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Nur Widayat

Kedudukan Apoteker pada industri farmasi telah tercantum jelas dalam CPOB yaitu berperan sebagai personil kunci dalam produksi, pengawasan mutu, dan pemastian mutu yang harus independen antara satu terhadap yang lain serta merupakan apoteker purnawaktu. Mengingat pentingnya peran apoteker dalam industri farmasi, maka calon apoteker harus mendapatkan bekal pengetahuan yang cukup serta memiliki pengalaman yang memadai. Univesitas Indonesia bekerja sama dengan PT Guardian Pharmatama dalam mengadakan kegiatan Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) sebagai suatu sarana pembelajaran bagi calon apoteker yang berlangsung pada periode September – Oktober 2019. Dengan adanya kegiatan ini, calon apoteker menjadi lebih siap ketika bekerja dan dapat mengaplikasikan ilmu yang dimilikinya dalam rangka mengatasi permasalahan-permasalahan terkait pekerjaan kefarmasian yang ada di industri farmasi.


The position of Apothecary in the pharmaceutical industry has been clearly stated in CPOB, namely having a role as key personnel in production, quality control, and quality assurance who must be independent from one another and are full-time pharmacists. Given the important role of pharmacists in the pharmaceutical industry, prospective pharmacists must obtain sufficient knowledge and have sufficient experience. Univesitas Indonesia collaborates with PT Guardian Pharmatama in holding the Pharmacist Professional Work Practice (PKPA) activity as a learning tool for prospective pharmacists which takes place in the period September - October 2019. With this activity, prospective pharmacists are more ready when working and can apply knowledge owned in order to overcome problems related to pharmaceutical work in the pharmaceutical industry.


Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gerry May Susanto
"Seorang Apoteker memegang peranan penting di industri farmasi, apotek dan pemerintahan. Apoteker harus memenuhi standar kompetensi sebagai persyaratan untuk memasuki dunia kerja dan menjalani praktik profesi. Standar kompetensi Apoteker Indonesia terdiri dari sepuluh (10) standar kompetensi sebagai kemampuan yang diharapkan telah dimiliki calon Apoteker saat lulus dan masuk ke tempat praktik kerja profesi. Sebagai bekal dan pengalaman calon apoteker untuk dapat memahami peran apoteker dan meingkatkan kompetensi, maka dilaksanakan Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) di Apotek Kimia Farma No 47, Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Jelatan, dan PT Abbott Indonesia selama periode bulan Januari-April 2019. Selama PKPA, diharapkan calon apoteker dapat memperluas wawasan, pemahaman, dan pengalaman untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di tempat praktik kerja profesi.

A Pharmacist plays an important role in the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacies and government-related jobs. Pharmacist must meet competency standards as a requirement for entering the workforce and undergoing professional practice. Indonesian Pharmacist competency standards consist of ten (10) competency standards as skills and/or abbilities expected to be possessed by Pharmacist when they graduated and/or enter professional work practices. As a preparation and to gain an experience as a Pharmacist, a prospective pharmacist have to be able to understand the role of Pharmacist and improve his or her competence, the Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) was carried out at Apotek Kimia Farma No. 47, Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Jelatan, and PT Abbott Indonesia in January-April 2019 period. During PKPA, it is expected that students of Apotechary Professional Program can broaden their horizon,to experience and understanding pharmaceutical work in professional workplaces."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gerry May Susanto
"Seorang Apoteker memegang peranan penting di industri farmasi, apotek dan pemerintahan. Apoteker harus memenuhi standar kompetensi sebagai persyaratan untuk memasuki dunia kerja dan menjalani praktik profesi. Standar kompetensi Apoteker Indonesia terdiri dari sepuluh (10) standar kompetensi sebagai kemampuan yang diharapkan telah dimiliki calon Apoteker saat lulus dan masuk ke tempat praktik kerja profesi. Sebagai bekal dan pengalaman calon apoteker untuk dapat memahami peran apoteker dan meingkatkan kompetensi, maka dilaksanakan Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) di Apotek Kimia Farma No 47, Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Jelatan, dan PT Abbott Indonesia selama periode bulan Januari-April 2019. Selama PKPA, diharapkan calon apoteker dapat memperluas wawasan, pemahaman, dan pengalaman untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di tempat praktik kerja profesi.

