Leovhaty Augusta Azhari H.B.
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis elemen Bauran Pemasaran yaitu Brand Orientation, Communication Orientation, Product Orientation, Consumption Environment Orientation, Price Orientation, Package Orientation, Sales Interaction Orientation dan Health/Nutrition Conscientious Orientation terhadap Impulse Buying produk Snack Smax Ring Keju. Penelitian ini dilakukan mengingat sungguh banyak sekali produk Makanan Ringan yang beredar di pasar hingga konsumen diperhadapkan pada pilihan yang begitu banyak hingga penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan informasi kepada pemasar perihal faktor-faktor apa saja yang penting untuk mengarahkan konsumen membeli produk tertentu.
ABSTRACTThis thesis was conducted to analyze elements of Marketing Mix which are Brand Orientation, Communication Orientation, Product Orientation, Consumption Environment Orientation, Price Orientation, Package Orientation, Sales Interaction Orientation dan Health Nutrition Conscientious Orientation on Impulse Buying Snack Product Smax Ring Keju. This thesis was conducted because of many products of snack in the market and makes consument must to choice from many different products, So this thesis intend to give informations to marketers about what important factors to directing consument to buy certain products."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017