Impregnation process of NaOH to the ferronickel slag followed by roasting at 350 ° C for 60 minutes were carried out. Then, leaching was performed to the roasted alkalinized ferronickel slag using distilled water followed by precipitation process to produce precipitated silica. Na2SiO3 phase formed from roasting process. However, the presence of magnesium silicate phases in the leaching residue could reduce recovery of SiO2 produced. Leaching at temperature of 90 ° C for 60 minutes with solid/ liquid ratio 1/ 6 and mixing speed of 200 rpm to the roasting product, produces 29 % of % extraction of Si in the pregnant solution. 35,80 % of silica precipitated recovered from the silica pregnant solution which has particle size and the surface area of 15,0706 ± 0,4481 mm and 246,7045 ± 1,6324 m2/g respectively."
Hidrogen merupakan salah satu sumber energi masa depan karena bersifat ramah lingkungan. Namun dalam pengembangannya masih terdapat beberapa masalah dalam metode penyimpanannya. Pada beberapa penelitian, ditemukan bahwa material berbasis silikon merupakan salah satu kandidat yang baik sebagai media penyimpanan hidrogen. Pada penelitian ini, penulis ingin melihat pengaruh temperatur dan tekanan terhadap adsorpsi hidrogen pada silika amorf dengan menggunakan simulasi dinamika molekuler menggunakan potensial Lennard-Jones. Pada simulasi ini temperatur yang digunakan yaitu 233, 253, 273 dan 293 K serta tekanan pada setiap temperatur bervariasi yaitu 1, 2, 5, 10 dan 15 atm. Simulasi ini berhasil menggambarkan dan mengindikasikan bahwa silika amorf memiliki kemampuan untuk menyimpan hidrogen yang cukup baik dimana temperatur dan tekanan mempengaruhi jumlah hidrogen yang teradsorpsi. Pengaruh temperatur yaitu pada temperatur yang lebih rendah (233 K), maka jumlah konsentrasi hidrogen yang terserap pada silika amorf akan semakin besar. Sementara pada temperatur yang lebih tinggi maka hasilnya akan menurun. Hasil adsorpsi terbaik terjadi pada tekanan yang lebih tinggi (15 atm) pada temperatur rendah (233 K) dengan konsentrasi hidrogen sebesar 0,048116%.
Nitrogen as an element that is widely found in nature, can be used as a gas that is absorbed to help characterize materials, especially on the surface of the material. According Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET) is a theory where nitrogen is used as a gas characterizing material because of its ability to high purity and can interact with solid elements. So far, BET only produces data in the form of quantitative properties but does not show phenomena that can be seen, because of that, molecular dynamics simulations can be done and modeling it to observe the phenomenon that occurs during nitrogen adsorption in amorphous silica which is a porous material with a large surface area. In this study the molecular dynamics simulations are arranged in a state of isotherm, where the temperature used is 3 variables: 77 K, 100 K and 150 K in the variation of pressure used 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 atm. Based on the results obtained from the simulation, it was found that on 77 K temperature had the optimal ability to adsorb nitrogen compared to 100 K and 150 K."