A Pharmacist plays an important role in the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacies and government-related jobs. Pharmacist must meet competency standards as a requirement for entering the workforce and undergoing professional practice. Indonesian Pharmacist competency standards consist of ten (10) competency standards as skills and/or abbilities expected to be possessed by Pharmacist when they graduated and/or enter professional work practices. As a preparation and to gain an experience as a Pharmacist, a prospective pharmacist have to be able to understand the role of Pharmacist and improve his or her competence, the Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) was carried out at Apotek Kimia Farma No. 47, Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Jelatan, and PT Abbott Indonesia in January-April 2019 period. During PKPA, it is expected that students of Apotechary Professional Program can broaden their horizon, to experience and understanding pharmaceutical work in professional workplaces."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gerry May Susanto
"Seorang Apoteker memegang peranan penting di industri farmasi, apotek dan pemerintahan. Apoteker harus memenuhi standar kompetensi sebagai persyaratan untuk memasuki dunia kerja dan menjalani praktik profesi. Standar kompetensi Apoteker Indonesia terdiri dari sepuluh (10) standar kompetensi sebagai kemampuan yang diharapkan telah dimiliki calon Apoteker saat lulus dan masuk ke tempat praktik kerja profesi. Sebagai bekal dan pengalaman calon apoteker untuk dapat memahami peran apoteker dan meingkatkan kompetensi, maka dilaksanakan Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) di Apotek Kimia Farma No 47, Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Jelatan, dan PT Abbott Indonesia selama periode bulan Januari-April 2019. Selama PKPA, diharapkan calon apoteker dapat memperluas wawasan, pemahaman, dan pengalaman untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di tempat praktik kerja profesi.

A Pharmacist plays an important role in the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacies and government-related jobs. Pharmacist must meet competency standards as a requirement for entering the workforce and undergoing professional practice. Indonesian Pharmacist competency standards consist of ten (10) competency standards as skills and/or abbilities expected to be possessed by Pharmacist when they graduated and/or enter professional work practices. As a preparation and to gain an experience as a Pharmacist, a prospective pharmacist have to be able to understand the role of Pharmacist and improve his or her competence, the Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) was carried out at Apotek Kimia Farma No. 47, Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Jelatan, and PT Abbott Indonesia in January-April 2019 period. During PKPA, it is expected that students of Apotechary Professional Program can broaden their horizon, to experience and understanding pharmaceutical work in professional workplaces.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Metharezqi Suci Arsih
Nama : Metharezqi Suci ArsihNPM : 1506815270Program Studi : Profesi ApotekerJudul : Laporan Praktek Kerja Profesi di Apotek Hidup Baru Periode Bulan September 2016Praktek Kerja Profesi PKP di Apotek Hidup Baru dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2016. Kegiatan PKP ini bertujuan agar mahasiswa memahami peranan, tugas dan tanggung jawab Apoteker di apotek, mendapatkan ketrampilan dan pengalaman mengenai kegiatan manajerial dan pelayanan farmasi klinis di apotek, serta memperoleh gambaran dalam menghadapi permasalahan pada praktik kefarmasian di apotek. Tugas khusus yang diberikan berjudul Pembuatan Standar Prosedur Operasional Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Rumah Sesuai dengan Pelaksanaan di Apotek Hidup Baru dan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan. Tugas khusus ini bertujuan untuk menjaga konsistensi dan tingkat kinerja petugas, mengetahui dengan jelas peran dan fungsi masing-masing petugas, memperjelas alur tugas, wewenang dan tanggung jawab petugas, serta menghindari kegagalan, kesalahan, keraguan, duplikasi, dan inefisiensi dalam melaksanakan pelayanan kefarmasian di rumah. Kata kunci : Apotek Hidup Baru, Standar Prosedur Operasional, Pelayanan Kefarmasian di RumahTugas Umum : xiii 29 halaman, 4 lampiranTugas Khusus : iii 14 halaman, 3 lampiranDaftar Acuan Tugas Umum : 4 2009-2015 Daftar Acuan Tugas Khusus : 5 2009-2014

