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Abstrak :
Contents : - Chapter One Executive Summary - Chapter Two Introduction to Application Service Providers - Chapter Three ASP Market Status - Chapter Four Technologies and Architectures for ASPs - Chapter Five ASP Vendors, Services,and Case Studies - Chapter Six Profiles of ASP Companies - Chapter Seven Strategies for Success - Chapter Eight Final Analysis and Conclusions - Appendix A Survey on ASPs and Its Results - Appendix B:Sources of Information on ASPs - Appendix C:Acronym Guide - Appendix D:Glossary - Appendix E:Selected Bibliography
Chicago: International Engineering Consortium, 2001
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
International Engineering Consortium
Abstrak :
Contents : - About the IEC - ACRONYM GUIDE - Executive Summary - Chapter 1: The Growth of the Internet and User Demographics - Chapter 2: The Residential Market - Chapter 3: Business Applications - Chapter 4: Telecommunications Service Providers and IP - Chapter 5: Analyses and Conclusions
Chicago: International Engineering Consortium, 2000
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandra Kristabella Subandi
Abstrak :
Bank merupakan penyedia jasa keuangan yang berfungsi sebagai financial intermediary karena kegiatan usaha bank adalah menghimpun dana dari masyarakat yang memiliki kelebihan dana (surplus of fund) dan menyalurkan kembali dana tersebut ke masyarakat yang kekurangan atau memerlukan dana (lacks of funds). Sehingga dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya, bank harus memperhatikan prinsip kehati-hatian (prudential banking). Penerapan prinsip kehati-hatian akan sangat menentukan tingkat kesehatan dari bank tersebut mengingat dasar utama kegiatan perbankan adalah trust atau kepercayaan. Money laundering adalah tindak pidana yang didefinisikan sebagai proses menyamarkan uang atau harta kekayaan yang merupakan hasil tindak pidana dengan dimasukkan ke dalam sebuah sistem keuangan untuk dicuci sehingga seolah-olah menjadi uang atau harta kekayaan yang sah. Tujuan penulisan tesis ini adalah untuk mengetahui peranan bank sebagai penyedia jasa keuangan terkait upaya pencegahan dan pemberantasan praktek money laundering di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian penulis menyimpulkan bahwa bank sebagai penyedia jasa keuangan harus melakukan beberapa upaya guna mencegah dan memberantas praktek money laundering, yaitu dengan menerapkan Customer Due Dilligence (CDD) pada operasional perbankan serta melakukan pelaporan transaksi keuangan. Guna mengetahui efektifitas dari penerapan Customer Due Dilligence (CDD) sebagai upaya pencegahan dan pemberantasan praktek money laundering, Pemerintah memberikan kewenangan pelaporan dan pengawasan perbankan kepada Pusat Penelitian dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK), dan kewenangan terkait fungsi Regulasi dan Pengawasan kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) yang sebelumnya dilakukan oleh Bank Indonesia (BI).
