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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Fery Andriyanto
Abstrak :
Layanan 4G bukan dongle di Indonesia pertama kali digelar pada tahun 2014 oleh Telkomsel. Layanan 4G bukan dongle di Indonesia hingga saat ini telah disediakan oleh 6 operator seluler. Pengukuran tentang QoE pada layanan 4G di Indonesia belum pernah dilakukan. QoE berbeda dengan QoS, di mana QoS mengukur kualitas layanan berdasarkan parameter teknis jaringan sedangkan QoE mengukur kualitas layanan sesuai dengan persepsi pengguna layanan. Peningkatan pengguna layanan 4G di masa depan memberikan motivasi pengukuran QoE pada layanan 4G saat ini di Indonesia perlu dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur layanan 4G di DKI Jakarta sebagai sampel dari populasi penduduk Indonesia. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode survei. Survei menggunakan sampel berupa purposive sampling, metode pengambilan sampel yang dilakukan untuk tujuan meneliti masalah tertentu pada suatu kelompok populasi. Responden survei dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 422 orang dengan kriteria pemakai telepon seluler menggunakan layanan 4G yang beraktivitas di DKI Jakarta. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa performa semua operator layanan 4G signifikan berbeda dan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan 3G. Penelitian juga menemukan bahwa 213 responden lebih sering menggunakan telepon seluler sebagai modem/tethering/personal hotspot, 72,75 responden lebih sering melakukan panggilan voice atau video dengan aplikasi text messenger, 188 responden lebih sering menggunakan kamera ponsel disertai peningkatan aktivitas mengakses aplikasi media sosial yang lebih sering dengan menggunakan layanan 4G saat ini dibandingkan dengan saat menggunakan layanan 3G, dan 86 dari 153 responden pengguna Telkomsel menyatakan bahwa tarif layanan 4G Telkomsel mahal. ......First 4G mobile service roll out in Indonesia was held in 2014 by Telkomsel mobile operator. 4G mobile services have been provided by 6 mobile operators in Indonesia. A measurement of 4G mobile service Quality of Experience QoE never been conducted in Indonesia. QoE is different from Quality of Service QoS , QoS focuses on technical parameters while QoE focuses on end user perceptive measures. 4G subscribers growth triggers the importance of QoE measurement in Indonesia. This research aims to measure QoE of 4G in DKI Jakarta as the sample of Indonesian subscribers population. Data is collected by survey method. Survey employed purposive sampling, sampling method that aims to conduct specific reseach issues on a specific population. Survey conducted to 422 respondents with main activity engaged in Jakarta and using any 4G mobile telecommunication operator. Research found all of Indonesian mobile operators provide 4G mobile service that significance better than the old 3G mobile service. Research also found that 213 respondents use cell phone as personal hotspot, 72,75 respondents call using messenger application, 188 respondents use cell phone camera with increases social media accessing with 4G mobile data service more frequent than 3G data service, and 86 of 153 respondents using Telkomsel service operator state that 4G service tarrif is expensive.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maulana Rifandi
Abstrak :
Kualitas layanan yang relatif cepat dan reliable merupakan pertimbangan penting dalam memilih Internet provider. Aplikasi pengukur Quality of Experience (QoE) dapat menjadi salah satu cara untuk mengetahui tingkat kecepatan dan reliability dari Internet provider. Penelitian ini fokus pada pengembangan aplikasi web pengukur kecepatan dan reliability dari Internet provider dengan menggunakan HTML5 dan WebView. Hasil dari implementasi dan pengujian aplikasi menunjukkan bahwa pengaksesan website aplikasi berjalan selama 4.652 ms, mengimplementasikan WebView untuk smartphone memakan waktu 0.00229 ms, kecepatan rata-rata pengunduhan 0.076 mbps dan kecepatan rata-rata pengunggahan 0.496 mbps. Pengujian likert scale mengimplikasikan bahwa Telkomsel, Indosat, dan XL memiliki kualitas yang cukup baik dengan skor 85%, 72.5%, dan 68.75%. ......Internet speed and reliability of the Internet service is one of the most important parameters in selecting Internet provider. Quality of Experience (QoE) measuring application might provide a solution for measuring and analyzing the speed and reliability of the Internet providers. This research focused on the development of web application for measuring speed and reliability of the Internet providers utilizing HTML5 and WebView. The implementation of the developed application showed that the access of the website took 4.652 ms, implementing WebView for smartphone took 0.00229 ms, the average of the download speed was 0.076 mbps and the avarage of the upload speed was 0.496 mbps. Likert scale method showed that Telkomsel, Indosat, and XL had a fairly good quality with the score of 85%, 72.5%, and 68.75%, respectively.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Agung Prasetyo
Abstrak :
