Ditemukan 59 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Rayhan Rahman
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini menjelaskan keterkaitan relasi kelompok biksu dengan rejim militer SLORC/SPDC dan pengaruhnya terhadap peran kelompok biksu sebagai counterbalance power periode 1988-2011. Tujuan skripsi ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai relasi kelompok biksu dengan rejim militer SLORC/SPDC dan pengaruhnya terhadap peran yang dijalankan oleh kelompok biksu sebagai counterbalance power. Temuan skripsi ini pertama, relasi kelompok biksu dengan rejim militer mengarah kepada pelemahan kekuatan kelompok biksu yang dilakukan dengan strategi korporatisme negara, kooptasi, hegemoni ideologi, serta peraturan dan aksi represif dari rejim militer. Kedua, relasi kelompok biksu dan rejim militer mendorong biksu berperan sebagai counterbalance power. Ketiga, peran kelompok biksu sebagai counterbalance power dijalankan dalam fungsi representasi, resistensi, dan watchdog.
......This undergraduate thesis attempts to analyze the linkage of Buddhist monks and Military Regime SLORC/SPDC relations and its effect on the role of the Buddhist monks as a counterbalance power period 1988-2011. The purpose of this study is to explain the relation of Buddhist monks with the military regime SLORC/SPDC and its effect on the role played by Buddhist monks as a counterbalance power. The first findings of this research is Buddhist monks relations with the military regime leads to the weakening of the power of Buddhist monks, who carried out the strategy of state corporatism, cooptation, ideological hegemony, and regulatory and repressive actions of the military regime. Secondly, relations between Buddhist monks and the military regime encourage Buddhist monks to act as a counterbalance power. Third, the role of the Buddhist monks as a counterbalance power operates as a representation function, resistance, and watchdog.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017
346.092 REA
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta : Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia, 2018
321.8 INS
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Milla Sepliana Setyowati
Abstrak :
ASEAN is currently becoming major economic force in Asia, made up of Indonesia,
Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Laos, Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam,
and Myanmar. ASEAN countries set a goal to integrate all economic potential through
ASEAN Economic community in 2015 in order to make the country members competitive
with the rest of world. Occupied by 600 million population and nominal GDP of USD 2.31
trillion, ASEAN provides huge opportunities for the world, especially in the form of trade
and investment. Thus is has to be supported by relevant policies from the respective country
members, which is one of them is tax policy. There are two major tax regimes which are
worldwide tax regime and territorial tax regime. The main objective of territorial tax regime
is to gain more opportunities abroad by exempting corporate income tax by home countries
for firms operating abroad, thus capital outflow from a country with territorial tax regime will
increase. The research employs fixed effect panel analysis in 6 major ASEAN countries with
observation period of 15 years. The result reveals that tax regime does not have significant
impact on capital outflow, still, macroeconomic performance becomes major factor for the
capital outflow
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja Universitas Indonesia Library
Topo Santoso
Abstrak :
Indonesian general election 2004 is the second general election after the fall of Suharto's regime. There have been revolutionary changes on Indonesian general election law and system compare to Indonesian general election that took place during the New Order Regime. Indonesia general election 2004 got very large attention from around the world. Other slate were willing to assist in election by providing international observers la closely look at the fairness, impartial process of election have bee well achieved Observation on general election means gather information on the process of election and give opinions based on information which gathered by people that do not have any authority to intervene on the process. In contrast, Pengawas Pemilu (Indonesian General Election Observer) as a formal body which takes part on general election process has / duties to observe, take reports, carry on Ihe reports and settle any disputes. Therefore, Pengawas Pemilu has different functions and authorities compare to others. However, as long as people still do not have any confidence on the process regarding the fairness and neutrality of the general election committee, the role of general election observers is still very important.
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The wave of democratization following the fall of Soeharto's regime in 1998, has led to an on going struggle to define and advance the people's right to free speech - a right which in reality had never been guaranteed prior to the second constitutional amendement of the year 2000....
