Agung Purmindarto
Abstrak :
Penyelenggaraan Diklat akan efektif dan efisien bila merancang pelatihan dengan terstruktur melalui tahapan analisis/identifikasi, desain, implementasi, dan evaluasi, dikatakan Stone (2011:348) the effectiveness of training and development is enhanced when training activities are preceded by comprehensive analysis. Dampak negatif yang dirasakan bila analisis tidak dilakukan diantaranya tidak sesuainya tujuan Diklat dengan peserta yang hadir, demotivasi mengikuti pembelajaran, kerugian organisasi membiayai penyelenggaraan Diklat relatif mahal, dan investasi SDM di masa mendatang tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Perlu dikaji keadaan yang sesungguhnya pelaksanaan Analisis Kebutuhan Diklat (AKD) Teknis Manajemen PNS di Pusat Pengembangan ASN BKN beserta kendala yang dihadapi, selain itu mendapatkan instrumen AKD Teknis Manajemen PNS yang sesuai diterapkan di Pusat Pengembangan ASN BKN.
Pendekatan penelitian ini post-positivis karena berawal degan menguji teori pelatihan SDM melalui AKD, metode pengumpulan data kualitatif dan strategi triangulasi digunakan untuk validitas data yang terkumpul. Model AKD di BKN menggunakan instrumen analisis tugas yang ditetapkan dalam Peraturan Kepala BKN Nomor 17 Tahun 2011 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan AKD Teknis Manajemen PNS, namun AKD belum efektif dilaksanakan di BKN. Terkendala oleh tidak adanya koordinasi kerja antar unit dalam melaksanakan AKD, pelaksana tugas tidak mengetahui ketersediaan pedoman atau alat ukur AKD, penugasan AKD dalam struktur organisasi dan tata kerja BKN tidak tegas, SDM tidak tersertifikasi TNA, komitmen pimpinan tidak diimplementasikan dengan baik, dan belum ada standar kompetensi jabatan.
Dengan tidak digunakannya Peraturan Kepala BKN Nomor 17 Tahun 2011 perlu varian baru berupa instrumen analisis dalam perancangan pelatihan yang sesuai untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan pelatihan, instrumennya yaitu analisis Forum Group Discusion dengan keunggulan cepat, data yang diperoleh lebih kaya/dalam, dan memberikan nilai tambah. Instrumen berikutnya analisis Litingring/DIF (Kesulitan Kepentingan Keseringan/ Difficulties Importancy Frequency) yang dapat diimplementasikan menggunakan eManajemen Diklat secara daring.<
......The implementation of training and development will be effective and efficient if the instructional sistem design is structured by the analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation, Stone (2011:348) the effectiveness of training and development is enhanced when training activities are preceded by comprehensive analysis. There will be any negative effect if the analysis is not conducted among other are that the goals of the training and development is not adjusted to the participants attending it, the de-motivation in joining the learning, the organizational loss in funding the relative expensive training and development implementation and the human resource investment in the future is not based on what is expected. It is necessary for any study to the real implementation of Civil Servant Management Technique Training Need Analysis at the ASN Development Centre, National Civil Service Agency (NCSA) as well as for the obstacles faced, also to get the appropriate instrument of Civil Servant Management Technique Training Need Analysis implemented at the ASN Development Center NCSA.
The study approach is post-positivist because it starts by testing the human resource training theory by training need analysis, the qualitative data collection and the triangulation strategy are used to validate the data collected. training need analysis model uses the instrument of task analysis determined in the Regulation of Head of NCSC number 17 of 2011 concerning the Guidance of Civil Servant Management Technique Training Need Analysis Implementation, but training need analysis is not yet conducted effectively at NSCS. It is constrained by the absence the coordination intra-units in implementing the training need analysis, the task implementers do not know the guidance or training need analysis metering tool availability, the training need analysis assignment in the NCSC organizational structure and procedure are not strict, the human resources are not certified to the training need analysis, the leader commitment is not implemented correctly, and there is not positional competence standard.
By not being used Regulation of Head of NCSC number 17 of 2011 is necessary for the new variant as the analysis instrument in designing the training appropriately to identify the training demand, its instruments are the FGD analysis with the fast superiority, the data obtained is richer / deeper, and gives additional values. The following instrument is the DIF (Difficulties Importancy Frequency) analysis to be implemented by using e-Management Training on-line.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library