Nila Budiwarni
"Defisiensi vitamin A tidak hanya dapat menyebabkan kebutaari dan gangguan perturribuhan, tapi juga dapat menurunkan daya tahan tubuh terhadap infeksi. Pada anak-anak, keadaan defisiensi vitamin A mi kerap terjadi dan merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang serius. Untuk menanggulangi rnasalah tersebut telah digalakkan peraberian vitamin A secara berkala path anak-anak, khususnya balita. Penelitian mi bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian vitamin A secara oral terhadap titer antibodi path tikus putih yang diimunisasi dengan sel thrah merah domba (SDnJ). Percobaan mi dilakuican terhadap 24 ekor tikus jantan strain Wistaryang dibagi 4 kelonpok. Kelonpok K merupakan kelonpok yang tidak diberi perlakuan, kelorrpok S adalah kelonpok yang disuntik suspensi SDrvflJ l secara intraperitoniurn, kelonpok SP athlah kelonpok yang disuntik dengan suspensi SDMD l dan diberi pelarut vitamin A secara oral, dan kelonpok SA adalah kelonpok yang disuntik suspensi sel darah merah domba l dan diberi vitamin A secara oral dengan dosis 250 UI/gBB. Imunisasi dengan SDMD, pemberian vitamin A dan pelarut vitamin A diberikan path minggu pertama. Path minggu selanj utnya, dilakukan pengambilan darah seminggu sekali melalui ekor, selama duabelas minggu berturut-turut . Pada serum yang dipisahkan dari darah tersebut dilakukan pengamatan titer antibodi -anti SDMD dengan reaksi hemaglutinasi. Pada akhir percobaan, limpa diambil dan ditimbang. Ternyata kelompok yang rnendapat vitamin A dan irnunisasi SDMD mempunyai titer antibodi-anti SDMD yang secara bermakna lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok-kelompok lain (p
Manifestations of vitamin A deficiency include blindness and growth disorder also a decreasing immune response to infection. The symptoms are frequently observed in children, creating a problem that concerns public health in general. In anticipation of this unfortunate situation, vitamin A administration has been given periodically and nationwide to children under five years old. The aim of this investigation is to study the effect of vitamin A to rat antibody titre when administered orally to white rats immunized by sheep red blood cells (SRBC). The experiment has been conducted on 24 white rats seperated into 4 groups, identified as K, S, SP, and S.A. K is the control group, S is the group injected with l% SPBC suspension intraperitonially, SP is the group injected with l SPBC suspension besides receiving vitamin A solvent orally, and SA is the group injected with l persen SRBC suspension besides receiving a vitamin A dose of 250 UI/g weight body orally. Immunization with SRBC, administration of vitamin A and vitamin A solvent, were carried out on the first week. The next week, rats were bled once a week, for twelve consecutive weeks. The antibody titre of the serum was measured by hemagglutination reaction. Spleens were removed and their weights measured. This experiment shows that the group receiving vitamin A orally and immunized with SPBC has the highestantibody titre as compared with the other groups. The spleen weights of the four groups show no significant difference. Results of this experiment indicate that the administration of vitamin A orally to white rats, immunized by SRBC is capable of increasing, the antibody titre."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1985