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Agung Erwan Setyobudi
"Sebagai hasil dari kesepakatan antar negara anggota ASEAN untuk menerapkan Single Window, Indonesia bersama 6 negara lainnya berkomitmen untuk dapat melaksanakan ASW (ASEAN Single Window) di tahun 2008. ASW adalah satu layanan satu atap bagi pengurusan dokumen kepabeanan di lingkup negara anggota ASEAN, dengan memaksimalkan transaksi melalui media elektronis. Sebagai salah satu kewajiban awal untuk menjalankan ASW, setiap negara terlebih dahulu harus sudah mengimplementasikan NSW(National Single Window). Pihak yang akan terlibat di dalam NSW ini adalah Customs, OGA (Other Government Agencies), Bank and Insurance Agencies, Komunitas Transportasi, Komunitas masyarakat usaha dan ASEAN/ International Link. Akan diterapkan satu dokumen tunggal yang akan menyatukan beberapa dokumen bisnis yang ada. Sehingga diharapkan adanya NSW ini selain akan mempercepat proses impor dan ekspor juga semakin meningkatkan laju perekonomian Indonesia. Infrastruktur adalah komponen yang sangat penting di dalam NSW ini. Karena NSW mewajibkan semua pihak yang terlibat untuk saling mengintegrasikan sistem informasi yang terkait. Dengan begitu bervariasinya sistem informasi dan arsitektur yang ada, maka perlu dikembangkan sebuah infrastruktur yang adaptif untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan integrasi tersebut. Tulisan pada proyek akhir ini akan membahas tentang perancangan infrastruktur yang dapat mendukung dan mempercepat proses integrasi antar sistem. Teknologi yang digunakan adalah SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) dengan didukung EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). Pemilihan ini didasarkan pada kesiapan sistem yang sudah berjalan, rekomendasi dari ASW dan keunggulan dari teknologi itu sendiri.

According to ASEAN agreement to implement Single Window, 6 main member of ASEAN including Indonesia have commited to establish ASW(ASEAN Single Window) by 2008. ASW is single integrated environment of custom release and customs clearance at any entry point of ASEAN, that maximise transactions electronically. As preparation of ASW implementation, each member should implement NSW(National Single Window). At NSW there are six major areas : customs, other government agencies, banking and insurance agency, transport community, trading community and ASEAN/International Link. There are modifications to simplify the existing business document. The goal is to ease and fasten the import and export process, that will take Indonesian economy to move forward. Infrastructure consider to be the main component of NSW. Because in NSW, integration of information system is a must. With variety of existing information system and architecture that will involve, adaptive infrastructure will be the solution of this requirements. This final project provides analysis and design of adaptive infrastructure to support and fasten the integration. Architecture will use SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) as main technology. The condition of existing information system, ASEAN recommendation and technology trend are the major consideration to choose this technology."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Schall, Daniel
"Service-oriented crowdsourcing : architecture, protocols and algorithms provides both an analysis of contemporary crowdsourcing systems, such as Amazon Mechanical Turk, and a statistical description of task-based marketplaces. The book also introduces a novel mixed service-oriented computing paradigm by providing an architectural description of the Human-Provided Services (HPS) framework and the application of social principles to human coordination and delegation actions. Finally, it examines previously investigated concepts and applies them to business process management integration, including the extension of XML-based industry standards and the instantiation of flexible processes in crowdsourcing environments. "
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chengfei Liu, editor
"This book constitutes the conference proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, ICSOC 2012, held in Shanghai, China in November 2012. The 32 full papers and 21 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 185 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on service engineering, service management, cloud, service QoS, service security, privacy and personalization, service applications in business and society, service composition and choreography, service scaling and cloud, process management, service description and discovery, service security, privacy and personalization, applications, as well as cloud computing.
Berlin: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, ESOCC, held in Bertinoro, Italy, in September 2012. The 12 full papers, 3 short papers and 3 poster papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 57 submissions. The volume also contains 7 papers from the industrial track. The papers cover the following topics, cloud computing, service quality and analysis, service composition and evolution, composition, security, modeling, and adaption."
Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niknejad, Naghmeh
" This book describes Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and the significant factors which affect its adoption, such as governance, strategy, complexity, Return on Investment (ROI), business and IT alignment, culture and communication, costs, and security. The study on which this book is based, involved a quantitative analysis to investigate the influential factors for adopting SOA, paving the way to further research in the field.