Bank is a financial services provider which serves as a financial intermediary because the business of banks is mustering funds from people who have surplus of funds and distribute it again to the people who lacks or need of funds. Thus in conducting its business activities, banks should consider the prudential banking principle. The application of prudential banking principle will determine the bank soundness, considering the primary basis of banking activity is trust. Money laundering is a criminal offense which is defined as the process of disguising money or assets which constitute proceeds of crime to put into the financial system to laundered, so that seems to be legitimate money. The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of banks as providers of financial services regarding prevention efforts and eradication of money laundering practices in Indonesia. The study authors concluded that banks as a financial service provider should do some efforts to prevent and combat money laundering practices by implementing Customer Due Diligence (CDD) on banking operations and reporting financial transaction. In order to know the implementation Customer Due Diligence (CDD) effectiveness as a prevention and eradication of money laundering practices, Goverment gives the authority to PPATK related reporting and banking supervision function to PPATK, and Regulation and Supervision function to OJK, that previously conducted by Bank Indonesia (BI)
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vidiandra Azzahra Hariadi
Abstrak :
Munculnya pandemi COVID-19 menyebabkan pergeseran digitalisasi secara masif. Meningkatnya penggunaan internet secara umum memicu penetrasi internet secara global, terutama di negara-negara berkembang seperti di kawasan ASEAN. Dengan demikian, pandemi menyorot peran penting sektor TIK, khususnya telekomunikasi, dan memicu diskusi tentang sifatnya yang semakin penting di masa modern sekarang. Dengan pertumbuhan minat yang disebutkan di atas, ada kemungkinan indikasi implikasi pasar keuangan terhadap sektor ini. Penelitian ini kemudian berupaya untuk mengeksplorasi implikasi pasar keuangan, melakukan studi peristiwa pada saham telekomunikasi setelah peristiwa penting COVID-19. Menggunakan metode event study dengan pengujian hipotesis GRANK, penelitian ini memilih total 17 saham di 5 negara yaitu Indonesia, Singapura, Thailand, Malaysia dan Filipina. Sebanyak 6 tanggal acara dipilih, dengan jendela acara total sepuluh hari (5 hari sebelum 5 hari setelah setiap tanggal acara) dan periode estimasi 120 hari. Temuan kemudian menunjukkan tren yang bervariasi di antara negara-negara ASEAN dan setiap tanggal peristiwa. Tanggal kejadian di awal selama pandemi, terutama terkait pengumuman awal COVID-19 sebagai pandemi dan kebijakan penguncian yang menyebabkan abnormal return yang relatif lebih terlihat. ......The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic led to a massive shift of digitalization. Increased general usage of the internet spiked global internet penetration, primarily in developing countries such as that in the ASEAN region. Thus, the pandemic highlighted the vital role of ICT, specifically telecommunications, and sparked discussion on its growing lucrative nature. With the aforementioned growth of interest, there is then probable indication of financial market implications for the sector. This research then seeks to explore the financial market implications, conducting an event study on telecommunication stocks following key COVID-19 events. Utilizing the event study method with GRANK hypothesis testing, this study selects a total of 17 stocks across 5 countries, namely Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines. A total of 6 event dates were selected, with an event window of ten days total (5 days prior to 5 days after each event date) and an estimation period of 120 days. The findings then indicate varying trends among ASEAN countries and each event date. Event dates that occurred earlier during the pandemic, particularly regarding initial announcement of COVID-19 as a pandemic and lockdown policies leading to relatively more prominent abnormal returns.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Disty Amira Hernawan
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai aturan dan bentuk pengawasan oleh OJK terhadap penerapa implementasi prinsip know your customer oleh penyedia jasa keuangan di pasar modal. Secara khusus skripsi ini menjelaskan aturan serta pengawasan prinsip tersebut ditinjau dari ketentuan internasional, juga membandingkannya dengan negara lain seperti Australia, Singapura, dan Malaysia. Berdasarkan penelitian yuridis normatif, ditarik kesimpulan bahwa jika dibandingkan dengan negara lain, aturan dan pengawasan mengenai prinsip know your customer oleh OJK masih memerlukan peningkatan terlebih dalam sisi transparansi penanganan pelanggaran yang dilakukan penyedia jasa keuangan, pemberian sanksi dari OJK, serta kerjasama antar Lembaga internasional atas pengawasan dan investigasi apabila dibutuhkan. Untuk itu perlunya keterbukaan mengenai sanksi pelanggaran prinsip know your customer yang dilakukan oleh penyedia jasa keuangan guna membangkitkan kesadaran masyarakat
