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Eko Setiawan
"Sampai saat ini, etiologi simple bone cyst(SBC) masih belum jelas; terdapat sejumlah teori mengenai terbentuknya SBC. Salah satu teori yang paling populer adalah obstruksi vena yang berakibat pada akumulasi cairan. Cairan-cairan ini diketahui mengandung faktor resorptif tulang, diantaranya adalah interleukin-1b(IL-1b) dan prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Selain itu, parameter rasio limfosit monosit (LMR) saat ini sering dipakai memprediksi prognosis suatu keganasan, namun belum ada data yang berhubungan dengan tumor jinak. Kortikosteroid diketahui memiliki efek inhibitorik pada resorpsi tulang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kadar IL-1bdan PGE2 pada pasien SBC yang dilakukan injeksi steroid serial. Desain studi kohort prospektif dilakukan dengan menganalisis cairan kista pasien SBC yang datang ke RSCM pada bulan Januari 2018 sampai Juli 2019. Dilakukan dekompresi dan injeksi metilprednisolon asetat dosis 80-120mg tergantung dari usia dan berat badan subyek. Interval antar injeksi adalah satu bulan. Cairan dianalisis untuk mengukur kadar IL-1bdan PGE2 dengan menggunakan Quantikine ELISA(R&D System, Minnesota, Amerika Serikat), serta dinilai LMR nya. Kriteria penyembuhan tulang dinilai menggunakan kriteria radiologis Chang. Terdapat 4 subjek dalam penelitian kami, dengan median usia 12 (8-18) tahun. Seluruh subjek berjenis kelamin laki-laki. Dua subjek mengalami SBC pada humerus proksimal, dan dua subjek lainnya mengalami SBC pada femur proksimal. Seluruh kista bersifat aktif. Dua subjek sembuh, satu subjek sembuh dengan defek, dan satu subjek mengalami kista persisten. Didapatkan kadar IL-1bpada 3 subjek berada dibawah 3,9 pg/mlpada serial injeksi dan 1 subjek memiliki kadar 6,7, 13,31, dan 5,42 pg/ml.Sedangkan kadarbaselinePGE2 pada4 subjekadalah411, 122,5, 437,99dan 261,49pg/ml.Nilai LMR pada 4 subjek 6,2, 6,54, 5,4 dan 8,13.Terdapat perubahan kadar PGE2 dalam cairan SBC yang dilakukan pada injeksi steroid serial dengan kecenderungan meningkat paska injeksi yang pertama, lalu menurun paska serial injeksi berikutnya.Kadar interleukin IL-1βberada dibawah 3,9pg/mldalam cairan SBC yang dilakukan injeksi steroid serial.Tidak terdapat hubungan LMR dengan proses penyembuhan dan progresivitas lesi SBC
......To date, the aetiology of simple bone cyst (SBC) remains controversial. Several theories regarding its pathogenesis exist, and one of the most popular ones is venous obstruction which leads to fluid accumulation. This fluid contains bone resorptive factor, such asinterleukin-1b(IL-1b) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Corticosteroid is known to possess an inhibitory effect on bone resorption. The objective of this study is to analyze IL-1bdan PGE2 in patients with SBC who treated with serial steroid injection. This prospective study was conducted by analyzing cyst fluid of patients diagnosed with SBC who went to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia during the period between January 2018 and July 2019. The subjects underwent decompression, and subsequently they were injected with methylprednisolone acetate. The dose of the steroid varied from 80 to 160 mg according to the subject's age and weight. The interval of each injection was one month. The fluid was analyzed for its IL-1band PGE2 levels by means of Quantikine ELISA (R&D System, Minnesota, United States). Bone healing was evaluated using Chang criteria. A total of 4 subjects (median age: 12 [8-18] years of age) were included in our study. All subjects were male. Two subjects had SBC on the proximal humerus, and the other two had SBC on the proximal femur. All cysts were active. Two subjects healed, one healed with defect, and one had persistent cyst. We found that the IL-1bof3 subjects were below3.9 pg/mlin serial injection, and one subject had IL-1blevels of6.7, 13.31, and5,42 pg/ml.Whereas, the baseline PGE2 levels in four subjects were 411, 122.5, 437.99and261,49pg/ml.TheLMRin four subjects werepada 4 subjek 6.2, 6.54, 5.4 dan 8.13.We found change in PGE2 levels in SBC fluid that was treated with serial steroid injection. We found an increasing trend after the first injection, which was followed by a decreasing trend in the subsequent injection. The IL-1β levels in all timepoint were below3.9pg/ml."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riza Aprizal
Latar Belakang: Simple bone cyst (SBC) adalah tumor tulang jinak, berisi cairan.
Tujuan utama terapi SBC adalah mendapatkan penyembuhan tulang, mencegah
fraktur patologis, dan manajemen gejala khususnya nyeri. Terdapat berbagai
metode pengobatan SBC, namun saat ini masih kontroversial karena angka
kesembuhan dan tingkat invasi operasi. Terapi injeksi perkutaneus steroid
merupakan metode operasi dengan tingkat invasi rendah sehingga penyembuhan
tulang dan luaran fungsional lebih baik.
