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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Randy S.N. Rusdy
Abstrak :
Peningkatan penggunaan alat elektronik di lingkungan meningkatkan risiko pajanan terhadap kesehatan termasuk sistem reproduksi. Belum terdapat studi yang melihat perbedaan efek pajanan terhadap tiga generasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemajanan medan elektromagnetik frekuensi rendah ekstrim pada mencit strain Swiss Webster terhadap jumlah sel Leydig populasi jantan sampai didapatkan generasi F3 Mencit dibagi ke dalam tiga kelompok pajanan dengan medan elektromagnetik bertegangan 3 kV 4 kV dan 5 kV serta kelompok kontrol tanpa pajanan. Pengamatan histopatologi testis mencit dewasa masing masing kelompok pemajanan menunjukkan penurunan jumlah sel Leydig yang bermakna p 0 05 dibandingkan kontrol. Didapatkan pula penurunan yang bermakna pada generasi F1 F2 dan F3 dibandingkan dengan jumlah sel Leydig kelompok kontrol p 0 05. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan pajanan medan elektromagnetik frekuensi rendah ekstrim berpengaruh terhadap jumlah sel Leydig sehingga mempengaruhi kapastitas reproduksi jantan.
Widespread use of electronic technology increase risk of future health including reproductive system Animal model studies has not yet provided effect of electromagnetic field on three different generations. The present study investigate the effect of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field exposure EMF ELF continously towards leydig cells on three generation of male Swiss Webster mice. Mices are distributed into three exposed group 3 kV 4 kV and 5 kV and one control population without exposure. Number of Leydig cells reduce significantly compared to control p 0 05. There is significant decreased of leydig cell count in every generations compared to control population p 0 05 It is concluded that ELF EMF exposure affects leydig cells population therefore reducing their spermatogenic capacity.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heru Fajar Trianto
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Monosodium glutamat (MSG) mengandung glutamat yang apabila terakumulasi akan mengakibatkan kerusakan berbagai sel dan organ, salah satunya adalah sel Leydig. Sel Leydig memiliki kemampuan regenerasi setelah mengalami kerusakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kemampuan regenerasi sel Leydig tikus dewasa yang rusak akibat pajanan MSG. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan 27 ekor tikus putih jantan strain Sprague Dawley usia 10-12 minggu yang dibagi menjadi 9 kelompok. Kelompok kontrol (K) diberikan aquadest 1,5 ml, kelompok PI diberikan MSG 4g/kgBB, dan kelompok PII diberikan MSG 6g/kgBB. Perlakuan diberikan secara oral selama 30 hari. Dari masing-masing perlakuan akan dibagi menjadi kelompok yang dimatikan 1 hari, 14 hari, dan 28 hari pasca perlakuan terakhir dihentikan. Testis kanan dan hipofisis dibuat sajian histologi menggunakan pewarnaan HE dan PAS. Parameter yang diamati adalah jumlah sel Leydig, sel berinti lonjong intersisial tubulus seminiferus, dan sel basofil adenohipofisis. Hasil : Peningkatan dosis MSG menyebabkan penurunan jumlah sel Leydig, serta peningkatan jumlah sel berinti lonjong intersisial tubulus seminiferus yang diduga merupakan sel progenitor Leydig. Pajanan MSG juga menyebabkan penurunan jumlah sel basofil adenohipofisis. Setelah pajanan MSG dihentikan selama 14 hari dan 28 hari, tejadi peningkatan jumlah sel Leydig, penurunan jumlah sel berinti lonjong, dan peningkatan jumlah sel basofil. Kesimpulan : Sel leydig memiliki kemampuan regenerasi yang berlangsung antara 14 hingga 28 hari setelah penghentian pajanan MSG. ......Background : Monosodium glutamate (MSG) contains glutamate which if accumulated will result in damage to various cells and organs, one of which in the Leydig cells. Leydig cells had the ability to regenerate after damage. This study aims to investigate the Leydig cells regeneration of adult male rats after cessation of MSG exposure. Methods: This study was performed on twenty-seven Sprague Dawley male rats (10-12 weeks old). They were divided into 9 groups. Control group (K) was given aquadest 1,5ml/day and two treated groups (PI and PII ) were given MSG 4g/kgBB and 6 g/kgBB. Treatment was given orally during 30 days. Each