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Ditemukan 2 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
M. Yusuf Karim
Abstrak :
Puskesmas Perawatan adalah Puskesmas yang diberi tambahan ruang dan fasilitas untuk menolong pasien - pasien gawat darurat, baik berupa tindakan operatif terbatas maupun asuhan keperawatan sementara dengan kapasitas kurang lebih 10 tempat tidur. Puskesmas Perawatan Plus adalah Puskesmas perawatan yang diberi tambahan ruang dan fasilitas untuk menolong pasien-pasien gawat darurat, baik berupa tindakan operatif, rontgen, kebidanan yang kegiatannya masih di bawah rumah sakit tipe D. Tingginya tuntutan masyarakat terhadap pelayanan kesehatan di daerah Kabupaten Tebo sementara pembiayaan untuk mendirikan rumah sakit belum tersedia.Untuk itu pemerintah Kabupaten Tebo mendukung pengembangan Puskesmas Perawatan Muara Tebo menjadi Puskesmas Perawatan Plus. Agar dapat mengembangkan puskesmas perawatan plus diperlukan suatu penyusunan rencana strategi yang disebut rencana strategik pengembangan puskemas perawatan menjadi puskesmas perawatan plus. Penyusunan Recana Strategik ini melalui tahap I (Input Stage) yang terdiri dari analisa lingkungan eksternal dan internal, yang dilakukan oleh CDMG, Internal - Eksternal (IE), dan matriks SWOT, selanjutnya tahap III (Decision Stage) menggunakan matriks Q.S.P.M untuk mentukan strategi yang terpilih. Dari hasil penelitian, evaluasi lingkungan eksternal menghasilkan nilai total EFE sebesar 3,81 yang berarti puskesmas perawatan merespon baik peluang - peluang yang ada dan menghindari ancaman - ancaman yang muncul. Nilai evaluasi internal menghasilkan nilai total EFE sebesar 2,01 yang berarti secara internal kekuatan yang dimiliki berada pada titik rata - rata. Setalah mengetahui posisi eksternal dan internal, CDMG membuat rumusan visi, misi, dan tujuan jangka panjang. Kemudian tahap II (Matching Stage) CDMG melakukan analisis dengan matriks Internal - Eksternal (IE) dan matriks SWOT, serta matriks TOS maka dari sini kita mendapatkan strategi intesif dan integeratif. Dengan menggunakan matriks QSPM kita dapatkan strategi intensif. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa strategi utama yang sesuai bagi pengembangan Puskesmas Perawatan Muara Tebo adalah strategi pengembangan produk dan strategi penetrasi pasar.
Public Health Center Care is a Public Health Center (Puskesmas) that had more extra rooms and facilities to help and serves emergency patients, such as surgery acts or temporary ward care with extra 10 beds capacity. Public Health Center Plus is a Public Health Center that had extra rooms and facilities to help and serves emergency patients, such as, surgery, X-ray, and maternity that still below the ?D? grade hospital activities. The society?s demand to public health services in Kabupaten Tebo is very high, while the government's budget to build the hospital is not available yet. In these reason, the Kabupaten Tebo's government supports the development program for Public Health Center of Muara Tebo to become a Public Health Center Plus. To running the public health center care's development program, we must and need to arrange a strategic plan, which called the strategic development plan for a public health center care to become a public health center plus. The strategic plan's arranging is through some phases, Phases I (input stage) that form by external and internal environments analyzes, which done by Consensus Decision Making Group (CDMG). Phase H (Matching Stage), the Consensus Decision Malang Group (CDMG) had made the analyzes by internal - external (IE) matrix, and SWOT matrix. And Phase III (Decision Stage), using QSPM matrix to determined the chosen strategic. According to research's results, the external environment's evaluation produces 3,81 EFE total grade, which means the public health center had well responses to opportunities and treats that could be face of. And the internal environment's evaluation produce 2,01 EFE total grade, which means the public health center care had the average internal potential power. After the grades of internal - external had known, the CDMG made the formulas of vision, mission, and a long-term objective, as Phase I. Then at the Phase II (Matching Stage), the CDMG do some analyses to Internal - External (IE) matrix and SWOT matrix, and also TOS matrix at the end of this phase, we'll have the intensive and integrative strategies. Then, we using QSPM matrix to have the intense strategy. The writer had made the conclusion that the main suitable strategies to developing the Public Health Center Care of Muara Tebo are the product's development strategy and the market's penetration. In this research, the writer also put some conclusions and suggestions to implant the chosen strategy that the vision, mission, and long-term objectives can be achieves.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melisa Charoline Rembet