Metode: Total terdapat 10 pasien (6 laki-laki, 4 perempuan, rerata usia13 tahun)
SBC yang terbagi dalam dua kelompok. 5 pasien (proksimal femur 3; proksimal
humerus 1; calcaneus 1) dilakukan terapi injeksi perkutaneus steroid dan 5 pasien
(proksimal femur 2; proksimal humerus 2, radius 1) terapi kurease dengan
hidroksiapatit. Injeksi perkutaneus steroid dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali dengan
interval waktu tiap satu bulan. Rerata follow up adalah 12-26 bulan. Evaluasi
penyembuhan tulang dinilai secara radiologi dengan kriteria Chang dkk. Luaran
fungsional dinilai berdasarkan skor MSTS.
Hasil: Penyembuhan tulang komplit didapatkan pada kedua kelompok, namun
solid union lebih cepat terjadi pada kelompok terapi injeksi perkutaneus steroid.
Luaran fungsional didapatkan nilai yang lebih baik pada kelompok injeksi
perkutaneus steroid terutama pada bulan ke-3 (55%) dan ke-6 (84%) pasca operasi
berdasarkan skor MSTS dibandingkan terapi kuretase dengan hidroksiapatit
(bulan ke-3 47% dan ke-6 69,3%).
Simpulan: Terapi injeksi perkutaneus steroid masih tetap menjadi pilihan utama
metode terapi SBC dengan solid union lebih cepat, tingkat prosedur operasi invasi rendah, lebih mudah, efektif, dan aman.
Background: Simple bone cysts (SBC) are a benign bone tumor, fluid-filled. The main
goals of the therapy are to get the bone healing, prevent pathological fractures, and
management of pain symptom. There are various methods of the SBC treatment, however
still remains controversial because of their healing rate and invasiveness of surgery.
Steroid injection therapy is a surgical procedure with a low level of invasiveness so that
better bone healing and functional outcomes.
Methods: A total of 10 patients (6 males, 4 females, mean age 13 year) SBC were divided
into two groups. 5 patients (proximal femur 3; proximal humerus 1; calcaneus 1)
performed percutaneous steroid injection therapy and 5 patients (proximal femur 2; 2
proximal humerus, radius 1) performed curretage with hydroxyapatite therapy.
Percutaneous steroid injection was performed three times at intervals of each month. The
mean follow-up of 12-26 months. Evaluation of bone healing radiological asseesed by
Chang criteria and the functional outcome by MSTS score.
Results: Complete bone healing was found in both group, but solid union occurred faster
in steroid injection theraphy group. The functional outcomes found better value in the
steroid injection theraphy group, particulary at 3 months (55%) and 6 months (84%) than
curettage with hydroxyapatite therapy(3 months 47% and 6 months 69,3%) post
operation based on MSTS score.
Conclusions: Percutaneus steroid injection therapy is still the main choice of SBC
treatment with faster solid union, a lower level operating procedures invasion, easy, effective, and safe.;Background: Simple bone cysts (SBC) are a benign bone tumor, fluid-filled. The main
goals of the therapy are to get the bone healing, prevent pathological fractures, and
management of pain symptom. There are various methods of the SBC treatment, however
still remains controversial because of their healing rate and invasiveness of surgery.
Steroid injection therapy is a surgical procedure with a low level of invasiveness so that
better bone healing and functional outcomes.
Methods: A total of 10 patients (6 males, 4 females, mean age 13 year) SBC were divided
into two groups. 5 patients (proximal femur 3; proximal humerus 1; calcaneus 1)
performed percutaneous steroid injection therapy and 5 patients (proximal femur 2; 2
proximal humerus, radius 1) performed curretage with hydroxyapatite therapy.
Percutaneous steroid injection was performed three times at intervals of each month. The
mean follow-up of 12-26 months. Evaluation of bone healing radiological asseesed by
Chang criteria and the functional outcome by MSTS score.
Results: Complete bone healing was found in both group, but solid union occurred faster
in steroid injection theraphy group. The functional outcomes found better value in the
steroid injection theraphy group, particulary at 3 months (55%) and 6 months (84%) than
curettage with hydroxyapatite therapy(3 months 47% and 6 months 69,3%) post
operation based on MSTS score.
Conclusions: Percutaneus steroid injection therapy is still the main choice of SBC
treatment with faster solid union, a lower level operating procedures invasion, easy, effective, and safe.;Background: Simple bone cysts (SBC) are a benign bone tumor, fluid-filled. The main
goals of the therapy are to get the bone healing, prevent pathological fractures, and
management of pain symptom. There are various methods of the SBC treatment, however
still remains controversial because of their healing rate and invasiveness of surgery.
Steroid injection therapy is a surgical procedure with a low level of invasiveness so that
better bone healing and functional outcomes.
Methods: A total of 10 patients (6 males, 4 females, mean age 13 year) SBC were divided
into two groups. 5 patients (proximal femur 3; proximal humerus 1; calcaneus 1)
performed percutaneous steroid injection therapy and 5 patients (proximal femur 2; 2
proximal humerus, radius 1) performed curretage with hydroxyapatite therapy.
Percutaneous steroid injection was performed three times at intervals of each month. The
mean follow-up of 12-26 months. Evaluation of bone healing radiological asseesed by
Chang criteria and the functional outcome by MSTS score.
Results: Complete bone healing was found in both group, but solid union occurred faster
in steroid injection theraphy group. The functional outcomes found better value in the
steroid injection theraphy group, particulary at 3 months (55%) and 6 months (84%) than
curettage with hydroxyapatite therapy(3 months 47% and 6 months 69,3%) post
operation based on MSTS score.
Conclusions: Percutaneus steroid injection therapy is still the main choice of SBC
treatment with faster solid union, a lower level operating procedures invasion, easy, effective, and safe."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library