group was then divided into three groups that were sacrificed 1 day, 14 days and 28 days after the last treatment. Histological preparations of the right testes and pituitary was studied using HE and PAS staining, respectively. The number of Leydig and oval nucleated cells of the seminiferous tubules interstitial as well as basophil cells of adenohypophysis were observed. Result : Monosodium glutamate exposure caused a dose-dependent decrease in the number of Leydig cells and an increase in the number of oval nucleated cells. It was suggested that the oval nucleated cells were leydig progenitor cells. Monosodium glutamate exposure also caused a decrease in the number of basophil cells of adenohypophysis. After cessation of MSG for 14 and 28 day, there was an increase in the number of Leydig cells, a decrease in the number of oval nucleated cells and an increase the number of basophil cells. Conclusion : Leydig cells had the ability to regenerate and the regeneration took place between 14 and 28 days after cessation of MSG exposure.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novita Rina Antarsih
Abstrak :
LATAR BELAKANG: Laki-laki dengan penuaan pada umumnya mengalami penurunan kualitas hidup dan infertilitas, penyebabnya berkaitan dengan degenerasi sel Leydig akibat akumulasi stres oksidatif sehingga terjadi penurunan kadar testosteron. Daun Enhalus acoroides dilaporkan mengandung antioksidan yang dapat menangkal radikal bebas dan fitosterol yang dapat diubah menjadi testosteron. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efek ekstrak etil asetat daun lamun [Enhalus acoroides (L.f.) Royle] terhadap analisis semen, morfologi sel Leydig, dan stres oksidatif mencit jantan tua

BAHAN DAN CARA KERJA: Sampel berjumlah 32 ekor mencit jantan galur DDY yang diberikan ekstrak daun Enhalus acoroides selama 14 hari. Mencit dibagi dalam 8 kelompok perlakuan masing masing terdiri dari 4 kali ulangan yang terdiri dari DK1 = dewasa kontrol 1 (mencit dewasa tanpa perlakuan); DK2=dewasa kontrol 2 (mencit dewasa minyak zaitun); DP1=dewasa perlakuan 1 (mencit dewasa ekstrak 25 mg/KgBB); DP2=dewasa perlakuan 2 (mencit dewasa ekstrak 50 mg/KgBB); TK1=tua kontrol 1 (mencit tua tanpa perlakuan); TK2=tua kontrol 2 (mencit tua minyak zaitun); TP1=tua perlakuan 1 (mencit tua ekstrak 25 mg/KgBB); TP2=tua perlakuan 2 (mencit tua ekstrak 50 mg/KgBB).

HASIL: Peningkatan motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa mencit tua pada dosis 50 mg/KgBB, peningkatan morfologi spermatozoa normal pada mencit tua dengan dosis 25mg/KgBB dan penurunan konsentrasi spermatozoa mencit tua pada dosis 25 mg/KgBB. Adanya peningkatan sel Leydig tua pada dosis 25 mg/KgBB

KESIMPULAN: Pemberian ekstrak daun Enhalus acoroides meningkatkan kualitas spermatozoa. Namun tidak ada perbedaan dalam penundaan degenerasi sel Leydig dewasa serta tidak ada perbedaan pada tingkat stres oksidatif
Background: The men aging process occurs generally due to decreased quality of life and infertility, the cause associated with Leydig cell degeneration due to accumulation of oxidative stress resulting in a decrease in testosterone levels. At this time the administration of synthetic antioxidants is limited because of the risk of cancer, on the other hand administration of synthetic testosterone cause the cessation of endogenous testosterone production and long-term risk. Lamun leaves Enhalus acoroides reported to contain antioxidants which can counteract free radicals and phytosterols that can be converted into testosterone. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine effect of ethyl acetate extract of lamun leaves Enhalus acoroides on semen analysis, Leydig cell morphology, and oxidative stress in old male mice

Methods: The sample amounted to 32 mice (mus Musculus) strain DDY male given extract of the leaves of seagrass for 14 days. Mice were divided into eight treatment groups each consisting of four replications. Four groups are composed of adult mice which consist of DK1=adult control 1, DK2= adult control 2 (adult mice with olive oil), DP1= adult treatment 1 (extract 25 mg/KgBW), DP2=adult treatment 2 (extract 50 mg/KgBW). 4 groups male older mice consist of TK1 = old control 1, TK2= old control 2 (old mice with olive oil), TP1= old treatment 1 (extract 25 mg/KgBW), TP2= old treatment 2 (extract 50 mg/KgBW).