Name Metharezqi Suci ArsihNPM 1506815270Program Study Apothecary ProfessionJudul Profession Internship at Apotek Hidup Baru on September 2016Profession Internship at Apotek Hidup Baru was held on September, 2016. This internship aims so that student can understand the role, duties and responsibilities of the Pharmacist, gaining skills and experiences on managerial activities and clinical pharmacy service, as well as obtain an overview in the face of problems on pharmaceutical practices at the Pharmacy. The specific assignment gives entitled The Making of Standard Operational Procedur of Home Pharmacy Care in Accordance between The Implementation at Hidup Baru Pharmacy and The Laws. The aim of this specific assignment was to maintain consistency and performance of workers, knowing clearly the role and functions of each workers, clarify the flow of tasks, authority and responsibilities of the workers, as well as avoiding the failure, error, doubt, duplication, and inefficiency in carrying out the Home Pharmacy Care. Keywords Hidup Baru Pharmacy, Standard Operational Procedur, Home Pharmacy CareGeneral Assignment xiii 29 pages, 4 appendicesSpecific Assignment iii 14 pages, 3 appendicesBibliography of General Assignment 4 2009 2015 Bibliography of Specific Assignment 5 2009 2014 "
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nengah Ridwan
"Health is the main capital needed by humans. Humans will continue to try to meet their physical and spiritual needs. Good health is health that is felt by all citizens in each country, of course Health Workers have an important role, in this case both Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses and other Health Workers. Pharmacists are professionals in the health sector whose role is to provide information about medicines to be consumed, ensure that all production processes in the industry comply with GMP and are responsible for implementing drug distribution. Through Work Practice, it is hoped that prospective pharmacists can understand what their duties and responsibilities are. Divided into 2 areas of specialization, namely industry and service. The practicals are held from March to October 2022. The practicums are carried out at PT Aventis Pharma, Kimia Farma K2 382 Pharmacy, Fatmawati Hospital, Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution Jakarta 3, and the Jatinegara Health Center as an illustration of the role of pharmacists in industry, distribution and service. Apart from learning directly from observing, prospective pharmacists are also given the opportunity to analyze the problems that exist in each workplace. Therefore, this internship report will discuss the problems and solutions proposed in each workplace.
...... Kesehatan merupakan modal utama yang dibutuhkan oleh manusia. Manusia akan terus berusaha memenuhi kebutuhan akan jasmani dan rohaninya. Kesehatan yang baik ialah kesehatan yang dirasakan oleh seluruh warga disetiap negaranya, tentunya Tenaga Kesehatan memiliki peranan yang penting, dalam hal ini baik Dokter, Apoteker, Perawat maupun Tenaga Kesehatan lainnya. Apoteker merupakan profesional di bidang kesehatan yang berperan dalam memberikan informasi tentang obat-obatan yang akan dikonsumsi, memastikan bahwa segala proses produksi di industri sesuai dengan CPOB dan menjadi penanggung jawab pada pelaksanaan distribusi obat. Melalui Praktik Kerja, diharapkan calon apoteker dapat memahami apa yang menjadi tugas dan tanggung jawabnya. Terbagi atas 2 bidang peminatan yaitu industri dan pelayanan. Praktik dilaksankan dari bulan Maret hingga Oktober 2022. Praktik kerja dilakukan di PT Aventis Pharma, Apotek Kimia Farma K2 382, RSUP Fatmawati, Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution Jakarta 3, dan Puskesmas Jatinegara sebagai gambaran peran apoteker dibidang industri, distribusi maupun pelayanan. Selain belajar secara langsung dari mengamati, calon apoteker juga diberikan kesempatan untuk menganalisis masalah yang ada di masing-masing tempat kerja. Oleh karena itu, laporan praktik kerja ini akan membahas mengenai masalah beserta solusi yang diajukan di tiap tempat praktik kerja.
...... Health is the main capital needed by humans. Humans will continue to try to meet their physical and spiritual needs. Good health is health that is felt by all citizens in each country, of course Health Workers have an important role, in this case both Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses and other Health Workers. Pharmacists are professionals in the health sector whose role is to provide information about medicines to be consumed, ensure that all production processes in the industry comply with GMP and are responsible for implementing drug distribution. Through Work Practice, it is hoped that prospective pharmacists can understand what their duties and responsibilities are. Divided into 2 areas of specialization, namely industry and service. The practicals are held from March to October 2022. The practicums are carried out at PT Aventis Pharma, Kimia Farma K2 382 Pharmacy, Fatmawati Hospital, Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution Jakarta 3, and the Jatinegara Health Center as an illustration of the role of pharmacists in industry, distribution and service. Apart from learning directly from observing, prospective pharmacists are also given the opportunity to analyze the problems that exist in each workplace. Therefore, this internship report will discuss the problems and solutions proposed in each workplace."