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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hartanto Hadiwidjaja
Masalah kompatibilitas antara bahan cetak silicone dan dental stone tipe IV mempengaruhi ketepatan model kerja / die. Faktor ini sering kurang diperhatikan oleh dokter gigi, sehingga walaupun masing masing sifat bahan cetak dan sifat dental stone tersebut baik, belum tentu menghasilkan model kerja dengan ketepatan yang baik.
Pada penelitian laboratoris tentang masalah kompatibilitas antara bahan cetak slicone dan dental stone tipe IV ini digunakan 2 merek bahan cetak silicone dan 3 merek dental stone tipe IV. yang menggunakan kriteria pengujian kemampuan mereproduksi garis selebar 0,02 mm, sepanjang 30 mm pada die. Pengukuran dilihat pada hasil foto yang didapat dari pemotretan langsung pada photomakroskop merek Wild M 400 dengan pembesaran 860 kali. Bila terdapat 3 garis yang depat direproduksi dari 4 die yang ada, dianggap kompatibilitas antara merek bahan cetak dan merek dental stone tersebut baik.
Ternyata macam-macam kombinasi merek bahan cetak silicone dan merek dental stone tipe IV mempunvai kompatibilitas yang tidak sama.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Natasha Chandri Egieara
"SiOC@C adalah kandidat anoda lithium ion LIB yang diharapkan dapat menekan ekspansi volume tinggi silikon Si melalui penambahan karbon aktif sebagai lapisan penyangga. Silicon oxycarbide SiOC diperoleh dari minyak silikon kaya fenil melalui pirolisis pada 900 C dalam mengalirkan gas Ar. Variasi sampel yang digunakan adalah 4, 7, 10 wt. SiOC dan sampel karbon murni juga disiapkan untuk perbandingan. Dari melakukan tes karakterisasi, ditemukan bahwa puncak ditampilkan dalam hasil XRD milik SiOC.
Gambar SEM menunjukkan mikro berpori dengan pemetaan unsur Si, C, dan O. Menurut tes Brunner-Emmet-Teller BET, luas permukaan terbesar 542.738 m2g-1 diperoleh pada 10 berat SiOC. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian kinerja, kapasitas discharge yang diperoleh pada kondisi prima 10 wt SiOC adalah 223,3 mAh g-1.

SiOC C is a lithium ion battery LIB anode candidate that is expected to suppress the high volume expansion of silicon Si through the addition of activated carbon as a buffer layer. Silicon oxycarbide SiOC was obtained from phenyl rich silicone oil through pyrolysis at 900oC in flowing Ar gas. The variation of samples used were 4, 7, 10 wt SiOC and a pure carbon sample was also prepared for comparison. From conducting the characterisation tests, it is discovered that the peaks displayed in XRD result belong to SiOC.
SEM images show a porous microstructure with a few agglomerates present and the EDS result exhibits an elemental mapping of Si, C, and O. According to Brunner Emmet Teller BET test, the largest surface area of 542.738 m2g 1is obtained at 10 wt SiOC. Based on the performance test result, the discharge capacity obtained at the prime condition of 10 wt SiOC is 223.3 mAh g 1.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Purpose: We evaluated cultured specimens from silicone tubes removed from patients with congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction and determined the antibiotic sensitives of the specimens.
Methods: This study included 26 eyes of 22 patients who had received endonasal silicone tube intubation for congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction. The removed silicone tubes were divided into canalicus, lacrimal sac, nasolacrimal duct and nasal cavity parts according to insertion state. Then, bacteria and fungus cultures were performed and rheir antibiotic sensitivity was tested.
Results: Bacteria culture rate was 80.8% in the canaliculus and the lacrimal sac, and 88.5% in the lacrimal duct, and the nasal cavity, which was not significantly higher in the nasal cavity than in the nasolacrimal duct and in the nasolacrimal duct than in the lacrimal sac and the canaliculus (p-value < 0.05). The species of cultured Gram-positive bacteria were in the following order: Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pneumonia and coagulase negative staphylococcus. Common species of cultured Gram-negative bacteria were Pseudomonas and Serratia marcescenes. All six species of cultured fungi were candida. Among 12 Staphylococcus aureus cultured, eight species showd resistance to methicillin (MRSA). In all patients, the symptomps and the signs of nasolacrimal duct obstruction improved after the tube removal.