Results: An increased motility and viability of sperm at doses of 50 mg/KgBW, increased morphology of sperm normally at doses of 25 mg/KgBW, and decreased the concentration of sperm at doses of 25 mg/KgBW. An increased in aged Leydig cells at doses 25 mg/KgBW

Conclusion: The extract of lamun leaves can qualitatively improve sperm, however not significant in delays degeneration of adult Leydig cells and not significant decreased levels of oxidative stress in old male mice
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devi Elora Gugun
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Hiperglikemia yang berlangsung lama dan tidak ditangani dengan baik dapat meningkatkan produksi ROS dan menyebabkan infertilitas pada pria. Daun sirsak (Annona muricata) merupakan salah satu herbal dengan efek antidiabetik. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat pengaruh ekstrak etanol daun sirsak (EEDS) terhadap ukuran diameter tubulus seminiferus, jumlah sel sertoli, dan jumlah sel leydig pada mencit yang mengalami diabetes mellitus. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan studi eksperimental. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 30 ekor mencit jantan Swiss Webster yang diinduksi aloksan selama 3 hari, yang dibagi menjadi kelompok kontrol negatif, kontrol positif, dan 3 kelompok uji dengan dosis EEDS masing-masing 150, 300, dan 600 mg/kgBB. EEDS diberikan setiap hari selama 14 hari. Semua preparat jaringan testis diwarnai dengan pewarnaan HE dan diamati pada perbesaran 40x. Diameter tubulus seminiferus diukur menggunakan program Axiovision Release 4.8. Jumlah sel sertoli dan sel leydig dihitung menggunakan perangkat lunak image J. Hasil: EEDS dalam semua dosis uji tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan pada ukuran diameter tubulus seminiferus. EEDS dosis 150, 300, dan 600 mg/kgBB secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan jumlah sel sertoli dibandingkan kelompok kontrol negatif (p<0,05). EEDS dosis 300 mg/kgBB signifikan dapat meningkatkan jumlah sel leydig dibandingkan kelompok kontrol negatif (p<0,05). Kesimpulan: Pemberian EEDS selama 14 hari pada mencit yang diinduksi aloksan tidak mengubah ukuran diameter tubulus seminiferus secara signifikan, namun dapat meningkatkan jumlah sel sertoli dan sel leydig secara signifikan dibandingkan jika tidak diberi pengobatan apapun(......).Introduction: Prolonged and uncontrolled hyperglycemia increases production of ROS and causes male infertility. Soursop leaf (Annona muricata) is herbal medicine that is known to have antidiabetic effect. This study aimed to observe the potential effect of ethanol extract of soursop leaf (EESL) to the alteration of seminiferous tubules’ diameter, sertoli cells’ amount and leydig cells’ amount, as the indicators of male infertility. Method: This is a true experimental in vivo study with randomized control group. The sample used for this study are 30 alloxan-induced Swiss Webster mice which was devided into positive control group, negative control group, and three trial groups (1: 150 mg/kg, 2: 300 mg/kg, 3: 600 mg/kg). EESL solution was given everyday during 14 days. All histopathology preparations were stained by HE-staining and observed on 40x magnification. Diameters of seminiferous tubules were measured by Axiovision Release program version 4.8. The amounts of sertoli and leydig cells were counted by Image J software. Results: EESL in every trial dose doesn’t have significant effect to the diameter of seminiferous tubules on every trial groups. EESL 150, 300, and 600 mg/kg has a significant effect to increase the amounts of sertoli cells (p=0,003). EESL 300 mg/kg has a significant effect to increase the amounts of leydig cells (p=0,03). Conclusion: Administration of Annona muricata leaf during 14 days on alloxan-induced mice doesn’t significantly affect diameters of seminiferous tubules. In contrast, it significantly increases the amounts of sertoli and leydig cells.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dita Rany Anggraeni
