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Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ajeng Mugiarni
Abstrak :
Wabah pandemi Covid-19 tidak hanya menyebabkan panik di sektor kesehatan namun juga melemahkan ekonomi di dunia. Pasar saham yang merupakan salah satu barometer ekonomi juga terdampak pandemi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pandemi Covid-19 terhadap return saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan data pertumbuhan harian total kasus positif Covid-19, kasus kematian Covid-19, dan data saham perusahaan-perusahaan terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan periode penelitian mulai dari 2 Januari 2020 sampai dengan 31 Desember 2020. Regresi data panel digunakan sebagai model penelitian untuk mengetahui estimasi hasil penelitian. Studi ini menemukan bahwa return saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia merespon negatif signifikan dengan pertumbuhan harian total kasus positif Covid-19, begitu juga dengan hasil return saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia merespon negatif signifikan dengan pertumbuhan harian total kasus kematian Covid-19. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa return saham pada sektor industri kimia dasar merupakan sektor yang terdampak Covid-19. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan bagi praktisi untuk mengkonsiderasi keputusan investasi pada pasar saham untuk menghindari dampak signifikan yang ditimbulkan oleh penyebaran virus seperti Covid-19 di masa depan. ......The pandemic Covid-19 caused panic not only in health sectors but also weakened the world’s economy. The stock market, as one of the barometers of the economy was also hit by the pandemic. Therefore, this study aims to seek whether the Covid-19 outbreak affects stock returns in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Using daily growth of total Covid-19 confirmed cases, Covid-19 deaths cases, and stock returns data from Bursa Efek Indonesia throughout January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020. The panel-data regression model is used to estimate the result of the study. This study shows that stock returns in Indonesia Stock Exchange respond negatively significant as the number of confirmed cases increases also stock returns in Indonesia respond negatively significant to the daily growth of death cases. This study also finds that stock return in basic chemical industry were the impacted industry caused by pandemic Covid-19. Empirical findings could be used for the practitioner to consider investing in the stock market to avoid the significant impact of such outbreaks like Covid-19 in the future.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Sri Wahyuni
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah current ratio, fixed charge coverage, net income margin, financial slack, sales growth, dan debt ratio secara signifikan menentukan financial constraints serta untuk mengetahui hubungannya dengan return saham. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi logit untuk pengelompokan perusahaan berdasarkan status financial constraint dan analisis regresi sederhana digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara financial constraint dan return saham. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada tingkat signifikansi 5% variabel yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi status financial constraint adalah current ratio, fixed charge coverage, net income margin, dan debt ratio. Sedangkan analisis regresi financial constraint dan return saham menunjukkan hubungan yang negatif.
This study aims to determine whether current ratio, fixed charge coverage, net income margin, financial slack, sales growth, and the debt ratio significantly determine financial constraints and to investigate its relationship with stock returns. This study uses logit regression analysis for grouping companies based on the status of financial constraints and ordinary regression analysis is used to determine the relationship between financial constraints and stock returns. The results show that at 5% significance level variables that significantly affect the status of financial constraint is current ratio, fixed charge coverage, net income margin, and debt ratio. While the regression analysis of financial constraints and stock returns show a negative relationship.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini secara garis besar memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui bagaimana implikasi dan khususnya perbedaan dari stock returns yang diperoleh perusahaan pada saat sebelum dan sesudah pengumuman merger dan akuisisi. Penelitian mengambil sampel yang terdiri dari 30 perusahaan acquisitor dan 30 perusahaan target di Indonesia selama periode 2006-2014. Stock Returns dilihat dan diukur dengan average abnormal return dan cumulative abnormal returns di mana pengembalian yang diharapkan diperoleh berdasarkan perhitungan dari market adjusted model. Metode yang digunakan adalah event study dengan mengambil periode pengamatan selama 11 hari di mana secara umum berlangsung 5 hari sebelum tanggal pengumuman merger dan akusisi (t-5), pada saat pengumuman (t), dan 5 hari setelah tanggal pengumuman merger dan akuisisi (t+5). Dengan menggunakan uji beda 2 sampel ditemukan bahwa pengumuman merger dan akuisisi di Indonesia tidak memberikan adanya perbedaan yang nyata atau signifikan terhadap stock returns baik bagi pemegang saham perusahaan acquisitor maupun pemegang saham persahaan target yang dilihat dari average abnormal returns sebelum dengan average abnormal returns setelah tanggal pengumuman merger dan akuisisi. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa pasar kurang memberikan respon atas pengumuman merger dan akuisisi yang terjadi selama periode event yang diteliti. Hasil perhitungan CAR juga menunjukkan suatu pola bahwa perusahaan acquisitor cenderung bernilai negatif sedangkan perusahaan target cenderung bernilai positif. ...... This study aims to analyze and to explain the implication especially the difference of stock returns centered on the annoucement date of mergers and acquisitions. Samples of this study consist of 30 acquisitors companies and 30 target companies that listed on Indonesia Stock Echange period 2006-2014. Stock returns seen and measured by average abnormal returns and cumulative abnormal returns where expected returns were calculated by using market adjusted model. The method of this study is using event study method with 11-days period immediately surrounding the mergers and acquisitions announcement date, that is from 5 trading day before (t-5) to 5 trading day after the announcement (t+5). Data analyzed by statistical technique with paired sample ttest. The Result from the test shows that there was no significant difference between abnormal returns before and after the annoucement date of mergers and acquisitions either for acquisitor and target. Since there was no difference between average abnormal returns 5 trading day before mergers and acquisitions announcement date and 5 trading day after mergers and acquisitions announcement date, the result indicates that market didn't give any responses to that mergers and acquisitions announcement date among 11-days event period. The calculation of CAR also display similar patterns that the returns of acquiring firms are tend to be negative while the returns of target firms are tend to be positive.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadia Farahiya Rachmadini
Abstrak :
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis ada/tidaknya fenomena Reverse Weekend Effect pada Bursa Efek Indonesia BEI. Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah return harian dan menggunakan variabel dummy dan conditional variance sebagai variabel independen dalam regresinya. Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity ARCH dan generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity GARCH digunakan sebagai metode analisis untuk mengukur volatilitas return yang diregresikan sebagai conditional variance equation. Leverage effect ditambahkan sebagai salah satu variabel independen dalam conditional variance equation atas pengaruh baik atau buruknya berita sehingga dapat mempengaruhi harga saham di hari Senin. Hasil penelitian ini tidak menemukan adanya reverse weekend effect di Indonesia. Kemudian, return di hari senin tidak selalu bernilai positif setiap minggunya pada perusahaan berskala besar. Terakhir, volume perdangan dan likuiditas tidak dapat menjelaskan fenomena anomali Reverse Weekend Effect di Indonesia.
The aim of this paper is to analyze whether there is phenomenon of anomaly of the Reverse Weekend Effect or not in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Dependent variable of this study is daily return and using dummy variable and conditional variance variable as independent variables in its regression. Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity ARCH and generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskdasticity GARCH were used as analytical methods to measure return volatility which were regressed as conditional variance equation. Leverage effect was added as the independent variable for the different impact of good and bad news on the conditional variance equation that could affect stock prices on Monday. The results of this study did not find any Reverse Weekend Effect in Indonesia. Then, the result of Monday return of large firms was not always positive in every week. Furthermore, trading volume and illiquidity of individual firms cannot explain the anomaly of Reverse Weekend Effect in Indonesia.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manurung, Adler Haymans, 1961-
Abstrak :
This research is to explore Initial Return Stock on the Jakarta Stock Exchange period 2000,2001 and 2002. This study used two stage method, such as first stage is to analyze initial return using univariate regression, and second stage analyze factors affected initial return using cross section multivariate regression. This research found that there is no different average initial return between gross revenue IPO, percentage floating stocks and PER. But, this study found that there is different between age and debt to equity ratio for 36 months. In second stage, this study found that initial return affected by size company, utilization IPO proceed to working capital, and shareholder sale.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This research examines the behavior of stock returns and trading volumes around the ex-dates of rights issue offerings by firms listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange (now is known as Indonesia Stock Exchange, after the merger with Surabaya Stock Exchange) in the period of 2002-2007. This research describes the effect of warrants issue which is combined with some rights issue. The methods of research used are event study, to examine the behavior of abnormal returns and trading volumes around the ex-dates of rights issue; and regression, to help discriminate among various hypotheses and identify factors that explain the abnormal stock returns associated with rights issue. The results are categorized in three sample groups: (1) a group of firms issuing rights with warrant, (2) a group of firms issuing rights without warrants, and (3) a group of firms issuing rights in between 2001-2006. Abnormal returns in this research are associated negatively with the amount of capital raise relative to existing capital, and positively with the stock returns variance and the offer price as a fraction of firm’s stock price
Bisnis & Birokrasi: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi, 16 (3) Sept–Des 2009: 188-203,
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aski Catranti
Abstrak :
Abstract. This research examines the behavior of stock returns and trading volumes around the ex-dates of rights issue offerings by firms listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange (now is known as Indonesia Stock Exchange, after the merger with Surabaya Stock Exchange) in the period of 2002-2007. This research describes the effect of warrants issue which is combined with some rights issue. The methods of research used are event study, to examine the behavior of abnormal returns and trading volumes around the ex-dates of rights issue; and regression, to help discriminate among various hypotheses and identify factors that explain the abnormal stock returns associated with rights issue. The results are categorized in three sample groups: (1) a group of firms issuing rights with warrant, (2) a group of firms issuing rights without warrants, and (3) a group of firms issuing rights in between 2001-2006. Abnormal returns in this research are associated negatively with the amount of capital raise relative to existing capital, and positively with the stock returns variance and the offer price as a fraction of firm?s stock price.
