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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Pramudya Ridho Pambudi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas suasana ruang shopping street atau jalan perbelanjaan outdoor yang dihadirkan di dalam koridor pusat perbelanjaan indoor sebagai strategi untuk merespons gaya hidup. Penelitian yang kami lakukan mencoba untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut: 1 kenapa ada pusat perbelanjaan yang menghadirkan suasana jalan perbelanjaan di dalam koridornya? 2 Segmen pasar seperti apa yang ingin direspons oleh pusat perbelanjaan yang menerapkan suasana jalan perbelanjaan ke dalam koridor pusat perbelanjaan? 3 Bagaimana hubungan antara tipe koridor jalan perbelanjaan dengan segmen pengunjung yang disasar? Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan beberapa data dikuantifikasi. Data penelitian menggunakan teknik wawancara pengunjung dan observasi langsung. Temuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa suasana jalan perbelanjaan dapat menjadi salah satu alat dari segmentasi pasar dan atribut positioning dari pusat perbelanjaan. Kesimpulan utama dari penelitian ini adalah suasana jalan perbelanjaan dapat menjadi pertimbangan pengembang untuk mendesain koridor pusat perbelanjaan karena memiliki dampak positif baik bagi pengembang, pengunjung, maupun penyewa gerai toko.
This research was conducted to observe the atmosphere of shopping street corridor which specifically presents the real outdoor theme into an indoor corridor. Applying the shopping street atmosphere into the indoor corridor is believed could fulfill the needs and meet the unmeets as a strategy to response a lifestyle This research set out to answer these 3 following questions 1 Why there is a shopping center in Jakarta which presents the atmosphere of shopping street in corridor 2 what kind of market segment would the shopping center respond to by applying the shopping street atmosphere to the shopping center corridor 3 What is the correlation between the shopping center which presents shopping street corridor and the targeted market segment This research done by qualitative method and some quantitave data to support the results. Research data obtained by interviewing visitors and direct observation. The main findings of this research is that shopping street atmosphere can be a tools of market segmentation and positioning attribute of shopping center. In conclusion, shopping street atmosphere successfully support the existence of shopping center that can be a consideration for developers to design shopping center corridor.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tito Dentaresa
Abstrak :
Pengembangan cakupan area layanan MRT Jakarta memberikan dampak positif bagi peningkatan mobilitas masyarakat dan mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap penggunaan kendaraan pribadi, hal ini memberikan kesempatan bagi wilayah-wilayah disekitar stasiun pemberhentian, salah satunya area disekitar Stasiun MRT Sawah Besar. Kawasan dengan citra otomotif yang kuat ini memiliki tantangan dalam mengadaptasi pengembangan TOD (Transit Oriented Development), dimana penggunaan kendaraan pribadi dibatasi dan diatur secara ketat. Jam aktif kawasan menjadi pertimbangan utama dalam mengembangkan kawasan ini untuk tidak terdominasi oleh industri otomotif. Shopping mall menjadi alternatif dalam meningkatkan jam aktif kawasan dan memberikan pilihan destinasi perbelanjaan dan peduli terhadap perkembangan komunitas busana dengan menyajikan area komunal dan eksibisi publik yang dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk menyalurkan pendapatnya melalui acara peragaan busana. ......The development of the Jakarta MRT service area has a positive impact on increasing community mobility and reducing dependence on private vehicle use, this provides opportunities for areas around station stops, one of which is the area around the Sawah Besar MRT Station. This area with a strong automotive image has challenges in adapting TOD (Transit Oriented Development), development where the use of private vehicles is limited and strictly regulated. The active hours of the area are a major consideration in developing this area to not be dominated by the automotive industry. Shopping malls become an alternative in increasing the active hours of the area and provide a choice of shopping destinations and care for the development of the fashion community by presenting communal areas and public exhibitions that can be used by the community to channel their opinions through fashion shows.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadya Kamila
Abstrak :
Kehadiran teknologi dan digitalisasi telah mengubah cara masyarakat dalam berbelanja. Perubahan aktivitas berbelanja dari in-store shopping menjadi berbelanja di e-commerce, menjadi ancaman bagi eksistensi toko fisik. Namun, lingkungan binaan, aktivitas hiburan dan pengalaman berbelanja tidak dapat digantikan oleh digitalisasi. Visibilitas muka toko menjadi salah satu faktor penting dalam meningkatkan daya tarik toko, sehingga diperlukan penelitian empiris untuk menjawab hubungan antara keduanya. Selama ini, pengukuran tentang visibilitas dikaitkan dengan kemampuan pengunjung untuk melihat area dan volume toko. Implikasinya, besaran nilai visibilitas toko dapat berpengaruh terhadap frekuensi kunjungan. Untuk memahami fenomena ini secara empiris, kedua variabel perlu dipisahkan untuk menemukan korelasi. Nilai visibilitas digambarkan oleh area toko saja, sedangkan daya tarik toko diwakili oleh frekuensi kunjungan. Metode analisis regresi statistik dilakukan untuk membuktikan hubungan antara variabel visibilitas muka toko dan daya tarik toko. Penelitian dilakukan pada dua buah Outdoor Shopping Mall di Kawasan BSD City dengan 108 sampel toko, agar dapat menghasilkan penelitian