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Mohamad Akbar
Abstrak :
Ketimpangan antar daerah adalah salah satu isu strategis nasional dan regional di Indonesia. Ketimpangan tersebut menunjukkan perbedaan kemampuan pendapatan antar kabupaten/kota di dalam provinsi atau antar provinsi secara nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara tingkat keterbukaan daerah dengan ketimpangan antar daerah dalam 33 Provinsi di Indonesia pada periode 2010-2015. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa tingkat keterbukaan daerah akan meningkatkan ketimpangan antar daerah dalam provinsi. Selanjutnya, ekspor suatu daerah yang berperanan penting terhadap keterbukaan daerah, juga mempengaruhi ketimpangan antar daerah. Selain itu penelitian ini mengidentifikasi bahwa Penanaman Modal Asing, Kepadatan Jalan dan Ukuran Pemerintah dapat menurunkan ketimpangan antar daerah. Dengan demikian untuk mengurangi ketimpangan antar daerah yang disebabkan oleh keterbukaan perlu dilakukan pemerataan kemampuan daerah untuk melakukan kegiatan produksi dan ekspor. Pemerintah Daerah juga perlu menciptakan iklim investasi yang baik untuk menarik investor luar negeri, yang didukung oleh kemampuan belanja pemerintah daerah terutama pembangunan untuk infrastruktur jalan.
Regional inequality is one of the national and regional strategic issues in Indonesia. The inequality indicates the difference in income capability between districts cities within province or between provinces nationally. This study aims to examine the relationship between the regional openness with regional inequality within 33 Provinces in Indonesia in the period 2010 2015. This study concludes that the level of regional openness will increase the regional inequality within provinces. Furthermore, the regional export plays an important role on the regional openness, also affect the regional inequality within province. In addition, this study identifies that Foreign Direct Investment, Road Density and Governmental Size can reduce regional inequality. Thus, to reduce inequality between regions caused by the openness needs to be made equal distribution of regional capability to conduct production and export activities. Local governments also need to create a favorable investment climate to attract foreign investors, which is supported by local government expenditure capability especially for road infrastructure development.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ninda Ferdawaty
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Biro Pusat Statistik, 1989
R 388.41322 BIR d
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Biro Pusat Statistik, 1986
R 388.41322 BIR d
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riza Farina Fitri
Abstrak :
Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) adalah penyakit infeksi virus akut yang disebabkan oleh virus dengue, angka kesakitan demam berdarah dengue terus meningkat setiap tahunnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran epidemiologi kejadian demam berdarah dan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi nya. Variabel yang diukur adalah kepadatan penduduk, curah hujan, suhu udara, kelembaban udara, penyelidikan epidemiologi dan fogging focus. Studi ini merupakan studi ekologi/ studi korelasi untuk melihat kekuatan hubungan antara variabel independen dan dependen. Hasil analisis multivariat menggunakan multiple regresi linear, studi ini menggunakan data sekunder  tahun 2022. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan curah hujan merupakan faktor dominan kejadian demam berdarah dengue p value < 0.05. Terdapat hubungan bermakna kuat dengan arah positif antara curah hujan dengan kejadian demam berdarah dengue. Terdapat hubungan yang rendah dan arah negatif antara kelembaban udara dengan kejadian Demam berdarah dengue. Terdapat korelasi/hubungan yang sedang  dan signifikan antara kecepatan angin, penyelidikan epidemiologi dan fogging focus dengan kejadian DBD. Faktor yang dominan berhubungan dengan kejadian demam berdarah dengue  antara lain variabel curah hujan dengan p-value=0,000, variabel kepadatan penduduk dengan p-value=0,024, variabel kelembaban udaran dengan p-value= 0.004 dan variabel kecepatan angin dengan p value = 0.000. ......Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an acute viral infectious disease caused by the dengue virus, the morbidity rate of dengue hemorrhagic fever continues to increase every year. The purpose of this research is to find out the epidemiological picture of dengue fever and to find out the factors that influence it. The variables measured were population density, rainfall, air temperature, air humidity, epidemiological investigations and fogging focus. This study is an ecological study/correlation study to see the strength of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The results of multivariate analysis using multiple linear regression, this study uses secondary data in 2022. The results of multivariate analysis show that rainfall is the dominant factor in the incidence of dengue hemorrhagic fever p value <0.05. There is a significant positive relationship between rainfall and the incidence of dengue hemorrhagic fever. There is a low relationship and a negative direction between air humidity and the incidence of dengue hemorrhagic fever. There is a moderate and significant correlation/relationship between wind speed, epidemiological investigations and fogging focus with the incidence of DHF. The dominant factors associated with the incidence of dengue hemorrhagic fever include rainfall with a p-value = 0.000, population density with a p-value = 0.024, air humidity with a p-value = 0.004 and wind speed with a p-value = 0.000.