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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Leonard Andreas Wiyadharma
Abstrak :
Salah satu pengawet yang sering digunakan adalah formalin, untuk mengawetkan jaringan dan kadaver. Secara materi fiksatif, formalin terbukti berfungsi dengan baik, tetapi juga bersifat volatil, iritatif, toksik, serta karsinogenik. Oleh karena itu, teknik pengawetan kadaver lain perlu dikembangkan. Studi eksperimental ini dilakukan untuk membandingkan dua larutan (CaCl2 dan gliserin) bebas formalin sebagai pengawet lanjutan untuk jaringan hati tikus Sprague Dawley dengan larutan pengawet standar berformalin. Pengamatan yang dilakukan berupa pengamatan makroskopik, yaitu konsistensi organ dan keberadaan jamur serta mikroskopik untuk mengetahui jaringan nekrosis dan abnormalitas. Hasil studi menunjukkan hati yang diawetkan dengan larutan CaCl2 berakhir dengan konsistensi yang jelek. Hati yang diawetkan dengan larutan pengawet standar dan larutan gliserin menunjukkan konsistensi yang baik. Pada permukaan larutan CaCl2 ditemukan jamur, tetapi tidak dalam larutan dan hati yang terendam. Pada larutan gliserin dan larutan pengawet standar tidak ditemukan jamur. Pemeriksaan mikroskopik menunjukkan gambaran abnormal pada hati yang diawetkan dengan larutan gliserin maupun larutan pengawet standar. Kesimpulan dari studi ini adalah larutan CaCl2 memiliki efek pengawet yang lebih buruk dibandingkan dengan formalin dan larutan gliserin memiliki efek pengawet yang sebanding dengan larutan standar berformalin.
Formaldehyde is one of the preservative materials that are commonly used for tissues, organs, and cadavers. Even though it has excellent fixative characteristic, formaldehyde is also volatile, irritative, toxic, and carcinogenic. Due to such reason, new formaldehyde-free preservative materials should be developed. This study aimed to compare formaldehyde-free solutions (CaCl2 and glycerine) as advance preservative materials to formaldehyde-based preservative (standard preservative solution), using liver tissues were extracted from Sprague Dawley rats as the preserved materials. Observations done in this research were macroscopic observation, which composed of consistency and presence of fungi, and microscopic observation that swas done to detect any necrotic or abnormal structure in cellular level. This study showed that livers preserved using CaCl2 has bad consistency compared to Standard Preservative solution as the control. Liver tissues preserved in standard preservative solution and glycerine solution showed good result. Microscopic results showed that all of the livers preserved in both glycerine and standard preservative solution have abnormal cellular structure. Presence of fungi was only positive on the surface of the CaCl2 solutions. Fungi were not found on surface of both solution preserved in glycerine solution and standard preservative solution. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that CaCl2 solution provide worse preservative effect compared to formaldehyde, while highly concentrated glycerine has similar preservative effect compared to formaldehyde-based solution
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khoirun Nisa
Abstrak :
During their storage, the traditional ready-to-eat food, such as sticky rice cake, are easily contaminated by spoilage pathogens. Hence, this study aims to evaluate the effect of Citrus hystrix extract in reducing spoilage pathogens in sticky rice cake during storage. The experimental sticky rice cake was prepared and formulated with Citrus hystrix extract at varied level of concentrations of 0.65%, 1.26% and 1.82% (w/w). Treated samples were stored at room temperature for 28 days and evaluated periodically for their microbial activity (total plate count), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), and sensory analysis. For its antifungal activity, the Citrus hystrix extract was also compared against Penicillium sp. and Aspergillus nidulans prior to formulation. Results exhibited a significant advantage of the added extracts to the sticky rice cake. All extract levels effectively eliminated the spoilage microorganism and significantly lowered the TBARS values. The physico-chemical properties of sticky rice cake including pH, water activity, and moisture content were equal among all the formulated samples and slightly different at 1.82% (w/w) extract level. Moreover, the addition of Citrus hystrix extract up to 1.82% did not affect the acceptability sensory attributes of the sticky rice cake as compared to the control which has no Citrus hystrix extracts (p > 0.05).