empiris baru yang berguna dalam praktek desain Pusat Perbelanjaan. ......The presence of technology and digitization has changed the way people shop. The movement comes in term of shopping activity, which oscillate from in-store shopping towards shopping in e-commerce. It becomes a threat to the existence of physical stores in general. However, built-up environments, entertainment activities and shopping experiences cannot be replaced by digitization. The visibility of storefront becomes one of the most important factors in increasing the attractiveness of a store, so empirical research is needed to answer the relationship between the two. So far, measurements about visibility were associated with visitor’s ability to see the storefront area. The implication is that the amount of store visibility value can affect the frequency of visits. To understand this phenomenon empirically, both variables need to be separated in order to find correlation. Visibility value is depicted as store area only, while store attractiveness is represented by frequency of visits. Statistical regression analysis method was performed to prove the relationship between the variables of storefront visibility and store attractiveness. This research was conducted on two Outdoor Shopping Mall in the BSD City region with 108 store samples, in order to generate new empirical findings that is useful in shopping center design practices.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fara Shabira Arrasya
Abstrak :
Kota Depok sebagai kota satelit dari Jakarta juga memiliki fenomena yang serupa dengan Jakarta. Salah satu kesamaan Kota Depok dan Jakarta adalah adanya pusat perbelanjaan berjenis mal (shopping mall). Mal yang berada di kota satelit memiliki masalah karena harus bersaing dengan mal di kota besarnya dalam menarik pembelanja agar menjadi pelanggan setia dari mal tersebut. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dengan cara memberikan aspek hiburan atau rekreasi. Bioskop merupakan sarana hiburan yang signifikan untuk ditempatkan dalam mal. Di Kota Depok sendiri 50% dari mal yang ada, memiliki bioskop sebagai sarana hiburan. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis mixed method untuk mengukur kuatnya daya tarik dari mal berbioskop. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan analisis spasial komparatif untuk membandingkan karakteristik site dan situation dari mal berbioskop di Kota Depok. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah, berdasarkan dari site dan situation dari mal berbioskop di Kota Depok, Depok Town Square merupakan mal berbioskop dengan daya tarik terkuat. Ketika mal berbioskop memiliki daya tarik yang kuat maka jangkauan pelayanannya juga akan semakin besar. Pengunjung terbanyak datang dari rumah tinggal dan memilih mal berbioskop terdekat dari rumah mereka. Pengunjung terjauh berasal dari kantor, namun jumlahnya tidak banyak. Kuatnya daya tarik dari mal berbioskop tidak memengaruhi baik preferensi pengunjung ataupun banyaknya pengeluaran dari pengunjung, tetapi keberadaan bioskop memengaruhi durasi kunjung dalam sekali kunjungan. ......Depok as the satellite city of Jakarta has the same phenomenon that Jakarta has. That phenomenon is the availability of shopping malls in Depok. Shopping mall that located in a satellite city has a problem. The problem is the satellite city shopping mall has to compete with the nearest big city shopping malls in order to attract shoppers become loyal customers of the mall. One way to overcome the problem is by providing entertainment or recreational aspect. Cinema theater is one of entertainment retail that common to be placed in shopping mall. In Depok, 50% of the existing shopping malls own cinema theater as an entertainment facilities. This study is using mixed method analysis in order to understand the strength of shopping mall’s attractiveness. This study is also using comparative spatial analysis to compare site and situation each of shopping malls with cinema theater. The result of this study is, based on site and situation characteristics, Depok Town Square is the most attractive shopping mall that has cinema theater in Depok. When shopping mall has strong attractiveness, the shopping mall will have greater area of service. Shopper who came to the shopping mall mostly came from their house and pick the nearest mall to visit. The farthest shopper came from their office but this phenomenon is a minority. The strength of mall with cinema theater attractiveness doesn’t affect either the preference of shopper or the expense of shopper, but the existence of cinema theater in a mall is affecting the visiting duration of shopper.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kevin Ferdinand Slamet
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai atribut-atribut lingkungan jasa (servicescape) yang memengaruhi keinginan pengunjung pusat perbelanjaan untuk berkunjung kembali (revisit intention). Pengaruh antara servicescape dan revisit intention dimediasi oleh variabel perceived quality, affect, dan satisfaction. Penelitian ini melibatkan 221 orang responden yang pernah mengunjungi Grand Indonesia selama satu bulan sebelum pengisian kuesioner. Analisis data penelitian ini dilakukan dengan Stuctural Equation Modelling (SEM) yang diolah menggunakan program SPSS 20 dan AMOS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa elemen cleanliness dan spatial layout memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap perceived quality. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan signifikasi pengaruh perceived quality terhadap afeksi pengunjung pusat perbelanjaan. Selain itu, penelitian ini pun menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan afeksi pengunjung terhadap kepuasan pengunjung dan kepuasan pengunjung memengaruhi revisit intention secara signifikan.
