ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Nilai normal Kecepatan Hantar Saraf KHS pada saraf perifer, dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor fisiologis, antara lain usia, tinggi badan dan indeks massa tubuh, dan faktor non fisiologis seperti teknik pengukuran dan suhu. Referensi nilai normal tiap laboratorium elektrofisiologi berbeda-beda, sehingga dibutuhkan penelitian untuk memperoleh referensi nilai normal KHS yang sesuai dengan populasi di Indonesia, khususnya di RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangukusumo Jakarta..Metode:Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian prospektif. Responden sehat didapatkan sesuai kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi diambil secara concecutive, usia 18-60 tahun sebanyak 210 subyek. Dilakukan penapisan neuropati perifer dengan wawancara dan kuesioner Brief Peripheral Neuropathy Screening Tool BPNS Tool . Subyek yang memenuhi persyaratan dilakukan pemeriksaan Kecepatan Hantar Saraf KHS motorik dan sensorik pada ekstremitas atas dan bawah, meliputi n.medianus, n.ulnaris, n.radialis, n.peroneus, dan n.suralis. Hasil:Didapatkan sebanyak 210 dari 215 subyek yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Subyek penelitian terdiri dari 91 sampel ekstremitas laki-laki dan 119 sampel perempuan. Subjek diambil pada usia dewasa rentang 18-60 tahun, dengan nilai tengah 33 tahun. Subyek terbanyak usia 31-40 tahun, sebanyak 68 sampel 32,4 , jenis kelamin wanita sebanyak 119 sampel 56,7 . Usia subyek dengan nilai tengah 33 22,0-53,4 tahun, dengan tinggi badan subyek 1,6 1,49;1,74 m, dan nilai tengah indeks massa tubuh IMT 24.84 18,5- 31,3 kg/m2.Nilai kecepatan hantar saraf KHS digunakan nilai tengah, dengan batas bawah persentil lima dan batas atas persentil sembilan puluh lima. Nilai KHS motorik pada n.medianus 60 50;73,2 m/det, n.ulnaris 66,6 53;80 m/det, pada n.radialis 67 48,1; 81,8 m/det. n.peroneus 55 39,6;69,8 m/det, n.tibialis 59,5 46,5;75 m/det. Hasil pemeriksaan sensorik, didapatkan KHS sensorik pada n.medianus 66,3 49,6;83 m/det, n.ulnaris 52 41,5;70 m/det, n.radialis 46,7 38,4: 59 m/det. n.peroneus superfisialis 62 44;82 m/det, pada n.suralis 62 48;79 m/det. Kesimpulan:Nilai normal kecepatan hantar saraf motorik pada n.medianus ge;50 m/det, n.ulnaris ge;53 m/det, n.radialis ge;48 m/det, n.peroneus ge;40 m/det, n.tibialis ge;46 m/det. Nilai normal kecepatan hantar saraf KHS pada saraf sensorik pada n.medianus ge; 50 m/det, n.ulnaris ge; 41 m/det, n.radialis ge;38 m/det, n.peroneus superfisialis ge;44 m//det, n.suralis ge;48 m/det.
Background The normal value of nerve conduction velocity NCV in peripheral nerves, is influenced by physiological factors, including age, height and body mass index, and non physiological factors such as measurement and temperature techniques. Reference to the normal values of each electrophysiological laboratory is different, so research is needed to obtain references to normal NCV values that are appropriate to the population in Indonesia, especially in dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta. Method This research is a prospective study. Healthy respondents were obtained according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria were taken concecutive, aged 18 60 years as many as 210 subjects.Peripheral neuropathy screening was performed by interview and questionnaire of the Brief Peripheral Neuropathy Screening Tool BPNS Tool . Subjects meeting the requirements were examined for motor and sensory velocity NCV at the upper and lower extremities, including n.medianus, n.ulnaris, n.radialis, n.peroneus, and n.suralis. Result There were 210 out of 215 subjects who met the inclusion criteria. The subjects consisted of 91 samples of male limbs and 119 female samples. Subjects were takenat an adult age range of 18 60 years, with a median of 33 years. Most subjects aged 3140 years, as many as 68 samples 32.4 , gender of women as much as 119 samples 56.7 . Age of subjects with a mean of 33 22.0 53.4 years, with a subjectheight of 1.6 1.49, 1.74 m, and a median body mass index IMT of 24.84 18.5 31.3 kg m2.The value of nerve conduction velocity NCV is used in the middle value, with thelower limit of the fiveth percentile and the upper limit of the ninety five percentile.The value of motor KHS at n.medianus 60 50 73,2 m s, n.ulnaris 66.6 53 80 m s, on n.radialis 67 48,1,81,8 m det. n.peroneus 55 39,6,69,8 m s, n.tibialis 59,5 46,5,75 m s. The results of sensory examination, obtained sensory KHS atn.medianus 66.3 49.6 83 m s, n.ulnaris 52 41,5 70 m s, n.radialis 46,7 38.4 59 m s. n.peroneus superfisialis 62 44 82 m s, on n.suralis 62 48 79 m s. Conclusion The normal value of motor neural conduction velocity in n.medianus ge 50 m s, n.ulnaris ge 53 m s, n.radialis ge 48 m s, n.peroneus ge 40 m s, n.tibialis 46 m s. In the sensory nerves is obtained nerve velocity n.medianus ge 50 .m s, n.ulnaris ge 41 m s, n.radialis ge 38 m s, n.peroneus superfisialis ge 44 m s, n.suralis ge 48 m s. "