Conclusions: Bacterial and fungal infection of the silicone tube in patients with congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction does not appear to affect directly the outcome of silicone tube intubation. Further studies of bacterium and fungi in the nasolacrimal duct before silicone tube intubation are needed for determining the infection causing nasolacarimal duct obstruction J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2014;55(8): 1121-1125"
Seoul: SKY1004 Building #701,50-1 Jungnim-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul 100-808, Korea,
610 JKOS
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A TEA CO2 laser pulse (50 mJ, 100 ns) was focused under reduced pressure on the silicone grease painted on copper plate as a sub-target with a power density of 6 GW/cm2. The comparison was made on the characteristics of the induced laser plasma between the two cases, with sub-target and without sub-target. It is proved that emission spectrum assigned to silicone atom can be detected only for the case with sub-target. It is also proved that in the absence of the sub-target, the gushing speed of the atoms is very low, while for the case with sub-target, the gushing speed of atoms becomes very fast. It is shown that the setting of sub-target is very effective to make laser-induced shock-wave plasma and it is very effective to realize quantitative analysis of soft material."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Wicaksono
"Pendahuluan: Deformitas hidung adalah tampilan klinis yang menonjol pada pasien bibir sumbing unilateral. Rhinoplasty primer adalah solusi terhadap deformitas tersebut. Masalah yang timbul pascaoperasi adalah kecenderungan lower lateral cartilage untuk kembali ke bentuk awal dan timbulnya jaringan parut sehingga timbul kembali deformitas hidung. Solusi yang dapat diambil adalah penggunaan retainer hidung selama minimal 6 bulan untuk mempertahankan bentuk hidung. Hasil yang didapat baik namun retainer hidung yang dijual di pasaran cukup mahal. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut kami mengajukan alternatif yang lebih terjangkau, aman, dan memiliki karakteristik biomekanik dan biokompatibilitas yang menyerupai retainer hidung yang dijual di pasaran.
Metode: Sampel berasal dari 3 kelompok, yang dibuat oleh institusi kami serta komersial dari Turki (mewakili Kaukasia) dan Taiwan (mewakili Asia). Terdapat 3 sampel setiap kelompok. Setiap sampel diuji biomekanika dengan perangkat uji mekanik dan uji toksisitas untuk karakteristik biokompatibilitas. Parameter yang dinilai adalah modulus elastisitas, tensile strength, toksisitas direk dan indirek. Data dianalisis dengan uji One- Way Anova dan Post Hoc untuk perbedaan rerata antara 3 kelompok.
Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil tensile strength didapatkan nilai p yang signifikan (p <0.05) antara 3 kelompok berdasarkan uji One-Way Anova. Retainer yang kami buat kurang awet. Berdasarkan hasil modulus elastisitas didapatkan nilai p yang signifikan (p <0.05) antara 3 kelompok berdasarkan uji One-Way Anova. Modulus elastisitas pada retainer kami (2.76  0.41 MPa) menyerupai dengan lower lateral cartilage pada manusia (2.09 ± 0.81 MPa). Berdasarkan uji toksisitas direk dan indirek, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ketiga kelompok non toksik.
Kesimpulan: Retainer hidung buatan kami memiliki karakteristik biomekanika yang mirip dengan komersial. Buatan kami ideal karena memiliki modulus elastisitas yang menyerupai dengan lower lateral cartilage pada manusia. Retainer hidung buatan kami memiliki karakteristik biokompatibilitas yang mirip dengan komersial dan non toksik.
......Background: Nasal deformity is one of the main features of the unilateral cleft lip. Primary rhinoplasty is currently the solution for nasal deformity. Problem encountered with this technique is a tendency for the lower lateral cartilage to retain its memory and healing of scar tissue, which subsequently recreate the preoperative nasal deformity. To manage this, nasal retainers often employed for at least 6 months to maintain position of the nose. The results are promising; however commercial nasal retainers made from silicone are quite expensive. To address this issue we propose an alternative nasal retainer that is affordable, safe, and have similar biomechanical and biocompatibility properties with silicone used in nasal retainers.