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Ayu Pertiwi
Abstrak :
Data dari WHO tahun 2018 menempatkan Indonesia pada urutan ketiga negara penyumbang kasus kusta terbanyak. Provinsi Banten merupakan salah satu provinsi dengan temuan kasus kusta yang cukup tinggi. Dalam profil kesehatan Indonesia tahun 2019 didapatkan Provinsi Banten termasuk 10 besar provinsi dengan angka cacat tingkat 2. Pemerintah mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan No.11 tahun 2019 tentang penanggulangan kusta. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kesiapan implementasi kebijakan penanggulangan kusta di Provinsi Banten agar tercapai target eliminasi kusta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif. Data primer didapatkan melalui wawancara mendalam dan data sekunder melalui telaah dokumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori analisis kebijakan Van Meter dan Van Horn dengan variabel ukuran dan tujuan kebijakan, sumber daya, karakteristik badan pelaksana, komunikasi antar organisasi, disposisi pelaksana, serta lingkungan ekonomi, sosial dan politik yang memengaruhi implementasi kebijakan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ukuran dan tujuan kebijakan telah jelas namun belum ada peraturan turunan, sumber daya sudah cukup siap, standar operasional prosedur yang belum merata, komunikasi sudah cukup siap namun belum optimal, disposisi pelaksana menerima kebijakan ini, lingkungan ekonomi dan sosial yang cukup mendukung namun tetap masih ada stigma di masyarakat. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kesiapan implementasi kebijakan penanggulangan kusta di Provinsi Banten sudah cukup siap namun ada beberapa hal yang dapat ditingkatkan. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan dibuatnya peraturan turunan, sosialisasi, meningkatkan kedisiplinan dalam pelaporan. ......Data from the WHO in 2018 placed Indonesia in third place that contributed to the most leprosy cases. Banten Province is one of the provinces with high cases of leprosy. In Indonesia's 2019 health profile, Banten Province was included in the top 10 provinces with a level 2 disability rate. The government issued Minister of Health Regulation No. 11 of 2019 regarding the prevention of leprosy. This study aims to determine the readiness to implement leprosy control policies in Banten Province to achieve the leprosy elimination target. The study was done using the qualitative method. Primary data was obtained through in-depth interviews and secondary data through document review. This study uses Van Meter and Van Horn's policy analysis theory with variables of policy size and objectives, resources, characteristics of implementing agencies, inter-organizational communication, implementing dispositions, and the economic, social and political environment that influence policy implementation. The results of this study are the size and objectives of the policy are clear. Still, there are no derivative regulations. The resources are quite ready; the standard operating procedures are not evenly distributed, the communication is quite prepared but not optimal, the disposition of the implementer accepts this policy, the economic and social environment is adequate to support. However, there's still a stigma in society. This study concludes that the readiness for implementing leprosy control policies in Banten Province is quite ready, but Banten Province can improve several things. This study recommends making derivative regulations, socializing, increasing discipline in reporting.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Antadenny Nurhapy
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karubaba, Jannes Johan