This thesis discusses the rules and forms of supervision by the OJK on implementing the principle of knowing your customers by financial service providers in the capital market. In particular, this thesis explains the rules and supervision of these principles in terms of international provisions and compares them with other countries such as Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia. Based on normative juridical research, it is concluded that compared to other countries, the rules and supervision regarding the principle of knowing your customer by the OJK still requires many improvements, especially in terms of transparency of handling carried out by financial service providers, imposing sanctions from OJK, and improving the cooperation between international institutions. Thus, there is a need for transparency regarding the rules regarding the principle of knowing your customer, which is carried out by financial service providers to raise public awareness.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Contents : - Table of Contents by Author - Acronym Guide - Next-Generation OSS for Next-Generation Services - OSS with the Network as a Killer Application - Testing Tomorrow's Needs Today - Business-to-Business E-Commerce for Telecom Carriers - OSS Challenges for CLECs - Evolving the Intelligent-Agent Technology - Architectural and OSS Changes for Entering the Real-Time World - OSS for the Next Millennium:The New Killer Ann - The Complexity Opportunity - The Carrier's View: A Reality Check - OSS Is Not a Killer App - How Next-Ceneration Technologies Will Alter the OSS Landscape - Enabling an Interactive Value Proposition for Communications Providers - Business Costs Placing Emphasis on OSS Features - Delivering On-Demand IP Service with Guaranteed Service Quality - IN as a Stepping Stone to IP - The Real Benefits of IP Telephony - Delivering QoS in IP Networks - Enabling Carrier Settlements in Multiservice IP Networks:A Case Study - Embracing the IP World - XML for Services - IP from a Service Provider's Perspective - Automating Customer Care - Guaranteeing Quality of Service with Next-Generation Equipment - Flow-Through Provisioning:Keeping Up with Changes to Your Trading-Partner Interfaces - Customer Focus a Main Part of E-Business Success - Data Quality for the Internet Age - Testing Challenges for ADSL Networks - Today's IP-VPN Quality of Service - Delivering Services to Customers:Becoming an E-Telco - Delivering and Profiting from End-to-End Quality of Service - Service Management for Effective Service Delivery - Keys to Open-System Integration - OSSs and Data Warehouses:Working Together - Moving towards a Modular, Open OSS Framework Architecture for Maximum Flexibility and Scalability - Examining a New Network from an ILEC Perspective - Network Management of Multi-Technology Networks - Coordinating OSS Integration and Interconnection for End-to-End Fulfillment of Customer Orders - Business-to-Business Challenges of the Unbundled Local Loop - Unking Legacy RTUs into a TMN Environment - Solutions to BSS and OSS Interaction - Facilitating End-to-End OSS Integration and Management:An Interconnection Perspective - Mediation: Building Bridges or Building Walls? - Achieving Integrated Management for Multi-Vendor, Multi-Technology Transport networks - optimal Infrastructure for the Managed Network:Benefits of the Object Model - OSS Vendors: Challenges and Methodologies - Problems Associated with the Loss of NPA/NXX Intelligence - Application Service Framework - 3G service Modeling and Optimization - outsourcing: The Bind That Ties - using TMN and TOM in a Converged Network - The Foundation of Next-Gen Networks: In-Memory Database Technology - Component Technology for Developing Network-Management GUIs - An Architecture for Warehousing and Accessing Usage Data - Rules-Based Mediation Engine The Enabler for Open OSS
Chicago: Professional Education International, 2001
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurrochman Wirabuana
Abstrak :
Dalam rangka meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi pencapaian tujuan strategis bank, bank dimungkinkan menggunakan pihak penyedia jasa teknologi informasi dalam menyelenggarakan kegiatan teknologi informasi bank. Penggunaan pihak penyedia jasa teknologi informasi dapat mempengaruhi risiko bank antara lain risiko operasional, hukum, reputasi dan stratejik. Dalam hal penyelenggaraan teknologi informasi bank dilakukan oleh pihak penyedia jasa teknologi informasi, bank harus memiliki prinsipprinsip penggunaan penyedia jasa teknologi informasi, salah satunya adalah penggunaan penyedia jasa teknologi informasi harus didasarkan pada hubungan kerja sama secara wajar, dalam hal pihak penyedia jasa teknologi informasi merupakan pihak terkait dengan bank. Hubungan kerja sama secara wajar adalah kondisi dimana transaksi antar pihak bersifat independen sebagaimana pihak yang tidak terkait, antara lain memiliki kesetaraan dan didasarkan pada harga pasar yang wajar sehingga meminimalisasi terjadinya benturan kepentingan. Pihak terkait adalah perseorangan atau perusahaan yang mempunyai hubungan pengendalian dengan bank, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, melalui hubungan kepemilikan, kepengurusan, dan/atau keuangan. Pokok permasalahan yang akan dibahas adalah mengenai penerapan perjanjian kerjasama secara wajar antara bank umum dengan pihak terkait dan konsekuensi hukum bagi bank umum apabila tidak menerapkan arms length principle pada perjanjian penggunaan penyedia jasa teknologi informasi