Palit, Novy Christine
Abstrak :
Pemerintah melalui SK Gubernur Kepala Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Nomor Ib.3/2/17/1966 tanggal 24 Desember 1966 yang disahkan Keputusan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 78 Tahun 1971 tanggal 2 Agustus 1971 yang kemudian dipertegas kembali dengan Peraturan Daerah Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Nomor 5 Tahun 1985 mendirikan Perusahaan Daerah Dharma Jaya. SK Gubernur Kepala Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Nomor 890 Tahun 1971 lebih mempertegas kedudukan PD Dharma Jaya sebagai Pemsahaan Daerah Khusus lbukota Jakarta yang bergerak di bidang jasa pemotongan ternak serta usaha pengadaan dan penyaluran daging. Kemudian, untuk mempertegas jenis usahanya di Unit RPH Babi di Jl. Peternakan Ti Kapuk yang dikelola PD Dharma Jaya, maka dikeluarkan SK Gubernur KDH Tingkat I Jakarta No. 86 Tahun 1991. Maksud dan tujuan didirikannya RPH babi Kapuk adalah untuk menjamin produksi daging yang hygienis dan berkualitas karena melewati proses pemeriksaan sehingga kebutuhan masyarakat akan daging babi dapat terpenuhi. RPH babi Kapuk yang merupakan salah satu sumber Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) bidang peternakan perlu untuk lebih ditingkatkan kontribusinya pada PAD. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, perlu diperhatikan beberapa hal dan salah satunya dengan mempertahankan pelanggan atau menarik pelanggan agar melakukan kegiatan usahanya di RPH babi Kapuk. Oleh karena itu, kepuasan pelanggan harus benar-benar diperhatikan agar terbentuk jalinan kerjasama yang kuat sehingga dapat mempertahankan pelanggan.
Tujuan penelitian adalah menjelaskan tingkat kepuasan pelanggan di RPH babi Kapuk dilihat dari dimensi tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, dan empathy dan upaya-upaya apa yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan tingkat kepuasan pelanggan di RPM babi Kapuk.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan pelanggan di RPH babi Kapuk berdasarkan dimensi SERVQUAL adalah dimensi Tangible mempunyai tingkat kepuasan rata-rata -1.56 (71.49%), Reliabii;rv mempunyai tingkat kepuasan rata-rata -1.28 (76.75%), Responsiveness mempunyai tingkat kepuasan rata-rata -1.02 (81.51%), Assurance mempunyai tingkat kepuasan rata-rata -1.40 (74.62%), dan Empathy mempunyai tingkat kepuasan rata-rata -1.27 (76.83%). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dimensi Tangible mempunyai tingkat kepuasan yang paling rendah dan dimensi Responsiveness mempunyai tingkat kepuasan tertinggi.
Alternatif prioritas perbaikan layanan yang disarankan dilihat dari tingkat kepentingan menurut pelanggan adalah melakukan perbaikan mulai dari dimensi Assurance, Reliability, Tangible, Responritieness, Empathy. Hal tersebut didukung dengan banyaknya saran dan masukan dari pelanggan seperti petugas harus menggunakan seragam sebagai jaminan kualitas terhadap ternak dan daging mereka, agar konsumen mempercayai daging yang dihasilkan karena telah mendapat jaminan kualitas dari RPH babi Kapuk.
Analysis on Customer Satisfaction Animal Slaughter Houses For Pigs in The Subdistrict Kapuk In The Province of The Municipality of The Jakarta Capital City (Propinsi DKI Jakarta)The Government has, by virtue of a Decision Letter from the Governor, Head of the Municipalitiy of the Jakarta Capital City, Number Ib.31211711966, dated 24 December 1966, which has been ratified by the Decision of the Minister of Home Affairs, Number 78 of 1971, dated 2 August 1971, which afterwards was endorsed by a Regulation of the Local Goverment of the Municipalitiy of the Jakarta Capital City. Number 5 of 1985, established u Local Company named PD Dharma Jaya. A Decision Letter from the Governor, Head of the Municipalitiy of the Jakarta Capital City, Number 890 of 1971 has reaffirmed the status of PD Dharma Jaya, as a Local Company in the Municipalitiy of the Jakarta Capital City, which is running its business in the field of services of an abattoir, in pig slaughtering, as well as the business of supplying and distributing meat.
Moreover, in order to reaffirm the type of its business, the Unit of Pig Abattoir at the Jalan Peternkan II in the Kapuk Subdistrict, which under management of PD Dharma Jaya, a Decision Letter was issued by the Governor, Head of the Municipalitiy of the Jakarta Capital City, No. 86 of 1991. The purpose and objectives of establishing a pig abattoir in the Kapuk Subdistrict, was in order to ensure the production of hygienic and good quality meat, by performing the required examination processes, so that it can provide for the people's need of pork. The pig abattoir in the Kapuk Subdistrict, constitutes one of the sources for the Local Goverment's Genuine Revenues (Pendapalan Asli Daerah /PAD) in the field of animal husbandry, and its contribution to the PAD needs be increased. In order to achieve that purpose, more attention should be given to certain matters, one of those is endeavoring to keep the existing customers as well as attracting new customers so that they conduct their business activities by using the pig abattoir in the Kapuk Subdistrict Therefore, matter of customers' satisfaction should be given more attention, in order to establish a reliable cooperation so that the existing customers can be maintained.
The purpose- of research is to ascertain the degree of customers' satisfaction regarding the pig abattoir in the Kapuk Subdistrict, if viewed from the following dimensions from the part of PD Dharma Jaya, namely: Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy, as well as what efforts can be made in order to enhance the degree of customers' satisfaction regarding the pig abattoir in Kapuk Subdistrict.
Results from the analysis indicates that the degree of customers satisfaction regarding the pig abattoir in Kapuk, based on the SERVQUAL dimension, are: the dimension of '!tangible, which has an average degree of satisfaction of -1.56 (71.49%), Reliability has an average degree of satisfaction of -1.28 (76.75%), Responsiveness has an average degree of satisfaction of -1.02 (81.51%), Assurance has an average degree of satisfaction of -1.44 (74.62%), and Empathy has an average degree of satisfaction of -1.27 (76.83%). This indicates that the dimension Tangible has the lowest level of satisfaction, whereas the dimension of Responsiveness has the highest degree of satisfaction.
An alternative priority that is suggested for improvement of services, if viewed from the interest from the part of the customer is making improvements, starting from the dimension of: Assurance, Reliability, Tangible, Responsiveness, and thereafter Empathy. This matter is supported by numerous suggestions and input from the customers, such as: attendants should wear uniform as a guarantee as regards the quality of their pigs and meat, so that customers can trust that the produced meat is of good quality, because it has the guarantee of the pig abattoir of the Kapuk Subdistrict.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library