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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
MacBird, Bonnie
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2016
823 MAC a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Monica Anggen
Jakarta: Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia, 2017
153.43 MON s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akira Yamashita, 1963-
Nodia: HarperCollins Publishers India, 2013
823 YAM s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yeski Putri Utami
Tesis berupa kritik terjemahan audiovisual ini membandingkan kesepadanan
makna kesantunan berbahasa dalam subtitle serial TV Sherlock, A Scandal in
Belgravia versi VCD dan Internet. Jenis kesantunan berbahasa yang dianalisis
terbatas pada politeness markers, play-downs dan committers. Penelitian ini
dilakukan dengan ancangan sosiopragmatik dan terjemahan fungsional. Temuan
dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan adalah (1) situasi komunikasi TSu berbeda
dengan TSa sehingga kesenjangan tidak dapat dihindari. Sementara itu, motif
komunikasi antara kedua penyusun subtitle juga berbeda. Penyusun subtitle versi
VCD didasari motif komersial sedangkan versi Internet didasari motif hobi. (2)
penyusun subtitle menggunakan berbagai strategi dan prosedur penerjemahan
untuk menghasilkan terjemahan yang sesuai dengan skopos penerjemahan,strategi
skopos yang didominasi oleh strategi komunikatif merupakan strategi yang paling
tepat digunakan dalam penerjemahan audiovisual, (3) struktur tuturan TSu
berubah dalam TSa demi menyampaikan makna kesantunan yang antara TSu dan
TSa. (4) berdasarkan perhitungan keakuratan subtitle versi Internet adalah 99,02%
dan versi internet adalah 96,91% dan persentase tuturan dengan tingkat
keterbacaan tinggi versi Internet adalah 66,70% dan versi VCD adalah 39,70%.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah kualitas subtitle serial TV Sherlock, episode A
Scandal in Belgravia versi internet lebih baik daripada versi VCD.

This Thesis is a translation criticism compared audiovisual translation equivalence
within the meaning of politeness in subtitles over Sherlock TV series, A Scandal
in Belgravia both VCD and the iinternet version. The type of politeness analyzed
was limited to politeness markers, play-downs and committers. This research was
conducted by sociopragmatics and functional translation approach. The findings
of this research was (1) the difference of commucation situation ST and TT
producing the gap that could not be avoided. Meanwhile, the motives of
communication between the two subtitlers were also different. Subtitler for VCD
version based commercial motives while Internet version based on hobby. (2) The
suntitler used a variety of strategies and procedures to produce translation, scopos
strategy dominated by communicative strategy is most appropriate strategy used
in audiovisual translation, (3) the utterance?s structure changed in the TT in order
to convey the meaning of politeness from ST. (4) based on the accuracy
calculation, Internet version was 99,02% dan VCD version was 96,91%. Based on
the readibility, Internet version was 66,70% dan VCD version was 39,70%. In
Summary, the quality of subtitle internet version in serial TV Sherlock, A Scandal
in Belgravia was better than VCD version;This Thesis is a translation criticism compared audiovisual translation equivalence
within the meaning of politeness in subtitles over Sherlock TV series, A Scandal
in Belgravia both VCD and the iinternet version. The type of politeness analyzed
was limited to politeness markers, play-downs and committers. This research was
conducted by sociopragmatics and functional translation approach. The findings
of this research was (1) the difference of commucation situation ST and TT
producing the gap that could not be avoided. Meanwhile, the motives of
communication between the two subtitlers were also different. Subtitler for VCD
version based commercial motives while Internet version based on hobby. (2) The
suntitler used a variety of strategies and procedures to produce translation, scopos