This research examines the elements of servicescape that have impact on shopping mall visitor’s revisit intention. The impact of servicescape attributes to revisit intention is mediated by several variables: perceived quality, affect, and satisfaction. This study involved 221 respondents whom have been to Grand Indonesia Shoping Town in the last one month. The researcher use Stuctural Equation Modelling (SEM) to analyze the data with SPSS 20 and AMOS program. The research has provided us with an interesting result whereby only two elements of servicescape (cleanliness dan spatial layout) that have significant impact to visitor’s perceived quality. This study also showed us that perceived quality have significant impact to visitor’s affect. Furthermore, this research also identified that visitor’s affect significantly impacting their satisfaction and their satisfaction had significant effect to their revisit intention.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hestia Livana
Abstrak :
Mendapatkan pengunjung yang puas dan loyal merupakan kunci utama dalam keberhasilan suatu shopping mall. Di kawasan segitiga emas Jakarta, ada delapan shopping mall yang harus bersaing satu sama lainnya dalam merebut hati pengunjung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi customer satisfaction dan customer loyalty dalam konteks shopping mall. Sampel penelitian ini adalah orang yang pernah mengunjungi salah satu shopping mall di kawasan segitiga emas Jakarta minimal sebanyak tiga kali dalam tiga bulan terakhir. Data diolah dengan menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modelling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa customer perceived value berpengaruh positif terhadap customer satisfaction dan customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction juga dibuktikan memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap customer loyalty. Mall environment berpengaruh positif terhadap customer perceived value namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap customer satisfaction dan customer loyalty. ......Having satisfied and loyal consumers are the key for success in shopping mall context. In golden triangle of Jakarta area, there are eight shopping mall which compete to gain customer's heart. This study aims to analyze factors that affect customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in shopping mall. Samples from this research are people who visit one of eight shopping mall in golden triangle of Jakarta area minimal three times in the last three months. They were then analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling. The result of this research shows that customer perceived value has positive effect on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty while customer satisfaction has affect customer loyalty positively. Meanwhile, mall environment has positive effect on customer perceived value but does not affect customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Egi Widya Nur Iqbal
Abstrak :
[ABSTRAKbr Youth shoppers merupakan kelompok umur yang terus berkembang sehingga menjadikan kelompok umur ini sebuah segmen yang sangat berarti di pasar. Ditambah lagi jumlah mall sebagai tempat berbelanja yang semakin hari kian bertambah di kota Jakarta, sering dijadikan tempat untuk bersosialisasi dan aktualisasi diri dari youth shoppers. Studi ini membagi youth shoppers menjadi segmen-segmen yang dibedakan atas karakteristik berdasarkan tinggi rendahnya tingkat self-esteem, extraversion, dan interpersonal communication. Sehingga terbentuk grup segmen unik yaitu, Social Butterfly, Confident Techies, dan Self-Contained Shoppers. Selanjutnya penelitian ini menguji perbedaan antara ketiga grup segmen tersebut atas shopping motives, preferensi store attribute yang mereka anggap penting, dan shopping enjoyment, sehingga pihak manajemen dapat memberikan treatment yang berbeda dalam hal kegiatan pemasarannya pada masing-masing grup segmen. Selanjutnya penelitian ini menemukan hasil bahwa terdapat beberapa dimensi yang paling mempengaruhi shopping enjoyment, dimensi tersebut ialah anticipated utilty (β=0,396), enhancement (β=0,170), dan price orientation (β=0,158) secara berturut-turut menjelaskan shopping enjoyment pada youth shoppers. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis K-Means Cluster, One Way ANOVA, Pearson Correlations, dan regresi berganda dengan Stepwise Method. ;The number of malls which is increasingly growing in the city of Jakarta is often used as a place for socializing and self-actualization by youth shoppers. As an emerging age group, youth shoppers are also identified as a vital market segment. Firstly, this study divides youth shoppers into segments that are distinguished on the characteristics of high and low levels on self-esteem, extraversion, and interpersonal communication. Consequently, these characteristics form a distinct and unique segment group, which are Social Butterfly, Confident techies, and Self-Contained Shoppers. Secondly, this research examines the differences between the three groups segments on shopping motives, preferences of store attributes which youth shoppers consider important, and shopping enjoyment. As a result, the management can provide different treatment in terms of marketing activities in each segment group. Finally, this research conducts to find the most influencing dimension of shopping enjoyment. These dimensions are anticipated utilty (β = 0.396), enhancement (β = 0.170), and price orientation (β = 0.158) which respectively explain youth shoppers’ shopping enjoyment. The research uses K-Means Cluster Analysis, One Way ANOVA, Pearson Correlations, and Multiple Regression with Stepwise Method. , The number of malls which is increasingly growing in the city of Jakarta is often used as a place for socializing and self-actualization by youth shoppers. As an emerging age group, youth shoppers are also identified as a vital market segment. Firstly, this study divides youth shoppers into segments that are distinguished on the characteristics of high and low levels on self-esteem, extraversion, and interpersonal communication. Consequently, these characteristics form a distinct and unique segment group, which are Social Butterfly, Confident techies, and Self-Contained Shoppers. Secondly, this research examines the differences between the three groups segments on shopping motives, preferences of store attributes which youth shoppers consider important, and shopping enjoyment. As a result, the management can provide different treatment in terms of marketing activities in each segment group. Finally, this research conducts to find the most influencing dimension of shopping enjoyment. These dimensions are anticipated utilty (β = 0.396), enhancement (β = 0.170), and price orientation (β = 0.158) which respectively explain youth shoppers’ shopping enjoyment. The research uses K-Means Cluster Analysis, One Way ANOVA, Pearson Correlations, and Multiple Regression with Stepwise Method. ]
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vera Araminta Wahyudi
Abstrak :
Kendala pembangunan gereja akibat sulitnya mendapatkan izin pembangunan mengakibatkan umat Kristiani mencari alternatif penempatan ruang ibadah di dalam bangunan lain. Keadaan tersebut memicu ide kreatif pengelola pusat perbelanjaan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan akan ruang yang kurang potensial dengan menyewakan atau menjualnya kepada pihak gereja. Pertemuan ruang dengan fungsi berbeda tersebut tidak terlepas dari adanya keterkaitan fungsi sosial gereja dan pusat perbelanjaan sebagai third place yang mewadahi aktivitas sosial. Skripsi ini menelusuri bagaimana dampak arsitektural yang terjadi pada gereja di dalam pusat perbelanjaan akibat penyesuaian dengan ruang yang tersedia pada pusat perbelanjaan tersebut. Temuan skripsi ini memberikan kesimpulan bahwa pusat perbelanjaan dan gereja memiliki kesesuaian kebutuhan ruang, sehingga keduanya dapat saling mendukung. Namun dalam penerapannya terdapat beberapa aspek yang harus diperhatikan dalam penempatan gereja dalam pusat perbelanjaan, berkaitan dengan jumlah jemaat, akses, desain, dan tata letak gereja.
The constraint of Church establishment due to the difficulty in getting permit from local communities resulted Christians to find an alternatives of space for worship as a part of other building. The situation leads the management of shopping centres to develop the less potential spaces in shopping centres in order to be profitable by renting or selling it to the church. The intersection of those spaces with different functions cannot be separated from the social function of church and shopping centre as the third place which accomodate social activity. This paper examined the architectural aspects which effect the church due to adjustments to the available space in the shopping centres. The study resulted the conclusion that the shopping centre and the church has a conformity of space requirements, so that they can support each other. But in its implementation, there are some aspects that must be considered in the placement of the church in a shopping centre, in relation to the number of congregations, access, design, and layout of the church. ;
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library