Describes the various factors, such as security, influencing Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) adoption in many organizations
Investigates the relation between SOA adoption factors and the organizations performance
Developes a new SOA adoption framework to measure the effect on organizational performance"
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohsen Mohammadi
"With the passage of time, supply chain processes have shifted toward IT-based business processes regarding service-oriented architecture (SOA) to augment the agility, integration, and flexibility of IT-based applications in enterprise networks. SOA, as a fast-growing paradigm in IT, uses Web service technologies and provides new pattern integration and interoperability in processes, services, and data. Consequently, many reference models have been developed in the field of SC processes to support the requirements for the related modeling, as well as to apply the development and implementation of supply chain information systems. The aim of this paper is to compare six main supply chain reference models regarding SOA and its underlying concepts and to identify which reference model can support different stages of information system development. The results show that no supply chain reference model can support both the coordination and interaction of process models in more detail and with a service-oriented approach in supply chain process modeling. Moreover, there is a need for a plausible methodology for business process modeling based on the service-oriented approach in the domain of supply chain management (SCM)."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI-IJTECH 9:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Respati Widiastomo
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Savage (1996) berpendapat bahwa ada hubungan antara kemunculan teknologi kunci dengan perubahan perekonomian. Teknologi kunci seringkali merupakan pemicu dari terbentuknya sebuah perekonomian yang baru. Wikipedia (2007a) menyatakan bahwa sejak tahun 2002 beberapa negara sudah memasuki tahapan baru dari Era Informasi, yaitu Intangible Economy, sebuah perekonomian baru dimana aktiva tidak berwujud (intangible asset) menjadi lebih berharga dari sebelumnya dan memiliki kekuatan untuk melahirkan kapitalisme baru. Jarboe (2004) menyebut perekonomian baru tersebut dengan nama I-Cubed Economy (hak paten Jarboe), karena terdapat 3 (tiga) faktor yang mempengaruhi keunggulan bersaing, yaitu: informasi, inovasi dan intangible. Namun teknologi apa yang mengimbangi atau mungkin merupakan pemicu dari lahirnya perekonomian baru ini? Salah satu teknologi yang menarik perhatian saat itu adalah Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), yang dalam waktu singkat sudah menjadi pusat perhatian dan dipertimbangkan karena manfaat yang ditawarkan. Teknologi ini memiliki keluwesan dengan menyediakan arahan kepada pengembangan aplikasi, suatu teknik penguraian aplikasi menjadi service yang diintegrasikan dan dikelompokkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan proses bisnis perusahaan. Tesis ini berusaha menganalisis kesesuaian SOA dengan I-Cubed Economy dilihat dari faktor keunggulan bersaingnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui teknik penelitian survei literatur, dan memberikan kesimpulan bahwa SOA memiliki kesesuaian yang tinggi dengan I-Cubed Economy. Kesesuaian ini memberi peluang yang besar untuk SOA menjadi teknologi kunci pada perekonomian yang baru tersebut. Penelitian ini melihat bahwa masih dibutuhkannya penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai tipe organisasi dan manajemen yang terjadi; serta seberapa besar nilai intangible mempengaruhi perekonomian di tingkat mikro dan makro.

Savage (1996) is in the opinion that there is a correlation between the emerging of new key technology with changes in economy. Key technology often becomes a trigger to reform a new economy. Wikipedia (2007a) states that since 2002 some countries had enter a new stage of Information Age, called as Intangible Economy, a new economy where intangible asset become more valuable than before and have strength to born a new capitalism. Jarboe (2004) named this new economy as I-Cubed Economy (copyright of Jarboe), because it has 3 (three) factors that has effect to the competitive advantage, which is: information, innovation, intangible. Which technology can balance or become the trigger of this new economy? One of technologies that had drawn a lot of attention at that time was Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), which in a short time had become the center of attention and considered for its benefits. This technology have flexibility by giving a direction to an application development, a technique of distributing the application to become services which can be integrated and classified according to company`s business process. This thesis will analyze the SOA conformity to I-Cubed Economy from the view of economy competitive advantage factors. This research is used literature survey technique, and conducts a conclusion that SOA have a high level of conformity with I-Cubed Economy. This conformity gives a big chance for SOA to become the key technology at the new economy. This research found that there is needs to conduct deeper research about organization type and management; and how much intangible value effecting the economy at micro and macro levels."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Sebuah perusahaan dinilai memiliki competitive advantage jika memiliki bisnis yang unik (unique core business) dan teknologi pendukung yang fleksibel serta dapat diandalkan. Salah satu cara perancangan arsitektur dan solusi yang fleksibel dan dapat diandalkan adalah dengan memanfaatkan teknologi SOA. Kajian ini berisi mengenai cara analisa dan desain SOA. Adapun metodologi yang digunakan adalah metodologi yang disusun oleh Thomas Erl. Thomas Erl menawarkan suatu metodologi analisa dan desain yang berorientasi service yang dikenal dengan metodologi agile (meet in the middle). Metodologi ini menggabungkan dua pendekatan metodologi analisa dan desain konvensional, yaitu top down (pendekatan analisa dari kebutuhan bisnis) dan bottom up (pendekatan analisa dari aplikasi / sistem yang sudah ada). Tujuan penggunaan metodologi ini adalah mempercepat waktu yang dipergunakan dalam analisa sekaligus mendapatkan analisa yang mendalam. Proses analisa dan desain berorientasi service ini terdiri atas pengumpulan kebutuhan bisnis, pemodelan service, dan desain lapisan service. Kedua proses ini mengawali proses desain dan pengembangan sistem yang sudah dikenal dalam metodologi tradisional (SDLC). Prinsip SOA yang diterapkan selama proses ini adalah autonomy, reusability, discoverability, dan statelessness. Prinsip ini harus dapat diuji dari hasil desain yang diperoleh selama penerapan metodologi agile. Adapun hasil dari kajian ini adalah desain lapisan service dan desain service yang dapat diterapkan di KBI. Beberapa hal yang dapat disimpulkan selama proses ini adalah penerapan desain berorientasi service perlu memperhatikan sistem yang sudah diimplementasikan, metodologi yang digunakan, dan manfaat yang dapat diperoleh dengan implementasi berorientasi service.