Penerapan Internet of Things di sektor perkotaan di Indonesia sudah meluas dengan semakin bermunculannya Smart City di berbagai kota di Indonesia, dengan Jakarta Smart City adalah salah satunya. Pengukuran QoE layanan berbasis Internet of Things di Jakarta Smart City belum pernah dilakukan padahal operasional layanan belum tentu menjamin tingkat kepuasan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan oleh penggunanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur QoE layanan berbasis Internet of Things di Jakarta Smart City. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode survei kepada enam Dinas/SKPD maupun BUMD di Jakarta Smart City yang telah menerapkan Internet of Things dalam layanan mereka. Hasil pengukuran QoE Internet of Things melaporkan bahwa nilai rata-rata untuk parameter non-fungsional berkisar pada rentang nilai 1.58 hingga 2.06 dan untuk parameter fungsional berkisar pada rentang 0.6 hingga 2.75 yang berarti bahwa layanan berbasis Internet of Things memberikan pengalaman yang lebih baik dan bahkan sangat baik kepada pengguna dibandingkan sebelum menggunakan Internet of Things. Seluruh hasil pengukuran QoE Internet of Things memberikan hasil positif yang memberikan kesimpulan bahwa Internet of Things berhasil diterapkan di Jakarta Smart City. ......The application of the Internet of Things in the urban sector in Indonesia has expanded with the emergence of Smart City in various cities in Indonesia, with Jakarta Smart City is one of them. QoE measurement of the Internet of Things Services in Jakarta Smart City has never been done even though service operations do not necessarily guarantee the level of satisfaction as expected by its users. This research aims to measure Internet of Things based services in Jakarta Smart City. Data collection was conducted by surveying six Dinas/SKPD and BUMD in Jakarta Smart City that had implemented the Internet of Things in their services. The results of the QoE Internet of Things report that the mean values for non-functional parameters range from 1.58 to 2.06 and for functional parameters range from 0.6 to 2.75 which means that Internet of Things-based services provide a better and very good experience to users compared to before using the Internet of Things. All the results of the QoE Internet of Things measurements gave positive results which gave the conclusion that the Internet of Things was successfully implemented in Jakarta Smart City.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antonius Yuda Kristiawan
Abstrak :
Pengukuran quality of experience (QoE) layanan voice over internet protocol (VoIP) dan/atau voice over LTE (VoLTE) merupakan suatu kewajiban bagi operator telekomunikasi yang dinyatakan dengan nilai MOS. Pengukuran QoE saat ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode intrusif, baik secara subyektif maupun obyektif dimana metode ini membutuhkan banyak sumber daya serta biaya. Pada penelitian ini diusulkan suatu metode non-intrusif untuk perhitungan QoE dengan menggunakan model prediksi MOS yang berbasiskan pada parameter quality of service (QoS) jaringan yaitu packet loss, delay, dan jitter. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 jenis codec yaitu AMR 12,2 dan iLBC yang masing-masing digunakan pada VoLTE dan proyek WebRTC milik Google. Penggunaan kedua codec tersebut bertujuan untuk mengetahui dapat atau tidaknya QoE dari layanan VoLTE maupun VoIP secara umum dimodelkan. Berdasarkan sampel pada pengujian di laboratorium, diperoleh model prediksi MOS sebagai fungsi packet loss dan standar deviasi jitter. Pada penelitian ini, dengan menggunakan model prediksi MOS yang dihasilkan sebelumnya, dapat diperoleh penghematan CAPEX maupun OPEX bagi operator telekomunikasi dalam mengukur QoE VoLTE. ...... Quality of experience measurement of voice over internet protocol (VoLTE) and/or voice over LTE (VoLTE) service is an obligation for telecommunication operators which represent by MOS score. QoE measurement currently performed using subjective and/or objective intrusive method in which these methods require a lot of resources and costs.On this research proposed a non-intrusive method to measure QoE using MOS prediction model based on network quality of service (QoS) which are packet loss, delay, and jitter.This research use 2 types of codec, those are AMR 12,2 and iLBC which used for VoLTE and Google’s WebRTC project respectively.The use of these 2 types of codec aims to determine whether the QoE of VoLTE and VoIP service in general can be modeled or not. Based on semaples of laboratory test, it could be obtained MOS prediction model as a function of packet loss and standard deviation of jitter. On this research, by using MOS prediction model generated previously, can be obtained CAPEX and OPEX saving for telecommunication operators on VoLTE QoE measurement.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sito Dewi Damayanti
Abstrak :