Bogor: Seameo Biotrop, 2020
634.6 BIO 27:3 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhika Ananda Hermawan
Abstrak :
Manusia selalu membutuhkan makanan sebab makanan dapat menyuplai energi agar dapat beraktivitas. Makanan yang kita konsumsi harus sehat dan berkualitas karena kualitas makanan dapat mempengaruhi jumlah nutrisi yang kita butuhkan. Salah satu hal yang menyebabkan kemunduran kualitas makanan adalah pembusukan. Pembusukan makanan disebabkan oleh kontaminasi mikroba yang diperparah dengan kondisi penyimpanan yang mendukung pertumbuhan mikroorganisme seperti suhu, pH, aktivitas air. Oleh karena itu, perhatian khusus diperlukan untuk mengawetkan makanan atau menjaga bahan pangan selalu dalam keadaan baik, mengikuti kondisi lingkungan dan penyimpanan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik masing-masing bahan pangan. Salah satu cara efektif untuk mengawetkan makanan adalah dengan menggunakan ozon. Ozon merupakan disinfektan kuat yang dapat mendisinfeksi beragam mikroorganisme yang menyebabkan pembusukan. Kelebihan lain dari ozon adalah tidak memiliki residu; lebih efisien dari hydrogen peroksida dan dapat menghilangkan bahan berbahaya pada makanan seperti insektisida pada sayuran atau buah-buahan serta produk pertanian lain. Ozon juga sudah dinyatakan aman untuk digunakan sebagai bahan pengawet makanan (GRAS, Generally Recognized As Save) oleh Badan Pengawas Makanan dan Obat Amerika Serikat (FDA, Food and Drug Administration). Penggunaan ozon sebagai pengawet makanan dapat dilakukan dalam berbagai bentuk atau fasa: gas, air terozonasi, es terozonasi dan kabut ozon (ozone mist). Ozon telah diaplikasikan secara luas dalam mengawetkan berbagai jenis bahan pangan seperti: buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran; tepung, biji-bijian dan sejenisnya; susu dan turunannya; daging, ikan dan tahu. Efektivitas penggunaan ozon sebagai bahan pengawet makanan dipengaruhi oleh berbagai macam faktor dari dua sisi: (i) ozon sebagai bahan pengawet; dan (ii) bahan makanan yang diawetkan. Di antara faktor (i) adalah fasa, konsentrasi, durasi dan frekwensi ozon. Faktor (ii) di antaranya adalah bentuk fisik, kandungan air, luas permukaan spesifik dan kandungan mikroorganisme. Fungsi ozon sebagai bahan pengawet dapat pula digabungkan dengan metode pengawetan lain seperti pendinginan, dan penggunaan kemasan. ......Humans always need food because food can supply energy in order to be active. The food we consume must be healthy and of good quality because the quality of food can affect the amount of nutrients we need. One of the things that causes deterioration of food quality is spoilage. Food spoilage is caused by microbial contamination which is exacerbated by storage conditions that support the growth of microorganisms such as temperature, pH, water activity. Therefore, special attention is needed to preserve food or keep food ingredients always in good condition, following environmental conditions and storage in accordance with the characteristics of each food ingredient. One effective way to preserve food is to use ozone. Ozone is a strong disinfectant that can disinfect various microorganisms that cause spoilage. Another advantage of ozone is that it has no residue; more efficient than hydrogen peroxide and can remove harmful ingredients in food such as insecticides on vegetables or fruits and other agricultural products. Ozone has also been declared safe for use as a food preservative (GRAS, Generally Recognized As Save) by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The use of ozone as a food preservative can be carried out in various forms or phases: gas, zoned water, zoned ice and ozone mist. Ozone has been widely applied in preserving various types of foodstuffs such as: fruits and vegetables; flour, grains and the like; milk and its derivatives; meat, fish and tofu. The effectiveness of using ozone as a food preservative is influenced by various factors from two sides: (i) ozone as a preservative; and (ii) preserved foodstuffs. Among the factors (i) are the phase, concentration, duration and frequency of ozone. Factor (ii) of which is physical form, water content, specific surface area, and content of microorganisms. The function of ozone as a preservative can also be combined with other preservation methods such as refrigeration, and the use of packaging.