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini adalah studi kasus ekologi pembangunan masyarakat adat Papua dan implikasinya untuk pemekaran provinsi, pembinaan kesadaran nasional dan pengembangan ilmu lingkungan sebagai muitidisiplin ilmu. Nilai-nilai kcarifan karaktelistik masyarakat adat Papua adalah pandangau yang mempertahankan, dan menjaga kelestarian lingkungau Karena itu, revitalisasi nilai-nilai kcarifan itu dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan menjamin kelestarian lingkungan Studi ini menyediakan 8 teoti baru dan sebuah paradigma bam: (1) Teori wawasan Kosmologi Papua, (2) Teori pernbangunan berkelanjutan berbasis revitalisasi nilai-nilai Ibearyizn Iingkungan, (3) Teori Nusaninra sebagai ibunya masyarakat adat Papua; (4) Teori etnogeologi masyarakat adat Papua sebagai penduduk terasli Nusantara sqiak zaman prasejaxah kira-kira 1.5-0.7 juta inhun Ialu; (5) Teori rakyat Papua sebagai pengawal pusaka NKRI S¢C8l?8, ekologis dan kosmologis; (6) Tcori suku Dani sebagai pohon sumber suku besar Papua dan suku tertua di Indonesia yang menerapkan traditional civil society; (7) Teori ekologi pemekaran wilayah; (8) Teori llmu Lingkungan sebagai multidisiplin ilmu; dan (9) Paradigma bam penclitian lingkungan memadukan metode-metode penelitian yang mempergunakan pendelcatau-pendekatan kaulitatif dan kuantitatitl dan berdasarkan nilai-nilai iilosofi ketakhinggam Ini menyediakan suatu model bemlakna dan terukur untuk pengembangan ilmu lingkungan. Hasil kajian disertasi memiliki tiga implikasi penting. Pertama, memberikan penimbangan untuk pemekaran wilayah provinsi di Papua berdasarkan kajlan ekoiogi Serta sosial budaya. Kedua membuka ruang terhadap pemahaman nilai~ nilai lcearifan lokal Papua yang bukan konsep sempit primordialisme. Ketiga, pemahaman ini didekati dengan ilmu Iingkungan sebagai multidisiplin yang terdiri atas: sub sistem ilmu lingkungan alam, sub sistem ilmu Iingkungan sosial dan sub sistem ilmu iingkungan buatan. Berdasarkan ekosistem landskap budaya, hukum adat, batas-batas ekoregion, kondisi geografi dan kemeralaan sebaran sumberdaya alam dapat dibentuk enam provinsi baru di Papua: (1) Provinsi Jayapura; (2) Provinsi Teluk Cenderawasih; (3) Provinsi Irian Jaya Barat (Provinsi Papua Barat); (4) Provinsi Fakfak; (5) Provinsi Papua Sclatan; dan (6) Provinsi Pegunungan Tengah. Harapan yang terkandung dalam kajian disermsi ini, ke depan supaya tidak ada lagi pengabaian ekologi dan sosial budaya dalam. kebijakan pembangunan di Papua.;
This research is a case study about the ecological based development of Papuan indigenous people and its implication for the formation of. multiple provinces in Papua, building national unity awareness, and developing environmental science as a multi-discipline science. The ecological wisdom values of the Papuan indigenous people are views that defend and protect environmental sustainability. Therefore, revitalization of the ecological wisdom values within sustainable development guarantees the environmental sustainability in Papua. This study provides 8 new theories and one new paradigm: (1) Theory of cosmology view of Papua, (2) Theory of sustainable development based on revitalization ecological wisdom values; (3) Theory of Nusantara as the mother of the Papua indigenous people; (4) Ethno-Geology Theory of the Papuan indigenous people as original resident of Nusantara since prehistoric epoch about 1.5-0.7 million year ago; (5) Theory of the Papuan people as ecologic and cosmologic patrimony guard ofNKRI; (6) Theory of Dani tribe as the source tree of the big tribe of Papua and the eldest tribe in Indonesia applying society civil traditional; (7) Theory of Ecological Multiplication Number of Provinces, (8) Theory of Environmental science as a rnultldiscipline science; and (9) The new paradigm of environmental research combines research methods using quantitative and qualitative approaches and is based on the unlimited values? philosophy. This provides a measurable and meaningful model for the development of environmental science. This study provides three important implications. Firstly, the ecological, social- cultural values and traditional systems must become the basis for plans on incrementing the number of provinces in Papua Secondly, wider access must be made in order to understand local values and principles, which should not be interpreted as equal to narrow concept of pre-mordialism. Thirdly, this understanding must be approached through environmental science as a multidiscipline science that consists of three sub-system of environmental science, namely: (a) sub system of natural environmental science, (b) sub system of social environmental science; and (c) sub system of constructed environmental science. Based on cultural landscape ecosystem, customary law, borders of eco-region, geographic setting and equal distribution of natural resources can formed six new provinces in Papua: (1) Province of Jayapura; (2) Province of Cenderawasih Bay; (3) Province of Westem lrian Jaya (Papua); (4) Province of Falcfak; (5) Province of Southem Papua; and (6) Province of Centra] Range of Papua. There is a hope of this study, is that in the future ecological and social-cultural values will no longer be neglected in the development policies in Papua Author Keywords: Values, Wisdom, Environment, Development, Sustainability.;his research is a case study about the ecological based development of Papuan indigenous people and its implication for the formation of. multiple provinces in Papua, building national unity awareness, and developing environmental science as a multi-discipline science. The ecological wisdom values of