ABSTRAKPada tahun 2005 Kemdikbud mengeluarkan kebijakan penguatan pendidikan
vokasional, yaitu target perbandingan 70:30, untuk 70 persen jumlah siswa SMK
lebih banyak daripada jumlah siswa SMA pada tahun 2015. Argumentasi
kebijakan tersebut adalah mengatasi masalah ketenagakerjaan yang berkaitan
dengan keterampilan yang spesifik dan mengentaskan pengangguran. Sampai
beberapa tahun terakhir ini, jumlah siswa dan sekolah SMK tumbuh relatif cepat.
Konsekuensinya anggaran yang dikeluarkan untuk menyelenggarakan pendidikan
SMK jumlahnya lebih besar daripada SMA. Namun data menunjukkan bahwa
tingkat pengangguran lulusan SMK masih lebih tinggi dari lulusan SMA,
sedangkan tingkat upah tidak berbeda signifikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan
analisis deskriptif dan analisis biaya-manfaat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa tingkat pengangguran tamatan SMA dengan SMK tidak terlalu besar
perbedaannya, dan perubahan proporsi jumlah siswa 70:30 merupakan kebijakan
yang kurang tepat.
ABSTRACTIn 2005 the Ministry of Education and Cultural issued a policy to strengthen
vocational education. The target policy is to change the proportion of student
from vocational high school and general high school to 70:30 in 2015. The policy
argument is addressing the employment issues relating to the specific skills and
alleviate unemployment. Until the last few years, the number of students and
vocational school grew relatively fast. The consequences is, the budget spent by
the government on vocational school expenses is higher than general school. How
ever, the data showed that the unemployment rate for vocational graduate is
higher than general school graduate, meanwhile the wage levels did not differ
significantly. This study are using descriptive analysis and cost-benefit analysis.
Results show that the comparation of unemployment rate between general school
and vocational school graduates is not to high, and the the changing proportion
of 70:30 students are ineficient policies;In 2005 the Ministry of Education and Cultural issued a policy to strengthen
vocational education. The target policy is to change the proportion of student
from vocational high school and general high school to 70:30 in 2015. The policy
argument is addressing the employment issues relating to the specific skills and
alleviate unemployment. Until the last few years, the number of students and
vocational school grew relatively fast. The consequences is, the budget spent by
the government on vocational school expenses is higher than general school. How
ever, the data showed that the unemployment rate for vocational graduate is
higher than general school graduate, meanwhile the wage levels did not differ
significantly. This study are using descriptive analysis and cost-benefit analysis.
Results show that the comparation of unemployment rate between general school
and vocational school graduates is not to high, and the the changing proportion
of 70:30 students are ineficient policies, In 2005 the Ministry of Education and Cultural issued a policy to strengthen
vocational education. The target policy is to change the proportion of student
from vocational high school and general high school to 70:30 in 2015. The policy
argument is addressing the employment issues relating to the specific skills and
alleviate unemployment. Until the last few years, the number of students and
vocational school grew relatively fast. The consequences is, the budget spent by
the government on vocational school expenses is higher than general school. How
ever, the data showed that the unemployment rate for vocational graduate is
higher than general school graduate, meanwhile the wage levels did not differ
significantly. This study are using descriptive analysis and cost-benefit analysis.
Results show that the comparation of unemployment rate between general school
and vocational school graduates is not to high, and the the changing proportion
of 70:30 students are ineficient policies]"