A company will have competitive advantage in its business if it has a unique core business and robust technology that supports the business. One methode to design an adaptive and flexible architecture is using SOA. This paper is about the design of a service oriented architecture using an agile methodology. The methodology used for designing the service oriented architecture is the agile methodology suggested by Thomas Erl, also known as Meet in the Middle methodology. This methodology combines two traditional methodology approaches: Top Down and Bottom Up. One advantage using agile methodology is to get deep level of analysis from business user?s perspective but relatively short time to design the service from technical perspective. Analysis and Design in SOA consist of few steps: user requirements, service modelling, and service layers design. These processes begin before traditional development (SDLC) starts. SOA?s principles used in these processes are autonomy, reusability, discoverability, and statelessness. These principles will be tested to ensure that the design results are correct. Results of the paper are design of service layers and the services involve in each layers, which represent current KBI business process. The design process takes into account the existing systems, the methodology used, and the benefit gained from the service oriented implementation."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewangga Respati
"Pada tahun 2010 terjadi peningkatan level organisasi SI/TI di SKK Migas menjadi Divisi MSI. Dengan keragaman arsitektur dan teknologi yang dimiliki oleh tiap SI di SKK Migas, maka Service Oriented Architecture SOA dipilih menjadi konsep integrasi. Salah satu permasalahan yang menjadi penyebabnya adalah belum adanya standar pengembangan SI berbasis SOA di SKK Migas. Penelitian ini akan membuat strandard pengembangan SI berbasis SOA di SKK Migas untuk membantu mengatasi permasalahan ini di SKK Migas. Penelitian ini menggunakan scrum sebagai acuan dalam membuat rekomendasi standar pengembangan SI di SKK Migas. Rekomendasi standar pengembangan SOA dibuat dengan mengacu ke model yang dibuat oleh Thomas Erl. Untuk integrasi antara standar pengembangan SI dan SOA di SKK Migas, digunakan penelitian dari Vamshi Kiran Gireddy dan Andrew P. Ciganek dengan judul ldquo;Implementing A SOA Using Scrum: Achieving Improved Productivity Using Service Trees rdquo;. Penelitian ini menghasilkan rekomendasi standar pengembangan SI di SKK Migas. Hasil kedua dari penelitian ini adalah standar pengembangan SOA di SKK Migas. Standar integrasi antara pengembangan SI dan SOA diatur melalui 3 prosedur yaitu pendefinisian user stories service tree, pendefinisian jadwal sprint user stories dan service, dan review user stories service tree dan jadwal sprint.

In 2010, there is an increment of IS IT organization level at SKK Migas become centralized in MSI Division. Based on the heterogeneity of architecture and technology of IS in SKK Migas, service oriented architecture SOA have been chosen as the integration concept. Main cause of problem in SKK Migas is that there is no standard in SKK Migas for IS development based on SOA. This research will use scrum as a reference of IS development standard in SKK Migas. SOA development standard will use model from Thomas Erl as the reference. Research from Vamshi Kiran Gireddy and Andrew P. Ciganek named ldquo Implementing A SOA Using Scrum Achieving Improved Productivity Using Service Trees rdquo will be used as reference for integration of development standard of IS and SOA in SKK Migas. This research produce recommendation for IS development standard in SKK Migas. Other result of this research is SOA development standard in SKK Migas. Integration of IS and SOA development standard in SKK Migas consist of 3 process, definition of user stories service tree, schedule definition of user stories and service sprint, and review of user stories service tree and sprint schedule."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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