Beberapa tahun belakangan ini proses digitalisasi telah diadopsi oleh banyak institusi baik pemerintahan, dan perusahaan besar maupun kecil. Mereka telah menyadari manfaat digitalisasi untuk peningkatan produktivitas dan efisiensi. Termasuk di antaranya adalah pemanfaatan Internet of Things (IoT) untuk berbagai segmen bisnis mulai dari transportasi, manufacturing, logistic, maupun agriculture. Sudah banyak kisah sukses implementasi IoT di bisnis, tetapi banyak juga masalah yang terjadi di lapangan setelah implementasi tersebut, terutama yang berkaitan dengan performansi sistem, kemudahan penggunaan, maupun user experience. Penelitian ini mengambil fokus pada studi kasus PT X yang telah menerapkan smart poultry di beberapa kandang ayam milik mereka di Cimaung, Serang sejak 2019. Studi penelitian ini membahas tentang pengukuran keberhasilan implementasi IoT (smart poultry) di peternakan ayam PT X, yaitu dari sisi Quality of Experience (QoE), untuk memperoleh gambaran seberapa sukses implementasi ini dari sudut pandang penggunanya sendiri. Tahap awal dilakukan in-depth interview kepada pimpinan perusahaan untuk menentukan key performance index (KPI) yang ingin diukur, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan interview ke berbagai unit di PT X untuk mendapatkan feedback terkait QoE, dan analisis menggunakan Absolute Category Rating with Hidden Reference (ACR-HR) untuk memperoleh skor differential mean opinion score (DMOS) sebagai tolok ukur QoE. Pengukuran Quality of Service (QoS) pada beberapa parameter teknis juga dilakukan untuk melengkapi data secara obyektif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa smart poultry yang diimplementasi bisa dianggap cukup baik dibandingkan sistem konvensional, walaupun masih ada beberapa perbaikan yang direkomendasikan terutama di sisi user experience.

In recent years the digitalization process has been adopted by many institutions including government and large/small enterprises. They are already aware that the digitalization will increase productivity and efficiency. This is including the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology in various business segments from transportation, manufacturing, logistics, and agriculture. There are many success stories in IoT implementations, but many problems have occurred though after the implementation, mostly related to system performance, ease of use, and user experience. This study discusses the measurement of IoT implementation (smart poultry) focus in PT X chicken farms, in terms of the Quality of Experience (QoE), to obtain the success level of implementation from the perspective of the users. PT X has implemented smart poultry in some of their chicken coops located in Cimaung, Serang since 2019. The study was conducted with in-depth interviews with company leaders to determine the main performance index (KPI) to be assessed, then continued with interviews to various units at PT X to get feedbacks related to QoE, and analysis using Absolute Category Ratings with Hidden References (ACR-HR ) to get differential mean opinion score (DMOS) as a QoE benchmark. This study also includes the measurement of service quality (QoS) on several technical parameters to complement the data objectively. The results show that the smart poultry can be considered comparatively better than the previous conventional system, although there are still some improvements needed, especially in terms of user experience.

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book covers the different aspects of modern 3D multimedia technologies by addressing several elements of 3D visual communications systems, using diverse content formats, such as stereo video, video-plus-depth and multiview, and coding schemes for delivery over networks. It also presents the latest advances and research results in regards to objective and subjective quality evaluation of 3D visual content, extending the human factors affecting the perception of quality to emotional states. The contributors describe technological developments in 3D visual communications, with particular emphasis on state-of-the-art advances in acquisition of 3D visual scenes and emerging 3D visual representation formats, such as, multi-view plus depth and light field; evolution to freeview and light-field representation; compression methods and robust delivery systems; and coding and delivery over various channels. Simulation tools, testbeds and datasets that are useful for advanced research and experimental studies in the field of 3D multimedia delivery services and applications are covered. The international group of contributors also explore the research problems and challenges in the field of immersive visual communications, in order to identify research directions with substantial economic and social impact. 3D Visual Content Creation, Coding and Delivery provides valuable information to engineers and computer scientists developing novel products and services with emerging 3D multimedia technologies, by discussing the advantages and current limitations that need to be addressed in order to develop their products further. It will also be of interest to students and researchers in the field of multimedia services and applications, who are particularly interested in advances bringing significant potential impact on future technological developments.
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library