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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Lubis, Yunita
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Betty Lisbet Pagawak
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas Pola Perilaku Komunitas Lokal yang berada di bantaran sungai dan bantaran rel kereta api. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola perilaku komunitas lokal, kondisi eksisting dan sanitasi dasar rumah yang berada di 2 (dua) daerah pemukiman kumuh di bantaran sungai Ciliwung dan di bantaran rel kereta api Bukit Duri, Tebet. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pertumbuhan penduduk dan migrasi desa - kota yang terus meningkat pada sebuah kota memicu timbulnya arus urbanisasi yang akhirnya menimbulkan suatu permasalahan pada sektor permukiman dan ketersediaan lahan. Keadaan tersebut memicu tumbuhnya permukiman kumuh dan liar di bantaran sungai dan bantaran rel kereta api. Wilayah permukiman di bantaran sungai dan rel menjadikan permasalahan tersendiri seperti banjir di pemukiman; penggunaan sungai untuk tempat mandi cuci, buang air besar dan juga pembuangan sampah domestik rumah tangga; pola tatanan rumah yang tidak teratur dengan jenis bangunan yang bervariasi mulai dari gubuk dan semi permanen. Walau dengan kondisi perumahan yang sedemikian, warga masih tetap bertahan dan tinggal di permukiman tersebut. Hal ini disebabkan karena, banyak tersedia tempat kerja di sektor informal dekat dengan hunian mereka dan juga mereka sering mendapatkan manfaat atau bantuan dari kondisi kekumuhan tersebut. Serangkaian kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam sektor informal menciptakan hubungan timbal balik dengan lingkungan tempat tinggal. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan perbedaan pola perilaku yang terdapat pada masing-masing lokasi berdasarkan kondisi fisik dan sanitasi. Bantaran sungai menjadi tempat berkumpul, mengobrol serta duduk-duduk bersantai, sedangkan kegiatan serupa tidak dapat dilakukan dengan santai oleh warga di bantaran rel kereta api. Warga di bantaran sungai dan bantaran rel kereta api pada umumnya bekerja di sektor informal namun warga di bantaran rel ada yang bekerja sebagai pengemis dan pemulung. Warga di bantaran sungai Ciliwung menempati rumah permanen dan semi permanen sementara rumah di bantaran rel kereta api pada umumnya adalah semi permanen dan gubuk. Mereka yang tinggal dibantaran sungai dan bantaran rel kereta api umumnya menyadari dan merasa khawatir terhadap penggusuran yang mungkin dilakukan oleh petugas Satpol PP. Namun demikian warga yang tinggal di bantaran rel kereta api lebih siap dan mau menerima perlakuan tersebut. Warga di bantaran sungai Ciliwung menikmati keberadaan MCK di sungai, dan mereka bebas melakukan interaksi sosial antara satu dengan lainnya sementara warga di bantaran rel memanfaatkan MCK umum milik PT KAI dan milik Manajemen Pasar Pagi untuk melakukan aktivitas serupa. Air sungai yang mengalir dan pepohonan hijau tumbuh disekitar bantaran sungai menimbulkan suasana yang nyaman dan santai dikalangan warga/penghuni. Sementara kondisi di bantaran rel kereta api selalu penuh dengan kebisingan dan tidak senyaman seperti suasana di bantaran sungai. Interaksi sosial di dibantaran rel kereta api berlangsung seperlunya saja, kurang akrab dan tidak santai.
This thesis discusses about a daily behavior pattern of Local Community located in the banks of the river and the bank of railway. The purpose of this study is to know behavior pattern of the existing condition and the basic sanitary of the local community located on the bank of river and on the bank of railway. This study uses the qualitative method. This study was conducted in 2 (two) slum residences on the bank of Ciliwung River and on bank of railway in Bukit Duri Tebet. The growth of population and rural ? urban migration create some problems in settlement and land availability in urban area. This condition triggered the slum and illegal settlements on the bank of the river and on the bank of the railway. Those settlements have specific problems such as flooding in the settlements, using river for bathing, washing, defecation and domestic waste disposal. Though they live in that condition they can still survive because there are many availability of informal sector workplaces close to those settlements and they can get some benefits and funding due to that ?slummy? condition. A series activities done in informal sector creates interaction with their settlement environment. This study found that there are some differences of behavior pattern between those two locations based on physical condition and sanitary condition. The bank of the river becomes the place for talking, sitting and resting among community, while the community in the banks of railway do those similar activities just for necesarry situation because they should aware for almost every five minutes due to the train traffic and its noise. The community in the bank of railway also should aware of the eviction by Satpol PP (the city police). The community in the bank of the river has permanent and semi permanent houses while the community the banks of railway generally live in semi permanent houses and huts. The community in the banks of the river and railway generally work in informal sector but some of the community in the banks of railway work as beggars and scavengers. Regarding activities of MCK (Bathing, Washing, and Defecation) the community in the river prefer to use the river of Ciliwung, because they can use it for social interactions among them while the citizen the bank of railway prefer to use railway and some public MCKs belongs to PT KAI and the Morning Marjet Management. The atmosphere along the river which is shown by the flowing water and trees around it poses a comfortable and relaxed situation for interaction among the community while the conditions on the banks of the railway is always full of noise and not as comfortable as on the banks of the river. Furthermore the community on the banks of railway should stay alert for the possibility of eviction by the local government., This thesis discusses about a daily behavior pattern of Local Community located in the banks of the river and the bank of railway. The purpose of this study is to know behavior pattern of the existing condition and the basic sanitary of the local community located on the bank of river and on the bank of railway. This study uses the qualitative method. This study was conducted in 2 (two) slum residences on the bank of Ciliwung River and on bank of railway in Bukit Duri Tebet. The growth of population and rural – urban migration create some problems in settlement and land availability in urban area. This condition triggered the slum and illegal settlements on