the Papuan indigenous people are views that defend and protect environmental sustainability. Therefore, revitalization of the ecological wisdom values within sustainable development guarantees the environmental sustainability in Papua. This study provides 8 new theories and one new paradigm: (1) Theory of cosmology view of Papua, (2) Theory of sustainable development based on revitalization ecological wisdom values; (3) Theory of Nusantara as the mother of the Papua indigenous people; (4) Ethno-Geology Theory of the Papuan indigenous people as original resident of Nusantara since prehistoric epoch about 1.5-0.7 million year ago; (5) Theory of the Papuan people as ecologic and cosmologic patrimony guard ofNKRI; (6) Theory of Dani tribe as the source tree of the big tribe of Papua and the eldest tribe in Indonesia applying society civil traditional; (7) Theory of Ecological Multiplication Number of Provinces, (8) Theory of Environmental science as a rnultldiscipline science; and (9) The new paradigm of environmental research combines research methods using quantitative and qualitative approaches and is based on the unlimited values? philosophy. This provides a measurable and meaningful model for the development of environmental science. This study provides three important implications. Firstly, the ecological, social- cultural values and traditional systems must become the basis for plans on incrementing the number of provinces in Papua Secondly, wider access must be made in order to understand local values and principles, which should not be interpreted as equal to narrow concept of pre-mordialism. Thirdly, this understanding must be approached through environmental science as a multidiscipline science that consists of three sub-system of environmental science, namely: (a) sub system of natural environmental science, (b) sub system of social environmental science; and (c) sub system of constructed environmental science. Based on cultural landscape ecosystem, customary law, borders of eco-region, geographic setting and equal distribution of natural resources can formed six new provinces in Papua: (1) Province of Jayapura; (2) Province of Cenderawasih Bay; (3) Province of Westem lrian Jaya (Papua); (4) Province of Falcfak; (5) Province of Southem Papua; and (6) Province of Centra] Range of Papua. There is a hope of this study, is that in the future ecological and social-cultural values will no longer be neglected in the development policies in Papua Author Keywords: Values, Wisdom, Environment, Development, Sustainability., his research is a case study about the ecological based development of Papuan indigenous people and its implication for the formation of. multiple provinces in Papua, building national unity awareness, and developing environmental science as a multi-discipline science. The ecological wisdom values of the Papuan indigenous people are views that defend and protect environmental sustainability. Therefore, revitalization of the ecological wisdom values within sustainable development guarantees the environmental sustainability in Papua. This study provides 8 new theories and one new paradigm: (1) Theory of cosmology view of Papua, (2) Theory of sustainable development based on revitalization ecological wisdom values; (3) Theory of Nusantara as the mother of the Papua indigenous people; (4) Ethno-Geology Theory of the Papuan indigenous people as original resident of Nusantara since prehistoric epoch about 1.5-0.7 million year ago; (5) Theory of the Papuan people as ecologic and cosmologic patrimony guard ofNKRI; (6) Theory of Dani tribe as the source tree of the big tribe of Papua and the eldest tribe in Indonesia applying society civil traditional; (7) Theory of Ecological Multiplication Number of Provinces, (8) Theory of Environmental science as a rnultldiscipline science; and (9) The new paradigm of environmental research combines research methods using quantitative and qualitative approaches and is based on the unlimited values’ philosophy. This provides a measurable and meaningful model for the development of environmental science. This study provides three important implications. Firstly, the ecological, social- cultural values and traditional systems must become the basis for plans on incrementing the number of provinces in Papua Secondly, wider access must be made in order to understand local values and principles, which should not be interpreted as equal to narrow concept of pre-mordialism. Thirdly, this understanding must be approached through environmental science as a multidiscipline science that consists of three sub-system of environmental science, namely: (a) sub system of natural environmental science, (b) sub system of social environmental science; and (c) sub system of constructed environmental science. Based on cultural landscape ecosystem, customary law, borders of eco-region, geographic setting and equal distribution of natural resources can formed six new provinces in Papua: (1) Province of Jayapura; (2) Province of Cenderawasih Bay; (3) Province of Westem lrian Jaya (Papua); (4) Province of Falcfak; (5) Province of Southem Papua; and (6) Province of Centra] Range of Papua. There is a hope of this study, is that in the future ecological and social-cultural values will no longer be neglected in the development policies in Papua Author Keywords: Values, Wisdom, Environment, Development, Sustainability.]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Zaenab
