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Abstrak :
Artikel ini mengkaji eksistensi program televisi berbasis keagamaan di dalam masyarakat modern. Studi-studi sebelumnya memandang bahwa program televisi berbasis keagamaan eksis karena agama mampu mengintegrasikan diri ke dalam pasar melalui proses komodifikasi, juga karena program televisi dapat digunakan sebagai media kampanye ideologi agama. Namun, studi-studi tersebut belum menjelaskan soal mengapa minat konsumen terhadap program televisi berbasis keagamaan dapat tumbuh. Penulis berpendapat bahwa perkembangan minat terhadap program televisi berbasis keagamaan merupakan konsekuensi logis dari kontestasi fundamentalisme dan modernitas. Untuk menjelaskan hal tersebut, penulis mengangkat kasus program televisi Hafiz Indonesia. Pengamatan dilakukan pada saluran media sosial YouTube Hafiz Indonesia yang bersisi 1286 video. Semua postingan video diperiksa untuk mendapat informasi mengenai konten, informasi jumlah penonton, jumlah reaksi suka, jumlah reaksi tidak suka, dan jumlah komentar. Sementara itu, komentar dari 174 postingan video pada tahun 2019 diolah menggunakan teknik analisis konten untuk mengidentifikasi ekspresi relijiusitas penonton. Penulis menemukan bahwa satu program televisi dapat memuat multi-komodifikasi agama. Selain itu, kegiatan konsumsi juga melibatkan proses multi-refleksi relijiusitas individu. Artikel ini berkesimpulan bahwa komoditas berbasis keagamaan dapat berkembang karena mampu berfungsi sebagai alat kontrol individu terhadap risiko-risiko yang disebabkan oleh modernitas.
This article examines the existence of religious-based television programs in modern society. Previous studies view that religious-based television programs exist because religion is able to integrate itself into the market through the process of commodification, also because television programs can be used as a media for promoting religious ideology. However, these studies have not explained why consumers' interest in faith-based television programs can grow. The author believes that the development of interest in religiously based television programs is a logical consequence of the contestation of fundamentalism and modernity. To explain this, the author raised the case of the Indonesian television program Hafiz. Observations were made on the social media channel YouTube Hafiz Indonesia which contained 1286 videos. All video posts are examined to get information about the content, information on the number of viewers, the number of likes, the number of dislikes and the number of comments. Meanwhile, comments from 174 video posts in 2019 were processed using content analysis techniques to identify the audience's religious expression. The author finds that a television program can contain multi-commodification of religion. In addition, consumption activities also involve a multi-reflection process of individual religiousity. This article concludes that religious-based commodities can develop because they are able to function as an individual control tool against the risks caused by modernity.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja Universitas Indonesia Library