the bank of the river and on the bank of the railway. Those settlements have specific problems such as flooding in the settlements, using river for bathing, washing, defecation and domestic waste disposal. Though they live in that condition they can still survive because there are many availability of informal sector workplaces close to those settlements and they can get some benefits and funding due to that “slummy” condition. A series activities done in informal sector creates interaction with their settlement environment. This study found that there are some differences of behavior pattern between those two locations based on physical condition and sanitary condition. The bank of the river becomes the place for talking, sitting and resting among community, while the community in the banks of railway do those similar activities just for necesarry situation because they should aware for almost every five minutes due to the train traffic and its noise. The community in the bank of railway also should aware of the eviction by Satpol PP (the city police). The community in the bank of the river has permanent and semi permanent houses while the community the banks of railway generally live in semi permanent houses and huts. The community in the banks of the river and railway generally work in informal sector but some of the community in the banks of railway work as beggars and scavengers. Regarding activities of MCK (Bathing, Washing, and Defecation) the community in the river prefer to use the river of Ciliwung, because they can use it for social interactions among them while the citizen the bank of railway prefer to use railway and some public MCKs belongs to PT KAI and the Morning Marjet Management. The atmosphere along the river which is shown by the flowing water and trees around it poses a comfortable and relaxed situation for interaction among the community while the conditions on the banks of the railway is always full of noise and not as comfortable as on the banks of the river. Furthermore the community on the banks of railway should stay alert for the possibility of eviction by the local government.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adira Shifana Putri
Abstrak :
Permasalahan mengenai sampah plastik kini menjadi fokus bagi berbagai kalangan. Perilaku membuang sampah berkaitan dengan bagaimana masyarakat memaknai lingkungannya yang dijelaskan melalui teori sense of place. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola perilaku membuang sampah plastik rumah tangga dan sense of place masyarakat sempadan terhadap Sungai Ciliwung masyarakat untuk mengidentifikasi kesadaran masyarakat sempadan terhadap lingkungannya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara terhadap masyarakat dan personel lainnya di wilayah terkait serta observasi. Analisis yang digunakan merupakan spasial deskriptif dengan pembagian segmen tidak seragam. Mayoritas masyarakat sempadan di dalam segmen telah mengelola sampahnya melalui petugas kebersihan dan tidak pernah membuang sampah ke sungai sejak adanya intervensi dari pemerintah dan Satgas Ciliwung. Tingkat sense of place positif dimiliki oleh masyarakat segmen tengah, dengan masyarakat segmen lainnya termasuk dalam tingkat netral yang dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik tepian sungai dan aktivitas yang dilakukan masyarakat di Sungai Ciliwung. Diperlukan upaya pemeliharaan sungai berbasis masyarakat untuk meningkatkan sense of place masyarakat terhadap Sungai Ciliwung demi menumbuhkan partisipasi aktif menjaga sungai. ......Issues about plastic waste has become a discussion focus by many. Waste disposal is linked towards how the public interpret their surroundings which explained through sense of place theory. The purpose of this study is to identify household plastic waste disposal behavioral pattern and sense of place of riverside community towards Ciliwung River to identify their awareness towards their environment. Primary data is collected through interview with the community and field observation. This study used descriptive spatial analysis based on ununiform divided segments. Majority of people in the segments has manage their plastic waste through waste officers and they never litter in the river again ever since interventions held by the government and Ciliwung Officer Unit. Positive sense of place is held by middle segment community, while the others had neutral sense of place based on the riverside characteristics and public activities on the river. Community-based river maintenance effort is needed to raise people’s sense of place towards Ciliwung River to raise their active participation in stewardship activities.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Alif Pratama
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai kedai kopi sebagai salah satu budaya perkotaan di Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Kehadiran Kedai kopi di perkotaan dipengaruhi dengan digitalisasi dan penciptaan ruang publik perkotaan, lalu dengan jadwal aktivitas perkotaan yang padat dan kebutuhan akan tempat rekreasi, relaksasi dan hiburan untuk tetap produktif dan fleksibel. Dengan begitu kedai kopi menjadi tempat ketiga yang dibutuhkan masyarakat perkotaan, dengan berbagai fasilitas, suasana, lingkungan dan interaksi sosial yang diperlukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada beberapa kedai kopi di Kota Bekasi, seperti Cotta Coffee, Fwb Coffee dan Kopi Prijaji dengan menggunakan metode etnografi dengan nongkrong langsung dan wawancara kepada pelanggan dan barista kedai kopi dan juga studi pustaka. Dalam penelitian ini menggambarkan budaya perkotaan yang ter manifestasikan ke dalam sebuah kedai kopi dengan melihat pola-pola interaksi didalamnya dan menganalisis pemikiran kedai kopi sebagai tempat ketiga. ......This study discusses coffee shops as one of the urban cultures in Bekasi City, West Java. The presence of coffee shops in Indonesia is influenced by digitalization and creating urban public spaces, then with the busy schedule of urban activities and the need for recreation, relaxation and entertainment places to stay productive and flexible. That way the coffee shop becomes the third place needed by urban communities, with various facilities, atmosphere, environment and social interaction needed. This research was conducted in several coffee shops in Bekasi City, such as Cotta Coffee, Fwb Coffee and Prijaji Coffee using the ethnographic method by hanging out directly and interviewing customers and coffee shop baristas as well as literature study. This study describes urban culture that is manifested in a coffee shop by looking at the patterns of interaction in it and analyzing the thinking of a coffee shop as a third place.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library