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmat Nugraha
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menggunakan Model MS-GARCH untuk menganalisis keberadaan regime switching pada indeks saham yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Selanjutnya, penilti menggunakan Model Augmented MS-GARCH untuk menganalisis pengaruh perubahan nilai tukar terhadap voaltilitas return indeks saham pada kondisi pasar yang tenang (calm regime) dan pasar yang bergejolak (turbulent regime). Data yang digunakan adalah return IHSG dan 9 indeks sektoral periode 2004-2011.
Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa secara signifikan pada semua indeks terdapat regime switching atau terdapat beberapa regime (kondisi pasar yang berbeda) yang satu sama lain dapat silih berganti. Pada semua indeks, durasi waktu rata- rata berada pada calm regime lebih persisten dibandingkan pada turbulent regime.
Hasil lainnya, menjelaskan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh perubahan nilai tukar terhadap volatilitas return saham pada semua kondisi pasar, terkecuali terhadap indeks Aneka Industri pada turbulent regime.
Pada hasil pengujian ini hanya menunjukan secara umum arah hubungan bernilai positif dan besaran nilai koefisien perubahan nilai tukar pada volatilitas return saham lebih besar pada turbulent regime dibandingkan pada calm regime.
......This study uses the MS GARCH model to analyze the presence of regime switching in stock index listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Further research using Augmented MS GARCH model to analyze the effect of exchange rate changes on stock index return voaltilitas on market conditions calm calm regime and volatile market turbulent regime. The data used is the return index and 9 sectoral indices for the period 2004 2011
The results found that there were significant on all indices regime switching or there are several regimes different market conditions to each other can be alternated On all indices the average duration of the calm regime is more persistent than in the turbulent regime. Other results explaining that there was no effect of exchange rate changes on stock return volatility in all market conditions with the exception of the Miscellaneous Industry index in the turbulent regime.
On the results of this test only indicates the general direction of the relationship is positive and the magnitude of the coefficient of exchange rate changes on stock return volatility is greater in turbulent regime than in the calm regime
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Jihan Marsya Azahra
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tentang revitalisasi pasar tradisional di Kota Semarang dengan mengambil kasus revitalisasi Pasar Johar. Permasalahan dalam revitalisasi Pasar Johar ini adalah kebijakan pembangunan pasar yang berupaya memperbaiki kondisi pasar ternyata tidak menguntungkan bagi para pedagang. Ada berbagai kepentingan dari pemerintah, pedgaang dan kelompok kepentingan yang memunculkan kekacauan. Kepentingan dari berbagai pihak tersebut berusaha untuk bisa mempengaruhi proses implementasi kebijakan. Hal ini kemudian menyebabkan proses pembangunan pasar tersebut diwarnai dengan konflik kepentingan antarpihak. Peneliti menggunakan teori Urban Regime Stone dan teori implementasi kebijakan Van Metter dan Horn sebagai pisau analisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan wawancara kepada sejumlah informan dari pemerintah dan pedagang Pasar Johar. Hasil dari penelitian adalah bahwa kepentingan pribadi dari berbagai pihak yang cukup kuat membuat koalisi antara pemerintah dengan pedagang tidak berjalan dengan baik. Sebagai urban regime, revitalisasi berhasil dalam pembangunan fisik gedung pasar, namun belum berhasil untuk mengembalikan perekonomian Pasar Johar. Keberhasilannya tampak pada penataan wilayah pasar menjadi lebih indah, rapi dan teratur. Akan tetapi hal yang belum berhasil dicapai dalam revitalisasi ini adalah kenaikan pedapatan pedagang di Pasar Johar. Selain itu, dalam implementasi kebijakan juga terjadi berbagai penyimpangan yang dilakukan oleh berbagai pihak.