Methods: Samples are from 3 groups, our self-made nasal retainers, commercial nasal retainers from Turkey (represent Caucasian) and Taiwan (represent Asian). There are 3 samples of each nasal retainer group. Each samples were tested using mechanical testing device for biomechanical properties and toxicity testing for biocompatibility properties. Elasticity modulus, tensile strength, direct and indirect toxicity were recorded. Data were analysed using One-Way Anova and Post Hoc test for mean difference of three groups. Results: Based on tensile strength results, overall p value has significant mean differences (p <0.05) between three groups based on One-Way Anova test. Our nasal retainer is least durable. Based on elastic modulus results, overall p value has significant mean differences (p <0.05) between three groups based on one-way Anova test. Our nasal retainer shows similar elastic modulus (2.76  0.41 MPa) compared to human lower lateral cartilage elastic modulus (2.09 ± 0.81 MPa). Based on direct and indirect toxicity testing, we can conclude that three sample groups are non-toxic.
Conclusion: Our nasal retainer has similar mechanical properties with commercially available silicone nasal retainer. Our nasal retainer is ideal because it shows similar elastic modulus compared to human lower lateral cartilage. Our nasal retainer has similar biocompatibility with commercially available silicone nasal retainer and it is non-toxic."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dinda Arken Devona
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kualitas air mata dan perubahan densitas sel goblet dengan penggunaan lensa kontak silikon hidrogel lotrafilcon B pada penggunaan daily wear dan extended wear 6 malam berturut-turut. Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis intervensi randomisasi tersamar tunggal. Sebanyak lima puluh enam subyek yang telah di randomisasi dibagi menjadi dua kelompok n = 28 di masing-masing kelompok. Kedua kelompok memakai lensa kontak hidrogel silikon Lotrafilcon B secara daily wear vs extended wear. Parameter klinis Non-Invasif Break Up Time NIBUT, densitas sel goblet PAS, Interblink Interval IBI dan Ocular Protection Index OPI. Terdapat perbedaan NIBUT dan densitas sel goblet bermakna pada minggu ke 4 antara dua kelompok p 0,015 dan p.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate tear film quality and goblet cell density changes with the use of soft contact lenses of silicone hydrogel lotrafilcon B on daily wear and extended wear in 1 month. This is single blind randomized clinical trial. A total of fifty six subjects who had been consecutively randomized were divided into two groups n 28 in each. Both groups were wearing silicone hydrogel contact lenses Lotrafilcon B, the first group used daily wear and the second group used extended wear 6 consecutive nights. The clininal evaluation of the eyes in each group were performed on pre fitting, 1st week and 4th week after contact lens fitting. The clinical parameter were Non Invasive Break Up Time NIBUT using Tearscope PlusTM, goblet cell density using conjunctival impression cytologies CIC with Periodic Acid Schiff PAS Staining, Interblink Interval IBI and Ocular Protection Index OPI. In this study obtained more female sex subjects than men with a ratio of 3.6 1. There was a significant mean NIBUT difference at week 4 between two groups p 0,015. There was a decrease in goblet cell density in both groups with significant differences p."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuriadara Samira
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan ketebalan kornea sentral CCT , morfologi dan kurvatura kornea penderita miopia sedang pada pemakaian extended wear EW lensa kontak lunak LKL silikon hidrogel SiH lotraficon B terhadap daily wear DW selama 1 bulan pemakaian. Uji klinik tersamar tunggal dilakukan pada 34 subjek 68 mata dengan desain 2 kelompok paralel, yaitu kelompok EW dan DW. Morfologi sel endotel dan CCT diukur menggunakan mikroskop spekular dan keratometri dengan wavelight oculyzer. Tidak didapatkan perubahan CCT, morfologi, dan kurvatura kornea pada kedua grup pasca 1 bulan pemakaian LKL. Dari segi pengaruhnya terhadap CCT, LKL ini dapat digunakan secara extended.

