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Ditemukan 126 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Buyung Lukmanul Hakim
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
N. Putranti
Abstrak :
Strategi positionning iklan merupakan salah satu cara dalam menarik perbatian masyarakat akan suatu iklan dari produk atau jasa yang di tawarkan be:cupaya memberi makna dari suatu produ'k · kepada masyarakat., lebib mudatJ mengingat produk yang diiklankan. St>rategi demikian d i tuangkan dala.m aspek. kreatif iklan, yang meliputi v:isutd.iscisi, copy, ·ta:l::-a warna, dan ta·ta letak disal.n iklan. Sa.le.b satu produk yang . iklannya menempuh :J trat.egi I? O:':.dl.io1i .ing adalab . Cokla·t Wafer 'rop. Produk ini diposj_sikan sebe.gai jajanan para remaja. Dalam iklannya menggunakan
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ries, Al
Jakarta : Erlangga, 1988
659.134 RIE pt (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farrel, Jay
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999
623.893 FAR g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Lukmiyati
Abstrak :
Industri televisi di Indonesia semakin berkembang pesat. Saat ini ada sekitar lebih dari 200 stasiun televisi yang tersebar di berbagai propinsi. Semakin sesaknya pasar membuat persaingan di industri ini semakin ketat sehingga diharapkan setiap stasiun televisi memiliki positioning yang jelas di benak khalayak untuk dapat bertahan. Namun tidak selamanya proses positioning dapat berjalan sesuai harapan, ada kalanya sebuah perusahaan mengalami kesalahan dalam positioning yang disebabkan oleh beberapa hal. Pada penelitian ini, Jak tv, sebagai salah satu stasiun televisi lokal di Jakarta, mengalami confused positioning akibat terlalu banyaknya informasi yang diberikan kepada khalayak dan bahkan salah satu informasi kesehatan menimbulkan image yang berbeda bagi khalayak. Kondisi ini menjadi salah satu alasan Jak tv melakukan repositioning untuk membangun image menjadi televisi informasi. Metodologi dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan paradigma post-positivis. Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap 3 orang informan yaitu Direktur Utama Jak tv, Direktur Pemberitaan NCA, dan mantan Manajer R & D Jak tv, selain itu juga dilakukan observasi partisipatori dan penelusuran dokumen terkait tema penelitian. Penelitian ini bersifat evaluasi untuk menganalisis strategi repositioning yang dilakukan Jak tv yang mengalami confused positioning untuk membangun image sebagai televisi informasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi repositioning yang dilakukan yaitu penyesuaian kembali STP (segmentation, targeting, positioning), perubahan manajerial di bidang SDM, perbaikan alat dan teknologi serta perubahan dan perbaikan program tayangan. Dalam rangka meraih posisi yang baru, Jak tv terus melakukan komunikasi dengan khalayak yakni penonton dan pemasang iklan, dengan memanfaatkan media promosi on air dan off air termasuk memanfaatkan unit jaringan dalam grup Mahaka Media dan Artha Graha Network
The television industry in Indonesia is growing fast. Nowaday, there are more than 200 tv stations in Indonesia. Regarding that, each station must has a good and clear positioning for the audience to win the competition. However, the positioning process can not always going well, some of them had positioning gap, which is caused by many factors. This research took Jak tv, one of the local tv station in Jakarta, as a case study which had confused positioning. There were too many various information for Jak tv audiences, e.g one of the health information had made misperception of Jak tv image for the audience. Then the repositioning was made to build image of Jak tv as the information television. This research using a qualitative approach and a post-positivism paradigm. The researcher did an in-depth interview to the 3 resources: the CEO, the NCA Directors and ex R & D Manager of Jak tv. In order to be more accurate and comprehensive data, the researcher also did participatory observation and documents study. This is an evaluation research to analyse the repositioning strategi of Jak tv which had confused positioning to build image as the information television. The result showed that Jak tv had made some repositioning strategies include readjustment of the STP (segmentation, targeting, positioning), the managerial transformation of the human resources, renew the broadcasting equipments and technologies, and change over of the on air look and the content of broadcast programs. Jak tv always share with the audience and the advertiser of the new positioning. Jak tv, as unit part of two groups, the Mahaka Media and the Artha Graha Network, used media promotion both on air and off air to inform their new positioning;The television industry in Indonesia is growing fast. Nowaday, there are more than 200 tv stations in Indonesia. Regarding that, each station must has a good and clear positioning for the audience to win the competition. However, the positioning process can not always going well, some of them had positioning gap, which is caused by many factors. This research took Jak tv, one of the local tv station in Jakarta, as a case study which had confused positioning. There were too many various information for Jak tv audiences, e.g one of the health information had made misperception of Jak tv image for the audience. Then the repositioning was made to build image of Jak tv as the information television. This research using a qualitative approach and a post-positivism paradigm. The researcher did an in-depth interview to the 3 resources: the CEO, the NCA Directors and ex R & D Manager of Jak tv. In order to be more accurate and comprehensive data, the researcher also did participatory observation and documents study. This is an evaluation research to analyse the repositioning strategi of Jak tv which had confused positioning