......This study discusses the revitalization of traditional markets in the city of Semarang by taking the case of Johar Market revitalization. The problem with revitalizing Johar Market is that market development policies that seek to improve market conditions turn out to be unprofitable for traders. There are various interests from the government, traders, and interest groups that cause chaos. The interests of these various parties seek to influence the policy implementation process. This then causes the market development process to be colored by conflicts of interest between parties. The researcher uses Urban Regime Stone theory and Van Metter and Horn's policy implementation theory as analysis tools. This study used a qualitative research method by interviewing a number of informants from the government and Johar Market traders. The results of the research are the personal interests of various parties that are strong enough to make disputes between the government and traders not go well. As an urban regime, the revitalization of the Johar market was successful in the physical construction of the market building, but it has not succeeded in restoring the Johar Market economy. Its success is seen in the arrangement of the market area to be more beautiful, neat and orderly. However, what has not been achieved in this revitalization is an increase in the income of traders at Pasar Johar. In addition, in the implementation of the policy, various irregularities were committed by various parties.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas Peran Sudanese Professional Association (SPA) dalam proses pelengseran Rezim militer Omar Bashir di Sudan dalam kurun waktu Desember 2018 hingga April 2019. Bashir yang bertahan dengan kekuasaannya selama lebih dari tiga dekade lamanya telah berhasil dilengserkan melalui serangkain aksi yang menekan Lembaga Keamanan Sudan untuk mencopot kekuasaan Bashir. Penelitian ini akan menjawab bagaimana peran SPA dalam proses pelengseran Bashir tersebut. Menggunakan Teori Modal Sosial, Kesempatan Politik, Mobilisasi, dan Pembingkaian, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa peran SPA dalam proses jatuhnya Bashir tercermin dari keberhasilannya dalam mencitrakan dirinya sebagai organisasi sipil murni, memanfaatkan situasi krisis politik dan ekonomi untuk membentuk aliansi the Force of Freedom and Change sebagai jaringan partisipasi sipil, mengkordinir serangkaian aksi “just fall” sebagai mobilisasi massa serta mendeklarasikan piagam freedom and Change sebagai norma yang menjadi tujuan bersama
......This thesis discusses about the role of the Sudanese Professional Association (SPA) in the process of overthrowing the military regime of Omar Bashir in Sudan from December 2018 to April 2019. Bashir, who remained in power for more than three decades, has been successfully removed through a series of actions that put pressure on the Sudanese Security aparatus to remove him from power. This study will answer how the role of SPA in the process of removing this regime. Using Social Capital Theory, political and mobilization, framing structure, this research concludes that the role of SPA in the process of overthrowing Bashir's regime is reflected in its success in perceiving itself as a pure civil society organization, utilizing political and economic crisis situations to form the alliance of the Force of Freedom and Change as a network of civic engagement, coordinating a series of “just fall” protests actions as mass mobilization and declaring the Charter Of Freedom and Change as norms that becomes the common goal of Sudanese civil society
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Johanan M.
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas perjuangan Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo dalam menuntut pertanggung jawaban pemerintah sipil di Argentina yang difokuskan sampai pada tahun 2007. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan deskriptif analitis dengan metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah studi dokumentasi dan kepustakaan sehingga data-data mengenai Dirty War, Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, serta pertanggungjawaban pemerintah Argentina pasca junta militer yang diperoleh merupakan data sekunder.
Penelitian penulis akan perjuangan Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo difokuskan sampai pada tahun 2007. Tahun tersebut merupakan puncak dari perjuangan Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo yang terjadi pada masa pemerintahan Nestor Filchner dan Cristina Filchner. Dibawah pimpinan mereka, undang-undang impunitas benar-benar dihapuskan, para pelaku kembali dituntut, diadili dan divonis dengan hukuman penjara.
......This thesis examines struggles of Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo focused in demanding accountability for civilian government that is focused in Argentina until 2007. The type of descriptive analytical research that used by the author is the study of documentation and literature so that every data of Dirty War, Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, and the accountability of the governments of Argentina after the military regime is obtained a secondary data.
The research of Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo focused until 2007. That year was a culmination of Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo that occurred in the reign of Nestor and Cristina Filchner Filchner. Under their leadership, impunity laws were abolished, the perpetrators returned prosecuted, tried and sentenced to jail terms.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library