dengan pihak terkait. ...... In order to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of achieving banks strategic objectives, banks are allowed to use information technology service providers in carrying out banks information technology activities. The use of information technology service providers can influence bank risks including operational, legal, reputation and strategic risks. In the event that the implementation of bank information technology is carried out by the provider of information technology services, banks must have the principles of using information technology service providers, one of which is the use of information technology service providers must be based on arms length principle, in the event that the provider of information technology services is a party related to the bank. Arms length principle is a condition where transactions between parties are as independent as unrelated parties, including having equality and based on fair market prices so as to minimize conflicts of interest. Related parties are individuals or companies that have control relationships with banks, both directly and indirectly, through ownership, management, and or financial relationships. The main issues to be discussed in this research are implementation against the arms length agreement between commercial banks with related party and legal consequences for commercial banks if they dont implement arms length principle into the agreement on use of information technology service provider with related party.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Radhica El Shalawa
Abstrak :

Keberlangsungan pemakaian kontrasepsi merupakan salah satu indikator keberhasilan program keluarga berencana. Tingkat putus pakai alat kontrasepsi modern di Indonesia masih terbilang cukup tinggi yaitu sebesar 25%. Angka tersebut masih di atas target nasional yaitu sebesar 24.6%. Kejadian putus pakai pada kelompok wanita yang masih membutuhkannya akan tergolong ke dalam unmet need dan berpotensi pada kejadian kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan. Terjadinya putus pakai kontrasepsi dapat dipengaruhi oleh kurang optimalnya pelayanan yang diberikan penyedia layanan keluarga berencana. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional. Penelitian ini menganalisis data hasil Survei Kinerja dan Akuntabilitas Program Kependudukan Keluarga Berencana dan Pembangunan Keluarga tahun 2018 untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kualitas penyedia layanan keluarga berencana dengan tingkat putus pakai kontrasepsi modern dengan menggunakan uji chi-square dan regresi logistik. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kualitas pelayanan keluarga berencana dengan putus pakai alat kontrasepsi modern setelah di adjust oleh paritas dan interaksi antara kualitas pelayanan keluarga berencana dengan paritas. Wanita yang mendapatkan kualitas pelayanan secara buruk memiliki risiko 2,2 lebih tinggi untuk putus pakai alat kontrasepsi modern dibandingkan dengan wanita yang mendapatkan kualitas pelayanan secara baik. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan peningkatan kualitas penyedia layanan secara merata pada seluruh fasilitas pelayanan keluarga berencana untuk dapat meningkatkan keberlangsungan pemakaian kontrasepsi dan meningkatkan cakupan pengguna kontrasepsi baru.


The continued use of contraception is one indicator of the success of the family planning program. The rate of discontinuation using modern contraceptives in Indonesia is still quite high at 25%. This figure is still above the national target of 24.6%. Contraceptive discontinuation in the group of women who still need it will be classified as unmet need and potential for unwanted pregnancy. The occurrence of contraceptive discontinuation can be influenced by suboptimal services provided by family planning service providers. This research is a descriptive analytic study using cross sectional research design. This study analyzes data of the 2018 Population and Family Development Population Program Performance and Accountability Survey to determine the relationship between the quality of family planning service providers with modern contraceptive discontinuation using the chi-square test and logistic regression. This study found that there was a significant relationship between the quality of family planning service providers with modern contraceptive discontinuation after being adjusted by parity and the interaction between the quality of family planning service providers with parity. Women who received poor quality of family planning services had a 2.2 higher risk of discontinuing use of modern contraceptives compared to women who received good quality of service. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the quality of services evenly in all family planning service facilities to be able to increase the continuity of contraceptive use and increase the coverage of new contraceptive users.


Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Georgescu, Irina
Abstrak :
The book deals with some of the fundamental issues of risk assessment in grid computing environments. The book describes the development of a hybrid probabilistic and possibilistic model for assessing the success of a computing task in a grid environment
Berlin: [, Springer-Verlag], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library