strategy dominated by communicative strategy is most appropriate strategy used
in audiovisual translation, (3) the utterance?s structure changed in the TT in order
to convey the meaning of politeness from ST. (4) based on the accuracy
calculation, Internet version was 99,02% dan VCD version was 96,91%. Based on
the readibility, Internet version was 66,70% dan VCD version was 39,70%. In
Summary, the quality of subtitle internet version in serial TV Sherlock, A Scandal
in Belgravia was better than VCD version, This Thesis is a translation criticism compared audiovisual translation equivalence
within the meaning of politeness in subtitles over Sherlock TV series, A Scandal
in Belgravia both VCD and the iinternet version. The type of politeness analyzed
was limited to politeness markers, play-downs and committers. This research was
conducted by sociopragmatics and functional translation approach. The findings
of this research was (1) the difference of commucation situation ST and TT
producing the gap that could not be avoided. Meanwhile, the motives of
communication between the two subtitlers were also different. Subtitler for VCD
version based commercial motives while Internet version based on hobby. (2) The
suntitler used a variety of strategies and procedures to produce translation, scopos
strategy dominated by communicative strategy is most appropriate strategy used
in audiovisual translation, (3) the utterance’s structure changed in the TT in order
to convey the meaning of politeness from ST. (4) based on the accuracy
calculation, Internet version was 99,02% dan VCD version was 96,91%. Based on
the readibility, Internet version was 66,70% dan VCD version was 39,70%. In
Summary, the quality of subtitle internet version in serial TV Sherlock, A Scandal
in Belgravia was better than VCD version]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem, 1947-
"Fresh out of university, the young Mycroft Holmes is already making a name for himself in government. Yet this most British of civil servants has strong ties to Trinidad, the birthplace of his best friend, Cyrus Douglas, and where his fiancee Georgiana Sutton was raised. Mycroft's comfortable existence is overturned when Douglas receives troubling reports from home, rumors of spirits enticing children to their deaths. Upon hearing the news, Georgiana abruptly departs for the island. Mycroft convinces Douglas that they should follow her, drawing the two men into a web of dark secrets that grows more treacherous with each step they take."
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2016
813 ABD m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2022
823 DOY s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2022
823 DOY s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Buku Penculikan Duke Saltire ini juga penuh dengan cerita yang menarik dan percobaan sains. Dengan membaca buku ini pembaca bisa meningkat dalam kemampuan berpikir logis dan pengetahuan sains."
Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo, 2012
741.5 PEN
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gevintha Karunia Maully
"Sherlock BBC (2010) merupakan salah satu karya adaptasi Sherlock Holmes yang terbaru. Dengan mengangkat latar waktu era modern, Sherlock menawarkan suatu hal yang berbeda dari karya-karya adaptasi Sherlock Holmes sebelumnya. Penelitian ini berfokus pada representasi tokoh wanita di dalam serial televisi Sherlock melalui isuisu yang telah penulis tentukan, yaitu seksualitas, kriminalitas, dan posisi wanita dalam ruang privat. Penulis menggunakan teori konstruksi gender, konsep femmefatale dan karakteristik fiksi kriminal untuk menganalisis data. Penulis berpendapat bahwa ada beberapa perbedaan yang muncul di dalam representasi tokoh wanita pada serial televisi Sherlock dan karya aslinya. Kesimpulan akhir yang didapat dari analisis ini adalah adanya pengukuhan posisi tokoh wanita sebagai sosok inferior yang selalu membutuhkan pertolongan dari tokoh pria di dalam serial televisi Sherlock, sesuai dengan karakteristik dominasi fiksi kriminal yang ada selama ini.