Bank Indonesia Cabang Bandung, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farid Addy Sumantri; Ika Agustiani
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji adanya perbedaan kinerja keuangan dan abnormal return pada periode sebelum dan setelah pengumuman merger pada perusahaan yang terdaftar di BEI pada periode 2004-2013. Dalam penelitian ini pengukuran kineija keuangan menggunakan 4 rasio keuangan, yaitu current ratio (CR), net profit margin (NPM), return on equity (ROE) dan price earning ratio (PER), sedangkan abnormal return diukur menggunakan market return dan actual return. Penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling dalam pengambilan sampel penelitian. Perusahaan sampel yang diuji disini adalah 8 perusahaan dan berbagai jenis industri yang berbeda. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji beda (paired sample t test) dengan tingkat net profit margin (NPM), return on equity (ROE) dan price earning ratio (PER) semuanya menunjukan adanyk perbedaan sebelum dan setelah pengumuman merger pada perusahaan yang terdaftar di BEI periode 2004-2013. Sehingga Hla, Hlb, Hie, dan Hld yang menyatakan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kinerja keuangan sebelum dan setelah pengumuman merger diterima dan terbukti. Hasil pengujian menunjukan tidak terdapat perbedaan Abnormal Return (AR) sebelum dan setelah pengumuman merger.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, 2017
330 AGREGAT 1:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prita Ayu Setiyandari
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat memberikan alternatif pembentukan portofolio investasi di PT XYZ. Proporsi alokasi yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan return yang optimal dengan tingkat risiko yang dapat ditolerir. Tesis ini membandingkan metode Efficient Frontier Markowitz dan metode yang telah digunakan PT XYZ. Periode penelitan yang digunakan adalah data portofolio investasi dari tahun 2011 sampai dengan 2013. Dari portofolio optimal yang dibentuk kemudian dilakukan perbandingan kinerja antara kedua metode tersebut. Digunakan perhitungan reward to variability ratio dengan metode Sharpe untuk lebih meyakinkan hasil yang telah diperoleh. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa portofolio hasil optimasi metode Efficient Frontier Markowitz memberikan kinerja (reward to variability ratio) ekspektasi lebih baik dibandingkan portofolio hasil optimasi metode yang telah digunakan PT XYZ dengan selisih sebesar 12,99%. Return yang dihasilkan oleh Efficient Frontier Markowitz adalah sebesar 2,62% dengan tingkat risiko sebesar 1,17%, sedangkan metode yang digunakan oleh PT XYZ menghasilkan return sebesar 2,89% dengan tingkat risiko sebesar 1,42%. Tetapi pada kenyataannya alokasi portofolio dengan metode Efficient Frontier Markowitz murni sulit untuk diterapkan, dikarenakan kondisi PT XYZ sebagai perusahaan dana pensiun yang memiliki kewajiban jangka panjang, sehingga alokasi portofolio terbesar tidak mungkin pada instrumen pasar uang. Namun demikian metode Efficient Frontier Markowitz layak untuk dipertimbangkan dalam membentuk portofolio optimal bisa dengan asumsi tertentu yang telah disesuaikan dengan situasi dan kondisi PT XYZ. Sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan return investasi PT XYZ
This study aims to provide an alternative investment portfolio conformation in PT XYZ. The allocation results from this study are expected to provide optimal returns with a level of risk that can be tolerated. This thesis uses the Markowitz Efficient Frontier method and Current Method of PT XYZ. For research period uses the PT XYZ investment portfolio from 2011 to 2013. From established optimal portfolio, the peformance is compared between the two models. To convice the result then used reward to variability ratio by Sharpe method. The results showed that the portfolio from Efficient Frontier method optimization provide better expected performance (reward to variability ratio) than the Current Method of PT XYZ optimization with spread of 12,99%. Return generated by the Efficient Frontier method is at 2.62% with a risk level of 1.17%, while the Current Method of PT XYZ generates a return of 2.89% with a risk level of 1.42%. But in reality the portfolio allocation method Markowitz Efficient Frontier purely difficult to implement, due to the condition of PT XYZ as a pension fund company that has a long-term liability, so the largest portfolio allocation is not possible in money market. However, the method Markowitz Efficient Frontier eligible to be considerated in forming the optimal portfolio, with certain assumptions that have been adapted to the circumstances of PT XYZ . Which is expected to increase investment returns PT XYZ.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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