting data through interviews, observation and
review of several documents. Source of data derived from the information
obtained in the form of author primary and secondary data. Literature review used
by the author are some concepts and documents that support the writer to do this
research on the organization of security management by PT. ISU in the area of PT.
ASDP Merak, Banten. The results showed that the implementation of security
management is not ideal because of the lack of inventory and application of SOP
in the safety and pegawasan to prevent smuggling. It is recommended that the
system be improved and resource security guard]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jihan Fauziah Hamdi
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pertanggungjawaban pidana dari pelaku yang terlibat dalam tindak pidana penyelundupan manusia. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis-normatif, Penulis menjabarkan hal tersebut dengan menjelaskan bagaimana peranan orang-orang yang terlibat dalam tindak pidana penyelundupan manusia, lalu mengaitkan peranan tersebut dengan kejahatan terorganisir dan penyertaan dalam tindak pidana, untuk dapat menentukan mengenai bagaimana orang-orang yang terlibat dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawaban pidana atas turut sertanya mereka dalam melakukan tindak pidana penyelundupan manusia. Penulis juga menjabarkan bagaimana putusan-putusan pengadilan dalam memutus dan mengadili pelaku yang terlibat dalam tindak pidana penyelundupan manusia dilihat berdasarkan peranannya dalam tindak pidana. Hasil dari skripsi ini adalah pelaku yang terlibat dalam tindak pidana penyelundupan manusia yang merupakan kejahatan terorganisir, pertanggungjawabannya adalah sebagaimana bentuk penyertaan turut serta melakukan dalam tindak pidana sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 120 Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2011 tentang Keimigrasian jo. Pasal 55 Ayat (1) ke-1 KUHP. Penulis juga melihat bahwa pada penerapannya, Undang-Undang Keimigrasian belum mampu meminimalisir terjadinya tindak pidana penyelundupan manusia, sebab tidak adanya rumusan yang mengatur mengenai peranan dan pertanggungjawaban pidananya secara jelas. Saran yang dapat Penulis berikan adalah dilakukannya evaluasi dan analisis terhadap penerapan Pasal 120 Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2011 tentang Keimigrasian dan perlu dibentuk suatu Undang-Undang atau peraturan khusus yang mengatur mengenai tindak pidana penyelundupan manusia. Kemudian, Penulis juga menyarankan adanya arahan yang tegas diiringi dengan adanya kesadaran terhadap orang-orang yang memiliki kewenangan dalam memberikan peluang atau kesempatan untuk terjadinya tindak pidana penyelundupan manusia untuk tidak melakukan praktik korupsi dengan menerima suap untuk meloloskan orang-orang yang akan diselundupan dengan mudah dari tempat pemeriksaan imigrasi.
......This research discusses about the criminal liability of the perpetrators involved in the crime of people smuggling. By using juridicial-normative research methods, the author describes this by explaining the roles of people involved in criminal acts of people smuggling, linking these roles with organized crime and inclusion in criminal acts, to be able to determine how people involved can be held liable for criminal liability who take a direct part in the execution of the act of people smuggling. The author also describes how the court's decisions in deciding and trying the perpetrators involved in criminal acts of people smuggling are seen based on their role in criminal acts. The results of this thesis are the perpetrators involved in the crime of people smuggling are organized crime, the liability is as a form who take a direct part in the execution of the act as regulated in Article 120 of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration jo. Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code. The author also sees that in its application, the Immigration Law has not been able to minimize the occurrence of criminal acts of people smuggling, because there is no absolute formulation that regulates the roles and responsibilities of the criminal. The suggestion that the author can give is an evaluation and analysis of the application of Article 120 of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration and the need for a special law or regulation that regulates the crime of people smuggling to be established. The author also suggests that there are strict directions accompanied by awareness of people with authorities to provide opportunities for the occurrence of criminal acts of people smuggling to not commit corrupt practices by accepting bribes to pass people who will be smuggled easily from immigration checkpoint."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marpaung, Leden
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1991
364.133 MAR t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library