"Kasus COVID-19 di dunia masih bertambah, tidak terkecuali di dalamnya kasus COVID-19 pada ibu postpartum yang perlu menyusui bayinya. Sampai saat ini virus SARS-CoV-2 diketahui ditularkan melalui cairan atau droplet pernapasan yang mengandung virus tersebut. ASI dari ibu yang positif COVID-19 tidak terbukti mengandung virus SARS-CoV-2 sehingga pemberian ASI bagi bayi sebagai sumber nutrisi disarankan untuk tetap dilanjutkan. ASI ibu yang dirawat di ruang isolasi dapat diberikan pada bayi dengan cara memerah ASI dengan diikuti mencuci tangan, menggunakan masker, dan menjaga kebersihan alat pompa dan wadah ASI. Akan tetapi banyak ibu postpartum tidak mengetahu hal ini karena belum terinformasi sehingga diperlukan intervensi oleh tenaga kesehatan seperti perawat untuk mengedukasi ibu. Studi ini menggambarkan penerapan edukasi kesehatan tentang cara pemberian ASI yang aman bagi bayi pada ibu berusia 28 tahun terkonfirmasi COVID-19 derajat sedang, riwayat P1 post SC yang berada di ruang isolasi COVID-19. Edukasi dilakukan dalam 1 hari dan ibu dievaluasi selama seminggu. Hasil
edukasi disertai dukungan bagi ibu untuk memompa ASInya menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan ibu serta aktivitas memerah ASI dengan diiringi tindakan pencegahan penularan infeksi. Studi merekomendasikan edukasi ini diberikan sebagai intervensi pada ibu postpartum di ruang isolasi COVID19.
......The number of COVID-19 cases in the world is still increasing, including the case of COVID-19 in postpartum mothers who need to breastfeed their babies. Until now, the SARS-CoV-2 virus is known to be transmitted through respiratory fluids or droplets containing the virus. Breast milk from mothers who are positive for COVID-19 is not proven to contain the SARS-CoV-2 virus, thus breastfeeding for babies as a source of nutrition is recommended to continue. Breast milk of mothers who are treated in isolation rooms can be given to babies by expressing breast milk followed by washing hands, using masks, and maintaining the cleanliness of pumps and breast milk containers. However, many postpartum mothers do not know this because they have not been informed. Therefore, intervention by health workers such as nurses is needed to educate mothers. This study describes the application of health education on how to safely breastfeed babies for 28-year-old mothers with moderate COVID-19 confirmed cases, history of P1 post SC who are in the COVID-19 isolation room. Education was carried out in 1 day and mothers were evaluated for a week. The results of education accompanied by support for mothers to pump their breast milk showed an increase in mother's knowledge and activities to express breast milk accompanied by measures to prevent infection transmission. The study recommends that this education be given as an intervention to postpartum mothers in the COVID-19 isolation room."