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Pengembangan kontrasepsi hormonal pada pria didasarkan pada pengetahuan behwa spermatogenesis sangat tergantung pada sekresi dari hormon gonadotropin. Pemberian depot medroksiprogesteron asetat (DMPA) yang dikombinasikan dengan testosteron prospeknya baik untuk dikembangkan menjadi bahan kontarasepsi pria karena dapat menekan gonadotropin, sehingga menghambat spermatogenesis. Di alam terdapat berbagai macam tanaman obat yang mengandung androgen, salah satunya adalah cabe jawa (Piper retrofractum Vahl.). Secara tradisional buah cabe jawa digunaka untuk obat lemah syahwat dan telah terbukti dapet meningkatkan kadar hormon testosteron darah serta meningkatkan frekuensi koitus pria hipogonad. Tujuan:Mengetahui pengarah kombinasl DMPA dan ekstrnk cabe jawa terbadap berat testis, diameter tubulus seminiferus, populasi sel-sel spermatogenik dan populasi sell Leydig tikus galur Sprague-Dawley. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengksp (RAJ..), equal size sample yaitu terdiri dari 6 kelompok yang menggunakan tikus jantan galur Sprague Dawley sebagai model. Kelompok perlakuan terdiri atas kelompok kontrol perlakuan (KP=tikus disuntik DMPA dan diberi plasebo), perlakuan I (Pl=tikus disuntik DMPA dan ekstrak cabe jawa dosis 6,94 mg), perlakuan II (P!I=tikns disuntik DMPA dan eksrak cabe jawa dosis 1,88 mg), perlakuan ill (Pill=tikus disuntik DMPA dan eksrak cabe jawa dosis 2,82 mg), perlakuan N (tikus disuntik DMPA dan ekstrnk cabe jawa dosis 3,76 mg) dan kelompok kontrol (K). Penyuntikan DMPA dilakukan pada minggu ke-0 dan minggu ke-12 perlakuan, sedangknn pencekokan ekstrnk cahe jawa dilakukan setiap hari dimu!ai dari minggu ke7 sampai minggn ke-18 perlakuan.
Background: The developing of hormonal male contraception based on the knowledge that spermatogenesis is depends to the secretion of gonadotrophin hormone. Administration of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) combined with testosterone has a good prospect II> become hormonal male contaception because they can supress gonadotrophin so that can inhibit spermatogenesis. In the nature there are many kinds of herbal medicine containa of androgene, one of them is javanesse long pepper (Piper retrofractum Vahl). Traditionally, the fruit is used to cure impotency and has been prove can increase blood testosterone levels and frequency of coitus in hypogoned man. Aim: The aim of this study was to find out the effects of combination of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate {DMPA) and javanesse long pepper toward testis weight, seminiferous tubules dknneter, population of spermatogenic cells, nad Leydig cell of rat. Method: This research was using complete random design, eqnal size sample consist of six groups using male rat strain prague-Dawley as a model. Treatment groups consist of treatment control (KP=rat administered with DMPA and placebo), treatment I (PI=rat administered with DMPA and javanesse long pepper extract dose (),94 mg), treatment II (PII=mt edministered with DMPA and javanesse long pepper extract dose 1,88 mg), treatment Ill (Pill=mt administered with DMPA aod javanesse long pepper extract dose 2,82 mg), aod treatment IV (PIV=mt administered with DMPA and javanesse long pepper exlnlct dose 3,76 mg), and also control group. Injection of DMPA was conducted in week-0 and week-12, meanwhile administered of Javanese long pepper was conducted everyday startatweek-7 until week-18.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library