Purpose of this study is to know the changes of corneal thickness CCT , endothelial morphology and curvature on the use of extended wear EW versus daily wear DW lotraficon B silicon hydrogel SiH soft contact lenses SCL for 1 month on moderate myopia. A single blind randomized controlled trial on 34 subject 68 eyes design with 2 parallel groups EW and DW. Endothelial cell morphology and CCT was measured by specular microscope, Keratometry by wavelight oculyzer. There were no changes on CCT, endothelial morphology and curvature between two groups after 1 month. Viewing from the effect on corneal thickness, this SCL are possible to be used in an extended manner."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sani Suryadarma
"Latar Belakang: Siler saluran akar berfungsi untuk mengisi ruang antara gutaperca dengan dinding saluran akar dan harus bersifat biokompatibel terhadap jaringan periapeks. Siler saluran akar merupakan bahan kimia yang berpotensi menyebabkan mutasi yang dapat dilihat dari ekspresi protein sel tersebut. Tujuan: Mengetahui dan membandingkan potensi mutagenitas siler resin, silikon, dan biokeramik terhadap perubahan ekspresi protein sel limfosit manusia. Metode: Sembilan sampel dari setiap kelompok siler sebanyak 2 ml yang terdiri atas bahan siler dan darah diinkubasi selama 1, 3 dan 7 hari. Kemudian dilakukan isolasi sel limfosit dan pemisahan protein dengan metode elektroforesis. Profil pita protein diobservasi dan data dianalisis secara statistik dengan Kruskal-Wallis dan post-hoc Mann-Whitney. Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik terhadap pembentukan pita protein antara ketiga bahan siler berbahan dasar resin, silikon dan biokeramik. Namun, terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok siler resin dan silikon pada hari pertama dan ketiga, dan antara kelompok siler silikon dan biokeramik pada hari pertama. Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan potensi mutagenik pada hari pertama, siler resin lebih berpotensi mutagenik diikuti oleh biokeramik kemudian siler silikon. Pada hari ketiga, biokeramik lebih berpotensi mutagenik diikuti oleh resin kemudian silikon. Pada hari ketujuh, biokeramik lebih berpotensi mutagenik diikuti oleh resin dan silikon.
.....Background: Root canal sealers serves to fill the space between the gutta percha and canal wall must be biocompatible with periapical tissue. Root canal sealers are chemicals agent that potentially cause mutations that can be seen from the protein expression of the cells. Objective: To know and compare the potential mutagenicity of resin, silicone, and bioceramic sealers on expression of proteins of human lymphocyte cells. Methods: Nine samples from each group sealer as much as 2 ml of blood are incubated for 1, 3 and 7 days. Then the isolated lymphocytes are observed for protein separation by electrophoresis method. Profile of protein bands observed and data were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and post-hoc Mann-Whitney. Results: there is no statistically differences in the formation of protein bands among the resin, silicone and bioceramic sealers. However, there is a statistically differences between the resin and silicone on the first and third, and between silicone and bioceramic on the first day. Conclusion: There were differences in the potential mutagenicity on the first day, resin is more potentially mutagenic followed by bioceramic then silicone. On the third day, bioceramic is more potentially mutagenic followed by resin then silicone. On the seventh day, bioceramic is more potentially mutagenic followed by resin and silicone sealers."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ghina Fedora
"Latar Belakang: Silicone oil (SO) merupakan salah satu substitusi vitreus yang digunakan pasca vitrektomi pars plana (VPP) dalam manajemen ablasio retina rhegmatogen. Beberapa komplikasi penggunaan SO meliputi katarak, peningkatan tekanan bola mata, emulsifikasi, keratopati hingga menurunnya ketebalan dan densitas vaskular makula. Tujuan: Mengetahui perubahan ketebalan makula sentral serta densitas vaskular pleksus superfisial pada pasien ablasio retina rhegmatogen pasca VPP dengan tamponade SO. Metode: 41 pasien ablasio dianalisis dalam studi ini yang menggunakan dua desain: observasional prospektif tanpa pembanding untuk membandingkan efek tamponade SO minggu-1 dengan minggu-4 dan potong lintang untuk membandingkan mata kontralateral dengan minggu-1 pasca tamponade SO. Hasil: Central subfield thickness (CST), superficial vascular density (SVD) serta superficial perfusion density (SPD) pada minggu-1 lebih rendah dibandingkan mata kontralateral (p<0,001). Pada minggu-4 pasca tamponade SO ditemukan peningkatan CST, SVD, SPD dibandingkan minggu-1 meskipun tidak signifikan secara statistik. Pada analisis tambahan, didapatkan usia diatas 50 tahun mengalami kecenderungan penurunan SVD (p 0,033) dan SPD (0,011) dibandingkan kelompok usia muda. Kesimpulan: Tidak didapatkan penurunan ketebalan makula sentral dan densitas vaskular pleksus kapiler superfisial makula di minggu-4 pasca PPV dengan SO. Didapatkan ketebalan makula sentral dan densitas vaskular pleksus kapiler superfisial makula yang lebih rendah di minggu-1 pasca tamponade SO dibandingkan mata kontralateral