to build image as the information television. The result showed that Jak tv had made some repositioning strategies include readjustment of the STP (segmentation, targeting, positioning), the managerial transformation of the human resources, renew the broadcasting equipments and technologies, and change over of the on air look and the content of broadcast programs. Jak tv always share with the audience and the advertiser of the new positioning. Jak tv, as unit part of two groups, the Mahaka Media and the Artha Graha Network, used media promotion both on air and off air to inform their new positioning, The television industry in Indonesia is growing fast. Nowaday, there are more than 200 tv stations in Indonesia. Regarding that, each station must has a good and clear positioning for the audience to win the competition. However, the positioning process can not always going well, some of them had positioning gap, which is caused by many factors. This research took Jak tv, one of the local tv station in Jakarta, as a case study which had confused positioning. There were too many various information for Jak tv audiences, e.g one of the health information had made misperception of Jak tv image for the audience. Then the repositioning was made to build image of Jak tv as the information television. This research using a qualitative approach and a post-positivism paradigm. The researcher did an in-depth interview to the 3 resources: the CEO, the NCA Directors and ex R & D Manager of Jak tv. In order to be more accurate and comprehensive data, the researcher also did participatory observation and documents study. This is an evaluation research to analyse the repositioning strategi of Jak tv which had confused positioning to build image as the information television. The result showed that Jak tv had made some repositioning strategies include readjustment of the STP (segmentation, targeting, positioning), the managerial transformation of the human resources, renew the broadcasting equipments and technologies, and change over of the on air look and the content of broadcast programs. Jak tv always share with the audience and the advertiser of the new positioning. Jak tv, as unit part of two groups, the Mahaka Media and the Artha Graha Network, used media promotion both on air and off air to inform their new positioning]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Galuh Mega Pratiwi
Abstrak :
Tesis ini meneliti reposisi nilai pada lembaga Negara pasca reformasi. Lembaga Negara yang dipilih adalah Tentara Nasional Indonesia. Untuk mengetahui strategi komunikasi yang digunakan TNI untuk memperbaiki citranya pasca reformasi. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori repositioning organisasi. Paradigma yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah paradigm post positivist. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah wawancara dan sumber dokumen. Peneliti melakukan wawancara dengan beberapa narasumber yang berasal dari militer, pengamat militer dan masyarakat. Hasil penelitian adalah reposisi yang dilakukan oleh lembaga Negara TNI berjalan dengan baik, namun masih membutuhkan revisi dan evaluasi dengan tujuan menyempurnakan reposisi. Strategi komunikasi yang digunakan adalah komunikasi internal dan eksternal. TNI melakukan doktrin, perubahan kurikulum pendidikan dan latihan- latihan untuk mengkomunikasikan segala perubahan yang terjadi didalam organisasi. Komunikasi eksternal yang digunakan TNI adalah melalui media massa dan terjun langsung ditengah- tengah masyarakat sehingga tujuan untuk memperbaiki citra dapat terlaksana. (repositioning, positioning, image atau citra) ......This thesis specifically examines the repositioning of the value of the State Institutions post 1998 Reform. The State Institution selected is the Indonesian National Army (Tentara Nasional Indonesia), to determine the communication strategy employed by TNI to improve its image after the reform. The paradigm used in the study were the post-positivist paradigm. This type of research is a qualitative research. Data collection techniques are interviews and researching some document sources. Researchers conducted interviews with some of the speakers who are or used to be an active military personnel, military observers and public. The result of the research is that the repositioning which is planned by this specific State Institusion, in this case, the TNI is so far going well but still requires some revisions and evaluation to further enhance the repositioning. Communication strategies used are internal and external communications. TNI should reform its doctrine by embedding missions of its reposition, should enhance changes its curriculum and exercise to communicates any changes that occur within the organization due to its repositioning mission. External communications which is commonly used by TNI is through the mass media and by going actively in the society so that its objective to improve its image can be accomplished successfully. So far, the implementation of its repositioning policies that are exercised by the military to reach a new position in the public mind is going well. Research stated that the military is now have a much better image and the position compared to the time before the reforms because public confidence and trust is beginning to return. But of course, the military must continue to strive to gain and win the hearts of the public hoping to restore a
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melanie Vandauli
Abstrak :