Abstrak :
Setiap tahun jemaah haji indonesia pergi ke Arab Saudi untuk menunaikan ibadah haji. Hipertensi merupakan penyakit yang paling banyak diderita oleh jemaah haji Indonesia yang berangkat ke tanah suci. Provinsi Banten merupakan provinsi dengan jumlah jemaah terbanyak ke empat di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran kejadian hipertensi dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian hipertensi pada jemaah haji reguler Provinsi Banten tahun 2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan sampel sebanyak 9.510 orang. Prevalensi jemaah haji Provinsi Banten tahun 2018 yang menderita hipertensi adalah 24,8%. Jemaah kelompok umur >80 tahun berisiko 20 kali lebih besar untuk menderita hipertensi dari pada jemaah haji kelompok umur <40 tahun (p= 0,00 OR 20 dan 95% CI 11,58-34,56), jemaah haji perempuan berisiko 1,10 kali lebih besar untuk terkena hipertensi (p= 0,00 OR 1,10 dan 95% CI 1,00-1,21), jemaah pada kelompok pensiunan berisiko 26,38 kali lebih besar untuk terkena hipertensi dari pada jemaah pada kelompok pelajar/mahasiswa (p= 0,00, OR= 26,38 dan 95% CI 11,3-61,4), jemaah kelompok pekerjaan pegawai swasta berisiko 13,5 kali lebih besar untuk terkena hipertensi dari pada jemaah pada kelompok pekerjaan pelajaar/ mahasiswa (p= 0,000, OR 13,5 dan 95% CI 5,99-30,57), jemaah dengan tingkat pendidikan rendah 1,164 kali lebih besar menderita hipertensi (p= 0,014, OR 1,164 dan 95% CI 1,03-1,32), jemaah dengan tingkat pendidikan sedang 0,88 lebih rendah untuk terkena hipertensi dari pada orang dengan pendidikan tinggi (p=0,026, OR 0,88 dan 95% CI 0,79-0,98), jemaah yang merokok berisiko 0,69 kali lebih rendah untuk terkena hipertensi (p=0,00, OR 0,69 dan 95% CI  0,60-0,78), jemaah haji yang obesitas berisiko 1,43 kali lebih besar untuk terkena hipertensi (p=0,00, OR 1,43, 95% CI 1,30-1,57) dan jemaah haji yang menderita diabetes berisiko 1,98 kali lebih besar untuk terkena hipertensi (P=0,00, OR 1,98 dan 95% CI 1,68-2,33). Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadi hipertensi terdiri atas umur, jenis kelamin, jenis pekerjaan, tingkat pendidikan, status merokok, IMT dan status diabetes. Bagi calon jemaah yang sudah memiliki karakteristik yang berhubungan dengan hipertensi dianjurkan untuk melakukan pola hidup sehat guna meminimalisir peluang untuk terkena hipertensi.  ......Every year Indonesian pilgrims go to Saudi Arabia. Hypertension is the most common disease suffered by Indonesian pilgrims who go to the holy land. Banten Province is the fourth largest number of pilgrims in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to describe the incidence of hypertension and the factors associated with the incidence of hypertension in Banten Province regular Hajj pilgrims in 2018. This study used a cross sectional design samples of 9,510 people. The prevalence of Banten Province pilgrims in 2018 who suffer from hypertension is 24.8%. pilgrims at age >80 years old 20 times more likely to suffer from hypertension than pilgrims age <40 years old (p= 0.00 OR 20 and 95% CI 11.58-34.56), female pilgrims had risk 1.10 times greater of being affected hypertension (p= 0.00 OR 1.10 and 95% CI 1.00-1.21), retirees pilgrims were 26.38 times more likely to develop hypertension than students (p= 0 , 00, OR= 26.38 and 95% CI 11.3-61.4), private employees pilgrims has risk 13.5 times greater to develop hypertension than students (p= 0,000, OR 13.5 and 95% CI 5.99-30.57), pilgrims with a low education level 1.164 times more likely to suffer from hypertension (p= 0.014, OR 1.164 and 95% CI 1.03-1.32 ), pilgrims with medium education level had 0.88  lower risk to develop hypertension than pilgrims with higher education level (p = 0.026, OR 0.88 and 95% CI 0.79-0.98), the pilgrims who smoked had 0.69 times lower risk to develop hypertension (p = 0.00, OR 0.69 and 95% CI 0.60-0.78), obese pilgrims were 1.43 times more likely to develop hypertension (p= 0.00, OR 1.43 , 95% CI 1.30-1.57) and pilgrims who suffered from diabetes had 1.98 times greater risk to develop hypertension (P= 0.00, OR 1.98 and 95% CI 1.68-2.33). Factors that associated with hypertension include age, sex, type of work, level of education, smoking status, BMI and diabetes status. For pilgrims who already have characteristics related to hypertension, it is recommended to make a healthy lifestyle in order to minimize the chance for getting hypertension. 
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia, 2020
320.8 AKT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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