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Seorang apoteker memegang peranan penting di distributor farmasi. Apoteker harus memenuhi standar kompetensi sebagai persyaratan untuk memasuki dunia kerja dan menjalani praktik profesi. Standar kompetensi Apoteker Indonesia terdiri dari sepuluh (10) standar kompetensi sebagai kemampuan yang diharapkan oleh Apoteker pada saat lulus dan masuk ke tempat praktik kerja profesi. Sebagai bekal dan pengalaman calon apoteker untuk dapat memahami peran apoteker dan meningkatkan kompetensi, maka dilaksanakan Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker di PT. Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari selama periode bulan April Tahun 2019. Selama PKPA, diharapkan calon Apoteker dapat memperluas wawasan, pemahaman, dan pengalaman untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di tempat praktik kerja profesi.
......A pharmacist has an important role in the pharmaceutical distributor. Pharmacists must have competency standards as a requirement for entering the workforce and undergoing professional practice. Indonesian Pharmacist competency standards consist of ten (10) competency standards as abilities expected by Pharmacists upon graduation and entry into professional work practices. As stock and experience of prospective pharmacists to be able to understand the role of pharmacists and improve competence, the Pharmacists' Professional Work Practices are implemented at PT. Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari Tangerang Branch during the period April 2019. During PKPA, it is expected that Pharmacist candidates can broaden their horizons, understandings and experiences to do pharmaceutical work in professional workplaces."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Seorang apoteker memegang peranan penting di apotek. Apoteker harus memenuhi standar kompetensi sebagai persyaratan untuk memasuki dunia kerja dan menjalani praktik profesi. Standar kompetensi Apoteker Indonesia terdiri dari sepuluh (10) standar kompetensi sebagai kemampuan yang diharapkan oleh Apoteker pada saat lulus dan masuk ke tempat praktik kerja profesi. Sebagai bekal dan pengalaman calon apoteker untuk dapat memahami peran apoteker dan meningkatkan kompetensi, maka dilaksanakan Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker di Apotek Kimia Farma 345 Tebet selama periode bulan Maret Tahun 2019. Selama PKPA, diharapkan calon Apoteker dapat memperluas wawasan, pemahaman, dan pengalaman untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di tempat praktik kerja profesi.
......A pharmacist has an important role in the pharmacies. Pharmacists must have competency standards as a requirement for entering the workforce and undergoing professional practice. Indonesian Pharmacist competency standards consist of ten (10) competency standards as abilities expected by Pharmacists upon graduation and entry into professional work practices. As stock and experience of prospective pharmacists to be able to understand the role of pharmacists and improve competence, the Pharmacists' Professional Work Practices are implemented at Apotek Kimia Farma 345 Tebet during the period March 2019. During PKPA, it is expected that Pharmacist candidates can broaden their horizons, understandings and experiences to do pharmaceutical work in professional workplaces."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elfira Amalia Deborah
"Praktik kerja profesi di Apotek Prima Sehat periode bulan Januari tahun 2018 bertujuan untuk memahami tugas dan tanggung jawab apoteker dalam pengelolaan apotek, serta melakukan praktik pelayanan kefarmasian sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan dan etika yang berlaku, memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan praktik kefarmasian di apotek, memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan praktik kefarmasian serta mempelajari strategi dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka pengembangan praktik kefarmasian. Praktik kerja profesi ini dilaksanakan selama empat minggu dengan tugas khusus yaitu “Evaluasi Pemahaman Masyarakat Mengenai Penggunaan Antibiotik Amoksisilin Secara Rasional di Lingkungan Apotek Prima Sehat”. Tujuan dari tugas khusus ini adalah agar calon apoteker dapat mengetahui tingkat pemahaman masyarakat tentang penggunaan antibiotik amoksisilin secara rasional serta dapat memberikan rekomendasi unutk pemahaman masyarakat terhadap pengunaan antibiotik amoksisilin secara rasional.
Internship at Apotek Prima Sehat Period January 2018 aims to understand the duties and responsibilities of pharmacists in pharmacy management, as well as to practice pharmaceutical services in accordance with applicable laws and ethics, have the insight, knowledge, skills and practical experience to undertake pharmaceutical practices in pharmacies, can also have the insight of pharmaceutical practice issues and learn strategies and activities that can be undertaken in the course of pharmaceutical practice development. This internship at was conducted for four weeks with the special assignment "Evaluation of Community Understanding Regarding Rational Use of Antibiotic Amoxicillin in Prima Sehat Pharmacy Environments". The purpose of this special assignment is that the prospective pharmacist may know the level of public understanding about the use of antibiotics amoxicillin rationally and may provide recommendations for community understanding of the use of antibiotics amoxicillin rationally."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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