Abstrak :
Kanker leher rahim berada pada kedua tertinggi yaitu 9.2 per 100.000 penduduk, angka kematian rata-rata 9.0 per 100.000 penduduk. Cilegon belum mencapai target pemeriksaan IVA yang ditentukan, tahun 2019 sampai 2022 mencapai 0.99%; 1.78%, 2.05%, dan 2.35%, sehingga belum mencapai target nasional sebesar 80% dan target SPM kesehatan 100% dengan sasaran 71.139 orang. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis capaian deteksi dini kanker leher rahim di Puskesmas Kota Cilegon 2019-2022. Jenis penelitian merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus, dilaksanakan pada bulan April – Mei 2023. Hasil penelitian dari sisi komponen hasil (capaian program) deteksi kanker leher rahim di Kota Cilegon periode 2019-2022 belum mencapai target SPM. Dari sisi komponen struktur, SDM, SOP, pendanaan dan sarana prasarana sudah tersedia, tetapi masih ada sedikit kendala pada ketidakseimbangnya jumlah SDM dan target. Dari sisi komponen proses, setiap puskesmas sudah menjalankan proses perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pencatatan, pelaporan, serta monitoring evaluasi sesuai dengan prosedur. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk memudahkan akses, sosialisasi aktif dilakukan, pendekatan inovatif serta kerjasama lintas program sudah dilakukan dan kerja sama lintas sektor belum menambahkan capaian deteksi dini kanker leher rahim di Puskesmas se-Kota Cilegon secara signifikan, hal ini disebabkan karena ketidaksamaan persepi tentang penghitungan target, belum maksimalnya kegiatan promosi dan advokasi, pendekatan komunikasi yang belum tepat, penggunaan media yang belum efektif, pemanfaatan yang belum maksimal potensi-potensi yang ada di Kota Cilegon sebagai kota industri, serta masyarakat yang takut diperiksa atau tidak tahu tentang pemeriksaan IV A. ......Cervical cancer ranks second highest at 9.2 per 100,000 population, with an average death rate of 9.0 per 100,000 population. Cilegon has not reached the designated target for IVA screenings, with percentages from 2019 to 2022 reaching 0.99%, 1.78%, 2.05%, and 2.35%, thus not achieving the national target of 80% and the health SPM target of 100%, with a target population of 71,139 individuals. The research objective is to analyze the achievement of early detection of cervical cancer at the Cilegon City Health Center from 2019 to 2022. The research design is qualitative with a case study design, conducted in April - May 2023. The research findings indicate that the program's achievement in detecting cervical cancer in Cilegon City from 2019 to 2022 has not reached the SPM target. In terms of structural components, human resources, standard operating procedures, funding, and infrastructure are already available, but there is still a slight obstacle due to the imbalance between the number of human resources and the target. In terms of process components, each health center has implemented planning, implementation, recording, reporting, and monitoring and evaluation processes according to procedures. Efforts have been made to facilitate access, actively promote awareness, employ innovative approaches, and foster cross-program cooperation, but cross-sector collaboration has not significantly improved the early detection of cervical cancer at the Cilegon City Health Center. This is due to discrepancies in perceptions of target calculation, suboptimal promotion and advocacy activities, inappropriate communication approaches, ineffective media usage, underutilization of potential resources in Cilegon as an industrial city, and a population that is either afraid of or unaware of IVA screenings.
Depok: 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library