......Background: Silicone oil (SO) is one of the vitreous substitutes used after pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) management. Complications arising from SO include cataracts, increased ocular pressure, emulsification, keratopathy, and decreased macular thickness and vascular density. Objective: To determine changes in central macular thickness and superficial vascular density in RRD patients after PPV with SO. Method: 41 patients were included in this study, which comprises two designs: a prospective observational without comparison to compare the effect of SO tamponade week-1 with week-4 and a cross-sectional design to compare the contralateral eye with week-1 after SO tamponade. Results: Central subfield thickness (CST), superficial vascular density (SVD), and superficial perfusion density (SPD) were lower at week 1 after PPV with SO compared to the contralateral eye (p<0.001). At week 4 after PPV with SO, there was an increase in CST, SVD, and SPD compared to week 1, although not statistically significant. In additional analysis, we found that those aged over 50 had tendencies toward decreased SVD (p 0.033) and SPD (0.011) compared to the younger age group. Conclusion: There was no reduction in central macular thickness or superficial vascular density at week 4 after PPV with SO in RRD patients. Central macular thickness and superficial vascular density were lower on week 1 after SO tamponade compared to the contralateral eye."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shania Debora Rouli
"Lithium Titanate LTO adalah salah satu material anoda yang memiliki performa cukup baik karena sifatnya yang zero-strain. Pada penelitian ini, LTO disintesis menggunakan metode sol-gel dan hidrotermal mekanokimia dengan LiOH sebagai sumber ion litium. Silicone Oxycarbide SiOC merupakan material keramik yang disintesis melalui proses pirolisis sederhana prekursor silicone oil. Karbon yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan karbon yang telah dilakukan proses aktivasi sehingga diperoleh karbon aktif dengan ukuran pori yang tinggi. Penambahan karbon aktif ke LTO dilakukan pada saat proses sol-gel, sedangkan penambahan SiOC ke LTO-C dilakukan pada saat proses pembuatan slurry. SEM-EDS menunjukkan perserbasaran dari unsur-unsur pada sampel dimana terdapat Ti, F, Si, O, dan C. Selain itu karakterisasi SEM-EDS juga memperlihatkan adanya peningkatan jumlah karbon pada setiap sampel. XRD menunjukkan adanya fasa spinel LTO dan fasa pengotor seperti TiO2 rutile dan anatase, serta Li2TiO3. Pada pengujian performa EIS, resistivitas rendah menyatakan konduktivitas tinggi. Pada penelitian ini konduktivitas tinggi dimiliki oleh LTO-1 C/SiOC. Selain itu dilakukan pengujian performa CV dan CD dimana diperoleh kapasitas spesifik tertinggi yaitu pada sampel LTO-5 /SiOC.

Lithium Titanate LTO is one of the anode material that has good performance because of its unique properties which is zero strain. In this study, LTO was synthesized using sol gel method and mechanochemical hydrothermal with LiOH as the source of lithium ion. Silicone Oxycarbide SiOC is a ceramic material synthesized through a simple pyrolysis process of silicone oil precursors. Carbon used in this study is a carbon activated process so that activated carbon is obtained with high pore size. The addition of activated carbon to the LTO is done during the sol gel process, while the addition of SiOC to LTO C is performed during the slurry making process. SEM EDS shows the extent of the elements in the sample where Ti, F, Si, O, and C. are present. Also, SEM EDS characterization also shows an increase in the amount of carbon in each sample. XRD shows the presence of LTO spinel phase and impurity phases such as TiO2 rutile and anatase, and Li2TiO3. In EIS performance testing, low resistivity expresses high conductivity. In this research, high conductivity is owned by LTO 1 C SiOC. In addition, CV and CD performance tests were performed where the highest specific capacity was obtained in the LTO 5 SiOC samples."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library