Sherlock BBC (2010) is one of the latest adaptations of Sherlock Holmes. By using the modern era as its setting, Sherlock offers something different compared to previous Sherlock Holmes adaptations. This research focuses on the representation of female characters on Sherlock according to some issues which are, women and sexuality, crime, and position of female characters in the private space. The theories and concepts which are used on this research are gender construction in Victorian Era, the concept of femme-fatale and crime fiction characteristics. I argue that there are some substantial differences of female characters’ representation in Sherlock compared to the original story. Despite those differences, female characters in Sherlock are still represented in a similar manner as the crime fictions characteristics in which women are always put in an inferior position and the one who need men’s help."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Suryo Nugroho
"Tesis ini merupakan penelitian yang disusun dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus untuk menganalisis penggunaan strategi penerjemahan tertentu dalam memengaruhi tingkat kesepadanan terjemahan idiom dari teks sumber ke teks sasaran. Sumber data yang digunakan berupa lima cerpen Sherlock Holmes dalam bahasa Inggris yang berjudul: The Adventure of The Illustrious Client, The Adventure of The Missing Three-Quarter, The Adventure of The Norwood Builder, The Final Problem, dan The Adventure of The Empty House karya Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, serta terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia, yaitu buku Sherlock Holmes: The Game of Death, Perseteruan Sherlock Holmes & Profesor Moriarty. Tahapan analisis dalam penelitian ini dimulai dari penentuan idiom bahasa Inggris (BSu) dengan menggunakan konsep Wood, yaitu kontinum, kekomposisionalan, dan keproduktifan. Setelah itu, idiom BSu diperiksa maknanya dengan menggunakan alat bantu berupa kamus dan sumber referensi lain yang relevan. Kemudian, idiom BSu dan terjemahannya dianalisis dalam hal strategi penerjemahan yang digunakan. Sesudah itu, idiom BSu dan terjemahannya dianalisis untuk mengetahui tingkat kesepadanannya. Pada tahap terakhir, terjemahan idiom itu dinilai tingkat kesepadanannya dengan menggunakan kriteria dari segi makna referensial, efek, dan kolokasi.
Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa terdapat 47 idiom BSu yang telah ditemukan. Idiom BSu itu diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan empat macam strategi penerjemahan, yaitu: 1) Penerjemahan idiom BSu dengan idiom BSa yang memilki makna serupa namun berbeda bentuk, 2) Penerjemahan dengan parafrasa; 3) Penerjemahan dengan menggunakan makna harfiah; dan 4) Penerjemahan idiom BSu dengan menggunakan idiom BSa. Di samping itu, diketahui pula bahwa 25 idiom mendapatkan terjemahan yang sepadan; 4 idiom mendapatkan terjemahan yang kurang sepadan; dan 18 idiom mendapatkan terjemahan yang tidak sepadan. Dari hasil itu disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar strategi penerjemahan yang digunakan berhasil mengungkapkan kembali makna dan efek idiom ke dalam terjemahannya. Namun, tidak sedikit terjemahan yang makna dan efeknya tidak sesuai. Idiom harus dipahami secara keseluruhan sebagai suatu rangkaian yang utuh agar makna dan efeknya dapat diungkapkan kembali dengan padanan yang tepat.

This thesis is a case study research that analyzes the use of translation strategies in affecting the degree of idioms translation equivalence from the source text into the target text. The data used in this research are taken from five Sherlock Holmes short stories in English written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, entitled: The Adventure of The Illustrious Client, The Adventure of The Missing Three-Quarter, The Adventure of The Norwood Builder, The Final Problem, and The Adventure of The Empty House and their translations in Indonesian, in the book entitled Sherlock Holmes: The Game of Death, Perseteruan Sherlock Holmes & Profesor Moriarty. The step of analysis starts with deciding English idioms by using the concept of Wood, i.e. continuum, compositionality, and productivity. After that, the meaning of source language idioms are checked by using dictionaries and other relevant sources. Then, the idioms and their translations are analyzed in term of their translation strategies. After that, the idioms and their translations are analyzed to know their degree of equivalence. Finally, the translation of idioms are assessed their degree of equivalence by using the criteria of equivalence, i.e. referential meaning, effect, and collocation.
The result shows that there are 47 source language idioms found. That idioms are translated by using four kind of translation strategies: 1) Translation by using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form; 2) Translation by paraphrase; 3) Translation by omission of a play on idiom; and 4) Translation by using an idiom. In addition, there are 25 idioms that are equivalent; 4 idioms are less equivalent; and 18 idioms are not equivalent. Based on those results, it was found that most of the translation strategies which are used successfully translated the idioms’ meaning and effect into their translations. However, there is also a large number of idioms that their meanings and effects are not equivalent. The meaning of idioms have to be understood as a whole as complete sequence so that their meanings and effects can be translated by using appropriate lexical equivalence.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library