Tulisan ini membahas Perencanaan pembangunan Pelayanan Geriatri di Mayapada Hospital Jakarta Selatan. Menganalisa faktor faktor Kelemahan, kekuatan, peluang dan ancaman ,sebagai positioning untuk berdirinya pelayanan geriatri.Setelah itu menyusun Strategi dan pemetaan strategi, sampai pada perumusan KPI unit agar pelayanan Geriatri dapat terlaksana . Pelayanan Geriati sangat mengandung ketidakpastian di era VUCA yaitu terkait pertimbangan aspek finansial, kekompleksan masalah peyakit pada manula, dan peraturan pemerintah yang mungkin saja akan berubah. ......This thesis discusses the planning of developing Geriatric Services at Mayapada Hospital in South Jakarta. Analyze Weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats factors, as a positioning for the establishment of geriatric services. After that, formulating strategies and mapping strategies, to the formulation of Key Performance Indikcator in units ,inorder Geriatric services can be implemented. Geriati services are very uncertain in the VUCA era, which are related to the consideration of financial aspects, the complexity of the problems of the elderly, and government regulations that might change
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rani Nur`Aini
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang analisis kelayakan operator FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) di Indonesia. Seberapa besar mereka berkontribusi untuk meningkatkan teledensitas jaringan telekomunikasi khususnya pada jaringan fixed. Kepemilikan dua lisensi yaitu jaringan fixed dan seluler oleh suatu perusahaan membuat perusahaan tersebut tidak konsisten dalam mengelola manajemen perusahaan mereka. Bila dilihat secara internal, ketidak konsistenan suatu perusahaan dalam mengelola manajemen perusahaan dinilai sebagai salah satu kelemahan perusahaan yang sekaligus dapat dijadikan sebagai peluang bagi perusahaan lain untuk merebut pelanggannya. Untuk itu, berdasarkan analisis daya saing operator FWA eksisting ini diharapkan mampu memberikan output (keluaran) berupa evaluasi bagi manajemen perusahaan untuk memfokuskan diri agar memilih pangsa pasar mana yang akan dituju guna mempertahankan positioning mereka di pangsa pasar yang sudah tercipta dengan baik. Dalam Tesis ini dengan analisis biplot akan menganalisis persaingan bisnis masing-masing perusahaan dari sisi perkembangan jumlah pelanggan serta positioning mereka di mata pelanggan, selain peran pemerintah dalam membuat regulasi alokasi frekuensi FWA juga dibutuhkan.
This tesis discusses about the feasibility analysis of FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) operator in Indonesia. How big they contribute to increase teledensity of telecommunications network especially the fixed network. The ownership of two licenses that is fixed network and cellular by a company made this company inconsistent in carrying out the management of their company. From internally, the inconsistent of a company in carrying out the management of their company was thought as one of the weakness that can be made a opportunity for the other one to seized their customer. So, according this competitive analysis of FWA operator can give an output as an evaluation for the company management to focus their selves in order to choose which market segment will be the aim to maintained their position in the market segment that has been created well. In this tesis, with the biplot analysis will analyze the competition of each company business from the side of the number of customer development and their positioning in the eyes of the customer, besides of the government roles in making the allocation regulation of the FWA frequency also be needed.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Renata Evaningrum
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini ingin menggambarkan bagaimana peran pesan-pesan dalam iklan, khususnya tagline dalam pembentukan positioning. Pemasar tentunya meluncurkan tagline dengan tujuan untuk membuat merek berada dalam top of mind konsumen tetapi apa yang terjadi jika tagline yang disampaikan dengan program kampanye iklan tidak dapat diterima oleh konsumen dan positioning yang diterapkan pemasar kemudian hanya menjadi wacana belaka? Positioning adalah sebuah proses yang ditentukan oleh pemasar akan apa yang dipikirkan konsumen setelah menerima stimulus yang diprogram dan terintegrasi dalam program kampanye lainnya. Hasil penerimaan positioning itulah yang mempengaruhi proses Hieracby of Effect yang akan mengolah stimulus pernasaran menjadi kesukaan dan juga mempengaruhi sikap dalam pengambilan keputusan. Penelitian dilakukan secara kualitatif menggunakan studi kasus dari brand Sariwangi, Lifebuoy dan Sunsilk. Hasil temuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah tagline berperan dalam persepsi dan opini konsumen namun tidak serta merta mengubah sikap konsumen dan tagline yang disukai oleh konsumen adalah tagline yang sederhana dan mengandung makna selain komersial.
This research would like to describe the role of messages in advertising. especially !he lagline in formation of positioning. Marketers launched a tagline with the a purpose to create a brand to be on consumers? top of mind; but what will happen if a tagline which delivered with an advertising campaign program cannot be accepted by consumers and marketers positioning that is applied to the consumers becomes to be a merely discourse? Positioning is a process which determined by the marketers to create the consumers thought after receiving a programmed and integrated stimulus in the other campaign program. The results of positioning acceptance will qffect the Hierachy of Effict process which will process the marketing stimulus into joy and also will affect the attitudes in making decision. This research is a qualitative research with a case study of Sariwangi, Lifebuoy, and Sunsilk. The major findings of this research are a tagline has the role to improve the brand image and also in the process of brand positioning; however in the process of purchasing the product, there are several factors that afficts the consumers other than tagline, The consumers like the easy tagline and meaningful tagjine.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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