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Natrium benzoat dan kalium sorbat merupakan bahan tambahan pangan yang secara luas digunakan pada bahan makanan ataupun minuman guna mencegah atau menghambat kerusakan bahan pangan yang dapat disebabkan oleh jamur, bakteri ataupun mikroba pembusuk. Penentuan kadar natrium benzoat dan kalium sorbat dalam bahan makanan seperti kecap dan saus tomat dilakukan dengan teknik HPLC fasa terbalik dengan kolom C18 dan menggunakan fasa gerak berupa campuran metanol dan buffer fosfat. Kondisi optimum pemisahan kedua bahan pengawet diperoleh pada komposisi fasa gerak metanol : buffer fosfat (15:85) dengan pH buffer 6,8 serta laju alir eluen 1,0 mL/min. Kondisi optimum pemisahan kedua bahan pengawet tersebut memenuhi parameter validasi dengan persen perolehan kembali > 90% dan %RSD < 2% untuk uji presisi. Batas deteksi (LoD) untuk natrium benzoat dan kalium sorbat berturut- turut 2,305 mg/L dan 0,390 mg/L sementara limit kuantisasi (LOQ) natrium benzoat dan kalium sorbat masing-masing sebesar 7,685 mg/L dan 1,300 mg/L. ......Sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate are food additives which widely used in foods or beverages to prevent or to delay the decay of foodstuffs that can be caused by fungi, bacteria, or microbe. Determination of the amount of sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate in foods namely soy sauce and tomato sauce was done by HPLC technique in reverse phase with C18 column and the blend of methanol and phosphate buffer as mobile phase. The optimum separation condition for both preservatives was achieved at methanol and phosphate buffer blending ratio of 15 : 85 in which the buffer's pH was 6,8 and the flow rate was 1,0 mL/min. The optimum separation condition for both preservatives agreed to the validation parameters with the percent recovery higher than 90% and %RSD smaller than 2% for the presicion. The limit of detection for sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate were 2,305 mg/L and 0,390 mg/L respectively, while the limit of quantization for sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate were 7,685 mg/L and 1,300 mg/L respectively.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nisa Ayu Anggraini
Abstrak :
Daging Sapi Segar merupakan bahan pangan yang mudah mengalami kerusakan mikrobiologi dan pembusukan karena memiliki kadar air dan nilai gizi yang tinggi. Madu dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pengawet alami tanpa membahayakan kesehatan manusia. Madu berpotensi untuk mengawetkan daging karena memiliki aktivitas antibakteri. Madu akasia 1 dari Tanjung Jabung Barat (Jambi), madu akasia 2 dari Sontang (Riau), madu akasia 3 dari Dumai (Riau), dan madu randu dilakukan uji SNI dan kadar total fenolik terlebih dahulu. Pada penelitian ini, daging sapi giling segar digunakan sebagai sampel yang diawetkan menggunakan madu dengan variasi konsentrasi dan waktu penyimpanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan madu terhadap karakteristik mikrobiologis dan fisik daging sapi giling segar. Empat parameter analisis yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini, yaitu pH, aktivitas air, Angka Lempeng Total (ALT), dan organoleptik. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 5 perlakuan dengan variasi penambahan konsentrasi madu, yaitu 0% sebagai kontrol, 5%, 10%, 15% dan 20% dan variasi waktu penyimpanan daging sapi, yaitu hari ke0, hari-1, hari ke-3, dam hari-ke 5. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan ANOVA alfa 0,05. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa variasi konsentrasi madu dan waktu penyimpanan daging sapi berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap pH, aktivitas air, Angka Lempeng Total (ALT), organoleptik, serta diperoleh konsentrasi madu yang memberikan efek pengawetan yang baik adalah penggunaan madu dengan konsentrasi sebesar 10%. ......Fresh beef is a foodstuff food ingredient that is susceptible to microbiological damage and spoilage because it has high water content and nutritional value. Honey can be used as a natural preservative without harming human health. Honey has the potential to preserve beef because of it has antibacterial activity. Acacia 1 honey from Tanjung Jabung Barat (Jambi), acacia 2 honey from Sontang (Riau), acacia 3 honey from Dumai (Riau), and randu honey from Pati (East Java) were tested for SNI and total phenolic content first. In this research, fresh grinding ground beef was used as a sample that was preserved using honey with variations OF concentration of honey and storage time. The objectives of this research were to know evaluate? the influence of addition OF honey to microbiological and physical characteristics of fresh grinding beef. This research used four kinds of analysis, there were such as pH, water activity, Total Plate Count (TPC), and organoleptic. In this research, five treatments were used with various concentration of honey; there were which were 0% as control, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% and various storage time; there were day-0, day-1, day-3, and day-5. The data obtained were analyzed by ANOVA alpha 0.05. The result showed that variations in honey concentration and storage time of meat significantly affected the pH value, water activity, Total Plate Count (TPC), organoleptic. 10% honey showed the best preservation effect on the sample.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library